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What Defines A "Casual" Player To You?


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It's like **** - I don't have an exact definition but you know a casual player when you see one. I know myself to have played some games casually and others hardcore - I know when I'm playing a game casually and I know when I'm not (usually because of the wife agro)
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It's like **** - I don't have an exact definition but you know a casual player when you see one. I know myself to have played some games casually and others hardcore - I know when I'm playing a game casually and I know when I'm not (usually because of the wife agro)
I'm pretty lucky in that respect because my wife plays. When we aren't playing together she knows not to interrupt boss fights or cut scenes, and she expects the same courtesy from me. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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I think he was trying to be clever by making an ad hominem attack on what he considers to be a "casual player". So don't try to understand his statement from any rational context.


THat's not an ad hominem attack at all.Do you even know what ad hominem means?

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CASUAL [kazh-oo-uhl] adjective: seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening. Not serious.


Some "casual" players (numbers unknown) are ex-hardcores who burned out on the click-n-go loot piñata race for item level supremacy being a 2nd full-time job. No more grinding 20+ dailies and heroics. No more farming 2 nights a week to support raids. No more 4 hour wipe nights 3 times a week with multiple back-to-back 6 hour boss grinds on the weekends.


Casuals. They still have viable skills and can hold their own in a fair fight. They excel in team environments and have zero tolerance for attitudes. Their perfectionist edge is gone because they chose to let it go. They bask in the heat of battle but have no desire to fight an entire war. They play to win - just not at all costs. When they pat you on the back, you can add it to your resumé. And when they drink, they drink Dos Equis. Stay thirsty my friends . . .


I can say this because I am one of them. I'm a recovered hardcore. I'm a casual and I'm proud of it:




How would you define the "casual" player?


Actually agree with you somewhat, this is one form of casual player (there's more than one type), the one you are describing is more or less the category I'm in.


I'd like to add that, in my experience, this type of casual player isn't limited in how much time they put into the game, it can be as little as a couple of hours a week to 10+ hours a day as long as they chose to, not because they have to, but if the game turns into feeling like a "fulltime job" instead of an "entertaining hobby" there's a big chance this type leaves the game.

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In my opinion, a casual is someone who:


-focuses on having fun with the content, instead of burning through content as fast as possible


-tends to have more personalized goals regarding the game


-doesn't care about how long it takes them to achieve goals


- Has a more easy going attitude when it comes to the game


- Are less concerned on how they measure up to the next person(Again, have more personal goals)


- Are more likely to say "I am good/bad at this game," than "I am good/bad because I perform well/badly in the game."



I don't think length of time you play the game matters on whether you are casual or hardcore, because someone could be very casual in the way they play, and simply have a lot of time on their hands.



Anyway, I think a casual player is more likely to be happy at the end of a game because they don't think the game determines who they are, so they are able to take losses a bit better. They also are able to put down the game and walk away, instead of getting angry or sore over it.

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Yeah, pretty much that's the vibe I get from these forums spot on. Non-casuals say "this is broke, fix it please" about broken things, and the casuals say "I haven't experienced those problems yet but regardless, I disagree and you should not voice your opinion and preferably stop playing."


Glad to see you can follow my logic so easily. Because it's really not that hard to see.


Actually, I don't follow your logic...because it absolutely makes no sense.


The 'vibe' you get from the forums is not an accurate depiction of REALITY. You are wrong on so many levels it's sad.

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