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Alien races from SW lore you want to see.


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Player races are trickier because romances and fitting in helmets is a concern. Although Basic is a lot easier to speak than Bioware thinks it is (No, Bioware, Duros can speak Basic fine. So can Rodians and Trandoshans. Do your research first. Gamoreans and Wookies are the only species I can think of that actually need some sort of translation. A quick search suggests that Polis Massans, the Ssi-Ruuk, and some Insectoid species are the only ones incapable of speaking Basic due to the way their voices work.)


Arkanians* (Offshoots, anyway. Purebloods would be slightly trickier because they only had 4 fingers), Zeltrons, and Faleen would be child's play to add. Duros, Rodians, Togruta, and some of the other more popular suggestions would be slightly more tricky, but it's mainly the head shape there.


Wookies are probably the hardest to implement, though, because they can't speak basic (Mythbusting time! The wookiee in the Thrawn Trilogy who had a speech defect was not actually able to speak basic. It just made him have to speak slowly and removed some of the inflections, making it easier for non-Wookies to understand). As Bioware said, wookiee would practically have to be it's own class.


ACtually, Wookiee Warrior would be pretty cool.





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My life would be complete if I could be my SWG wookiee Jedi. don't flame on this because all arguments against are void. 1) If you're worried about romance options for wookiees, come one people, its BioWare- if you can go to a brothel in Dragon Age and get "surprised" with a pig, is it that far of a stretch for humans and wookiees? Not to mentions the whole "furry" craze I've been noticing. 2) If you're worried about about the voice over, the biggest argument I've seen so far, that's so lame. I don't really care about listening to Shyriiwook. Besides, Old Republic tech just might have a special "adapter" for nonhuman vocal chords ;) (plus the VIP vendor is Ithorian and they gave him a generic vendor voice). 3) If you're one of those people that think a wookiee Jedi isn't possible or is just out of character; Tyvokka and Lowbacca. Case closed. Also, have you never heard of a wookiee shaman? wooks are the tribal and spiritual type, so it's not that hard to believe. If anyone has any other arguments, I'd be happy to shoot them down for you :D
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The republic side should get the ability to unlock the Cathar as a playable race, at the very least as Jedi! I see them all over the Jedi temples and I'm really quite disappointed that they weren't playable from the start!! Aric Jorgan is one too, so why not open it up to everyone, but MAN that would be the most AWESOME race to play!
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But seriously, my wish list starts with Cathar (always has), then goes:








Also, I do not count Jawas as a "comic relief" race. Some of their antics ARE funny, but they actually have a rich tradition passed down from trade master to trade master.


Imagine a Jawa as a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. The look of abject horror and disbelief on the faces of your enemies as you tear through them Yoda style (Lots of flipping around and chopping off body parts). Nobody took Jawas seriously... until now! :)

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CATHAR! <---- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, and not so I can be Cheetara in space...;)

Trandoshan (they can totally speak basic. )

Kaleesh (helmets would work, and we can have different masks too? OOH can we have the creepy kaleesh face??)


I would also throw in "droid" for select cases. The BH line doesn't really need much reworking to fit a droid in there, since the Defenestrator could be a mandalorian champion (and have the single most disappointing name in the galaxy). Blizz could be the romancing option, since he's a jawa and nuts for tech. Agent story line could also work, because

if instead of getting a mind control thingy going on with the agent, instead the guys put a virus in your droid brain. Romancing SCORPIO FTW?



The above all speak basic, wouldn't require much (out of way of helmets and the trandoshan legs + arms, and maybe armor for your droid which would be kind of weird I guess. Gives cybertech a bigger role though) reworking for armors, and aren't definitively human.

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