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Alien races from SW lore you want to see.


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There are many races that I would like that have been mentioned. But there are only two races that I would really LOVE if they added : Droids and Wookies.


I know I know..many have mentioned why these could not be PC's.. but it doesn't stop me from wanting them. Besides..at least one of them (wookie) was a PC race in that fail of a game called SWG....which I played for first year and half and tried again 2 years ago and it still felt like the most BORING MMO I have ever played.


Sorry to the SWG fans out there.... but I just don't understand the appeal...and I LOVE Star Wars..just not SWG. Felt like just another Sony fail to me.


Sony always comes out with some good stuff like : EQ,EQ2, SWG, and DCUO. Yet somehow they always seem to screw it up. I played all those, loved some things hated other things and really hated whenever Sony chose to "balance" classes and other stupid things.


Though the costume setup for your appearance in DCUO is still the best idea I have ever seen for character customization..wish all MMO's would do this..hint hint Devs ;)

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I'd like a lot, but off the top of my head:


Wookiee (Guardian, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Trooper)

Selkath (Consular)

Cathar (Guardian, Trooper, Smuggler, agent)

Kel'Dor (Guardian, Trooper, Warrior, Consular, Inquisitor)

Rodian (Guardian, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter)

Ithorian (Consular, Smuggler, bounty Hunter)

Togruta (Consular, Guardian, Inquisitor, Warrior)


Those are my ideas for the races and the classes with them.


Edit: Also a few more I forgot, like Gungan and Bothans, Trandoshan, Nautoleen (Fail spelling)

Edited by jKorben
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throwing in my support for Kaleesh. Rest of them i don't know enough about so i'm meh.


Maybe more cyborg races? as far as i know in the game only humans can be cyborgs.


Let's get some four armed 7 foot tall Kaleesh Cyborgs!!!!:D


Just kidding but Kaleesh cyborgs would still be cool

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I will roll a consular the moment it can be an Ithorian.


You got it. This is the exact combo I wanted to do the moment I heard of the game, crossing my fingers for them to have it. After hearing they didn't, I still hoped for a last minute thing. Still am hoping.

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Ysalamiri are not a species...they're animals.


Thank You for pointing that out! It was driving my crazy. Not only are they only animals, they are also small animals that are so sedintary that they practically become part of the tree they are resting in.

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The only problem I see with playing Ithorians and so Mon Kalimari, etc, would be romancing.


It wouldn't really be possible, would it?


But aside from that, I REALLY want to play as a Jawa and an Ithorian.


Jawa Bounty Hunter and Ithorian Jedi

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i would like to play as an alien race , but all I hear is "nope only humans/human like types


will be added" as you can't connect or romance something with a tentacle face. Sounds


racist too me personally i think it's being misrepresented anything i've seen from


official sites is about the near future and through the legacy options will be human-ish .


Not adding playable alien races would be a massive mistake and if BW is leaning


that way then they should seriously reconsider.

Edited by TalonSaber
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You forget that droids are seen as tools, not people in Star Wars, and as such, with a rare few exceptions, droids simply don't have it in their programming to take up a career of smuggling or bounty hunting.


Another problem is the sheer amount of dialogue that would have to be rewritten. Hardly anyone would take a droid claiming to be a Bounty Hunter or smuggler seriously. More likely they'd just laugh and casually comment it must've gone without a memory wipe for too long before dragging them off to the nearest maintenance shop to fix that.


In fact, I'd go so far as to say that none of the four non Force-sensitive stories would work for droids.

But, you've made my point. We players are not generic NPCs but those rare exceptions with advanced programming. Tell HK-47 that he's just a tool. IG-88 might have something to say to you, too. :d_tongue:


I do hear your argument about droids being tools, not people. But, you can say the same about the treatment of non-humanoid aliens in just about any time period in the Star Wars universe. There are forces at work in the galaxy that would deny that they are people, too.

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Rodian If they spoke basic. I think if they are smart enough to become smugglers, they could at least figure out how to speak basic.


Mon Calamari


Wookie won't easily be able to be implemented because they basically speak in rawr.


Those are the races I can see being implemented, mostly because they allrady have plenty of proof of speaking Basic.

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Rodian If they spoke basic. I think if they are smart enough to become smugglers, they could at least figure out how to speak basic.


Mon Calamari


Wookie won't easily be able to be implemented because they basically speak in rawr.


Those are the races I can see being implemented, mostly because they allrady have plenty of proof of speaking Basic.


Jaden Korr could be a male Rodian who spoke basic. :p


But I agree, those races seem the most likely. Possibly along with Zeltrons and such. :p

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idk about wookies they where in SWg as jedi and meh maybe as a smuggler and that be it i cant see anything else Rodians however is the race i played in swg was so sad not to see it here :( BRING RODIANS TO SWTOR!
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