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Everything posted by DreamEagle

  1. Most of the people replying in this thread are more than a bit mean and rude. The Op was asking a very valid question. He is NOT being as "entitled" as many of you are saying. At the time that the free month was given, there was no open knowledge of the free to play process. It was not even known to us that it would have a F2P option at that point. I personally believe EVERY sub at the time should have gotten the free month. That free month was not a "gift", but rather an apology for delivering a game with so many technical issues. More of the issues involved "end" game, hence why they decided only to give free month to people with Legacy 6 and above..which was originally only gonna be for people with a lvl 50. Yet there were many people who had neither legacy nor a lvl 50 that had technical issues. It was really poor customer service on the providers part for not granting it to everyone. So now, it could easily be perceived that those that got the apology are now getting a slap (all be it a minor one) in the face for accepting the apology. So in short..the OP has a valid point. I got the free month and not the 150 CC also. I don't really care that much other than it lowers my opinion of the company as this again is another example of poor customer service. Had Bioware given better customer service and used MUCH more communication like Funcom has with The Secret World, then I think a significant (say 20-25) percent of those that left would have stayed. And that may even be a low estimate since CS and communication were mentioned in just about every " I'm leaving because" thread. So try to be a little nicer y'all.
  2. I for one just take the OP's comment in stride. Whether or not he intended it originally as a joke or not..I sure found it amusing. THough truth be told. I would not want this statue and don't even want the one I got cause Darth Malgus is one ugly mother. I would have prefered just about anyone over him. For empire side that redheaded bounty hunter babe would have been way better...or vette (if that is the twilek in trailer with malgus). For republic side Satele or the trooper(malcolm something I think is his name) or heck T7 or his Master( the one malgus kills at the end of the decieved trailer). Anyone from the trailers would have been better...heck even Malgus' master that he kills at end of return....oh and that smuggler was AWESOME in the return trailer. But..sadly..we were stuck with mr butt ugly and still alive Malgus
  3. Apparently you did not play LotRO very much if you think the travel times in SWTOR are sooo much longer. I played LotRO for about a year and I would say the travel times are similar. It all depends on what lvl you were and what you had unlocked. You would have hated most games pre-WOW and even some after for travel times. EQ and EQ2 both had longer times..as did perfect world..unless you were one of the flying elves. DCUO you might like better as travel can be much faster once you upgrade your superspeed. Perhaps learn to listen to some music or do a little reading or watch TV during these "long" travel times and the time will fly. Or maybe just practice some patience and just enjoy the peace of silence. Also, you most definitely DO NOT want to join the military as there is MUCH waiting there. May the force be with you!
  4. Droids could work. Some have their own personalities and are NOT property...... just ask the Jedi knight about T7. Or to use some good old fashioned G-cannon, C3PO and R2D2. Not to mention the fact that George had originally made Star Wars to be the story of R2 and 3PO's adventures. He only made it more about the human characters after getting input from his editors and others who needed to like his books in order to get them published. So there should be no problem doing droid PC's from a lore point of view. And from a voice over point of view that would not be that hard either. There are multiple types of voice altering pedals that singers can use. It should not be hard to make an application that could apply some sort of voice modulation to the existing voice overs. That said, I will list my top 3 choices for race..based purely on what I want..not on how easy to implement. Wookiee,Droid and I think togruta are the ones like master kiwiks and anakin's padawan in clone troopers? personally I had hoped that this game would have started with all the races that were in SWG as well as some of the new ones they did add like miraluka that I had never heard of. Not sure if they came from KOTOR lore or what?
  5. I say..for a first character, pick one of the healing classes but focus on the dps side of them. It gives you good dps and you have healing for survivability. When learning a new game this always seems to work for me. I too prefer being a high damage dps. I also prefer ranged so that makes the trooper/commando or consular/sage ( or the Imperial equivalents) the best choices for me. My only 50 is actually a BH/merc . I hope that helped some. If you prefer melee,which your post makes me think you do, then choose smuggler/scoundrel. Or since you seem to be Imperial focussed, Agent/operative. Just my 2 credits. Your mileage may vary.
  6. Read your email again. It say " We're celebrating the release of the "Legacy" Game Update by rewarding our active subscribers with an in-game Legacy reward. You will be receiving your Legacy Tauntaun Pet*, sure to be your new best friend, via in-game mail by April 25, 11:59PM CDT/April 26, 4:59AM GMT. " That gives them about 22 hours yet.
  7. I believe the system is good as it stands. Your name is your identifier. In a game that is all we ( your fellow players) have to go on to identify you. If I do a /who all I know is the names and lvls of the people. It does not show me legacy name. Also, this is not RL. In RL I have MANY ways of identifying you. I see your looks (in game someone with same name could potentially have same look..not likely but possible), I hear your voice ( in game you do not have a distinct voice), if you are a friend, I know your address, your telephone number, your age, the places you hang out, the car you drive......... and so on and on. In game all I have is your name to make you unique amongst all others. That is why having unique names will always be necessary for online games. I have created many different names for many different characters in many different games. It is not that hard to make up a name. Granted..less than 1/4 of them were the original name I tried....mostly since many of the games I was not in at start and were many thousands of people making names on that game before I got there. On this game, so far, more than 3/4 of names I choose work since I been here from start. If you cannot come up with unique name that works for you, then either you being too picky or you need to be more creative. There are many places online where you can search for names if cannot create one. Good luck and may the force be with you.
  8. My suggestion..try each of the 3 imperial classes since you seem to be leaning imperial. Also , since you seem to be thinking healing.. all 3 can heal. BH = Mercenary, IA = Operative and Inq = Sorcerer. try them all till lvl 10-15 and see which you like more..then play that one. My only lvl 50 is a BH/Merc/Arsenal.. but I can still heal somewhat.. and what I cannot Mako makes up for it. But then again, Inquis has Lightning... everybody loves to ZAP other people. No idea what operative has goin for them as I went sniper. Choose wisely..and have some FUN !!
  9. I have to disagree with all the SWG fans. That game was the most boring game I have ever played. The first time I played I managed to stay for almost a year because I am a huge SW fan. But there was no direction and the forced PvP was REALLY lame. I just liked being a rebel and busting up imperial compounds.. then some Imperial jerk would come along and one shot me after I finished a big fight. Or the stupid Bounty Hunters that kept destroying my speeders. Don't care for PvP at all unless it is totally my choice as to when to PvP. Like joining a warzone just for a change once in a great while. At least TOR has a story to guide you. SWG was the same stupid random delivery or kill missions from the terminal over and over again. I did go back to it a couple years ago and made it maybe 3 months because of the new quest system..except that only works to get you leveled up a bit and then is mindless aimless stuff again. I did like the addition of space missions but that only went so far. TOR has more depth and direction and reason to keep playing in 4 months than SWG had in years. Granted to the hardcore there is little to do ( from their perspective ), but they still have more than SWG had to offer from what I have seen in my roughly year and half playing SWG and have played TOR from prelaunch. Many of you may disagree with my overall assessment here, but that is your opinion, not mine. I will admit there are some features of SWG that I find better than TOR..well really only two I can think of off the top of my head....character creation and appearances. For those that miss it..I hope they revive it or you find something else you like as well. May the Force Be with You
  10. I like to buff others and then run off. It makes me feel good to help others out. I may even heal them if am on a healer. So I really do not expect anything in return. I do however receive buffs from time to time. I reciprocate if I can just out of common courtesy.... which really is not so common these days. But you should always buff in a group..I have to be reminded sometimes as I even sometimes forget on my own. I say help others when you can. Especially something as simple as this which is not even an inconvenience for yourself at all. Just my 2 credits
  11. If I ever unsub, I will likely never come back to the forums. Never have for any other game. Unless of course I unsubbed due to knowing would have long term loss of internet or something that was not the game itself making me unsub... in which case I would likely come back at a later date. Good luck to you finding the game you like.
  12. This thread has made me laugh so much. Waaaayyyyy better than most of the negative filth you find in every 4th thread or so in these forums. OP.. as has been said many times..you had 30 days to decide for free... you decided you liked it enough for 6 months..not only that..but the game has only gotten better as it has gone along..adding many things that were missing and even adding some original features like the legacy... apparently you for some deluded reason feel these upgrades have made things worse.. that is your opinion and you are entitled to it but you should not be surprised by the reaction of most here as you are simply just ranting and being unreasonable.. maybe when you take a few breathes and stop responding whilst in an angry mood which tends to limit rationality, then you will get better responses as you will be more rational till then..learn to chill a bit or don't be surprised when no one sympathizes with you I wish you the best in the future OP as for the rest of you..thanks for making my day
  13. I wish our companions were not pre-set . I would have loved to have more choice in who my companions would be. The only char I have gotten to 50 being a BH. I am at least ok with everyone except Skadge. My light sided BH would have vaped him for sure. I don't want that psycho creep hanging out on my ship. I especially don't like him hanging out near sweet Mako. I think Blizz would vape him for me if he tried to harm Mako while I was not there. I sure know Torian would also. I likely would not have kept Gault either. His personality is ok, but he was my mark. I could get in serious bantha poo doo if anyone finds out he is still alive. What I would have liked better is if there were say three possible companions at each juncture. And based on my choices made during the story on that planet would determine which one I ended up with. And just to change things around..maybe even have one of them be a straight up choice made by me with all 3 willing to join. Another thing that would have been nice regarding companions is if you started with one. This companion would be totally designed by you. You would straight up create their looks like you did for your character ( would be nice to be able to do this with other companions too..except you would be limited to race and sex given). But when it comes to personality, story and role ; these all would be defined by choices you make while answering a list of questions about your companion. I also think there should be much more interaction with your companions, more than just what goes into the story line. I would also have liked choices made in any conversation or quest to have potential consequences, good or bad, later on. Some examples: You could have a boys night out at the local tavern, all get drunk and smashed..maybe hook up Torian with a nice dancing girl or something. You could have a date night with your romance..maybe dinner then watch a huttball match or something. It just would have been nice to have choices have REAL consequences. They did do this on one quest..but I suspect since it was part of story this was gonna happen just in a different way. It just would have been nice if random things like that happened based on my choices in side quests and whatnot. I mean..I guess to some degree we "get" this with the little emails we get based on some of our choices. But instead of emails I would have liked some random encounter. Not necessarily a fight..though it could be based on my choices. Maybe while being in a cantina, someone could flag me over, offer me a drink and maybe give me some cool item they invented or bought for me because of the help I offered. Guess I am just ramblin on at this point... but it would have been nice to see more consequences based on choices..including some choices in our companions. /end ramble..hope someone got something out of this
  14. I think they should expand the relationships and include companions and possibly link to other players. So we should get brothers/sisters, aunts/uncles and many more. ex.. my smuggler could be my trooper's best friend's sister or some other such complex relation.. or even like my nemesis' ex girlfriend or some such thus making a more complex but much more realistic web of relations between my characters and their companions..could even add in some relations to a friend/guildies character one thing I would like to see with future companions is rather a choice of companion based on my story choices, like at each juncture in story where you get a companion..you will get one of 3 possible companions based on your choices, like I would NEVER have gotten skadge for BH if I had any choice in the matter at all..I would most likely have vaporized him I would also like to see more interaction with your companions as well... not necessarily part of story but random interactions..like random dates with the companion you are romancing, maybe hangin with the boys watchin huttball or something...maybe other things as they add some mini games....maybe sparring or target practice with some of my companions I am sure there are many other things that can be done with legacy..but this is a small start of an idea
  15. If I remember right..Lowbacca was Chewbacca's nephew...not son but point still taken.. a wookie jedi and who would not want to play a wookie??
  16. There are many races that I would like that have been mentioned. But there are only two races that I would really LOVE if they added : Droids and Wookies. I know I know..many have mentioned why these could not be PC's.. but it doesn't stop me from wanting them. Besides..at least one of them (wookie) was a PC race in that fail of a game called SWG....which I played for first year and half and tried again 2 years ago and it still felt like the most BORING MMO I have ever played. Sorry to the SWG fans out there.... but I just don't understand the appeal...and I LOVE Star Wars..just not SWG. Felt like just another Sony fail to me. Sony always comes out with some good stuff like : EQ,EQ2, SWG, and DCUO. Yet somehow they always seem to screw it up. I played all those, loved some things hated other things and really hated whenever Sony chose to "balance" classes and other stupid things. Though the costume setup for your appearance in DCUO is still the best idea I have ever seen for character customization..wish all MMO's would do this..hint hint Devs
  17. MOST EXCELLENT IDEA for fixing Social Armors!!!!! Simple yet elegant.
  18. Just my thoughts on the issue. Anything to satisfy the Epeeners (as in the obnoxious people ) should NEVER exist!!! That said, I do however believe that the HArdcore ( non obnoxious for most part) should get their due. The higher the difficulty to beat the content.. the better stats there should be on the drops. And there should be tiered hardcore content..IE.. you need to have tier 1 gear before you can even think of fighting tier 2 content..etc. However, Fluff belongs to everyone! Meaning... cool looking armors and weapons and colors and mounts and anything else that is just visual should be attainable by any play style. You should not have to be hardcore to obtain the best looking armor/weapon/mount. But as stated above, the hardcores should get better stats in their gear and maybe even a "slight" speed increase on the mounts dropped in harder content. This applies to PVE. As far as PVP..there should be separate gear for that obtained only through PVP and there should be tiers such that PVPers in full BM cannot battle fresh 50's. I don't really care what else is done with PVP as I only do it if there is something cool looking or better for PVE. In short..say NO to Epeeners!!!! And give some Lovin to BOTH hardcores and casuals.
  19. awesome post OP was laughing from start to finish don't know if I agree with you..don't really care..you are freakin hillarious
  20. I only have Gault and Mako so far. But Mako is the only companion I would have chosen based on the story line. I would have killed the arrogant pompous tried to bribe me devronian. My bounty hunter always fulfills his bounties..though Mako did make a little case for him so I suppose I could use that as the reason I didn't vaporize him. Sorry if there was spoiler info in there for some.
  21. Of all the MMO's I have played, only one had a less dynamic character creator than SWTOR. That game was EverQuest. Back before they upgraded things with the Scars of Velious expansion. So this game is close to 15 years later and has only a slightly improved character creation. I admit my experience is limited to a mere 10 MMO's. EQ,EQ2,SWG,DCUO, DDO, LOTRO, Perfect World and a few others. But still, I would think a game with supposedly $100 million plus budget could have done better. /rant I am still having fun playing for the most part. My only real grievance being the nerf nuke launched at slicing. I admit it should have been toned down a little do to those that exploited it, but they toned it down too far. Before the nerf they had the first truly innovative MMO that would let you be able to afford to craft all your own gear for your own lvl without having to farm endlessly for mats or credits ( I hate farming as it is boring beyond belief) but now I have to farm cash. So instead I am joining the herd of people racing to higher lvls and spoiling some story content so I can have a char that can feed cash to my main so the farming grind isn't quite as bad. /end rant flame me for my gripe about the slicing nuclear nerf.. I couldn't care less but my on topic comments still stand
  22. If I wanted to PVP.. I would have joined a pvp server. I might..choose.. on occasion to join a warzone so I can die repeatedly..but that is my ..CHOICE.
  23. I agree with this option. Since slicing was nerfed..I now have to farm credits to pay to keep my crafting at lvl. Problem with that is I either have to farm greys which make farming credits MUCH slower. Or I have to farm mobs that get xp..but then I xp past my lvl and no longer am getting crafting for my lvl. I just want to be able to craft my own equipment for my lvl and also OP has a point.. I am always above lvl for the quests I am on because I do all quests plus some exploring and sadly the lamest and most boring of all things MMO..credit farming to support my crafting. Thanks for your time and consideration. ps... simply allowing us to turn on and off combat xp (which includes all combat..pvp and space as well as normal) would fix the xp issues for those that want it
  24. First I would like to apologize if this is listed already. I did go through half of this suggestion box before deciding to post and did not find it. So hopefully this is new. My biggest problem with it as is, there is no lvl 15 cube with cunning. Also, some of the combinations require you to have shards that you will not have at that lvl. ex. All the lvl 15 cubes that require the green shard which you likely won't get till almost lvl 20. I do however offer a very easy fix that will add more depth to this. As it currently stands, the order of the shards does not affect the outcome..I have spent over 80k credits to verify this 100%. In order to improve this, make the order count. For lvl 15, there are currently 4 cubes you can make. None with cunning but 2 with strength. I would suggest for lvl 15 cubes, they only come from the red,blue and yellow shard you could have at lvl 15. Making order matter and not allowing anything you can't do with just 1 of each color..this would give 6 possible rewards. 1 for each stat and two that can give more endurance for the main tank classes being str and aim. Then for the lvl 24 cubes you add the green shard. Removing those combinations used for lvl 15, this will give you 18 combinations which would allow alot more diversity in stats. For the lvl 32 you could allow for doubles that use blue and yellow doubled. I have not figured the number of combinations this would give..but it is alot. Then for lvl 50 you would have the doubles for red and green as well as the triples. The triples should give higher stats than the doubles as they are harder to obtain. Having the triples give a high main stat and endurance plus some secondary stats so the triples are good for whichever advanced class you chose. This would require a little more programming than it has currently..but not a huge investment but will make things more lvl appropriate and make it more flexible. Thankyou for your time and thoughtfulness.
  25. Not just hoods either. My poor Mako is a bald girl just wearing a cap. She has LONG red hair, how does a simple cap make her bald??
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