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Why does no-one else use Lightsabers?


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Just as the title says.


Sure blasters usually offer the advantage of range, and Jedis/Siths are able to use the force to make their sabers fly around and de/reflect shots(this is more of predicting fire with the force.).


But why does no-one else use them, or even "lightdaggers" when they are forced to wield a melee weapon(in close quarters or not/caught by surprise without their blasters or cannons.).

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I doubt many experts are out there to train nonforce users, or even show them how to make one. Think about it. The Jedi aren't exactly open in sharing their secrets, and the Sith see force use and the lightsaber as a sign of nobility in their social structure.


So instead of trying to learn it on their own and likely having their arm cut off, I'm sure they decide to use the sword designed to stand up to a lightsaber instead.

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Lightsaber combat is both a Force-channeling discipline and inefficient for anyone who doesn't have Jedi reflexes. Also, lightsabers are difficult to construct compared to techblades / vibroswords. Few who are not Force-wielders have the drive to master the weapon, although there have been exceptions throughout canon.
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Just as the title says.


Sure blasters usually offer the advantage of range, and Jedis/Siths are able to use the force to make their sabers fly around and de/reflect shots(this is more of predicting fire with the force.).


But why does no-one else use them, or even "lightdaggers" when they are forced to wield a melee weapon(in close quarters or not/caught by surprise without their blasters or cannons.).


They are too dangerous for others to use. First mistake, and your dead...they have a very steep learning curve and a very negative downside if you make an error. You make a mistake using a normal sword then your not going to cut yourself in two.

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I'm sure you could teach a master swordsmen how to use a lower-powered lightsaber, which could be further personalized to match the weight and size of his regular sword, and wouldn't kill him on his first mistake (think of a stun-baton, or something), a swordsmen wouldn't be caught dead hitting himself, anyway Edited by GlaDOSowen
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By canon wielding a light saber basically takes jedi reflexes. It doesn't handle like a sword at all as it has no weight. A few non-jedi/sith have used them at various points but in general the suspicion is that those are untrained force sensitives still able to use the force on some level to increase their awareness.


Beyond that why would you? How many modern soldiers/policemen or what not do you see that wield swords instead of guns? The only thing that really gives a jedi an edge in fighting blaster wielding thugs is that the saber when guided by force precog can deflect blaster bolts. With out that it's a knife in a gun fight that you are fairly likely to injure yourself with.

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Soldiers did wield lightsabers up to a point till George Lucas decided to "restrict" the weapon to Forceusers - or Exceptional non-force sensitives, to give the Jedi/Sith a uniqueness. Thats the only reason you dont see non-force users running around with a saber in hand.
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I wonder if anyone was ever killed while making a lightsaber. I mean, they're working with massive amounts of energy in a small container. Surely someone f'd up and it blew up in their face!


I f you dont assemble it perfectly it will explode like a mini thermo-nuclear blast. Luke jokes about being afraid to ignite his after he made it.

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Just as the title says.


Sure blasters usually offer the advantage of range, and Jedis/Siths are able to use the force to make their sabers fly around and de/reflect shots(this is more of predicting fire with the force.).


But why does no-one else use them, or even "lightdaggers" when they are forced to wield a melee weapon(in close quarters or not/caught by surprise without their blasters or cannons.).


I see where you're going with this and after reading the other posts I'm guessing you're not asking why non Jedi/Sith don't build them, but why don't they use them.


The main issue is that the Lightsaber blade itself has no weight. It isn't like picking up a sword and swinging it around and getting the hang of it or being taught by a sword master. Jedi and Sith actually use the Force to help them guide the blade since the only weight is in the hilt. A non force sensitive could use some rudimentary moves but they'd never be proficient and it would be like handing a 5 year old a lethal weapon and sending them off to combat. Sure a few of them might actually manage to get a shot off, but at the end of the day you're going to have a battlefield full of dead 5 year olds, and quite possible a very confused enemy. (And yes, I know I'm probably going to hell for that example)


There are a few examples of regular folks actually using found or stolen lightsabers in some of the books and in the Clone Wars where someone gets a hold of Ashoka's lightsaber and to be honest I don't have an explanation for it. And at this point Lucas has butchered his own storyline so badly that I just say heck with it...Jedi and Sith use lightsabers, the rest of the galaxy doesn't.

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Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers required a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and it was extremely difficult—and dangerous—for the untrained to attempt using.


However, in the hands of an expert of the Force, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected and feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force.


This is from Wookiepedia. It seems like using a lightsaber is far more demanding that it looks like.


Of course, they have to create a reason for this in the SW world because, otherwise, everyone would have a lightsaber as a melee combat weapon.

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Back in the day of pen-and-paper Star Wars RPG's the question came up and we explained it that the tolerances are fiendishly tight to make it work right. Force Users can build light sabres by hand going on what "feels right" but while industry could make them, the cost would be massive compared to vibroblades and shockstaffs so normal people don't use them because they are simply not cost effective for them.
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I'd say that, besides the "force users are only ones to wield it correctly" argument, there are disadvantages to using a lightsabre by someone who can't predict blaster bolts.


A lightdagger would not be a good weapon for assassins because of the loud sound. Soldiers would have to be extremely careful with the weapon, so why would they use it instead of a cortosis/beskar sword? A safer alternative that can do the same things as a lightsabre in the hands of a non-force user, except cut through metal. But that's what plasma torches are for.

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Same reason gunpowder weapons were used on a mass scale at certain point in history even though they weren't very effective. It takes much less time to train someone to shoot then it would take to train someone in any form of sword(any form of melee when i think about it) combat. It's just cost effective. And add to thet complications with construction of lightsaber etc... Now when i think of it, it really bothers me that I change lightsaebrs in the game way too often. Shouldn't a lightsaber be unique weapon that you created, highly personalized, and lasts for a lifetime?
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Same reason gunpowder weapons were used on a mass scale at certain point in history even though they weren't very effective. It takes much less time to train someone to shoot then it would take to train someone in any form of sword(any form of melee when i think about it) combat. It's just cost effective. And add to thet complications with construction of lightsaber etc... Now when i think of it, it really bothers me that I change lightsaebrs in the game way too often. Shouldn't a lightsaber be unique weapon that you created, highly personalized, and lasts for a lifetime?


Don't feel so bad, in wars it's common for Jedi and Sith to lose Lightsabers, some of them eve have some spare ones for these times.

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I doubt many experts are out there to train nonforce users, or even show them how to make one. Think about it. The Jedi aren't exactly open in sharing their secrets, and the Sith see force use and the lightsaber as a sign of nobility in their social structure.


So instead of trying to learn it on their own and likely having their arm cut off, I'm sure they decide to use the sword designed to stand up to a lightsaber instead.


Bao-Dur knew how to make single and double bladed sabers

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