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Preorder to PLAY


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I didnt pay anything extra for pre-ordering it... /shrug sounds like you got ripped off from your gamedealer..


maybe i'm wrong because clearly I can't read and failed at reading comprehension :D .... but the cost of preorder was $5 additional to the cost of the game $60/$80/etc; is this not right?

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Ok i can understand being ticked about not getting on when others are. Hell im still waiting, got my preorder on the 7th Dec. Now i wanted to play on first day of early access. Hell people i work with are playing, they got the pre-order the first day. But, fact is they said they would do a staggered approach to the early play. Yeah its lame, but on the flip side i get the feeling it will be a hella lot smoother than having everyone and there grandma jump on the server all at once.


Now i see people going but it wont make a difference. actually it can, and this is why. (simple game development lecture) When the system comes up and they let an amount of people in that is a smaller, they are better able to spot issues with the code or server that could cause issues with performance. So they then go in make fixes, and let more people in rinse repeat. Now by doing this you allow for a player base to actually have a pre-order event. Or you can have them all jump through at once have a more likely chance of server failure, and spend the next 5 days crying how you cant get in because the servers broke, and they have to sort through way more data to try and isolate issues that could have been spotted more easily if a smaller number of people were involved.


Now when the server opens to everyone it will probibly blow up, i will be shocked if it doesn't. But you will have had about 4-5 days early access to the game at least before the server-splosion.


As for fairness, i didn't see anywhere a specific pre-order game play length now i could be wrong, there may be somewhere but i didn't see it, and if there is i get the feeling you will get the full documented length of pre-order play. now as a nicety they are letting people who have pre-ordered in advance, the chance to get in a bit earlier, kind of like points for airlines and junk like that, sort of a loyalty reward.


I have pre-ordered many games, seen the early access be 3-days to a week or so, a four - five day access for all pre-orders seems more than fair

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Do they hand you your order the second you hand them your money, or do you have to wait for them to give out the orders that were processed ahead of yours? The analogy is spot on. The only thing that is asinine is that you think that you are supposed to get special treatment because you could not be bothered to understand what you were buying and that you now want Bioware to let you push to the head of the line because of your assumptions.


The information was there. You ignored it. That is your problem, not Bioware's.


I've understood from the start because I did read all the various posts prior to the forums being scrubbed. Doesn't change the fact that there are false advertising practices going on. It fast food so I better get my damn meal 5 minutes after I order it...not five days later. The analogy is full of fallacy.

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maybe i'm wrong because clearly I can't read and failed at reading comprehension :D .... but the cost of preorder was $5 additional to the cost of the game $60/$80/etc; is this not right?


I think what it was was that they gave you a "discount" of 5 dollars on your purchase for buying early (like the standard edition was 54.99) and then added on a cost to preordering of 5 dollars.

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I have to agree with the OP. BW is using false advertising to attract poeple.


On the link he provided, they dont tell you'll join when its your turn.


Dont want to mess up, but I think they can be sued for that. You buy the game being told you can play during early access, wich is now and you get to know your actually put in a "queue" for being granted access only after.


Its like going to burger king, buying a hamburger and after you paid, the employee tell you they cant give you your hamburger now cause they are out of stock and you need to wait 30 minutes to get it.


Most poeple would get uptset, call the police and sue the restaurant.



We have to remember that some poeple who preordered havent been following the game devellopement and wandering the forums, so they might not know there is a queue to get in early access.



No im not whining, I preordered the game the same day it was available, but I do understand the frustration this situation can cause.


Wrong. Bioware is not telling you that they are out of stock. Like Burger King, they are telling you that you will have to wait in line for your order to be processed.


Whether or not some people "knew" or not, they assumed something they had no right to assume. Bioware stated from the beginning that access would be staggered. If they chose to bypass finding out the details about Early Access and just assumed they would get in on the first day, that is there problem.


Either way, most people got to that add on Origin by going through the game website, and the information was on the page that sends you to the add the OP posts. As I have said multiple times since July, I saw that warning at least three times during my preorder process, and I ordered through Origin.


The information was there. Some people just chose to assume how early access would work and are now demanding that Bioware conform to their assumptions. That is their problem, not Bioware's.

Edited by Sotaudi
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Yea i am mad.. Because everyone should be treated fair and with respect..


Whens the last time you phoned someone for some help, and they hang up on you? Nice Customer Service..


The last time i called CLEAR technical support and they did it 6 times

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We have to remember that some poeple who preordered havent been following the game devellopement and wandering the forums, so they might not know there is a queue to get in early access.



No im not whining, I preordered the game the same day it was available, but I do understand the frustration this situation can cause.




I'm not very upset, I'm just saying that why blame the consumer for not knowing to go to the forums, read the FAQs, etc ...just to play a product they thought they were simply buying then could play; after all that's what the ad implies!

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I have to agree with the OP. BW is using false advertising to attract poeple.


On the link he provided, they dont tell you'll join when its your turn.


Its like going to burger king, buying a hamburger and after you paid, the employee tell you they cant give you your hamburger now cause they are out of stock and you need to wait 30 minutes to get it.


Most poeple would get uptset, call the police and sue the restaurant.


We have to remember that some poeple who preordered havent been following the game devellopement and wandering the forums, so they might not know there is a queue to get in early access.


No, the link sends you to the SW:ToR site where you can read all the info about early game access since july.. been posted on main site since then..


Again people still do not understand the concept of "Pre-order" .. Means you will have access to the game when it goes public, and not be told its sold out... your pre-aquiring a purchase at the time of launch, anything extra, is a bonus.. be grateful you get anything...


As for not getting in till a day early.... well you should have pre-ordered last year, not last week.... its like going to Call of Duty midnight release at 11:59 and expect to get behind the people thats been in tents for 24hours... no... you goto the back of the line that wraps around the block with no overhand out in the cold....


Nothing is misleading... your pre-ordering a game... you will have it available by/on the 20th.... you cant play a game that isnt released, so in the "pre-order to play" ad... thats saying you WILL be playing it on the 20th... because they even have your game ready and youve already probably downloaded it... so your set...


Anything else...... is a BONUS!!! so stop crying... learn that preordering doesnt do anything except validate that you will have a copy when it goes public..


Tip: Dont buy 100 acres of land for 1$ thinking its a deal!! later to find out you didnt read all the paperwork and learn that 99.9% of land is wetlands and youll be paying govt fee's of 10$ a day.... oppps..... guess you should have read the terms and agreements befor agreeing to anything...

its like the south park episode where kyle clicks yes to apples terms of service and gets his mouth sewn to someones butt... repeadly would not read the agreement... he failed... so doesnt anyone not knowing what they are purchasing...

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Product Name: Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee

Qty Ordered: 1

Amount: $5.00


Right off the invoice...

That is a 5.00$ for using origins digital download service which you paid 54.99$ + the 5.00 "pre-order" surcharge.. even told you that when you used origins, i know cause i read that **** when i ordered it thru origins... 59.99$ is the retail cost of game.. you didnt pay ANYTHING extra... lol... learn to read...

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Wow its like finding a needle in a haystack; finding the thread to complain about preorders and not getting to play on the 15th which is oooo idk TODAY!!! So, I can see the nay sayers about being patient and stop complaining, but I'm gonna guess most of them are already playing so tough talk from somone that is eating the cake already. Next, I'm gonna hope that the reason most of us are upset save for selfish reasons that everyone can complain about, are the reasons that we paid, and let me quote, "$5 early access fee" for pre-orders; because I wouldn't have paid if I wasn't going to be able to play at midnight this morning. Along with the fee we were told that we would get early acess if we preordered on the 15th as well so not only have we paid for something that isn't happening we were told something that isn't happening, can anyone, that isn't a customer, tell me why this is so? I tried to call which was useless and I sent an email that I didn't receive any reply to as of yet, so my wonder is why?


Also, to all the people that I saw that thought is ok to pour salt on open wounds, have you never wanted something and told you were going to get and everything was said and set as such and then you didn't get you weren't the least bit upset?!?!? Because shame on you for shaming people that are just venting their frustrations on a forum where you are suppose to do as such!! Instead of trying to make yourself out as a better person, why don't you be realistic and help figure out why we were told one thing and another thing happened........................................

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Put that below the ad that i looked at.. then it would be fair game..


Preorder to pay* <--- star.. means theres a catch.. read the fineprint..


Just saying, no matter what u guys say, the ad is 100% misleading.. Again, i wouldnt have said a single peep, if they put the fine print in that ad..






Pre-order ad page and what's this I spy?


Bottom of the page...


Starts with "Customers who redeem their pre-order code..."

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That is a 5.00$ for using origins digital download service which you paid 54.99$ + the 5.00 "pre-order" surcharge.. even told you that when you used origins, i know cause i read that **** when i ordered it thru origins... 59.99$ is the retail cost of game.. you didnt pay ANYTHING extra... lol... learn to read...


so true

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No it is not right, saying that origin sold the game for $55 then preorder was a extra $5 saying the total is "drum roll please" $60 +tax = $64.10

yeh you're right just looked at my email again....yes so I'm with the majority then on this one when it comes to those who are complaining about not getting in earlier; but still agree with OP's point that the ad is misleading.

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Wow its like finding a needle in a haystack; finding the thread to complain about preorders and not getting to play on the 15th which is oooo idk TODAY!!! So, I can see the nay sayers about being patient and stop complaining, but I'm gonna guess most of them are already playing so tough talk from somone that is eating the cake already. Next, I'm gonna hope that the reason most of us are upset save for selfish reasons that everyone can complain about, are the reasons that we paid, and let me quote, "$5 early access fee" for pre-orders; because I wouldn't have paid if I wasn't going to be able to play at midnight this morning. Along with the fee we were told that we would get early acess if we preordered on the 15th as well so not only have we paid for something that isn't happening we were told something that isn't happening, can anyone, that isn't a customer, tell me why this is so? I tried to call which was useless and I sent an email that I didn't receive any reply to as of yet, so my wonder is why?


Also, to all the people that I saw that thought is ok to pour salt on open wounds, have you never wanted something and told you were going to get and everything was said and set as such and then you didn't get you weren't the least bit upset?!?!? Because shame on you for shaming people that are just venting their frustrations on a forum where you are suppose to do as such!! Instead of trying to make yourself out as a better person, why don't you be realistic and help figure out why we were told one thing and another thing happened........................................


well said sir

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Right out of there Rules of Conduct..

You may not give false information or intentionally hide any information when registering for your Star Wars: The Old Republic account.


Funny, because u gave me FALSE INFORMATION and Intentionally screwed me..

Funny because i cant do it to you.. but u can do it to me..

Edited by SnapFX
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No, the link sends you to the SW:ToR site where you can read all the info about early game access since july.. been posted on main site since then..


Again people still do not understand the concept of "Pre-order" .. Means you will have access to the game when it goes public, and not be told its sold out... your pre-aquiring a purchase at the time of launch, anything extra, is a bonus.. be grateful you get anything...


As for not getting in till a day early.... well you should have pre-ordered last year, not last week.... its like going to Call of Duty midnight release at 11:59 and expect to get behind the people thats been in tents for 24hours... no... you goto the back of the line that wraps around the block with no overhand out in the cold....


Nothing is misleading... your pre-ordering a game... you will have it available by/on the 20th.... you cant play a game that isnt released, so in the "pre-order to play" ad... thats saying you WILL be playing it on the 20th... because they even have your game ready and youve already probably downloaded it... so your set...


Anything else...... is a BONUS!!! so stop crying... learn that preordering doesnt do anything except validate that you will have a copy when it goes public..


Tip: Dont buy 100 acres of land for 1$ thinking its a deal!! later to find out you didnt read all the paperwork and learn that 99.9% of land is wetlands and youll be paying govt fee's of 10$ a day.... oppps..... guess you should have read the terms and agreements befor agreeing to anything...

its like the south park episode where kyle clicks yes to apples terms of service and gets his mouth sewn to someones butt... repeadly would not read the agreement... he failed... so doesnt anyone not knowing what they are purchasing...

So let me get this straight...You're driving down the road and you see that on the McDonald's glass window is an advertisement that you can get 2 big macs for the price of one. So you enter the store and place your order only to find that you have been charged for 2 big macs...The clerk points down to the counter...and there's a little plastic advertisement thing sitting on the counter saying,"ha ha we just kidding about the two big macs." How would you feel?

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Dosent make any sense.. Weither u let everyone in now, or two days from now.. If theres 2 million people who want to play the game, theres gonna be two million.. How is staggering people in day by day gonna do anything?


The servers are crashing, super long queues.. and u think by waiting 2 days to let people in thats gonna stop?



Maybe they're rewarding the people who pre-ordered back in July with a couple of days of light to medium server traffic? Hey, the add says that if you pre-order you'll get to play early, and you will get that. Nothing more really needs to be said.

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You know what, everyones mad, your mad you cant play, I'm mad that I cant play just for the moment, and whoever keeps saying "oh you can play it tomorrow" I honestly think fat chance, but who knows, all we can do for now is crack open a beer and wait for that awesome email :)


Not everyone is mad. I'm not. I've been fully aware that I may/may not get to play during EGA. The $5 I spent to reserve my copy of the game on the 20th only ensures that when I go to the store and get in line that I know they have my copy waiting for me behind the desk and then I can log in on the 20th. EGA is nice but not essential to life as some make it out to be.


Gladly join you in the beer drinking though, which is essential for life. Cheers!

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Yea i am mad.. Because everyone should be treated fair and with respect..


Whens the last time you phoned someone for some help, and they hang up on you? Nice Customer Service..


Stop being a pansy. A lot of people had to wait since EGA started becuase here were people in front of us. I just got in today myself and could very well have been tomorrow or the next day. The world does not revolve around your desires.


Get used to that.

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Maybe they're rewarding the people who pre-ordered back in July with a couple of days of light to medium server traffic? Hey, the add says that if you pre-order you'll get to play early, and you will get that. Nothing more really needs to be said.


Did u read the ad? Where does it say that i gotta wait in a queue?

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