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Everything posted by EmoWhiteRobot

  1. No it is not right, saying that origin sold the game for $55 then preorder was a extra $5 saying the total is "drum roll please" $60 +tax = $64.10
  2. You know what, everyones mad, your mad you cant play, I'm mad that I cant play just for the moment, and whoever keeps saying "oh you can play it tomorrow" I honestly think fat chance, but who knows, all we can do for now is crack open a beer and wait for that awesome email
  3. So shall we get in a huge skype call and keep debating about this? lol
  4. Man this forum is fun So...hows it going?
  5. Well I understand why some of you are mad, because it does say you can play up to 5 days sooner...but as it says "up to"...ya that doesnt mean you will play today..or tomorrow...could be sunday..I mean I REALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLY want to play the game because I have nothing to do for the next 3 days :/ but we have to be patient
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