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State of the game in my raiding guild: Concerned


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I would venture to guess that the more in depth you feel in the content is why I am enjoying this game more than you. I would feel comfortable betting you are meh on content and more specifically concerned about things like loot and mechanics.
I love content, but I could largely care less about "story."


Really, it's the stale/linear worlds that killed it for me.


And advanced quest tracker; that **** is game killing.

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I just want to give one example of a freakin awesoem content patch and how it should be:


The Sunwell, gave a new island with dailies, raid and a truly great heroic dungeon that was pretty hard for the casually geared players.


The content was unlocked as the server progressed, as day passed more dailies were unlocked and more parts of isle were open. You also gained reputation with the faction that gave you rewards, new patterns for your crafting skills and items to help you progress.


Heroic dungeon was the first one in game that let all bosses inside drop epics and not jsut last boss, with fun encounters that helped prepare people for raids.


Raid was extremely difficult thanks to the variety of encounters with different mechanics and took weeks for best guilds to fully clear it.

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No different than WoW really. I mean, i was in a huge guild and it took months before we had enough people to even attempt to raid MC. Yes the guild survived, the game survived. Stop all the doom & gloom, seriously. :rolleyes:


WoW had more than 590 people per server, and content that couldn't be pugged in quest greens.

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I just want to give one example of a freakin awesoem content patch and how it should be:


The Sunwell, gave a new island with dailies, raid and a truly great heroic dungeon that was pretty hard for the casually geared players.


The content was unlocked as the server progressed, as day passed more dailies were unlocked and more parts of isle were open. You also gained reputation with the faction that gave you rewards, new patterns for your crafting skills and items to help you progress.


Heroic dungeon was the first one in game that let all bosses inside drop epics and not jsut last boss, with fun encounters that helped prepare people for raids.


Raid was extremely difficult thanks to the variety of encounters with different mechanics and took weeks for best guilds to fully clear it.


I LOVE Sunwell so much. I also really liked the dungeon can't remember the name but I remember farming it for the bags and Pheonix pet. It was great. The raid itself was fantastic never got to kill Kiljaedan myself but I did see him.


Also the proximity of the dailies made me not mind doing them well daily unlike TOR with Ilum and Belsavis.


WoW had more than 590 people per server, and content that couldn't be pugged in quest greens.



This is what the fanboys like to forget. It took months for people to be ready to raid and to me it was fun as hell getting to 60 and farming LBRS and such.

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No different than WoW really. I mean, i was in a huge guild and it took months before we had enough people to even attempt to raid MC. Yes the guild survived, the game survived. Stop all the doom & gloom, seriously. :rolleyes:


seriously, when did gamers become a bunch of drama queens.

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I won't go into the flaming thing because you have actual constructive thought out concerns.


No matter what MMO you play in the future, NONE will hold you or your friends as they did the first time you played an MMO. See what many people seem to "overlook" is the fact when you first hit an MMO the whole new experiance and making ults is just plain dam fun. You do it again and again without a thought, you smash end content over and over just to get each little peice of gear and just about when you and your guild is ready to call it quits. A new addition or expansion comes out that fills the needed void.


Take any MMO of the past for someones first experiance and this will be it. When you get into new MMO's as a past experianced player, you play them with a dillegence that you didn't have before. You know the base mechanics, you scream threw content hoping to get all you can in the shortest time possible. Because of your efficancy along with others in your guild. The game last you 2 months if that, for you have finished it all and asked yourself "is that really it?". Many people are counting guild wars 2 as their savior for an MMO lasting appeal. In that game they will run into the same exact issue as here but the end game will last longer (if your a pvp player) if not, guild wars won't last that long as well.


It's just the beast of gaming, take any FPS you have played, any RTS or tactical game you have played. I have no doubt many of your friends are actually playing games they already have beaten or put aside to play SWTOR. It is the way of the beast and there is no way around it.


I have been playing this game casually, apx 20+ hours a week, sometimes more , sometimes less. The biggest thing that keeps me coming back is the want and desire to see my own characters improve. To be ready for that next release of content etc, For me I haven't had such a draw in a game sense EQ or DAOC. Each to their own thou, My whole point is thou, it comes down to you and the game. If you play enough of them after a time, the only way they fill any void is "new content" , think how fast people now burn threw single player games in a day or 2 days? Crazy to think that those same games would last months for people prior. (Mind you I know some titles that have definitly diminished their content).


Take the famous Portal 2, it's actual content is just a bit smaller from the original, however people beat the crap out of the fist one over and over that when the new one finally came to be, people beat the crap out of that one in a day. It wasn't because the game was too short, it is that people have played it before and caught on quickly to the new version. Just like MMO's, SWTOR has come out with a ton of content (haven't even hit it all myself yet) , Yet so many like yourself burned threw it in weeks, you don't know what to do. Sadly the people that happend this too will happen to every game that is released. You to good for your own good when it comes to gaming :), that of course can be a good or bad thing.


Anyways, I feel for yea, I know why but in the end, nothing can really bring your crew back other then a new expansion or addition and when that new MMO comes around, try to keep in mind what I said, think about it, I bet you within a month of that new released or two you will be on their forums saying the same thing.


It is , after all the way of the beast.

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I'm not really playing much at the moment either tbh. But I have high hopes for future content so I'm not giving up on the game I'll probably wait a month or two before resubbing. I do like the game though but theres just nothing really to do at end game.
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It's just the beast of gaming, take any FPS you have played, any RTS or tactical game you have played. I have no doubt many of your friends are actually playing games they already have beaten or put aside to play SWTOR. It is the way of the beast and there is no way around it.


I have been playing this game casually, apx 20+ hours a week, sometimes more , sometimes less. The biggest thing that keeps me coming back is the want and desire to see my own characters improve. To be ready for that next release of content etc, For me I haven't had such a draw in a game sense EQ or DAOC. Each to their own thou, My whole point is thou, it comes down to you and the game. If you play enough of them after a time, the only way they fill any void is "new content" , think how fast people now burn threw single player games in a day or 2 days? Crazy to think that those same games would last months for people prior. (Mind you I know some titles that have definitly diminished their content).


I've been playing StarCraft and StarCraft II for over 10 years now. It's not any less fun.


I play about the same amount of time as you, and I just want to improve my character too, but I can't, because this game has 590 players on a Standard server split across all the zones. I literally cannot find a group to do the content I would like to do, and quite frankly haven't even seen yet in the entire time since launch. I'm literally into hour 5 of looking for a level 50 flashpoint group.


The fastest thing that kills an MMO, is the lack of a playerbase.

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I've been playing StarCraft and StarCraft II for over 10 years now. It's not any less fun.


I play about the same amount of time as you, and I just want to improve my character too, but I can't, because this game has 590 players on a Standard server split across all the zones. I literally cannot find a group to do the content I would like to do, and quite frankly haven't even seen yet in the entire time since launch. I'm literally into hour 5 of looking for a level 50 flashpoint group.


The fastest thing that kills an MMO, is the lack of a playerbase.


Yea, server population is a ***** no doubt, They definitly over-did that (it was bad at start thou) However, I am all for the convergance of lower pops, on my server there are no such issues, plus in an excelent guild helps as well.

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WoW had more than 590 people per server, and content that couldn't be pugged in quest greens.


And a lot of people quit because they weren't good enough or geared enough to do the content.



- Gordon Walton -


"Don't tune for the hardcore." Turning to the audience, Walton asked for a show of hands: "How many of you have shipped an MMO? How many of you remember a discussion about making the game harder to keep people in the game longer?" He dismissed those who had but didn't, and suggested that this stems from "forgetting our object is not to keep people as long as humanly possible, but to provide entertainment." When it comes to grinding, "they will do it, but they will hate you."

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And a lot of people quit because they weren't good enough or geared enough to do the content.



- Gordon Walton -


"Don't tune for the hardcore." Turning to the audience, Walton asked for a show of hands: "How many of you have shipped an MMO? How many of you remember a discussion about making the game harder to keep people in the game longer?" He dismissed those who had but didn't, and suggested that this stems from "forgetting our object is not to keep people as long as humanly possible, but to provide entertainment." When it comes to grinding, "they will do it, but they will hate you."


Yeah, sure they did, that's why they sold 1 million units, up from 200k at launch, by the following year.


People aren't the stupid sheep Gordon Walton thinks they are. Players enjoy a challenge in their games, otherwise it's not mentally stimulating enough.

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Ever since the games started giving in to all the casuals demands.


Nah, actually MMO's started as a casual endevoir, as time went on ( I blame EQ) the end game boss grind became prevelent. We would pound in hours upon hours on one boss fight, hmm forget the one, but I remember it took us a full 8 hours to take him down. Now thats a boss fight!


Alas after this the nitch, Hard-Core gamer crowed grew, but as with most game that aimed to this group, they would loose the population. WoW now is a prime example of what happens when you make a game too hardcore. They started loosing players, so what did they do? They made it easy to get to 60. Then what? It was too easy, loosing our core base.. up the difficulty , release some mini-content etc. In the end, WoW has now burned past it's prime. While SWTOR is new and shouldn't loose a major population, WoW was lucky that over 5mil or more (not sure on exact numbers) where brand new to the MMO scene. This trinkled in over time giving them a very wide spread population base to work with. Now with the game hitting those peek numbers at their end game, they are now where you were at probably a year ago asking.. "What else is there?" ...


I refer again to "the beast" gaming in the end is just that , A beast that is tamable. Someone mentioned starcraft and more as something they continually play. The differance here is your talking strategy over content. I can pvp with no issue on the same map over and over and over if I am having fun. If not I won't. PVE is totally content driven, if I asked that guy if all those 10 years he actually only played the campaigns I have feeling that is a big NO. So point taken.

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Ever since the games started giving in to all the casuals demands.


When they stopped requiring thousands of dollars in computers and when people no longer needed to edit their autoexec.bat and config.sys file to run games.


The whole computing industry, including games are a casual business.


MMO's are especially troublesome on the community because you can sometimes (or regularly) point to 'that other game does it better, and is doing it better right now'', and because people are very deeply invested in the game.


My little dudes in Xcom, the original, i 'cared' about their success and failure, but the price of a catastrophic screw up was the time to load a save game. If I really screw up my SWTOR character, or if an encounter is broken or if I can't accomplish something or whatever, I now miss out on socialization with my friends, and I miss out on the content, and I bet you could find a lot of people who've put 200+ hours in SWTOR by now, which naturally makes you feel a little more attached to it than say, skyrim. Oh and it's an evolving experience, rather than take it or leave it. So if I really want there to be a half green half pink lightsabre, it might get added if I ask, and the right person reads that an agrees with it. If I want an green-pink axe in skyrim, I either make it myself, hope they put in the next one, or just go without.

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I won't go into the flaming thing because you have actual constructive thought out concerns.


No matter what MMO you play in the future, NONE will hold you or your friends as they did the first time you played an MMO. See what many people seem to "overlook" is the fact when you first hit an MMO the whole new experiance and making ults is just plain dam fun. You do it again and again without a thought, you smash end content over and over just to get each little peice of gear and just about when you and your guild is ready to call it quits. A new addition or expansion comes out that fills the needed void.


Take any MMO of the past for someones first experiance and this will be it. When you get into new MMO's as a past experianced player, you play them with a dillegence that you didn't have before. You know the base mechanics, you scream threw content hoping to get all you can in the shortest time possible. Because of your efficancy along with others in your guild. The game last you 2 months if that, for you have finished it all and asked yourself "is that really it?". Many people are counting guild wars 2 as their savior for an MMO lasting appeal. In that game they will run into the same exact issue as here but the end game will last longer (if your a pvp player) if not, guild wars won't last that long as well.


It's just the beast of gaming, take any FPS you have played, any RTS or tactical game you have played. I have no doubt many of your friends are actually playing games they already have beaten or put aside to play SWTOR. It is the way of the beast and there is no way around it.


I have been playing this game casually, apx 20+ hours a week, sometimes more , sometimes less. The biggest thing that keeps me coming back is the want and desire to see my own characters improve. To be ready for that next release of content etc, For me I haven't had such a draw in a game sense EQ or DAOC. Each to their own thou, My whole point is thou, it comes down to you and the game. If you play enough of them after a time, the only way they fill any void is "new content" , think how fast people now burn threw single player games in a day or 2 days? Crazy to think that those same games would last months for people prior. (Mind you I know some titles that have definitly diminished their content).


Take the famous Portal 2, it's actual content is just a bit smaller from the original, however people beat the crap out of the fist one over and over that when the new one finally came to be, people beat the crap out of that one in a day. It wasn't because the game was too short, it is that people have played it before and caught on quickly to the new version. Just like MMO's, SWTOR has come out with a ton of content (haven't even hit it all myself yet) , Yet so many like yourself burned threw it in weeks, you don't know what to do. Sadly the people that happend this too will happen to every game that is released. You to good for your own good when it comes to gaming :), that of course can be a good or bad thing.


Anyways, I feel for yea, I know why but in the end, nothing can really bring your crew back other then a new expansion or addition and when that new MMO comes around, try to keep in mind what I said, think about it, I bet you within a month of that new released or two you will be on their forums saying the same thing.


It is , after all the way of the beast.


When did the responsibility go from the developers to the gamers when it comes to content? BW should know that there would be experienced gamers that would play SWTOR, not excuse it with they are too good for themselves.


BW could have put in a number of timesinks in the game that would have kept people from jumping in circles on the space station. Right now there is none! There is not anything to do besides killing. There is no social games, there is no events, there is no mini games, there is no decorating, there is nothing of that sort. The crafting system is not something you can do for very long as it is going real time. BW said that dedicated crafters would be able to craft something others couldnt... Where and what?


They are missing a bunch of stuff in the game, and as one mentioned, features you would expect that were in a game. Such as guild tools, better UI, combat log, /hood, some sort of appearance tab... These small things that makes a successful game successful. Im not saying BW sucks, or SWTOR sucks, hell I like it, and I want so bad to love it. But there is not much left for me to do now in the game and its a natter of time before they are going to have to merge servers.


You can clearly see that this is a company that is making a MMORPG for the first time. Even with help from mythic they are making baby mistakes. This game could have been soooo much more. But they left out some really successful features out of the game. Take Ilum, they screwed the pooch on that one, bigtime. Why not make a fortress deal like in DAOC, it really one of the features that made the game special, and fun. No they made Ilum a point swapping BG where killing someone was pointless for a month. If that not a mistake that have allrdy cost some PvP customers, I dont know what it is.

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It's a shame really. You can't build a WoW clone without some of its Vital Features (Dungeon finder, Dual Spec, Guild shiz etc..) and not expect people to get pizzed off.



BioWare better do something fast if they want this game to grow.


Always makes me laugh when I see how narrow minded and brainwashed WoW players hae become...


Dungeon Finder - Vital? lol

Dual Spec - Vital? lol


WoW truly is welfare gaming at its very worst :)



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Always makes me laugh when I see how narrow minded and brainwashed WoW players hae become...


Dungeon Finder - Vital? lol

Dual Spec - Vital? lol


WoW truly is welfare gaming at its very worst :)




If you dont put any effort into faction balance and screw up the amount of Servers it IS vital, yes. Make all the remarks you want about WoW, fact is they are successful, SW:ToR is not. So even if you don't like it, they obviously do something right.


You can ignore the problems caused by low populated Servers and watch the rest of the already tiny player-base vanish, or you can try to at least make it possible for them to have something to do once they hit 50. Its not their fault that the Server they chose died, is it ?


Ofc X-Server Dungeons and Dual-spec want save this game, but then again, nothing will.

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Always makes me laugh when I see how narrow minded and brainwashed WoW players hae become...


Dungeon Finder - Vital? lol

Dual Spec - Vital? lol


WoW truly is welfare gaming at its very worst :)




I really dislike people saying "welfare" when it comes to PAID games. You pay.. you demand . Developers either satisfy you or not. You want it easier they make it so. And vice versa.


As it is now the game is lacking in so many basic and VITAL yes i said it VITAL things that competitors have. They should know those NEED to be at launch at this late time in the MMO history. This is not a Indie MMO where patience is expected... Its a HUGE budget mmo. Those Vital things should be here...


As it is now the game is as i expected it to be. You finish a story and you need to reroll because the game doesn't provide you an equally rich experience at endgame.

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