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Logical fallacy of punishing WZ quitters - It will hurt more than help


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Give the quitter +50% exp for 1 hour or something. It would encourage them to go PvE to take advantage of it, thus making sure you don't get stuck with them again. And it rewards them for "doing the right thing", aka quitting and letting a better player take their spot.


That actually has a sick and twisted genius, except of course people would exploit it by entering a match every hour with the intention of quitting to get that buff.


But still, it has a fiendish beauty to it.

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OP makes a valid point. However, if they are free to quit without penalty they are free to move to another game immediately and do the same thing again. Multiply that by the number of quitters on your average server and you can see quitters have the ability to ruin multiple matches rather quickly.


Basically a time out penalty prevents quitters from immediately spreading their crap to other games. A penalty will not solve the problem but rather mitigate the damage.


So its true that they can just choose to not participate and even sabotage a game but at least their impact is limited rather than letting them hop from game to game until they find that perfect winning match.

Edited by Hellapain
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OP makes a valid point. However, if they are free to quit without penalty they are free to move to another game immediately and do the same thing again. Multiply that by the number of quitters on your average server and you can see quitters have the ability to ruin multiple matches rather quickly.


Basically a time out penalty prevents quitters from immediately spreading their crap to other games. A penalty will not solve the problem but rather mitigate the damage.


So its true that they can just choose to not participate and even sabotage a game but at least their impact is limited rather than letting them hop from game to game until they find that perfect winning match.


So it's better for a game to be 8vs7 or 8vs6 because people are AFKing instead of leaving?

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So it's better for a game to be 8vs7 or 8vs6 because people are AFKing instead of leaving?


Exactly. The quitters stay in the game and cannot ruin multiple games.


Right now a single quitter can quit a game and go right into another game and ruin that one and than another and another.


With a timeout penalty the quitter has two options:


1) Stay in the game and pout, not try, sabotage whatever.. thus avoiding penalty but only adversely affecting that single game.


2) Quit the game and take a timeout penalty from joining any other games for period of time ..say 15 minutes at least.

Edited by Hellapain
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Exactly. The quitters stay in the game and cannot ruin multiple games.


Right now a single quitter can quit a game and go right into another game and ruin that one and than another and another.


With a timeout penalty the quitter has two options:


1) Stay in the game and pout, not try, sabotage whatever.. thus avoiding penalty but only adversely affecting that single game.


2) Quit the game and take a timeout penalty from joining any other games for period of time ..say 15 minutes at least.


How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.

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How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.


I have seen the rare occasion where having a quitter leave actually turned into a victory as we got a good player in return and lost the weak link.


Most times though the added player comes into a losing game demoralized and pissed about being brought into a match where their team is already down or quit themselves repeating the cycle.


I think you know that seconds matter in WZs and I also think you know that being down players during those seconds it takes to get another player into the game matter.


I also think you know that players coming and going over and over across multiple games is far more damaging overall. Forcing them to stick it out in a single game reduces the damage to that single game or they face a time out.

Edited by Hellapain
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How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.


Quitting quickly enough to give another person a spot isn't really a problem, except on voidstar because people who join slightly later get screwed. And even then, sometimes the spot is never filled...


But yes, this will make it undesirable for the people who quit immediately. Hopefully they'll stop queueing too.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I've intentionally sank a winning wz because the players on my team were using general to say racial slurs at the enemy.


If/when they implement a penalty and I see somone sabotaging the team, i'll probably help them. One person causing harm to the team if much more effective than the team going for objectives. I'd rather help the sabotager and end the wz early. Then I won't get the penalty either.


Everyone has a reason to quit a wz, some good, some bad. Either way, if all you can do is complain about it, to bad. If/when the penalty comes in, it will be even worse than before. I won't care, i'll just do whatever anyway...good or bad. ROFL. There has to be SOME entertainment in this crap end game pvp. Sabotaging your own team might as well be it.


Please save your complaints for someone who actually cares. Frankly, when I see people begging for something, and not having any real intelligent thought about exactly what it is they're asking for, I like to make sure they get it to its fullest extent. I want people to relish exactly what they're ************ for, and really experience the amusement. Well...my amusement, not so much yours though.

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Before the 50's bracket myself and two other guildys would group and que for Wz's,we were all 50 and one of my guildmates would say to a lvl 10 "Why are you here? you dont even have sprint"


The level 10 would respond " I pay for this game too" notice something there? it is the same response as the WZ quitters,,,for the life of me i always pictured a twelve year old when that exchange happened and asked my guildmate to go easy,but now no way on these quitters because as i can see you guys are not twelve,you just act like your twelve.


they are there because the game tells them to go to a warzone at level 10. as soon as you hit the ship before you know anything else it has a quest telling you to queue up, it doesnt tell you you will be matched with people 30 levels higher.


also the game is billed as one you can use pvp to gain levels. your beef, really lies with the developers. If they didnt think people should pvp at 10, they shouldnt have gave them a quest telling them too, or they should have made a lower level bracket.


To be perfectly honest though, levels arent so important, its more about the class and when it gets its good stuff, some classes can do useful stuff at 20, some dont really make sense till 35. Some only get bad *** till 41.



back to the topic, deserter debuff isnt too much to ask, its not even a real penalty, though its just as annoying as if people afk do nothing or try to throw the match. There are a number of solutions, but really quitting shouldnt be beneficial, and now, it kind of is, because as many have said wins is the most important thing in order to get your gear. the loss of valor is annoying but, you get less when you lose anyhow, and for an imp, its like 2 or 3 kills in illum to make that up.

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How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.


They queue up again and go into the next game and then leave again.... they do this to 5 games in 2 minutes... at least.


I have seen players rejoin the same BG 5 times in 120 secs and leaving again when there is only 1 or 2 BGs on.. late at night.


If there are 10 concurrent games on, those guys ruin ALL of them in 5 mins.

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I have seen the rare occasion where having a quitter leave actually turned into a victory as we got a good player in return and lost the weak link.


Most times though the added player comes into a losing game demoralized and pissed about being brought into a match where their team is already down or quit themselves repeating the cycle.


I think you know that seconds matter in WZs and I also think you know that being down players during those seconds it takes to get another player into the game matter.


I also think you know that players coming and going over and over across multiple games is far more damaging overall. Forcing them to stick it out in a single game reduces the damage to that single game or they face a time out.


Assuming you had 5 games going on where each game was 8vs5 and 10 people kept switching between the games then yeah I could see your point, but I've never seen that happen.


Whenever I've left a game I tend to have to wait a few minutes and then get put into a group of new people. I've also joined my fair share of 8vs5 and 8vs6 games, but it's not really people that are quitting that creates 8vs5 games, I've had dozens of games that just start that way, with nobody joining until a few minutes into the game.


Giving people that quit a deserter debuff isn't going to fix that 8vs6 game.

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How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.


How many WZs do you end up fighting 8v6 or 8v7 ? Many that I solo PuG in the least. much less when I premade it seems.


It makes it a lot harder to cap / hold 2 points in Alderaan, or run the Huttball, or defend / defuse bombs when you're short of 1-2 players.


And AFKers would be easily pointed out on the WZ scoreboard, scoring no kills whatsoever with a few deaths, low DPS / heals, w/e. They'll look BAD. They ARE BADS. Seriously, if I'm a PvPer to the bone I'll fight back against all odds, to get at least a few medals. Those who'd AFK a lost WZ would be so easily spotted you could name / shame them, ignore them for raids or organized PvP. I know I always look at scoreboards to see who did good and who was being carried.


With a penalty a lot less people would leave. Right now, there's so many carebears trying to farm for their daily wins that it's impossible to track them all. They insta leave and requeue and do this **** again and again. These people are the real BADDIES. They're even worst than keyboard turners and clickers, because they mouthbreath like they're good at PvP but can't play when things aren't skewed in their favor. They won't even put an effort into their game because 'they pay 15$ to have fun' where fun = no challenge and or gear handed to them. How many people just /cry when they raid and don't get a drop ? I WANTZ MY GEARZ NAOW BW. I HAVE MY GEARZ NAOW NOTHING ELSE TO DO FAIL!1


I personnaly always look forward to kick good PvPers asses by sticking in lost WZs and trying to get kills and cooperate with teammates, that's usually against good players that you improve your playstyle. I want to earn the reputation that I never quit and will always do my best to help my team in any way I can. I was in a Huttball where we just couldn't run the ball against a premade (I was PuG), we ended up getting equal kills / deaths but they won 5-0, as they tried to farm kills. I had GOOD FIGHT. PvPers fight for the FIGHT, not the rewards.

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They won't even put an effort into their game because 'they pay 15$ to have fun' where fun = no challenge and or gear handed to them. How many people just /cry when they raid and don't get a drop ? I WANTZ MY GEARZ NAOW BW. I HAVE MY GEARZ NAOW NOTHING ELSE TO DO FAIL!1


I'm sure a lot of people that quit think you're pretty terrible too.


The people that quit blame the people that stayed, they were bad.

The people that stay blame the people that quit, they were bad.


I guess everyone is terrible at PvP.

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I'm sure a lot of people that quit think you're pretty terrible too.


The people that quit blame the people that stayed, they were bad.

The people that stay blame the people that quit, they were bad.


I guess everyone is terrible at PvP.




Usually the people that leave do not care. And I don't care what they think.


With a quitter debuff they'll have to try to get their wins, or waste time with the debuff. Then they'll win against all odds, it HAPPENS. Then they'll improve, as they play in a tougher environment than a free win.

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I would stop leaving losing WZs immediately if two things were changed.


1. You could purchase BM bags for 500/500 coms.

2. WZ wins for dailies / weekly were changed to 3 wins or 9 participations.


Re-read my post about carebears playing PvP for gear.

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OP makes a valid point. However, if they are free to quit without penalty they are free to move to another game immediately and do the same thing again. Multiply that by the number of quitters on your average server and you can see quitters have the ability to ruin multiple matches rather quickly.


Basically a time out penalty prevents quitters from immediately spreading their crap to other games. A penalty will not solve the problem but rather mitigate the damage.


So its true that they can just choose to not participate and even sabotage a game but at least their impact is limited rather than letting them hop from game to game until they find that perfect winning match.


The removal of win X warzones dailies and weeklies, like Georg said they were doing, will greatly reduce this kind of behavior. Participating in a warzone, win or lose, will let people reach their end goal. Hopping warzones to find a 'perfect' situation will not be the best use of one's time because they will be losing time sitting in starter zones over and over instead of participating to earn their rewards.

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How are they ruining multiple games if they just quit quickly? Somebody else can take their place if they leave. If they stay and AFK nobody can take their spot.


Join, wait 30 seconds to get out of starting shield. Another minute of doing nothing to decide they don't want to play this match- they leave. Half a minute later a replacement comes in, half a minute later they're out of the shield- that's 2 1/2 minutes where you just played 8v7- meanwhile, noob 1 is doing the same thing in another match that's down 1-0 in Huttball or whatever.



Losing 2-3 people and playing 5v8 for a minute or two while new players come in is enough time to give the other team a free turret or door.


And that's why it's a problem.

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Re-read my post about carebears playing PvP for gear.


Not sure if you're calling me a carebear or not but I can say I don't like playing Hardcore PvP like in EVE or Mortal Online but after my daily is done I will stay win or lose just for the medals.


Most of the time during the week it is a struggle for me to complete my PvP dailies and the PvE dailies because I work in the morning. So that is my reasoning for changing the rewards system.

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Deserter debuff should of been implemented from the start


And it's pretty clear by some of the posts in this thread and others

That not many of you have ever participated in team sport

Or competitive games the attitude of some that say they will go out of their way to grief

Just amazes me.

I mean pvp is competition and if you can't compete fairly or lose gracefully

Why even bother to join


My server pop is low we have the same players in every wz

I had this one guy leave and join a wz non stop last night

And then started complaining that there was only 1 wz going

That he was sick of losing and playing with bads

funny thing was we won games where he wasn't present


Cool story brah u mad or steaming

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