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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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Warhammer online got a 9/10 also.




4/5 stars for Warhammer online:






Look at all those high scores and awards!!




Where is the game now? In the toilet and oh how the reviewers are singing a different tune once it flopped.


Reviews by so called professional journalists are utter trash and should be taken with a grain of salt.

^^^^^ This.


I loved the video review I think Gamespot did, they played "extensively", but didn't even know the sides: Red Side Horde and Blue Side Alliance they called it.

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They cancel out the fanboys giving games a perfect 10.


Which it doesn't.


Since average is considered somewhere in the range of 70-85, all those BS 0 scores from first time accounts and trolls kill the meta score more than a 10.



Everyone knows that meta critic scores are mass trolled anyway. If a certain group of people don't like the game, they score bomb it on purpose with dupe accounts, etc.

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Why do we, people who have been actually playing the game for weeks or months now, care about a review two months after launch anyway?


"You know, I thought TOR was disappointing and I was going to unsub, but now that I've seen this review..."

Edited by Mannic
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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.


Their opinion is valid. As is everyone else's.


And that's the point - it's their opinion.

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The game is good, its the second best mmo on the market after WoW. But its nowhere near 9/10. Its 7/10 at best. There are just too many things wrong/lacking.


What really blows my mind is why no1 of these so called "proffesional" reviewers mentioned ability delay or Ilum/fleet performance. When I got this game and created my first character, I went outside cantina and used snipe on the first encountered mob, I was like "W*F is this s**t, it must be lag". Then I realized that its not lag and not only on snipe. How could every single one of them miss such enormous and gamebreaking issue?


They are either:

a) noobs with no idea how a game should work

b) being paid


Both of those points discredit them as reviewers in my eyes. Their opinoin on games is worth as much as an opinion of a gas station clerk on qantum physics. And i dont mean it just in swtors case, thay are generally not to be trusted.

Edited by MaxPowerYo
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Warhammer online got a 9/10 also.




4/5 stars for Warhammer online:






Look at all those high scores and awards!!




Where is the game now? In the toilet and oh how the reviewers are singing a different tune once it flopped.


Reviews by so called professional journalists are utter trash and should be taken with a grain of salt.


You know whats even worse....warhammer had all the things in that game that all you so called "know it alls" want.....but it didnt have story.


This game is pretty good....I think your all going to be butthurt when they put in ranked pvp and LFD tools. You do know SWG just closed shop....and that was only cause this game.


This game also has alot more money behind it then mythic had for warhammer.

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I like how all reviews focus on the same things.


Story, story, story, story, story more story and finally story.


They dont touch on anything else.


Its easy to give a game a 9/10 when you focus on the only thing it did well lol.


If they had talk about graphics

PvP and delays

UI functionality

World PvP



You know all the things that make a mmo an mmo.... what these reviewers are looking at is strictly story and the single player aspect if they covered what an mmo is in their reviews it would not be a 9/10 it would not be all praise.

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An honest review would be the truth.


Bioware did an amazing job on story blah blah blah tons on story.


However they tricked their customer base with shiny images and high res beta gameplay only to yank it out at release and rename the graphic setting from medium to high stating it was a bug.


The game also suffers severe performance issues in pvp scenarios where its almost unplayable at 10 fps or lower on the main pvp planet ilum.


PvP is known to suffer from ability delays where competitive pvp isn't really an option at this time.


Many players were unable to complete class quests the first month of release therefore not progressing their single story line.


The game also seperates players it feels very much like a single player RPG with a chat room rather then a mmo. There is no global chat feature so finding groups can often be difficult for content and requires you to spam chat in fleet or just skip the grouped content in regards to flash points.


There has also been an abundance of hackers using what they claim to be easy hacks that most games dont allow such as using cheat engine for speed hacks and not being detected, many have seen this in warzones and many still see it daily due to non action from bioware.




Now thats what a review should include.... the good the bad the ugly not just omg the story the story its amazing the story omg.... lol

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An honest review would be the truth.


Bioware did an amazing job on story blah blah blah tons on story.


However they tricked their customer base with shiny images and high res beta gameplay only to yank it out at release and rename the graphic setting from medium to high stating it was a bug.


The game also suffers severe performance issues in pvp scenarios where its almost unplayable at 10 fps or lower on the main pvp planet ilum.


PvP is known to suffer from ability delays where competitive pvp isn't really an option at this time.


Many players were unable to complete class quests the first month of release therefore not progressing their single story line.


The game also seperates players it feels very much like a single player RPG with a chat room rather then a mmo. There is no global chat feature so finding groups can often be difficult for content and requires you to spam chat in fleet or just skip the grouped content in regards to flash points.


There has also been an abundance of hackers using what they claim to be easy hacks that most games dont allow such as using cheat engine for speed hacks and not being detected, many have seen this in warzones and many still see it daily due to non action from bioware.




Now thats what a review should include.... the good the bad the ugly not just omg the story the story its amazing the story omg.... lol


Doesn't sound like the game I am playing.

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I dont know man. SWTOR is a good game but the cons for me are


- poor fps/performance on a good machine e.g. i7 860, 8gb ram, gtx295

- poor ui and customization

- poor graphics textures

- too many loading screens

- game engine is not optimized


I would give it a 7.5

Edited by jtfone
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Videogame reviews in magazines/big sites mean absolutely nothing, they are all bought.


Metacritic user score: 5.9, thats from players. Which is pretty bad since players usually over-rate games.


EA almost certainly paid reviewers.


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a terrible movie. It got an 80% user review on Rotten Tomatoes. That means it's one of the greatest movies of all time and respected, educated critics are wrong.


Your logic fails.


F-, apply yourself.

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Torpedo hit!


By your logic...


A game that got a good review and ultimately failed...

Invalidates all good reviews? So all reviews for SWTOR are bunk? Every one of them? WAR was a decent game but got killed in the market because they didn't fix the issues and abandoned ship after a month. I still cringe thinking about it.



I love how trolls like to point out evidence that supports them...but when shown otherwise its just fanboy press.


SWTOR has one major difference from WAR.


WAR had major issues with zone loading. The game would literally freeze, chug, freeze chug crash.


Some forum trolls might claim that is happening to them but the truth is that SWTOR doesn't have any game destroying bugs. You can get to end game and you can beat end game. It also doesn't feel odd or clunkly like WAR. Yes, it straight up used a system like WoW but at least its functional. WAR has major issues in that department.

Edited by Arkerus
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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a terrible movie. It got an 80% user review on Rotten Tomatoes. That means it's one of the greatest movies of all time and respected, educated critics are wrong.


Your logic fails.


F-, apply yourself.


No, it means Paramount and Dreamworks paid those reviewers like EA paid off all their positive reviewers.

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No, it means Paramount and Dreamworks paid those reviewers like EA paid off all their positive reviewers.




So, what you said means one of two things:


a) Paramount and Dreamworks paid critics to hate their film, leading to RT score of 20%, one of the worst scores in recent years.


b) They paid audiences to give good reviews. This means that by association the user reviews for SWTOR are equally wrong because Blizzard could have paid for bad reviews there.


Since option A is completely idiotic, you have no choice but to take option B. Option B invalidates SWTOR's bad user review.


Nice try, but you still lose.

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Videogame reviews in magazines/big sites mean absolutely nothing, they are all bought.


Metacritic user score: 5.9, thats from players. Which is pretty bad since players usually over-rate games.


EA almost certainly paid reviewers.


Metacritics user ratings are worthless. Dominated by 0's and 10's. Over time they all migrate toward a little above 5. Latest WoW rating is 5.1.


Plus it's an 11 point scale - 0 to 10. You can't rate a game 11 so it takes more 10's to offset a 0.

Edited by JansanRuno
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