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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.2 Design Problems, Bioware pay attention


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yep thats why ppl makes so many non sense threads just like you did


btw based what you said you are a quitter and doesnt want the change so you can quit whenever you want without penalty and ruin some wz matches, sry but thats gonna be over lol


Instead, I will just AFK in the match instead of quitting + leaving a spot for someone else to play.


Enjoy your longer queue times, and enjoy losing because you are 4 v 8 (the other 4 would have quit, but now we're AFKing).


That will definitely be a better result. Right?

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I completely agree with the OP on the problems that these changes will cause. Implementing these 2 changes on their own will yield a negative outcome. Maybe if along with these changes, there were also changes to greatly increase the difference in Comms/Valor/Credits/XP gains from Wins compared to Losses, it would work.
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You are both wrong.


You will NOT get more commendations in patch 1.2 at all.


Scroll up if you need to learn the proper English translation of Gabe's post, I don't feel like typing it all again.


Re-Read my post cause clearly you just see word more and commendations


I didnt say i get more from winning then now in next patch i said i get More from Winning Then Badge Farming

(i.e. i get about 1,4k valor from winning with 3-6 badge and get 0,8k valor from 6-8 badge and losing ) so winning dosent give me more valor and commendations then badges is total BS.


you need to learn the proper English translation of my post

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Instead, I will just AFK in the match instead of quitting + leaving a spot for someone else to play.


Enjoy your longer queue times, and enjoy losing because you are 4 v 8 (the other 4 would have quit, but now we're AFKing).


That will definitely be a better result. Right?


If you are going to be in a wz to the end, would you rather be AFK instead of playing? start to think man plz


They are just trying to fix this wz problem and they are doing a good job, try to undersand the wz system to enjoy it and stop making these threads thats not gonna change a thing

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Instead, I will just AFK in the match instead of quitting + leaving a spot for someone else to play.


Enjoy your longer queue times, and enjoy losing because you are 4 v 8 (the other 4 would have quit, but now we're AFKing).


That will definitely be a better result. Right?


I'm with you.


Nothing like sipping coffee in the morning, reading drudge report and continually pressing the space bar while I watch the criers suffer the consequences of their actions.

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Get rid of the Ilum dailies, keep the warzone dailies. Perhaps introduce more related to the warzones, for example "Accrue 10000 objective points" would ensure that everyone focussing on objectives and winning the game.


Note: You would need to fix the objective points in Huttball and Voidstar for this to work properly.

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Why should it change?


Winning and losing are outcomes that result in people taking place and participating in WZs. I very much encourage rewarding "participation" rather than "winning-losing".


People shouldn't need extra incentives to Win. Winning IS the reward...


You can not have it both ways. If you lose, you should get nothing. Second place is first place loser. Objective pvp has objectives. There is a winner and a loser. Participating means you play to win.


So now the problem becomes quitters....no one likes to lose and people would leave the second they start losing because the reality is people do not want to pvp, they want to do something to get rewarded no matter the outcome. For objective based pvp, the loses should lose valor equal to the amount the winners get. there has to be a penalty. If you leave early, you lose the valor if your team loses and get no valor if your team wins.


The only way i can think of which a game can cater to the entitlement crowd is to have a warzone where the sole objective is to reward the teams based on the percentage of total kills at the end. for example, there were a total of 100 kills in the warzone. Team A had 70 kills and team b had 30 kills. Players on team A get 70% of the rewards and team b gets 30%. Does not matter who on the team has the most kills, or most DPS, or most Heals, everyone gets the same reward on the team

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I'm with you.


Nothing like sipping coffee in the morning, reading drudge report and continually pressing the space bar while I watch the criers suffer the consequences of OUR actions.


There you go I fixed it for you.


AFKers are just as much a reason to lose as bad players.

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If you are going to be in a wz to the end, would you rather be AFK instead of playing? start to think man plz


They are just trying to fix this wz problem and they are doing a good job, try to undersand the wz system to enjoy it and stop making these threads thats not gonna change a thing


This quitting "problem" is much like a weed in a Bioware- maintained garden. Bioware isn't taking a time to remove the weed and the roots properly, which will prevent it from growing back.


Is this the route Bioware is taking? No. Instead, their solution is to kill all of the vegetables and legitimate plants in the garden surrounding, then fertilize and water the weed exclusively.


You sir, are a weed.

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There you go I fixed it for you.


AFKers are just as much a reason to lose as bad players.


You fixed nothing, weed. You misunderstood. If I am punished for not allowing others to leach off of my skills and hard work, I will become an AFKer if I start to see typical trends of bad players in the group. This is a direct consequence of bad players getting their way, and thus, I see it as encouraging laziness and apathy toward the objective.



Do try to keep up next time, would you?

Edited by drdarpa
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You fixed nothing, weed. You misunderstood. If I am punished for not allowing others to leach off of my skills and hard work, I will become an AFKer if I start to see typical trends of bad players in the group.



Do try to keep up next time, would you?


doesnt that just make you a leech yourself? the people on these forums are ridiculous.

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Instead, I will just AFK in the match instead of quitting + leaving a spot for someone else to play.


Enjoy your longer queue times, and enjoy losing because you are 4 v 8 (the other 4 would have quit, but now we're AFKing).


That will definitely be a better result. Right?


So just to make sure I understand your argument correctly, the new system sucks because instead of trying to win people will just farm medals and lose instead. Except when you're losing, then you'll just afk instead of farming medals to get more commendations than you would if you won anyway. Is that about right?


You know what's better than three medals with a win AND ten medals with a loss? Eight medals and a win. Typically the only medals I might give up when I play hard objectives at the cost of damage is 300k Damage and Assassin. A lot of the time I get them anyway.


How about you stop contradicting yourself and wait and see what the changes actually are before declaring the end of days.

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You fixed nothing, weed. You misunderstood. If I am punished for not allowing others to leach off of my skills and hard work, I will become an AFKer if I start to see typical trends of bad players in the group.



Do try to keep up next time, would you?


Warzones are a team effort.


My point stands.

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doesnt matter what bioware does some people will ***** about whats wrong with what they did. People asked for a solution to players quitting, bw gives you 1 then you come up with 10 other things that will happen now that you listened to us. Its just a viscous circle for the complainers
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These are the problems with (what we currently know about) Patch 1.2


First, patch 1.2 has the following two "changes" (no details behind these, mind you):



1. Gear not tied to daily quest completion (i.e. not tied to "Wins")

2. Penalty for leaving warzones (no other detail behind this)



Here are the flaws with these changes.


1. If you don't give people a reason to win, then they will farm badges for valor/commendations and will not go for the Warzone Objectives (scoring in huttball, doors in voidstar, turrets in civil war). Every Warzone will just be a big PvP fight. Essentially, you'll be GUTTING Warzones entirely. You might as well just replace all 3 with a circular room where everyone just fights to the death.


2. If someone wants to leave a warzone, forcing them to stay will not generate a POSITIVE result. It will generate a NEGATIVE result. i.e. they will either farm badges and ignore the objectives (bad), or they will AFK (worse).


I suggest that you do not implement EITHER of these changes in 1.2.


They have already stated 1.2 will also have more medals for objectives added..... :eek:

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doesnt matter what bioware does some people will ***** about whats wrong with what they did. People asked for a solution to players quitting, bw gives you 1 then you come up with 10 other things that will happen now that you listened to us. Its just a viscous circle for the complainers

Use your brain for a moment, it's not a solution when it will lead to worse problems.

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I am telling you right now straight up if these changes go in, I will be AFKing ANY BG that appears to be a loser (the teams werent fairly matched up and one team is jumping out to a huge lead). I will find a nice corner and dance in it. If you are going to put importance on commendations then I will tell you right now i will be ignoring your bg mechanics and doing nothing but badge farming.


Right now the badge farming heavily favours the sorc classes that can heal and dps. What about the melee classes Bioware? are you telling us not to bother or are you telling us to reroll?


This games pvp started out broken and with each successive patch has gotten worse and worse. Clearly nobody at bioware truely understands the playerbase and why/how they want to pvp.


/just being honest. you can hate the truth all you want.

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Its really, really, really, really, clear that his change is BAD.


I typically enjoy your posts Zaodon, but really you are going off on a tangent here. Think of it from a real life perspective. Just because CSR posted it doesn't mean


A) It's 100% fact

B) It contains all the information

C) It can only be interpreted one way.


Sure what you are saying could happen. But to 100% guarentee it is going to happen is misguided. And to say it's "really, really, really, clear" is also wrong. Nothing BW reps or any MMO reps every say is "clear". It's always vague, and it's very purposefully so.


So really, until they release patch notes there's no reason to continue this any further. If your scenario is true, sure your points are valid. Until that is confirmed there's no use discussing what the CSR and the yellow text actually means.

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