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Lack of End Game: Is BW reacting quick enough?


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I play 2-3 days a week for several hours.


I am STILL gearing up and I've been 50 for 3 weeks.


If you have beat end game (normal and hard) already you are playing way too much. If you beat both raids and all hardmodes you only have yourself to blame for rushing through the content.

Edited by Arkerus
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"Lack of End Game: Is BW reacting quick enough? "


Yep. If a couple more weeks is too long for yuo to wait for a large content addition, then you fall squarely into the "won't be pleased no matter what they do" group.


If you've maxed your first toon, level an alt or go play something else for a couple weeks and come back when more is added. 90%+ of players out there have not comlpeted everything there is to do. If you had time enough on your hands to spend maxing everything out within a month and a half, then my guess is you have so much time on your hands that you have trouble not getting bored. BW's job is not to provide you with 14 hours per day 24/7 of an alternate life to lead. It's to provide hundreds of hours of enjoyment. If you're angry there's no more huors of enjoyment cuz you used 'em all up, then I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you actually really liked the game and want more of it. It's nobody's fault that you have no patience.

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This is what i dont get, there is enough content for now, more is coming but people keep yapping like they have completed every single aspect of the game. But here is the thing that makes me laugh the most. If BW had made the content insane hard like some are asking the backlash would be immense as the endgame is to hard, we cant do this, what cant we get passed this boss bla bla bla BLA.


I would really love for bioware todo something like a lolcheck on peeps who say they have done everything, when someone comes on and says i have done x, x and x for a bioware peeps to come on and go no you havnt, you have done x y and z.

Edited by Shingara
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If you want to compete with WoW you have to release with competative features and content to the current WoW. You cant release like WoW was pre-MC and expect people to put up with it because we did way back when WoW launched lol.


Yes,, many years of development, 7 years of live play and constant tweaking, 4+ expansions and myriad content patches...SWTOR should have released as a game the size of WoW through Cataclysm...should've had koalas as an answer to WoW's pandas.


Do you guys even listen to yourselves speak?

Edited by Blotter
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So now ur smarter then the rest of us? Really? Go build your own MMO then my friend.


I think I would start by spending most of my money on Hype.

Outsource my art and writing to other countries, to trivialize the costs and quality.

Then have a beta for a year, with little progress, release Pre-order and 1-year payment plans months ahead without a ship date.

Now I'll start shipping and start charging the pre-orders while I take their money to play and fix my beta.

Then everyone with very low standards can help me pay to complete my mmo. Sounds like a plan.

Would you like a beta invite? Pre-order starts next week.

Edited by jizazi
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I think I would start by spending most of my money on Hype.

Outsource my art and writing to other countries, to trivialize the costs and quality.

Then have a beta for a year, with little progress, release Pre-order and 1-year payment plans months ahead without a ship date.

Now I'll start shipping and start charging the pre-orders while I take their money to play and fix my beta.

Then everyone with very low standards can help me pay to complete my mmo. Sounds like a plan.

Would you like a beta invite? Pre-order starts next week.



Yes Please!

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The challenge BW had was to create an end game that was some type of extension of what their game is all about: Story and Companions... unfortunately, end game isn't anything like leveling and you lose all the momentum one has in their story at level cap.


Just becomes another blah MMO end game grind... nothing distinguishing at all!


There in lies an issue!

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If you're the kind of player who plays 125+ hours every month, then here's my advice: find a second or maybe even a third game. There isn't a game available to you to keep you occupied even close to that amount of time long term unless it's a huge grind game, or unless you're obsessive in maxing out everything possible (every char slot, every companion's gear and affection, etc)


This is where F2P games are great, and is why I also think GW2 may end up helping SWTOR: it will distract people while they stay subbed and wait for more content.

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I think pvp needs to be more dynamic rather than static warzones. I suggest that BioWare promotes World-PvP on (all) planets which the players themselves manage. For example the players could be rewarded for taking enemy cities e.t.c instead of running through the same warzone over and over again. But ultimately it is the players who choose what they want to do and what to attack. It's BioWare's job to balance this so for instance the Empire doesn't roflstomp the Republic on every front.


I believe Aion solved it by introducing a third NPC faction that helped the weaker faction. In this game it could be mercenaries that either the Empire or Republic hire depending on which one is weaker/stronger.

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I'm still trying to get to 50, but I have other things in life that takes my time away, that and I am a slow leveler. I got about 120 hours played on my level 37, and about 50 hours played on my level 25, and that is not going afk a lot while logged into the game, maybe a couple hours worth all together in that 110 hours.


Maybe there are lots of others just like me, and that gives Bioware more time.

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I've got 2 lvl 50 characters now and I have two more alts that are getting close. When they hit 50 I don't think I'll be running hardmodes with them. Instead, I'll likely roll more alts until more content comes.


Having said that; I'm more concerned about the quality of future content than I am about the lack (and it is lacking) of end game now. This game came on the market too early. In beta I thought for sure it would get pushed back until March but it launched anyway (and I played it anyway). They had to make a deadline and I get that. But now I just want them to get it right.


So are they reacting quick enough? I'm just hoping they aren't "reacting" but enacting a well thought out plan which they have thoroughly tested. The speed at which we get new content is less important to me than the overall quality of the content we get.

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Yes,, many years of development, 7 years of live play and constant tweaking, 4+ expansions and myriad content patches...SWTOR should have released as a game the size of WoW through Cataclysm...should've had koalas as an answer to WoW's pandas.


Do you guys even listen to yourselves speak?


Well, the problem is, both games want $15/month from me *right now.* And since I'm only going to pay for one of them, they have to compete "head to head." If they don't want to do that, SWTOR can let me play for free for the next 7 years of live play while they catch up.


I'm not blaming SWTOR for being years behind WoW. I get that WoW has been around a long time and has had lots of iterations and such. But I'm not paying as a social statement - I'm paying to play the best game I can. And that just doesn't seem to be SW, much as I want it to be.


I spent two months playing SWTOR, and yeah, it reminds me a lot of a space-skinned WoW vanilla, circa 2004. And if that's what it has to be, that's fine - but it doesn't win the race for my $15. If they go FTP, I'll come back. But I just can't justify the "big league" subscription fee for what is still a "AA" title.

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The challenge BW had was to create an end game that was some type of extension of what their game is all about: Story and Companions... unfortunately, end game isn't anything like leveling and you lose all the momentum one has in their story at level cap.


Just becomes another blah MMO end game grind... nothing distinguishing at all!


There in lies an issue!


You have a good point there. The end game is the same as the rest of MMO community, Sadly, that will probably never change. I guess they could of made 1 more chapter of story for level 50s but there is only so much they can do.

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When I hit 50 I didn't bother with the daily grind and just rolled an alt. I hate raiding and so have interest in that either. Pvp at 50 became instantly unfun in comparison to the 1-49 experience due to severe gear disparity.


I wish the developers had tried to innovate endgame instead of creating World of TORcraft but I still hold out hope that they'll realize the folly of recreating an aged design and come up with engaging and meaningful endgame systems for all playstyles. Otherwise I think I am done with mmorpgs

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Go play the mind-drool that the writers make you deal with on a new class. You never know how bad your story is until listening to another story.


Why on earth would anyone pay a fee each month to play a single player RPG?




Yep. If a couple more weeks is too long for yuo to wait for a large content addition,


Large content addition...? They're adding one OPs. One. That's all. And it will probably be just as easy as the other two. That's not a large content addition.


This is perhaps the fourth thread I've read today about people being bored and wanting more content.

As I've said, guilds will clear the new OPs in 1 week due to it being ez-mode and people will realise there's nothing more to do in this game other than drive around in circles in Ilum hunting for crates, and they will unsub.

Fastest rising MMORPG, fastest plummeting MMORPG.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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I 50'd too fast I guess.


I can't log on anymore (without wanting to dig my eyes out with a taco bell spork).


Ride in circles in the center of Ilum? Na, that's not epic.


Zerg raid on Ilum? Boooring...


Broken FP's with little / and sometimes no rewards? Na...


Or having done them all (?).


End Game? What end game?


Who can do the same things over and over THAT many times?


Once again, I'd recommend the game to anyone. 1-50 is great fun, but post 50, this game is empty.


Devoid of anything except a mouse maze that always has the same (or somtimes no) cheese at the end of the tunnel.


-Empty shelled


its called a spork, the taco bell spoon

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This game seems squarely targetted towards those that enjoy the journey, not those who enjoy the destination.


So, I would argue it doesn't much matter if they lose the small percentage of powergamers who try to get to 50 as fast as possible, and then don't bother creating alts to explore the other storylines. Those players apparently aren't the target audience anyways.

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This game seems squarely targetted towards those that enjoy the journey, not those who enjoy the destination.


So, I would argue it doesn't much matter if they lose the small percentage of powergamers who try to get to 50 as fast as possible, and then don't bother creating alts to explore the other storylines. Those players apparently aren't the target audience anyways.


Apparently the target audience are people who enjoy single player RPGs with a chat function. What.

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Well lets see Rift we raided 2times a week cause the content was cleared in 2 days until new content came out

Wow we raided 2 days a week until content came out

eq2 we raided 2 days a week until content came out


etc etc


Dont see anything different then the state of games for the last 7 years


And ofc Im sure the op's guild has cleared everything on all modes already and has bis in every slot...


/This is what modern day MMO's are all about.


I think a select few people are too reliant upon the game still holding their hand post level 50?

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This game seems squarely targetted towards those that enjoy the journey, not those who enjoy the destination.


So, I would argue it doesn't much matter if they lose the small percentage of powergamers who try to get to 50 as fast as possible, and then don't bother creating alts to explore the other storylines. Those players apparently aren't the target audience anyways.


I completely agree. I just wish that there was a lot more journey for all play styles once 50 is reached.

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so you agree its a great game too then


As a single player game it wouldn't be very good due to it being very short. As a MMORPG it isn't very good due to it ending at 50. So no.

The ONLY thing BW did right was the leveling system and the RP of it all (although leveling went too fast). Leveling was quite pleasant as opposed to other MMORPG's feeling of grind. But that's all they got right. PVP is a failure, PVE is a failure, the game ends 2-3 weeks after you hit 50. An MMORPG is not supposed to end.

So no.

I will play the new OPs in 1.2, then I will probably unsub. IF I can hang on until 1.2. I can't even bother logging on for raid today so I doubt it.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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As a single player game it wouldn't be very good due to it being very short. As a MMORPG it isn't very good due to it ending at 50. So no.

The ONLY thing BW did right was the leveling system and the RP of it all (although leveling went too fast). That's all. PVP is a failure, PVE is a failure.


Then unsub, go play another game, and quit complaining about it. Let those of us who enjoy the game continue to enjoy it.


You're asking for Bioware to have hundreds of hours of post-l50 content in a game at launch. This goes along with the THOUSANDS of hours of existing content. I'm sorry, i don't know of ANY video game, EVER, that has infinite replay value. At some point, you've done everything there is to do.


Once you finish reading a book, do you immediately get on the publisher's website and complain about wanting a sequel? Or do you wait for the author to produce quality product?


It's the constant whine about "WAAH I'M LEVEL 50 AND I'M BORED" that make me not want to be on these forums. I've been playing 2 months and I'm *STILL* not Level 50. When I get there, I'll play my alts some more, and BE PATIENT waiting for them to introduce new content.

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