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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Little worried about PvP daily change


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As many have seen there is going to be a change to how we go about getting our bags in 1.2 getting rid of dailies.


Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression


I am a little worried about this change and the following is why.


Right now the WZ commendations we get seem to be based on medals like valor is. And you do not get medals for focusing on the objectives needed to win other then the bonus for actually being on the winning team.


I love to win!


I tend to focus on objectives over all ells. It is not uncommon for me to finish a Huttball match with only 2 medals and I am 1 of the biggest contributors to the win… Grabbing the ball, passing the ball around, getting to a position to be passed to, running ahead of enemy ball carrier and making sure you stop the impending pass off. I am all over the place doing it all but standing in mid and just mindlessly killing.. I end up with the 2k hit medal and the killing blow and that is about it…


In Civil War I end up with 4 or 5 if I am lucky. I am a decent player and am often stuck defending a node alone. Most of the time the enemy sends a random person over to see if they can ninja it and after that I am stuck standing there. I usually end up with the 2k and 10 D for standing at the node, 2k hit, killing blow, solo kill. I am stuck at the node defending which is enormously important to have a competent person doing even if they see no action.


In Void Star it is a little better. I am usually the 1 capping wile I have the team trying to sucker the enemy to the other side. I do not get into much fighting on O unless the team I am facing is good about not falling for the trick its about 50 50 on it. O round I may get no metals but cap all 3 doors I may get 5 or more usually it is not many. D round makes up for it if the team is attacking my door which usually happens but there are rounds again I am stuck watching the door alone and see no action. I would say this map is the best medal map of the 3. I can be anyplace from 3 to 10 medals pending how the enemy team acts.



With all of that said what I am building up to is the following.


If this change is not done right and possibly with a change in medals, the people going out of the way to ensure a win are going to be losing out on a heck of a lot more then they are already. At least in comparison to the people mindlessly fighting not caring about the actual objectives and pulling in the win reward with little contribution to the actual goal. This could just devolve into a mindless medal farm with people brawling in the mid with no care to what the actual match is trying to accomplish.


Some are ok with that but in my opinion PvP is boring if there is no direction or goal to work at. Hi to you Ilum group up and mindlessly killing. It is boring and a waist.


I really hope among the other PvP changes he eludes to how we gain points is 1 of them. Or it is going to be tough for some people no matter how good they are.


O and a shout out to all the healers out there working hard to keep us alive and getting the worst valor and commendation gain of any other roll. With out you most wins would not be possible.

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It would help if you would post a link to this new info.




All that long post is like a random woman rambling "about that new dress she have seen in the store that we obviously have idea about".


I won't even bother reading without reference.

Edited by Lerdoc
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I know the feeling. Wish trying to actually win was more rewarding, especially in Huttball. Drives me nuts that my Commando gets far more medals in losing games where I've given up and gone farming than in winning games when I actually contribute. Edited by maradigamer
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Could you link to the new information? I didn't find anything on the blog.


But I agree that the medal and contribution system needs a workover.


I can solo-score 3 Huttballs and end up with 600 Objective Points while the rest of the team is making litterally 0 contribution towards winning.


If Bioware wants a new system to work, they have to reawrd:


-People who cap points

-People who score Huttball goals

-People who carry a ball for >20 seconds

-People who pass a ball

-People who "defend" a turret in Civil War. Even if it is just standing there.

-People who interrupt caps

-People who solo-cap (ninja)



Aside from that, medals shouldn't be tied to single hits like a 2.5k heal or a 5k attack. Medals should be awarded for overall contribution.


-Get a medal for every 50k damage you deal (with each successive medal requiring an additional 20k damage)


-Get a medal for every 40k you heal (with every successive medal requiring an additional 15k healing)


-For every 10 kills (with each successive medal requiring an additional 5 kills)


-For every 5 killing blows (with each successive medal requiring an additional 3 killing blows)


-Capping a point or objective should also award a medal, without diminishing returns.


-For passing 3 Huttballs (with each successive medal requiring an additional 2 passes, has a ~10 second cooldown).


And various other changes that male sense.



Yes, this would mean an influx in medals but at least the difference between players wouldn't be as huge as it is now. I've seen games with one player having 13+ medals while the ones who defended the cap were stuck with 2.


That's a over 400% difference.


With my suggested system even the passive defenders should come away with ~10 medals per match while the zerger might come away with 20 (only a 100% difference).

Edited by Dee-Jay
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I had two goals and a direct (pass over last fire pit) assist on my Assassin in one Huttball game last night and got zero objective points. In an Alderaan the other day I ninja-capped a side turret and then held it alone for a few minutes and finished the match with three medals). The objective/medal/reward system in this game is a shameful mess, and it rewards behavior that screws the people who are actually playing to win.
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Awwww, FRACK! Did he say "and penalties for quitters"?! Really, Bioware? Wow, I really thought they had a smidgeon of basic understanding...


Ah, well. I for one welcome our new AFKer overlords.


Mythic caves to the whiners. Always has. It's the reason DAoC's subscription curve trended downward from the day the game launched. It's disappointing to see the same thing happen here but I suppose it should have been expected.

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I know the feeling. Wish trying to actually win was more rewarding, especially in Huttball. Drives me nuts that my Commando gets far more medals in losing games where I've given up and gone farming than in winning games when I actually contribute.


Well, hopefully they will not take winning out of the equation all together. They may change it to doing 18 total or win 9, something along those lines.

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There already is a defender medal for Civil War for just standing by a turret, though.

...and I got those. But the douchenozzle who kept zerging into mid and firing off all his AOE attacks, never once coming close to claiming or guarding an objective, got more medals.

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...and I got those. But the douchenozzle who kept zerging into mid and firing off all his AOE attacks, never once coming close to claiming or guarding an objective, got more medals.


Yes, but if the douchenozzles charging mid got less than the guys standing at the one turret we actually hold, everyone will stand around one turret the whole game. It already happens in really bad losing games.

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Not if there's medals for capping ans such. Then they'll all try to get those. There's no perfect solution, if you attach points to capping a turret you'll end up with five idiots all competing to channel first instead of holding back attackers, but at least reward behavior that is correct in theory instead of giving scrubs six 2.5K Douchenozzle Points medals.
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long story short: if you are quitting because your team sucks or if you quit within the first 30 seconds because the opposite team got a lucky good rush, then you deserve to fall behind in gear. not only that if that change is coming i hope it also comes with the ability to kick AFKers from the warzones.




/ok so my question is , why do people quit anyway, why do you AFK...for the life of me i really dont understand the logic. WE pay money to play the game, so why not play...there have been many warzones i have been in where people have quit where if the other team grabs the first object too quickly people will leave, and in alot of those matches our tema actually comes back and wins ...


if you pay 15$ or so a month to play a game and all you do is /quit or /afk the whole match , why even play at all if you dont like pvp for the enjoyment of facing a challenge dont queue up at all!!


there have even been a few times when i join a match already in prgress and we are losing, then end up winning at the end...i am not sure if the matches in those cases started short or people disconnected or actual quitters.


For all those people that think of themselves as Good and would rather quit than be on a bad team, unsub now and wait for a time when they let us queue up as an 8 man team because i dont want you in my warzone, i have an average 60/40 win/loss ratio, on some days its 80/20 others its 20/80, overall its about 60/40. heck if your that elite of a player maybe you can make the difference between a loss and a win.( i doubt that you are)



if you dont like to lose, if you dont like to die, and if you dont want to face a challenge, then dont PVP its a simple as that.

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long story short: if you are quitting because your team sucks or if you quit within the first 30 seconds because the opposite team got a lucky good rush, then you deserve to fall behind in gear. not only that if that change is coming i hope it also comes with the ability to kick AFKers from the warzones.




/ok so my question is , why do people quit anyway, why do you AFK...for the life of me i really dont understand the logic. WE pay money to play the game, so why not play...there have been many warzones i have been in where people have quit where if the other team grabs the first object too quickly people will leave, and in alot of those matches our tema actually comes back and wins ...


if you pay 15$ or so a month to play a game and all you do is /quit or /afk the whole match , why even play at all if you dont like pvp for the enjoyment of facing a challenge dont queue up at all!!


there have even been a few times when i join a match already in prgress and we are losing, then end up winning at the end...i am not sure if the matches in those cases started short or people disconnected or actual quitters.


For all those people that think of themselves as Good and would rather quit than be on a bad team, unsub now and wait for a time when they let us queue up as an 8 man team because i dont want you in my warzone, i have an average 60/40 win/loss ratio, on some days its 80/20 others its 20/80, overall its about 60/40. heck if your that elite of a player maybe you can make the difference between a loss and a win.( i doubt that you are)



if you dont like to lose, if you dont like to die, and if you dont want to face a challenge, then dont PVP its a simple as that.

You come back and win because a lot of the most notorious quitters (there are a few names I see in Ops and I know they'll insta-quit in certain situations) are the reasons their teams lose. Quitting is a selfish act by a selfish person, and selfish people don't help in warzones. There's noting like some kid ************ in ops that all of his warzone teams have been full of losers, having him quit and getting the comeback win. I like to whisper the score to them after the match.

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Hows about 0 rewards for doing things and just rewards for the win and a small amount for a loss.



Points for anything like passing etc will just lead to people passing the ball between each other for points etc etc.



Just forget the idea and encourage people to win if they want a decent reward.

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long story short: if you are quitting because your team sucks or if you quit within the first 30 seconds because the opposite team got a lucky good rush, then you deserve to fall behind in gear.


I actually found that I got gear faster by leaving early when the game is going to be a loss. While you stay in a losing game, I'm now in a new game where I can win.

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long story short: if you are quitting because your team sucks or if you quit within the first 30 seconds because the opposite team got a lucky good rush, then you deserve to fall behind in gear. not only that if that change is coming i hope it also comes with the ability to kick AFKers from the warzones.


Why would we fall behind in gear? I often leave an obvious steamroll loss sometimes. Just last night, I join a match, half my team is level 13 and lower. That is, 4 people level 13 and lower. And three of them are snipers, i.e. killfarmers who won't go anywhere near the ball. The enemy team is mostly 36+. Do I really need to stick around?


So I left. Immediately popped into next match, fair game, won 3-2 with 10 medals. I don't think I lost ANYTHING by leaving the first game early. In fact, I'm 99% positive I came out way ahead in valor per hour compared to staying.


Come 1.2, what happens? I'll still get teams of level 10-13s. Or morons, which happens at any level. Only I'll be penalized for quitting. So I'll either farm medals, or if they're too organized and we're getting farmed, just AFK in the corner somewhere. Or quit playing the game altogether, which is always a possibility.


Why do people quit? Some matches are an obvious loss. Why bother? Especially if you are trying to do a daily, which means you only want wins, not medals.




-Voidstar begins, ALL my team goes to one door. That's a loss. I've stayed for many of these, and they are 100% loss. Why stay? My team is morons. Move on.


-Alderaan begins, ALL my team goes to our nearest turrets and sets up camp. Enemy caps 2 other turrets and sets up camp. None of my guys move away from the turret. Again, that's a loss, 100% guaranteed mathematically proven loss. I don't need to sit there for 12 mins and watch that crap happen.


-Huttball, match begins, half my team doesn't make it to the ball, because they died along the way in fire and acid. Yes, I'm not kidding. I've seen it happen. I've seen a level 38 Merc stand in acid and shoot tracer missiles until he died. And you are asking me why I quit a match like that? I guess because such obvious stupidity is really painful to look at.


But at least for now, I have the option to quit. If penalties are introduced, my options are narrowed down to suffering through it. And why should I? Why should I suffer because of other peoples' ineptitude and stupidity? Another option is AFK. And third option is quit the game.


Since no game in history has EVER done a good job at dealing with AFKs, and BioWare so far has shown an alarming lack of understanding of basic MMO mechanics, and have done nothing to ban exploiters and cheaters, AFKing will be pretty safe.


if you pay 15$ or so a month to play a game and all you do is /quit or /afk the whole match , why even play at all if you dont like pvp for the enjoyment of facing a challenge dont queue up at all!!


I like PvP. I enjoy good close matches. Some of the best huttball matches I had were 3-3 where we won by seconds. But I will quit and afk if my team is brainless morons or lowbies. Because I don't enjoy playing with brainless morons and lowbies. Yes, I'm aware a lowbie gets bolstered and blah blah blah, but let's be honest here, most classes don't have even half of their abilities until 20-26. A level 10 might as well be an empty space.


there have even been a few times when i join a match already in prgress and we are losing, then end up winning at the end...i am not sure if the matches in those cases started short or people disconnected or actual quitters.


It happens. But when people are acting intelligently, even if we're getting badly outplayed...guess what? I STAY! lol I don't mind losing because we deserve it, but when WE DO OUR BEST TO WIN. But when half my team doesn't know which side is up, I will absolutely quit the match and I will not lose a second of sleep over it. And if they all put me on ignore, so much the better, they're not the kind of people I care to interact with.




There's other cases where it's safe to quit. I was in an Alderaan match, and I'm watching three people attack a tank Juggernaut, with a healer Sorc standing 10m away spamming heals on him. I didn't even attack, I just stood back and watched the Jugg kill them all. They rezzed. And repeated the exact same thing again. Nobody went for the Sorcerer, they all kept hammering the Jugg. Now, based on that, do you think these are skillful, intelligent players who have a snowball's chance in hell of winning a match?


Why in heaven's name should I be punished simply for refusing to play with these cretins? Huh? When I join a BFBC2 server, and find my team is 90% snipers, sitting at spawn and we're losing the Rush match, should I be penalized for quitting too? Maybe even IP banned? A server like that would be pretty much dead very soon.


Guess what will happen to SWTOR? At first, it'll be TONS of AFKs. If nothing is done about them, and based on how BioWare dealt with Ilum exploiters, absolutely nothing will be done, that by itself has the potential to kill WZs.

Edited by Sabbathius
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