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I can't seem to level alts... It's frustrating.


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So if you're a raider, like me, once you have content on farm you run out of stuff to do so you level alts. The problem is that leveling in this game is terrible. Hats off to Bioware for adding story to the leveling experience, but I feel like every planet is just another level in a giant rail shooter disguised as an MMO.


Does anyone else feel this way, because it strikes me as a fairly big problem and may end up costing BW subs down the road.

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Now that the new game smell has worn off it's really easy to see how a lot could have been handled better. For example, and this is just from my experience with the SW story.


Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine and Aldeeran are the four planets that make up act 1. This is exactly how KOTOR handled it's story. Go to four planets in any order, collects bits and pieces of story that lead you towards the next goal. This is a good system, gives you an illusion of choice, gives you replay value on your next game when you want to try another order and maybe discover something a little different. This could completely work in SWTOR, the relevant story pieces of each planet are completely interchangeable, but for whatever reason you are forced to go in a certain order.

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So if you're a raider, like me, once you have content on farm you run out of stuff to do so you level alts. The problem is that leveling in this game is terrible. Hats off to Bioware for adding story to the leveling experience, but I feel like every planet is just another level in a giant rail shooter disguised as an MMO.


Does anyone else feel this way, because it strikes me as a fairly big problem and may end up costing BW subs down the road.


Leveling is simplistic and fast especially if you spacebar it. I have a 50 sorcerer and leveling a assassin now. I already did the story so leveling is going quick on him. If I ever want to roll a powertech I'll do the same since I also have a 50 merc.

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This is the MMO way my friend. You level up you go to a new zone/planet. Rinse and repeat. On the bright side the stories are all different so that makes it fun for me.


I am well aware of that, I played WoW for 5 years or something and I got 6 classes to 80 before I quit during ICC.


When you leveled alts in WoW you had done it all before, but you still like you were on an adventure. SWTOR feels like a rail shooter.

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Does anyone else feel this way


Nope, having lots of fun levelling alts on the side, as well as my main. I usually do my main for a few days, then a day on an alt, then back to main for a week, then another alt, etc., etc. The class stories are very different, and even the zone quests and side quests react differently to your different class, and give you different options sometimes. Plus there's space combat, FPs, Heroics and PvP for when I get bored levelling through quest lines. I don't tend to "do everything" on every toon, I tend to do some things more on one toon than another (e.g. crafting, space combat), so I'm experiencing the totality of the game through different toons at different times. This leaves me to concentrate on a "path" through the game that feels right for a given toon (e.g. my Scoundrel does lots of space combat, but my Jedi Knight hardly touches it).

Edited by gurugeorge
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Nope, having lots of fun levelling alts on the side, as well as my main. I usually do my main for a few days, then a day on an alt, then back to main for a week, then another alt, etc., etc. The class stories are very different, and even the zone quests and side quests react differently to your different class, and give you different options sometimes. Plus there's space combat, FPs, Heroics and PvP for when I get bored levelling through quest lines.


Glad you are having fun but be honest. Outside of class stories quests are probably 80-90% the same.

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I am well aware of that, I played WoW for 5 years or something and I got 6 classes to 80 before I quit during ICC.


When you leveled alts in WoW you had done it all before, but you still like you were on an adventure. SWTOR feels like a rail shooter.


WoW is just as bad as this for levelling. You must just prefer fantasy games than sci-fi. Maybe you should quit and stop posting.

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Glad you are having fun but be honest. Outside of class stories quests are probably 80-90% the same.


They're the same and not the same. My character isn't the same, the way s/he looks when reacting to the quest giver isn't the same, the way they react to my character isn't always the same, etc. So if I'm in the mood for immersion, I usually don't mind repeating side quests.


The only thing that's different if I've already done a side quest is that I feel free to spacebar through it if I'm in a hurry. I do that maybe 10-20% of the time with side quests I've already done, but hardly ever with zone quests and certainly never with class quests.


A lot depends on how long it is since I've done a given side quest. If I haven't done it for a while, I'll tend to sit through the dialogue and get into the feeling of it being a continuous adventure. If I did the same side quest yesterday on an alt, then yeah, I'll probably spacebar it.


Good acting is good acting. A good story is a good story. Both of these can bear quite a bit of repetition before they get stale. I have no doubt that point will come, but it's not yet.


If there's anything that does annoy me, it's the samey nature of the actual actions I've got to do - e.g. clickies, combat, etc.


In fact, if anything, repeating the VO is actually far preferable to repeating the quest action itself. Hearing someone tell me about a problem about their sensors is more emotionally engaging than the actual act of fixing the sensors (glowie/clickie).

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WoW is just as bad as this for levelling. You must just prefer fantasy games than sci-fi. Maybe you should quit and stop posting.


Or unlike in wow and rift there are no alternatives besides pvp spam to a zone, every toon of a faction goes to the exact same places at the exact same time.

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So you're happy to run through the same things over and over again every night, walking down the exact same corridors and fighting the exact same enemies, but you have a problem traveling to different settings, fighting varied enemies and engaging in an interesting story?


Me thinks this game isn't for you. I'd suggest you try and get into dungeon crawler games. Something like Dark Souls or the upcoming Diablo 3 might be more to your liking. All the thrill of combat and loot but none of those pesky stories getting in the way.

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No, saying that "every MMO is the same" is wrong.

You see... in other MMOs you can pick where you level up.


I have two level 50 characters and although I want to have a third I feel like I'd just die of boredom. And it would be so much better if I could pick another zone to level in.

We aren't given any freedom in where we're going and we end up just spaming spacebar on our second playthrough during side quests because who'd like to listen to all this crap again? I certainly wouldn't mind if it was just written in text, because after all... most people don't even read what's in it, they just click "accept" and go do it, because at the end of the day you may read and listen to what NPCs have to say but the result will always be the same - They'll need you to kill x amount of certain mobs or bring x amount of items from either some kind of containers or dead bodies.


The story in TOR is nice, but only the first time you do it. whenever I realise that I'll have to go through the most horrible planet (Corellia) again I just can't seem to force myself to log in onto my alt...


If I could choose 1 planet out of two on every level bracket I'd absolutely love it. I'm kinda surprised that they didn't add them in 6 years.

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So if you're a raider, like me, once you have content on farm you run out of stuff to do so you level alts. The problem is that leveling in this game is terrible. Hats off to Bioware for adding story to the leveling experience, but I feel like every planet is just another level in a giant rail shooter disguised as an MMO.


Does anyone else feel this way, because it strikes me as a fairly big problem and may end up costing BW subs down the road.


I agree..just leveling my alt on Tatooine. This morning I said "Ok. Tatooine it's a really nice place, let's make a big tour!".

After 3 yardes I hit an INVISIBLE wall on the entrance of a secondary town road. Really sad.

Who's saying "Every mmo is like this" really don't ever played a mmo.

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So if you're a raider, like me, once you have content on farm you run out of stuff to do so you level alts. The problem is that leveling in this game is terrible. Hats off to Bioware for adding story to the leveling experience, but I feel like every planet is just another level in a giant rail shooter disguised as an MMO.


Does anyone else feel this way, because it strikes me as a fairly big problem and may end up costing BW subs down the road.


I agree. For some reason questing in this game is just boring. I just want to see my class quests and have the option to skip planet questing altogether now that I've seen them on my main. Sadly this puts one in an xp dilemma. So I'm basically forced to do things I don't want in order to enjoy the oft touted STORY. Something needs to change or be added or taken away, but something must happen. I've unsubbed and I just spoke to 2 people today at Gamestop who have the same issue. They liked the initial story and main character but endgame and alt play is abysmal.

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Well in some way i can say leveling in SWTOR its a little bit more repetitive than other MMOs i played. Especially since u really have no options here because of the strory. You have to do all planets even if u dont want (in some degree). In WoW u didnt have to do all regions, in some alts i didnt even traveled to some because i hated them. But here there is no much of a choice especially since some class quest take to the same places that the planet story line quest are. So they are on the way or very close.


I hope this changes in the future and we get a real choice to chose how we want to level up alts and dont be forced to go to all planets to progress on the class story. I say this because i have 4 chars (50,43,41,17) and the only thing i am looking forward its to get the legacy and roll a republic char, i dont think i am rolling another alt until the legacy its implemented and even then i dont think i will roll more than 1-2 on the republic. And considering this is a brand new game there isn't much left to me to do. I hope things change with the future patches.


But i have to say the stories of most of the classes i have played are very good, the only draw back i see its having to do the same side quest over and over. I really think this game has potential but right now there are many broken things like: crafting, operations, bugs...


Also i think one of the reason i leveled alts in WoW and other MOMs was because of crafting but right now my lvl 17 sorcerer has 400 in all the crew skills and the only flaw its that i can sent more than 2 companions on missions but besides that there is much to try to level her up besides the story wich i found to be the worst of the 4 imperial stories.


Sorry for my english.

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So let me get this straight...in other games, you would just by-pass entire sections of content just to get to the end of the game? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of playing the game? I mean, you spent $60 for an out of box experience, don't you want you money's worth? I could see this if maybe there was no point to the game except for the end-game content (and there there already MMO "lite" games out there for this if that is what you want).


Plus, just about every RPG with a level system that is broken up into "zones" is designed so that each zone is to be tackled by the player during a given level rage. It's how the difficulty of the game is spread out. Unless there was some sort of dynamic level system where the mob levels are adjusted based on who aggored them, I don't know how you could make a cross-zone MMORPG. I mean, what happens if a lvl 50 player aggros a mob, which sets that mobs level to 50 and then runs away while a bunch of lvl 1 characters are there trying to complete their quests?


Again, I really don't see how TOR could have done things any different. It's the same system that even traditional, non-MMO RPG games use (with exceptions such as Skyrim which have a single world and dynamical leveling...but that is only a single player game).

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I've levelled a smuggler on Republic and now I'm levelling a sorcerer on Empire.


The Empire side doesn't feel as linear and as enclosed as the Republic side. but that might just be me.

Edited by Terans
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