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WOW The designers love the sith


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I would like them to fix the 31 point healing talent for Sorcs. It heals around 1k less than the Sage version. This is an actual bug rather than an oversight due to animations, only the second part of the spell (the AE hot) works for Sorcs, while the Sage gets a big upfront heal then the hot.


But I'm sure the people whining about differences would ever acknowledge this bug. Empire is overpowered. :rolleyes:

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I would like them to fix the 31 point healing talent for Sorcs. It heals around 1k less than the Sage version. This is an actual bug rather than an oversight due to animations, only the second part of the spell (the AE hot) works for Sorcs, while the Sage gets a big upfront heal then the hot.


But I'm sure the people whining about differences would ever acknowledge this bug. Empire is overpowered. :rolleyes:


Not since the last patch. Now, they are both bugged.

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It is absurd to think it was intentionally done due to an inherent like of empire or dislike of republic, the more obvious answer is 2 different teams coded each side and didnt communicate well with each other.


That might have been plausible if BW ever corrected the situation. Its now been so long since this was pointed out and extensively documented that its about the only rational conclusion to draw -- its either this or they havent hired enough programers to work through coding issues (which, frankly is worse).

Edited by Bluetickone
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That might have been plausible if BW ever corrected the situation. Its now been so long since this was pointed out and extensively documented that its about the only rational conclusion to draw -- its either this or they havent hired enough programers to work through coding issues (which, frankly is worse).


Every patch has corrected one to two factional ability imbalances, have you not been reading the notes?

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That might have been plausible if BW ever corrected the situation. Its now been so long since this was pointed out and extensively documented that its about the only rational conclusion to draw -- its either this or they havent hired enough programers to work through coding issues (which, frankly is worse).


Or it could be that it's not a high priority item since it makes almost zero difference in game.

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I play both sides, and the only thing I find overpowered on the Empire side is the aesthetics. Everything from the surroundings to the gear is far superior in design to anything Republic has. Look like a bad *** in wicked armor, or wear a dirty brown potato sack? Fly around in a wicked looking ship, or putter around in a box with toenail clippers for wings?


Your call.


Seems the Empire Classes had better writers and/or more time devoted to writing. The Trooper story line, for example, is dull as can be from start to finish. What little BH and Sith Warrior story I've experienced so far was far more involved and interesting.

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Yes, those whole fraction of a second difference in cast times really amount to a massive imbalance. :rolleyes:


Actually it's not just a fraction of a second.

Take the Smuggler/Agent examples.

Agents' stun is instant. Smuggler's stun roots them in place and plays the kick animation. By the time they can move again, they have already lost a second. In other words, the Agents' stun is 1 second longer. Does that sound like a mirror skill?

Or how about the explosive probe/sabotoge charge. The agents' is instant, allowing them to throw it on the back of skills with a channel or cast time. The Smuggler one isn't. The Smuggler needs to use it before an attack making it far less viable. It's a simple truth that Most Sharpshooters (Gunslingers) Don't even use sabotage charge at 50 because they found it to not be effective enough. But Marksman (Snipers) Use it in their rotation all the time.

So these seemingly insignificant differences actually makes one class better with a better stun, and a different skill rotation with a skill they can actually viably use.

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Oh look, a thread full of Empire who only play Empire saying it's fine.


Yeah I don't understand the argument behind defending the differences. There is absolutely no reason that mirror class abilities should not be mechanically identical regardless of who is on the receiving end of the advantage.

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Oh look, a thread full of Empire who only play Empire saying it's fine.


How about you actually list some imbalances instead of crying like a little girl on the forums. It really is amazing how much stupidty permeates this place, it almost makes you dumber reading the threads on this board.

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Actually IMO sents look like wanna be Ironman/golden/white power rangers. My biggest issue atm is purely from an aesthetics point of view. JK all look the same in end content PVP gear with only color being the difference. That said Bioware please get some diversity in JK PVP gear. It is bad enough just about every class has multiple bonus choices but sents really get screwed as they only have one set, and they share a weapon with Guardian DPS players. It is like they got to JK class and where lazy as crap for the armor sets.


Marauders also share their pvp gear with Juggernauts. I'll give you that the JK pvp gear is an atrocity though.

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Jung Ma, the Republic dominate the 1-49 and the 50 warzones. It's honestly 8 out of 10 matches win on average, and most of the time I may lose 1 out of 10 matches as republic. This is just random matches with rarely any full guild groups, just pugs. I do have 50's on Empire side Jung Ma too, but I abandoned them for republic. Republic on Jung Ma seem to be more mature, listen, and work well together to get constant wins. Empire on Jung Ma are more towards getting medals and don't care if they win a warzone, so they lose constantly. Come to Jung Ma people if you want a good republic server :)


It is the same on both servers I play, but I am not going to advertise which ones they are as I don't want newbs to roll in and ruin a good thing. :cool:

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The thing that pisses me off the most about the whole sith/republic thing is that the devs know they gave the sith much better appearances, and its a joke to them.


Playing as a jedi knight, your companion Kira will occasionally say "have you seen what the sith are wearing? its like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side."

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How about you actually list some imbalances instead of crying like a little girl on the forums. It really is amazing how much stupidty permeates this place, it almost makes you dumber reading the threads on this board.


Uhh.... there's dozens of threads that have existed on this topic, infact there's a 90-page one that has been ignored by the devs.


Project vs Shock

Mortar Volley vs Death from Above


Those two being two prime examples.


Project has a 1.5second travel time, making the damage delayed, making it bad for interrupting actions such as doors on Voidstar or capping a tower on Alderaan, etc. If somebody stealths while it is traveling the rock will also float and do nothing.


Mortar Volley takes about 1.5seconds before the Trooper starts shooting. Death from Above it takes closer to 0.6 seconds even though they jump into the air to shoot. Meaning in PvP or PvE, it's much easier for the enemy to escape Mortar Volley. You literally have 1.5 seconds to get out of the huge blue graphic on the ground.


Other examples like listed above with Smuggler vs Operative. Dirty Kick roots you in place when you use it. There's something like 20+ differences between Republic and Empire skills, and almost all of them favor Empire. In the beta there were even skills that had a 50% longer cooldown on Republic-side, even though they were the same fundamental skill.

Edited by savionen
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How about you actually list some imbalances instead of crying like a little girl on the forums. It really is amazing how much stupidty permeates this place, it almost makes you dumber reading the threads on this board.


I, for one, feel dumber after reading this pointless, DB post.

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There was a really good explanation posted up about why Imps seem to win more often at PVP.


It essentially goes like this;


"There are usually 2x or 5x as many imps compared to pubs on a server, what this leads to is Imps playing Imps in Hutball constantly all the time. So Imps continuously put other Imps through the PVP grinder so to speak. Same goes for Pubs, except Pubs always play Imps in Huttball. (Obviously in the other warzones its always IMPS vs PUBS). Know we can assume that for most people as they play PVP they will improve at it. For the IMPS this means that overtime more of them get better because IMPS play each other all the time. When PUBS play the PUBS and IMPS acquire "real-life" experience at pvping. What happens is you get 3x as many IMPS gaining PVP experience compared to PUBS. And this doesn't even take into account the fact that que times for IMPS are laughably quick."


Hope that makes sense to some of you!

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Uhh.... there's dozens of threads that have existed on this topic, infact there's a 90-page one that has been ignored by the devs.


Project vs Shock

Mortar Volley vs Death from Above


Those two being two prime examples.


Project has a 1.5second travel time, making the damage delayed, making it bad for interrupting actions such as doors on Voidstar or capping a tower on Alderaan, etc. If somebody stealths while it is traveling the rock will also float and do nothing.


Mortar Volley takes about 1.5seconds before the Trooper starts shooting. Death from Above it takes closer to 0.6 seconds even though they jump into the air to shoot. Meaning in PvP or PvE, it's much easier for the enemy to escape Mortar Volley. You literally have 1.5 seconds to get out of the huge blue graphic on the ground.


Other examples like listed above with Smuggler vs Operative. Dirty Kick roots you in place when you use it. There's something like 20+ differences between Republic and Empire skills, and almost all of them favor Empire. In the beta there were even skills that had a 50% longer cooldown on Republic-side, even though they were the same fundamental skill.


So 2 differences in animations means that the devs all play sith and hate the republic side. I see now it all makes sense, thanks for alerting me to this massive imbalance.

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There was a really good explanation posted up about why Imps seem to win more often at PVP.


It essentially goes like this;


"There are usually 2x or 5x as many imps compared to pubs on a server, what this leads to is Imps playing Imps in Hutball constantly all the time. So Imps continuously put other Imps through the PVP grinder so to speak. Same goes for Pubs, except Pubs always play Imps in Huttball. (Obviously in the other warzones its always IMPS vs PUBS). Know we can assume that for most people as they play PVP they will improve at it. For the IMPS this means that overtime more of them get better because IMPS play each other all the time. When PUBS play the PUBS and IMPS acquire "real-life" experience at pvping. What happens is you get 3x as many IMPS gaining PVP experience compared to PUBS. And this doesn't even take into account the fact that que times for IMPS are laughably quick."


Hope that makes sense to some of you!


Empire are actually pretty terrible on my server I have to say. Republic tends to win 60-70% of the games. I've played both factions up to 40+. The difference is that Empire farmed Battlemaster on Ilum, so half of the 50s have uber gear, and they have PvP advantages such as all the mirror-issues and the Alderaan turret, etc.

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So 2 differences in animations means that the devs all play sith and hate the republic side. I see now it all makes sense, thanks for alerting me to this massive imbalance.


Lawl. Go look it up or pay attention to other people in this thread. There's dozens of mirror-class issues. Alderaan greatly favors Empire because the Republic-side turret doesn't do damage for 6 seconds, etc.


Empire also has a much higher population so they level faster and get Valor significantly faster in Ilum. There was also a massive amount of Empire exploiting Ilum to get to Battlemaster over a few days, whereas Republic was completely unable to partake in that event. The Empire people that exploited didn't even get banned even though Bioware said they took care of it.


A few elements such as the economy are out of Bioware's control, but they still have done nothing to try and fix faction balance aside from the other issues. There's no incentives to roll Republic at all, unless you want to be the underdog with weaker skills or just really want to be a Republic class for lore/style.

Edited by savionen
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So 2 differences in animations means that the devs all play sith and hate the republic side. I see now it all makes sense, thanks for alerting me to this massive imbalance.



It's not just two. Seriously, you are only showing your ignorance and should probably read this thread. Everything is laid out very nicely for you. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553

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Hmm if you look at the the Patches made to the is game form launch day you can clearly see that the Nerfs are more focused on the Republic faction than on the Imperials, IT Proves THESE Dev are favoring the Imperial ever wonder why they show video of the Sith dong the OPs and not the Republic ... ? Yes their is favoritism


Use your head for a second. What possible reason could they have to favor the Empire? There is no consipiracy.

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I hope he likes the taste of his own foot.


Yea the thread started almost 3 months ago that is full of misinformation and fixed bugs really made me stop to think. I think you guys are right, Bioware is purposely biased against half of their playerbase, their ultimate motivation is to have them quit so that the Empire will rule unchecked.

Edited by Remulan
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