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The worst character animation in SWTOR


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This is the Example of horrid animation and its alternative


edit: And here is the analogy.


Can you tell me how that passed torugh director of the team responsible for character animations?


On the left is in-game actuall animation, and on the right is quickly photoshoped example of how small effort was needed to make it look acceptable... Those shoulders have to lowered... its just mockery of sith warriors... While fixing it i would laso rotate head so he would be facing higher... kind of feeling delight of the channeled hatred, inseatd of current pose like he is about to ragequit the game and scream like a girl.


Feel free to post your candidates for "The worst character animation in swtor" in the replies.

Edited by MuNieK
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I prefer the left one. He actually looks... I dunno, ANGRY?


I find that he looks rather defeated in the right, with his slumped shoulders.


EDIT: Actually, the right one looks rather close to a meditating type of position I've seen in Tai Chi

Edited by Anthocyanin
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An animation is moving- not a still picture. You judge an animation on its fluidity- not one strangulated screenshot.


Maybe you meant modeling? Or just grasping at straws again?


Hehe actually this is it... the whole animation of channel hatred is this still pose and some particle effects around the hands. There is no fluidity to be find in that animation mate :)


Sorry i dont get the idiom about straws, im not from your culture.

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The left one looks much better.


Yup. The right one doesn't look sith at all. Infact if anything it looks more jedi.


Jedi's don't feed off emotion. Sith do. Makes perfect sense and looks good.

It's said that Sith are not good at force healing, that it's more of a Jedi technique.


So I guess using the emotion of Rage and also pain to heal themselves works perfectly.



If you really can't stand it, re-roll a sith inq. They have the Darth Maul pacing back and forth animation. Looks great when there are more enemies near by to kill. Though it looks kinda silly when there are NO enemies around, and he's pacing back and forth looking at a wall like he's gonna murder it.

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Yup. The right one doesn't look sith at all. Infact if anything it looks more jedi.


Jedi's don't feed off emotion. Sith do. Makes perfect sense and looks good.


How come raised shoulders - pose person do when its cold around have anythign to do with feeding off emotion? The only emotion shoulders raised this way shows is desperation of not loosing to much heat. The other translation of that body language would be covering head in fear.

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How come raised shoulders - pose person do when its cold around have anythign to do with feeding off emotion? The only emotion shoulders raised this way shows is desperation of not loosing to much heat. The other translation of that body language would be covering head in fear.


Because the shoulders raised animation has the Warrior being all riled up, whereas you're suggesting he look relaxed. It's completely inappropriate to the action.

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How come raised shoulders - pose person do when its cold around have anythign to do with feeding off emotion? The only emotion shoulders raised this way shows is desperation of not loosing to much heat. The other translation of that body language would be covering head in fear.


I actually see raised shoulders as a sign of tenseness- the relaxed shoulders show tranquility.


You tense muscles when you're angry/stressed, and relax muscles when calm, typically.


Also, the raised shoulders can be a sign of aggression, making you look bigger.

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I actually see raised shoulders as a sign of tenseness- the relaxed shoulders show tranquility. sign of aggression, making you look bigger.


You tense muscles when you're angry/stressed, and relax muscles when calm, typically.


Also, the raised shoulders can be a sign of aggression, making you look bigger.


Your first sentence is a bit unclear. Which is a sign of aggression? The relaxed or the raised?

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I see the change that the OP made - but arent the SW's shoulders supposed to be hunched up when s/he Channels Rage? It kinda looks like what its supposed to indicate, imo.


You could make a case for lightsaber animations being different across factions - I was sad my Jug would never use a 2-handed saber style - but the particular animation you picked out looks ok IMO.

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I actually see raised shoulders as a sign of tenseness- the relaxed shoulders show tranquility.


You tense muscles when you're angry/stressed, and relax muscles when calm, typically.


Also, the raised shoulders can be a sign of aggression, making you look bigger.


But you dont raise one leg in the air when you are angry, even tho its muscles' tension... Noone raises shoulder while angry... Show me one naturally looking photo from google where angry person covers his head between his raised shoulders if you really want to defend your point with some meaningfull arguments.

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The raised shoulders- Tenseness, or aggression

Lowered shoulders- Tranquility, calm


haha, where did you got that revelation from? :D Never seen a person looking like a ticking bomb? DO you think he covers his head between his raised shoulders? I find it hard to recall any angry person doing that... can you? Plz do google that example and post link to such picture. Cause its very curious what you are saying about relations of tranquility and agression to shoulder sposition....

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