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Victory should end in a DRAW!


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Yes, of course. I meant in a game that is 0-0 when time expires. Who wins that game with the ball on the stand in the middle?


I'm guessing whoever had control of the ball last but it might be medals or maybe the game just gives up and crashes :p

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In all other Warzones, where a "Tie is possible" Except for Huttball, I agree either it should be a Loss for both sides, or a "Draw" instead..


Huttball how ever, being that it is a Sport classified event, should instead have "Sudden Death". No Timer. And the rules would change as follows:


First Team to score wins.

Each player who dies gets locked back in their base and NOT released, with no risk of abandonment.*


*How ever in the event that all players are killed before a score (to avoid griefing) the doors would re-open to let both teams back out until one team scores, relocking teams again as before.

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Some of you wonder why people leave Warzones. I have left a total of 8 already today. Most of the time it is because it is determined early on that we can't win.


Alderran, if you are even novice with math you now when to give up. Hacks also being used here.


If you are going up against a team of Sorc in the same guild in vent for a Huttball. You know to quit. While groups are resticted to 4 for a premade. It is often more then the other team has. While the queue might be longer it should but already made teams against teams and full PUGS vs PUGs. Hacks being used here.




Oh and not to bash the Imps but the hacks are almost always spotted by me being done by a IMP though I do report both Imps and Reps.


Void is too much RNG wioth that damn door. I mean the door that lets ppl back out after rez. I have seen a door blown because every person was still behind it. To rezing for a instant run back to defend my door. Don't see many hacks in here but the team with heals is often always the victor here as it can outlast the other team to push threw and blow the doors.

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It's funny you say this because I never leave warzones, EVER. Turns out I won a bunch of those that were 'lost from the beginning'.


But because you leave all the time, I get stuck playing warzones that are undermanned or where the other team already has a point advantage. Not really a big deal if it were every once in a while. But after you leave the wz, you probably join another one suck, and then leave again.

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Warzone: Huttball

Victory Condition: Having MORE score than the opponent at the end of the match, or scoring 6 times.


Warzone: Alderaan Civil War

Victory Condition: Reducing the enemy capital ship's health to 0 before your capital ship's health is reduced to 0.


Warzone: Voidstar

Victory Condition: Reach the Data chamber in less time than it took for the other team to reach the Data chamber.


Every team that fails to achieve the victory condition should receive a loss. In the event that no team reaches the victory condition, no team has achieved victory and therefore no team deserves a win. Both teams lose because they FAILED.


I disagree with your last statement, but I like the rest. Here is how I would improve upon it.


Huttball: In the case of a tie score the team that has possessed the ball for the longest time during the game will win. In the case of a tie in time, the team with the final possession will win.


Alderaan: In the case of both ships being destroyed simultaneously, the team with the fewest deaths wins.


Voidstar: In the case of neither team obtaining the data core, the team that penetrates furthest wins. In the case of a tie in penetration, the team that destroyed the furthermost door fastest wins.


What do you all think of these?

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I am sick of doing very well and loosing over a technical issue like ball control. WFI thought that one up. I mean honestly.


Ball control is part of huttball. If no one can score and the score is still zero - zero or tied, ball control should and is the determining factor. PvP in this game is not a individual effort, but more of a team effort.


Now for Voidstar, yea I can agree, that place is effed up. But who didn't know that already?

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How do you know what the reward for a draw would be? Maybe it would be worth 50% of a victory?


You must be one of those guys that like participation trophies. Who wants a half win??? What the eff is even a "50%" win? You make no sense.


It's either 100% or get out.



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It's funny you say this because I never leave warzones, EVER. Turns out I won a bunch of those that were 'lost from the beginning'.


But because you leave all the time, I get stuck playing warzones that are undermanned or where the other team already has a point advantage. Not really a big deal if it were every once in a while. But after you leave the wz, you probably join another one suck, and then leave again.


Funny how these Nostradamus wanna-be's can't see further than the fact that the only constant in all of the impending losses they perceive is that they are the giant suck bringing everyone down. Thank god they leave. The sooner, the better...


As far as ties in WZs go, I pretty much said eff it. There are so many exceptions to every rule I've heard in Voidstar that I just thank the maker when I get the win in a tie. Last night, for example, lost a tie (I have no idea why) and won a tie (I have no idea why). So it sort of works out in the end.

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In a draw situation the Republic should always win (yes, in Huttball both Imperials Teams could lose, while two republic teams should win). So at least the underpopulated faction would get at least something.


I think the best thing about this post is that there are probably actually Republic players who think this happens for the Imperials.

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In all other Warzones, where a "Tie is possible" Except for Huttball, I agree either it should be a Loss for both sides, or a "Draw" instead..


Huttball how ever, being that it is a Sport classified event, should instead have "Sudden Death". No Timer. And the rules would change as follows:


First Team to score wins.

Each player who dies gets locked back in their base and NOT released, with no risk of abandonment.*


*How ever in the event that all players are killed before a score (to avoid griefing) the doors would re-open to let both teams back out until one team scores, relocking teams again as before.



Now this I could go for. I see this a very fair other then having a person on even both sides hidden stealth. A mechanic to knock all players out of stealth during sudden death or OT might be required. Now it has an effect on DPS not opening from stealth for a Shadow so maybe there is yet some other thing that can be done to allow this to work...


Edit: Just thought of it. Stealth longer then 30 seconds being the last man on your side counts as giving up.

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In a draw situation the Republic should always win (yes, in Huttball both Imperials Teams could lose, while two republic teams should win). So at least the underpopulated faction would get at least something.


At this point, on my server, I would be O.K. if they just gave Republic players their **** for free. At least maybe they would come out and play in Ilum! I can't say I don't blame them for not wanting to come out of their base when they see a sea of purple and black/read sabers....


Better yet, the Empire could do a "Save the Republic" foundation, where we could adopt a starving Republic player. We could have someone old and wrinkly, the Emperor isn't doing much right now, do commercials. At the end of each week the adopted Republic could send us photos, and other snip-its of their life that week.


Or we could do a Big Sith Little Jedi thing....you know, help the tikes out!

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At this point, on my server, I would be O.K. if they just gave Republic players their **** for free. At least maybe they would come out and play in Ilum! I can't say I don't blame them for not wanting to come out of their base when they see a sea of purple and black/read sabers....


Better yet, the Empire could do a "Save the Republic" foundation, where we could adopt a starving Republic player. We could have someone old and wrinkly, the Emperor isn't doing much right now, do commercials. At the end of each week the adopted Republic could send us photos, and other snip-its of their life that week.


Or we could do a Big Sith Little Jedi thing....you know, help the tikes out!



Even giving stuff away will not fix the imbalance on any realms. Some of that is because more players wanted to be darkside evil toons. Some of it is the OP class of Sorc seems to be getting a lot of attension. Come on you all know how OP they are in a group. Also who can say lightening isn't fun? Everyone likes it. If if it is just the look of it. Nother the Republic has on thier side can compete with it.


I bet if there was a way to see the most popular toon played in PVP accross all servers. Hands down it would be the Sorc right now. Followed close by maybe the Bounty Hunter. Both as you know are Imps. When I was a kid I thought Vadar was awesome. The republic just doesn't have the appeal I am sorry to say.

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Every time I think I understand who wins in what situations on Voidstar, the game laughs in my face and says "HAHA, NOPE!". I'm convinced that there is a little troll sitting underneath Voidstar that flips a coin to decide who wins.


For instance, the other day we attacked second. The first team downed two sets of doors. It took them about 4 minutes to break the second door. Now, in my experience, I've always thought that if the second attacker reached the same position, they would win. So we (as the second attackers), also broke down the second set of doors, but we did it in about a minute and a half. Then we were just halted and couldn't get further. So we won, right?


Nope. We lost. Even though we attacked second (which I thought mattered) and reached the same doors faster (which I thought mattered), we still were handed a neat little loss. Why? Well, I frankly have no idea.


i think kills decide void incase of a draw but im not sure on this one. would make the most sense atleast

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I believe on the event of a draw it comes down to which team has more medals of greater value. (Golds, Silver, Bronze)



For the Void? No that isn't the case or atleast looking I have not noticed that to be the pattern although I will look harder next time.

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