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Victory should end in a DRAW!


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These damn Warzones need to be able to end in a DRAW or these people at Bioware need to sit down and think long and hard over some better ways to decide the victor in the event of a tie.


I am sick of doing very well and loosing over a technical issue like ball control. WFI thought that one up. I mean honestly.


Two teams in Huttball and Void can both do very very well and not reach the goal or score more then the other. Some form of solid you did this better needs to be put in place. Not sure what decides Void in a tie but I assume who opened first door sooner and the speed of the next door doesn't matter.


Load of BS if you ask me. I am tired of it and about done with PVP.

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These damn Warzones need to be able to end in a DRAW or these people at Bioware need to sit down and think long and hard over some better ways to decide the victor in the event of a tie.


I am sick of doing very well and loosing over a technical issue like ball control. WFI thought that one up. I mean honestly.


Two teams in Huttball and Void can both do very very well and not reach the goal or score more then the other. Some form of solid you did this better needs to be put in place. Not sure what decides Void in a tie but I assume who opened first door sooner and the speed of the next door doesn't matter.


Load of BS if you ask me. I am tired of it and about done with PVP.


ye definitely.....

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Last night on Void we managed to make through two doors as attackers first, but not get the Datacron. Then on defense the opposing team made it through just the first door and we held them off until timer ended. Time ended, they were given the win and we were given a loss. How the hell? We made it twice as far as they did, how did they win?
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Last night on Void we managed to make through two doors as attackers first, but not get the Datacron. Then on defense the opposing team made it through just the first door and we held them off until timer ended. Time ended, they were given the win and we were given a loss. How the hell? We made it twice as far as they did, how did they win?


Every time I think I understand who wins in what situations on Voidstar, the game laughs in my face and says "HAHA, NOPE!". I'm convinced that there is a little troll sitting underneath Voidstar that flips a coin to decide who wins.


For instance, the other day we attacked second. The first team downed two sets of doors. It took them about 4 minutes to break the second door. Now, in my experience, I've always thought that if the second attacker reached the same position, they would win. So we (as the second attackers), also broke down the second set of doors, but we did it in about a minute and a half. Then we were just halted and couldn't get further. So we won, right?


Nope. We lost. Even though we attacked second (which I thought mattered) and reached the same doors faster (which I thought mattered), we still were handed a neat little loss. Why? Well, I frankly have no idea.

Edited by vindianajones
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Oh and then starting at a disadvantage like being 7 vs 8 and doing well to then loose for a silly technical reason is also not very fair.


I just left my second Void of the day. Seems my groups have an issue on defense bewing that one person short. So I made them two short with the enemy threw the first door at less then 60 seconds.

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A draw would be the same as both teams losing. How is that better?


Because your preventing the opposing faction from gaining rewards that may not truely belong to them. Victory isn't always getting something, sometimes its preventing your opponent from winning.

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Oh so just to be petty then.


Denying resources (valor/comms) to an enemy faction is not petty it's a strategic advantage. If your enemies get a win they didn't earn, they're not that one daily/weekly/comm bag or whatever ahead of you, multiplied by 8.


With no cross-server queues (which is a good thing), denying the enemy a victory is just as important as earning one yourself.

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A win or a loss is better than a tie in most situations. That way at least one team is getting the win and finishing a quest. Ties suck when you want to finish a quest, and bugs that prevent wins from counting anyway only make it worse. Besides, the rewards for a loss are almost as good as a win if your team didn't get rolled, and if it's pretty much a tie, I'm guessing it was fairly even of a match.


I'd prefer it if the voidstar scoring system was easier to understand.


In Huttball, you can at least have a way to win. No scores on the board and only 30 seconds left? Hold the ball for the win.


Alderaan, I've never seen a game where both ships got destroyed. So that one seems fine.


Voidstar makes no sense.

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I was just in a Voidstar this morning where neither team was able to breach the first doors and it ended in a defeat for republic. Pretty disappointing considering we lost 3 players after the first round and then held them off until we got new meat.


In Huttball, I like that a tie goes to the team in possession of the ball. I have been in some crazy games where the ball changes possession numerous times in the last 30 seconds. Even one where a 4v3 whittled down to the last man standing with the ball for the win.


I have not yet been in one where the ball was not in possession and is on the stand at mid when time runs out. Who wins that one?

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A win or a loss is better than a tie in most situations. That way at least one team is getting the win and finishing a quest. Ties suck when you want to finish a quest, and bugs that prevent wins from counting anyway only make it worse. Besides, the rewards for a loss are almost as good as a win if your team didn't get rolled, and if it's pretty much a tie, I'm guessing it was fairly even of a match.


I'd prefer it if the voidstar scoring system was easier to understand.


In Huttball, you can at least have a way to win. No scores on the board and only 30 seconds left? Hold the ball for the win.


Alderaan, I've never seen a game where both ships got destroyed. So that one seems fine.


Voidstar makes no sense.


To be fair Alderaan will rarely result in a tie because empire ticks first. It's almost impossible for the empire to delay to the ms to make them tick the same time.

As a rule of thumb if you're going to "Tie" empire wins.


[Edit: That's assuming the tick occurs immediately after capture, an alternative is that there's a fixed tick rate from mission start and it fires for whichever team owns it. In this case Empire will ALWAYS win if turrets are held for equal amounts of ticks.]

Edited by Chaymus
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Warzone: Huttball

Victory Condition: Having MORE score than the opponent at the end of the match, or scoring 6 times.


Warzone: Alderaan Civil War

Victory Condition: Reducing the enemy capital ship's health to 0 before your capital ship's health is reduced to 0.


Warzone: Voidstar

Victory Condition: Reach the Data chamber in less time than it took for the other team to reach the Data chamber.


Every team that fails to achieve the victory condition should receive a loss. In the event that no team reaches the victory condition, no team has achieved victory and therefore no team deserves a win. Both teams lose because they FAILED.

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Denying resources (valor/comms) to an enemy faction is not petty it's a strategic advantage. If your enemies get a win they didn't earn, they're not that one daily/weekly/comm bag or whatever ahead of you, multiplied by 8.


With no cross-server queues (which is a good thing), denying the enemy a victory is just as important as earning one yourself.


I dunno it sounds pretty petty to me. You can only do the dailies once a day so everyone will get them done eventually and ties don't even come up enough for the slightly more valor/commendations to really make a huge difference.


Not to mention the current system benefits both factions equally. I've lost more ties in Voidstar than I've won and I've thought before "Wow we totally should have won that" but never once have I thought "Wow we both should have lost that this is ********!." Even then once faction always played a little bit better than the other whether they got to the last objective slightly faster or won more medals or however it's decided.

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This game is going to get a RUDE awakening with rated WZs and ties in Voidstar.


There is simply no verifiable, measurable, CLEAR mechanic that is in place that everyone knows about that can determine who wins in the case of a tie there.


In huttball it's very clear: whoever holds the ball last - this also leads to the last minute of a tied match being extremely intense.


In VS though it's a total wash and I can just imagine the levels of QQ these pvp forums are going to attain once they release rankings and scores in this ****** pvp system.

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Really? All the the things wrong in this game, and you are concerned about ties? Sheeeesh.


I prefer that it not be random, and the fact that the team has possession at the end of the match has value. Think of it just like poker. My pair of 4's beat your pair of 4's because I also have an Ace and you don't.

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Denying resources (valor/comms) to an enemy faction is not petty it's a strategic advantage. If your enemies get a win they didn't earn, they're not that one daily/weekly/comm bag or whatever ahead of you, multiplied by 8.


With no cross-server queues (which is a good thing), denying the enemy a victory is just as important as earning one yourself.


And if even 1/2 the players that PvP'd though 1/2 as much about long term strats, etc, PvP would be much more exciting, even with out limited game play areas and broken Ilum

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Because your preventing the opposing faction from gaining rewards that may not truely belong to them. Victory isn't always getting something, sometimes its preventing your opponent from winning.


That begs the question... how do you know they aren't seeing a loss on their screen as well?


It might be a draw and treating it as both teams losing.

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