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Way too much CC!?


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So easy to fix. Make resolve work for everything that stops your character from your control...done. Too many things don't effect resolve.


Resolve is a joke....much like you said, too many things DONT effect it. Having multiple stuns on you at the same time doesnt increase resolve, still only effects it as if one hit you. I don't much care for warcraft but diminishing returns is something they DID get right...especially when noob rogues were kidney shot happy and 3 of them jumping a prot warrior would use it on him and the entire duration only lasted 2 seconds tops due to immediate DR.... I bet this resolve thing looked REALLY good on paper.

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Interesting, but 400-500k Dmg on my BH (Easy class though), but 400-500k with an average of 75-100k healing per game on my Marauder. It's not difficult.


And it's not so much that you just disagree with me or anything, its the fact you are so blind/rude to the tor community as you make false assumption yourself as you cry out that you are omniscient and omnipotent because you read a resolve post, which you clearly don't fully understand. And one that no one can completely understand because it is bugged and almost always random. To claim you have a broken/bugged mechanic solved in itself is false and a lie.


lol im sorry for being rude and i have been, but its only because a majority of the people psting have no idea how resolve works and as ive been spamming in most of my threads




i wasnt stating my stats to stroke my e peen just simply stating that i don't stealth and only come out when someone below 30% like someone claimed. noone could get close to 300k dmg if they did that lol


i agree ive been rude, and im sorry, but its annoying reading the same threads over and over again when the large majority of the people on them have no idea what their talking about.


ill try to refrain from being rude but i doubt this community that u defend will learn to read basic guides before QQing about things.

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assumptions about you aren't made based on disagreement. they're based on your behavior on the forums.


so behavior equals skill? tell that to terrel owens or ocho cinco or oj simpson or michael jordan or... on and on and on and on and on...

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Fixing Resolve would go a long way towards addressing my feelings towards CC in this game.



But as it stands now, it's annoying and frustrating as hell.




I've basically been stun-killed even in 2v1 situations where I survived ~8 seconds.


Let's not even mention open PvP Zerg battles when it's pull/charge ...stun stun stun dead.

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do us all a favor and go away to think on it. for a few weeks maybe.


lol the only substance you added in this entire thread is that

you think CC's are dull,

thats ur opinion and i respect that and understand it but,


every MMO pvp is based on CC so mabey u should take a few weeks to rethink if MMO pvp is the right thing for u

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It is excessive. There's just way too much of it throughout all of the classes.


That being said, resolve also has to be considered. In my opinion it's a broken mechanic and needs to be revamped. Maybe if they do a better job with resolve, then the CC won't be a problem.

Edited by Amp_
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It is excessive. There's just way too much of it throughout all of the classes.


That being said, resolve also has to be considered. In my opinion it's a broken mechanic and needs to be revamped. Maybe if they do a better job with resolve, then the CC won't be a problem.


Exactly, and remove knockbacks ffs...or limit it to 1 class having it...

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I don't have a problem with CCs as much as I do with Snares/Roots not affecting Resolve.


If Snares/Roots affected Resolve, I could get a better feel as to where CCs are. Bioware fails to realize that being Snared/Rooted as a melee class is nearly the exact same as being CC'd. As a Rage Juggernaut, the only ranged abilities I can use while Rooted/Snared are Force Scream, Vicious Throw, and Saber Throw. Vicious Throw and Force Scream both have a very small range so the only ability I can use while Rooted/Snared is Saber Throw. How is this different from being CC'd again?


Snares/Roots either need to have their own diminishing returns system that is separate from Resolve or Snares/Roots need to affect Resolve. If they affected Resolve, enemy players would be forced to use their CCs more wisely instead of spamming them whenever they are up. They would be forced to ask themselves:


"Should I use my CC that fills 90% of his Resolve bar or should I use the one that fills 40% and save some Resolve for my Roots/Snares?"


Please either add diminishing returns to Snares/Roots or make them affect Resolve. Then I can give an accurate judgement on where CCs stand.

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As a gunslinger you have-

Light armor

Low Health

Squishy anti-stealth tactics


Sounds balanced to me. BioWare's strategy is to give everyone a fair chance despite class. If you don't like it, maybe you should head back to WoW.


You have no idea what youre talking about... I don't have light armor or low HP... LOL

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No, we need MOAR KNOCKBACKS. How else can a trooper play Sith tennis properly?


****, give every class a knockback then...replace the huttball with a random team-mate and teh first team to knock him back 3 times gets a score.

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