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Activating skills are too costly in this game.


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I'll start out by saying my main is a BH. Playing a BH I can literally max out my heat bar in about 8 seconds if I used all my heavy hitters. That being said, it doesn't mean I'll do that in long fights. Anyhow, I imagine this is almost the same for every class in this game. I don't understand why our skills cost so much to use. I'm not saying we should be able to spam nonstop, but we could use a little boost in those bars. Most other mmos have potions, stims, ect.... to help out with those issues. We barely have anything. I have one skill I can use to help get heat reduced for my bh, but it always seems like it takes to long on the cooldown, and I'm often left pew pewing in long fights. Bioware, is there any chance of you folks reducing the costs on some of these skills, or giving biochem a recipe to make stims that help with this issue? Would be really awesom.
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I'll start out by saying my main is a BH. Playing a BH I can literally max out my heat bar in about 8 seconds if I used all my heavy hitters. That being said, it doesn't mean I'll do that in long fights. Anyhow, I imagine this is almost the same for every class in this game. I don't understand why our skills cost so much to use. I'm not saying we should be able to spam nonstop, but we could use a little boost in those bars. Most other mmos have potions, stims, ect.... to help out with those issues. We barely have anything. I have one skill I can use to help get heat reduced for my bh, but it always seems like it takes to long on the cooldown, and I'm often left pew pewing in long fights. Bioware, is there any chance of you folks reducing the costs on some of these skills, or giving biochem a recipe to make stims that help with this issue? Would be really awesom.


It's a ploy to get you to weave in your basic attack really. They don't want you using all your best attacks all the time I guess.

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It's a ploy to get you to weave in your basic attack really. They don't want you using all your best attacks all the time I guess.


I understand there is a skill lvl here, but think of this. I heal, and they give me a stat Acritty for haste. How is that helpful if it causes me to overheat faster? If anything, it makes it worse.

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That's why it's called a "rotation".


I can't even go through a rotation without overheating. That is my point. On stop of that, they give us some awesome skills, but you can't use them because it sends my heat sky rocketing. Am I not suppose to use it all?

Edited by Individual
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I can't even go through a rotation without overheating. That is my point.


Then you are not doing it right. You have to learn how to maximize your DPS or healing while managing your resources. That's what a rotation is, not spamming all your high cost, heavy hitting abilities. It takes some practice and trial and error, but it's rewarding when done right. At least if you enjoy playing games.

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Ok, if I'm doing dps, and my thermal sensor is on a cooldown, when am I suppose to use fusion missle anywhere in a rotation thatt won't cause heat issues?


You're probably better served going to the Bounty Hunter forums to get some more specific help, but basically you have to rotate your basic attack in so you can cool down, then hit your bigger attacks when you can. I only just started a Trooper so I can't tell you the abilities you have that are special attacks and help you regen resources, but I know my Shadow has some.

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Then you are not doing it right. You have to learn how to maximize your DPS or healing while managing your resources. That's what a rotation is, not spamming all your high cost, heavy hitting abilities. It takes some practice and trial and error, but it's rewarding when done right. At least if you enjoy playing games.


Quoting this for emphasis.

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Ok, if I'm doing dps, and my thermal sensor is on a cooldown, when am I suppose to use fusion missle anywhere in a rotation thatt won't cause heat issues?


I can't answer that specifically, but... If you can't weave it in without causing heat issues except when something else is up, maybe it's only for emergencies or when that other thing is up?

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Essentially, just because an ability is off cooldown doesn't always mean you should use it. Sometimes you have to fire off a basic attack first to allow heat to dissipate. Some specs also offer ways to reduce heat use, or vent heat as you get further into them. Edited by Calsidian
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Tip for heal spec merc; there is a talent just above kolto missile that makes your heal scan (17 heat per use 10 secondish cd) proc a bonus that makes your next rapid scan (25 heat) have 0 cost. To get even more out of that use super charge to make heal scan have no cd, the do that rotation for low cost heal spam. Edited by TaiRevant
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I understand there is a skill lvl here, but think of this. I heal, and they give me a stat Acritty for haste. How is that helpful if it causes me to overheat faster? If anything, it makes it worse.


im a bh healer,,all my gear is over 136 and ive done all the operations/flashpoints. Heat just isnt the huge issue you think it is. Very simply, you are doing it wrong. Thats it. Only on really long operation hardmode fights is heat ever an issue for me.


These two thing could help a tad. Only top people off with rapid shots. Never use one of your heat costing abilities if your only topping someone off. Generally if someone isnt below 85% health i dont use heat costing abilities.


Understand your skills and the relationship they have. Example is using healing scan, then rapid scan, rapid scan will be cheaper heat wise

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I can't even go through a rotation without overheating. That is my point. On stop of that, they give us some awesome skills, but you can't use them because it sends my heat sky rocketing. Am I not suppose to use it all?


No, you aren't. Look at your skill tree and see what heat reduction skills you have, and try and focus on those skills.


I.E. if you are arsenal spec then muzzle fluting + terminal velocity = tracer spam, only use rail shot when 6 stacks are up, or unload when +dmg proc is up.


Skills like fusion missile aren't particularly high DPS unless dealing with groups, and then you just have to manage your heat. Go for channeled skills as your heat goes down while the skills are on activation, flamethrower works well.

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It just shows Bioware does not have any class designers who understand the MMO combat system they put in as they decided to drop auto attack only to put it back in as a button you have to hit over and over again.


The artificial limiting of the resource does not make it more challenging but rather tedious with the use of a completely uninteresting attack like Hammer Shot or whatever stupid name they give the ability on the class you play.


They would have made a much more fun combat system by dropping the basic attack and having you do a rotation off of 3-4 primary abilities the use of which depends on procs and debuffs on your target and their CDs. As opposed to having you just use 3 specials, then 2 basics, then 3 specials again.


I play a trooper, and I have an ammo mechanic which is just retarded because I cant hit my reload ability in combat. It makes 0 sense. In fact I dont even really use ammo as my main attack Ion Pulse is some sort of short range lightning bolt.


If i dont use hammer shot 1/3 of the time I run out of ammo and it takes forever to build back up. It is not difficult to right click. It is just boring and stupid.

Edited by Sttm
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The OP is just plain bad. I'm a 41 Merc and I've never run into a heat problem, ever. Nor have I run into this problem on my 32 Commando. I am willing to bet that the OP has the exact same post on a forum for another MMO saying "X skill costs too much mana".
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It just shows Bioware does not have any class designers who understand the MMO combat system they put in as they decided to drop auto attack only to put it back in as a button you have to hit over and over again.


Or, you know, it serves the valid design function of keeping the player more actively involved in events...

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Right now things are fine for resource management when it comes to rotations if you use the no-cost fillers. I wonder though about future expansions when we start getting more skills how they'll work it so that classes can keep their rotations with the extra resource costs thrown in.


On my BH I already notice overheating issues if I don't spam rapid shots constantly or if I lose focus for even a few seconds. I know I'm not the most experienced with the class; I just can't think what it'll be like when there's even more skills I have to weave in...

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