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SWTOR: Things I dislike most.


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I am quite new in MMO. Despite being a RPG fan since 1996 I just started my experience in MMO a month ago. Just decided to try to find out what is so addictive about them. Besides I was missing an old-school Diablo experience.

So, I went first for WoW. At first, I was drived off from this game. I started my game with Bloody Elf Paladin. Bloody Elf campaing is complete grind from start to finish. I leveled up to level 20 exclusively thanks to the loot lust and big amount of players arround who were helping me.

After I touched the top level of my starter edition I went for Undead Hunter. And I loved the undead compaign. Much less grind. Awesome always halloween atmosphere. Less people playing, but the experience was very close to the singleplayer rpg. I get totally addictive to WoW, so upgrate my starter edition to Battlechest.

Then I thought if WoW rocks so much for a newbee like me, then a totally new MMO based in Star Wars must rock as KISS. What can be greater than totally known universe with WOW mechanics. Right ? Right ?

So I went for SWTOR. The first thing that dissapointed me was the installer. You can´t play the game while donwloading it, unlike WoW. And 20 gb is the hell of waiting. While I was waiting I leveled my undead hunter to 23.

Finally I downloaded it. Then I spent 2 days meditating about the message "You don´t have an active subscription to play" despite a poured two 60-days game card into my account. While I was meditating that, I levelled up my wow character to 25. The problem with Swtor resulted to be a little misleading: i didn´t filled up Comtact Information.

After overcoming all obstacles I finally get my sweaty paws on the game.

So far, I leveled up my Sith Inquisitor to level 8. This is becuase I was interrupting my SWTOR sessions with WoW ones.



This is my first impressions:


1. Congrats, Bioware. You invented first corridor MMO. After enourmous vast plains of WoW I feel quite claustrophobic in SWTOR.


2. Everything is too static, monsters, npc... They don´t move, not even an inch. The have some sort of animation, but... Why they looked like decorations. In WoW, moster make some patrol rutines, even some NPCs, even some quest NPCs. In WoW, I even saw how a vendor left the town to go to somewhere on his business.


3. Monster suffer from some blindness desease. In WoW, if you aproach a monster 10 feet away he will automatically attack you. In SWTOR, they only start bothering when you jump on them, literally.


4. Damned. Chat is aweful. In WoW, I have a some sort of a cloud over me when I speak. In SWTOR, chat text apears in the upper left corner amid other rpg data. So if you don´t keep an eye constantly over there it´s very easy to loose the message when somene talked to you. For the same reason, when I need help with some area I need to jump in front of other players to call their attention, writing in chat doesn´t work.

Bioware, if you started copying from WoW, please do the job, finish copying everything, chat included.


5. The interface is too bluish. You know, Bioware, other colours exist too. Even many items are bluish. When I open interface it makes me difficult to distingish items from junk.

Everything is mixed. It would be nice to divide inventory in several bags too.


6. The ablity page is a simple list. What the hell is that ? SWTOR was planned for consoles too ?

As I already said, if you started copying from WoW, please do the job, finish copying everything, interface included.


7. The damned bluish everywhere. Ability icons included. It´s difficult to eyed them over.


This is my first impression. Please don´t troll me so much. As I said I am new in MMO. I had very high hopes for the Old Republic. And in many ways I liked it. I only mention things that I disliked most. There are many things I like too. I will keep playing SWTOR because I saw too little to judge this game. As I said, I am only level 8.

Edited by Ivanblood
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I don't directly disagree with most of your points, but I like the interface color being blueish because I find it easier on the eyes. Many people have requested a red UI for Sith - I think it would end up being tiring. Still, a little color variety would be a welcome, if slightly trivial IMO feature.


I do love the game though :)

Edited by archifikoss
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This seems like a big wall of text, but I bet you his "Things I like about SWTOR" post would be triple that.





Theres things in life that are Big Fish Issues, Small Fish Issues, Your job is to stand back and really look at the situation and decide is this a Big Fish issue or a Small Fish Issue, if its a Small Issue, Throw it back and wait for something bigger to come along.

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2. Everything is too static, monsters, npc... They don´t move, not even an inch. The have some sort of animation, but... Why they looked like decorations. In WoW, moster make some patrol rutines, even some NPCs, even some quest NPCs. In WoW, I even saw a vendor how left the town to go to somewhere on his business.


3. Monster suffer from some blindness desease. In WoW, if you aproach a monster 10 feet away he will automatically attack you. In SWTOR, they only start bothering when you jump on them, literally.



Almost all of your points are completely subjective. These two are flat out wrong.


The monsters do move, they have animations where they pace. There are also plenty of mobs that patrol, usually 'strongs' or 'elites'.


All the mobs have aggro range, just like Wow, and just about every other MMO. The aggro range is largely dependent upon your comparative level to them. If you are much lower level, that range is greater.

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Almost all of your points are completely subjective. These two are flat out wrong.


The monsters do move, they have animations where they pace. There are also plenty of mobs that patrol, usually 'strongs' or 'elites'.


All the mobs have aggro range, just like Wow, and just about every other MMO. The aggro range is largely dependent upon your comparative level to them. If you are much lower level, that range is greater.



His comment of the world being static hes kinda of correct, and I truely hate to compare this game to WoW, because they are two totally different genre of MMO, But in WoW you go into a city the NPCs are interacting with each other, the guards roam the city protecting its inhabitants. There is a sense and feel of life, people going about their daily business.


I can agree that these SWTOR Worlds need more life to them.

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Regarding your first point, worlds open up a lot on later planets. The rest of your points are stuff that will be fixed.


Gosh Id like to share Your hope.


Anyway to OP. I dislike the game as it as atm, so didnt really need to read Your whole post, I agree.

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I don't directly disagree with most of your points, but I like the interface color being blueish because I find it easier on the eyes. Many people have requested a red UI for Sith - I think it would end up being tiring. Still, a little color variety would be a welcome, if slightly trivial IMO feature.


I do love the game though :)


I don´t know why Sci-Fi always must look modern and slick. SW universe is an ancient, multiracial and strongly spiritual one. The interface should reflect that. Not just bluish panels.


At least this what I think.

Edited by Ivanblood
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I don´t why Sci-Fi always must look modern and slick. SW universe is an ancient, multiracial and strongly spiritual one. The interface should reflect that. Not just bluish panels.


At least this what I think.


They had made some more elaborate UI's before launch I think, but abandoned 'em for the more minimal look. Which I personally like, but to each his own :) Maybe they'll allow cosmetic UI customization later - but it's not going to happen any time soon I think. A color choice would probably be the easiest and quickest way IMO (could be wrong though)

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It's kind of interesting how many of these posts follow the same template, almost as if they were being scripted... hmm...


What's particularly telling is that they're factually wrong. This indicates the poster either hasn't played the game, or has played only a few minutes of the first planet.


a)Monsters do aggro before you attack them. You need to be within a certain range, of course. Just like WoW.


b)Monsters do patrol. Most areas have a mix of static and patrolling monsters, just like WoW. SWTOR is also the first game since EQ1 were a wanderer or bad pull can seriously hurt. Pull discipline is back, and SWTOR's got it!


c)NPCs do interact with each other. You often have them performing "skits" (my own term) where you get little snippets of story that add a lot to the setting. There are also NPCs roaming the cities and bases, as you'd expect. (Not to mention the fact your own, personal, interaction with them is far beyond what you get in most other games... I'll take the cinematic cutscenes over watching someone walk up and down the same corridor any day.)


d)Wide open spaces? Been to Tattooine (my god, the Dune Sea...) or Hoth? Of course not. The OP played for five minutes on a starting planet (if that), then logged in to write a bunch of "criticisms" that he read someone else (who also didn't actually play) post, who got them from someone else, ad infinitum.


e)The interface is too blue? Whatever.

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So far, I leveled up my Sith Inquisitor to level 8.


Yeah, I could have avoided writing my other post and just quoted this. Kind of says it all. That represents about an hour or two of play, at most. You've seen a tiny portion of one of the smallest planets in the game (the worlds get larger as you level up), a world designed specifically to let new players learn the mechanics and game systems without overwhelming them. (I'm sure we all miss getting guard-killed in EQ because you started to type "Hail", then realized you weren't in chat mode, so as soon as you hit the 'A' in 'Hail' you 'Attacked' the guard who then turned you into red mist, or just falling to your death in that elf city.)

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His comment of the world being static hes kinda of correct, and I truely hate to compare this game to WoW, because they are two totally different genre of MMO, But in WoW you go into a city the NPCs are interacting with each other, the guards roam the city protecting its inhabitants. There is a sense and feel of life, people going about their daily business.


I can agree that these SWTOR Worlds need more life to them.


I see the same things in TOR in cities. NPC's are dancing together, conversing...etc. I have even seen some in cantina's vomiting on the floor, like you see in real life taverns at times. Some are fighting and I saw a npc shoot another npc once outside a cantina in a lawless area. There are pats. I donot understand these statements the game world is dead in TOR comments. Are players that blind? One way they could improve in the game world outside of cities is to have more wildlife and more of the wildlife moving around. But overall it is not as dead as some think.

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Gosh Id like to share Your hope.


Well, its not just hope, BW are doing big changes to the UI which will be released in patch 1.2 (which covers OP's points 4-7). Corridor worlds are just the starter planets and im sure (bit of hope here) that ai behaviour will be tuned as the game grows older.

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Well, its not just hope, BW are doing big changes to the UI which will be released in patch 1.2 (which covers OP's points 4-7). Corridor worlds are just the starter planets and im sure (bit of hope here) that ai behaviour will be tuned as the game grows older.


Big changes..oh man I cant wait for how many other stuff they screw up when they deploy this patch :p

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Really oki you had to balance out giving us the ship and all but this is realy 2 much.

I dont want to turn off the music in the game but that droid is really annoying.


I do really feel the desire to deactive him every time i come close to him.

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I see the same things in TOR in cities. NPC's are dancing together, conversing...etc. I have even seen some in cantina's vomiting on the floor, like you see in real life taverns at times. Some are fighting and I saw a npc shoot another npc once outside a cantina in a lawless area. There are pats. I donot understand these statements the game world is dead in TOR comments. Are players that blind? One way they could improve in the game world outside of cities is to have more wildlife and more of the wildlife moving around. But overall it is not as dead as some think.


Yes, it's the fact so many of these posts state things which aren't merely matters of subjective opinion ("The game's not fun", "The interface is too blue" (snerk)), but which are factually incorrect, and that this is obvious to anyone who has actually PLAYED the game, that makes me suspect there is something odd going on. There's no shortage of things which actually are true that can be used to critique SWTOR; why make up stuff that isn't, on top of it?


I really enjoy the little NPC skits, like the criminal trying to bargain with the bounty hunter on Balmorra, or the Sith instructing her apprentice on Taris, or the two locals discussing the prospects of upwardly mobile marriage on Dromund Kaas.


(And I can't count the number of times I've been killed because a strong/elite patroller wandered in to my fight, or where I needed to study the scene and time my actions to make sure there would be no such rude interruptions. Not to mention the multiple types of "ambush" monsters, where adds burrow up from the ground or rocket in from the sky...)

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