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Is Battlemaster gear really the best choice?


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Battlemaster is the best choice for PVP, most of the missing stats for my Jugg tank for instance are covered by the expertise stat.


Its not the best for PVE, but because its usually got a significant armour boost over other gear until the columni stuff its worth getting simply because its very easy to get.

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Stat-wise the PvP gear isn't that good, for the marauder it changes from Crit/Surge to Accuracy/Power back and forth all the time, one item get's crit removed but a bit more power added, for the next item this process is reversed.


Sure, the stats are not the optimal choice but there's nothing we can do about it right now. Fact is, for PvP the Expertise stat is a must have. The Damage Reduction and of course Damage Bonus provided by Expertise is good enough to "ignore" these messed up stats on the armors already.

Once they unlock the items and let us mod them we will finally have a suiting armor for us (and the way we want it to look I hope) with all the stats we need and nothing else.

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Battlemaster is the best choice for PVP, most of the missing stats for my Jugg tank for instance are covered by the expertise stat.


Its not the best for PVE, but because its usually got a significant armour boost over other gear until the columni stuff its worth getting simply because its very easy to get.


FYI - atm, Battlemaster is NOT, I repeat, NOT the best choice for PvP atm. At first I thought just like you, but then we ran the numbers and it shows something different (also playing with it feels different too :) - I had a PVP Smash of ~6750 even after surge nerf!). Currently it is a combination of PVE and PVP gear. Even the developers from Bioware have noticed this and are doing something to adjust this in the next patch (thread said they are looking at buffing expertise if I remember correctly).


NOTE: THERE IS A CUTOFF POINT, but clearly if you take your #s from you BM set and multiply by expertise and compare them to the combo set of PVP (BM) and PVE (Rakata, even Columi) gear times expertise, you will clearly see you will put out more damage in PVP period.


If you compare damage reduction with endurance, then you will find the same is true as above stated.


There are a few excel sheets floating about showing comparison, you can put in your own gear, etc...

Edited by Nikkiree
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FYI - atm, Battlemaster is NOT, I repeat, NOT the best choice for PvP atm. At first I thought just like you, but then we ran the numbers and it shows something different (also playing with it feels different too :) ). Currently it is a combination of PVE and PVP gear. Even the developers from Bioware have noticed this and are doing something to adjust this in the next patch (thread said they are looking at buffing expertise if I remember correctly).


NOTE: THERE IS A CUTOFF POINT, but clearly if you take your #s from you BM set and multiply by expertise and compare them to the combo set of PVP (BM) and PVE (Rakata, even Columi) gear times expertise, you will clearly see you will put out more damage in PVP period.


If you compare damage reduction with endurance, then you will find the same is true as above stated.


There are a few excel sheets floating about showing comparison, you can put in your own gear, etc...


this is so confusing. are you saying pve gear is best to use in pvp than pvp gear? columi beats champ and rakata beats bm?

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this is so confusing. are you saying pve gear is best to use in pvp than pvp gear? columi beats champ and rakata beats bm?


A combination of PVE (columi and/or rakata) and PVP gear (BM) is best for PVP.

Hopefully/supposedly they are changing this in an upcomming patch.

Edited by Nikkiree
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BM gear is the best gear for PvP. Now thats not to say you should leave the 2 removeable mods in there. A lot of them i will be replacing with champion mods, but the armor mod that cannot be removed is better than the champion ones. So you mix a couple champ modifications into the BM gear and ta da it rocks.


As for anyone saying PvE gear is better...you keep believing that. And i will enjoy destroying you in my full PvP set. Damage reduction > Hitpoints by far.

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FYI - atm, Battlemaster is NOT, I repeat, NOT the best choice for PvP atm. At first I thought just like you, but then we ran the numbers and it shows something different (also playing with it feels different too :) - I had a PVP Smash of ~6750 even after surge nerf!). Currently it is a combination of PVE and PVP gear. Even the developers from Bioware have noticed this and are doing something to adjust this in the next patch (thread said they are looking at buffing expertise if I remember correctly).


NOTE: THERE IS A CUTOFF POINT, but clearly if you take your #s from you BM set and multiply by expertise and compare them to the combo set of PVP (BM) and PVE (Rakata, even Columi) gear times expertise, you will clearly see you will put out more damage in PVP period.


If you compare damage reduction with endurance, then you will find the same is true as above stated.


There are a few excel sheets floating about showing comparison, you can put in your own gear, etc...


I will say this that this is not true at all I have eaten through marauders with full Rakata gear and battlemaster main and offhand. And I only have Full Champ gear at the momment. I will say that battlemaster is best for pvp and once you get full battlemaster there are mods you can take out of ur champ helm and hands and put those in ur BM gear and U will **** ppl.

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I will say this that this is not true at all I have eaten through marauders with full Rakata gear and battlemaster main and offhand. And I only have Full Champ gear at the momment. I will say that battlemaster is best for pvp and once you get full battlemaster there are mods you can take out of ur champ helm and hands and put those in ur BM gear and U will **** ppl.


You have no idea what you are talking about.

I would destroy you.

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BM gear is the best gear for PvP. Now thats not to say you should leave the 2 removeable mods in there. A lot of them i will be replacing with champion mods, but the armor mod that cannot be removed is better than the champion ones. So you mix a couple champ modifications into the BM gear and ta da it rocks.


As for anyone saying PvE gear is better...you keep believing that. And i will enjoy destroying you in my full PvP set. Damage reduction > Hitpoints by far.


I laugh at you.

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There are several subtle aspects that are not properly assessed in many of those analyses:


1. Damage reduction synergizes with healing whereas +HP does not. Marauders (at least Anni) have self-heals.


2. Damage reduction, if it stacks additively, synergizes with itself. Marauders have a lot of flat %DR. Mostly Cloak, but also Saber Ward as applicable, Juyo Defensive Forms, etc.



On the damage side, sure Rakata STR will outpace the offensive half of Expertise in the >12% Expertise area. However, the threshold is higher for the Rakata HP / defensive comparison.


Personally, I'd say that at max gear level, you'd probably want to float at 600-650 expertise. So ~2 PvE pieces. Hard to fine tune without knowing exactly how the separate damage reduction effects stack, though.


And, tbh, the implants may be the best slot to "go PvE" on, due to the crit crafts.

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It's an amazing resource for every class. People have theorycrafted almost every mechanic in the game thus far.


Expertise has a DR. The "cutoff" point where Rakata pieces are better is where stat gains from said Rakata gear outweigh Expertise. We can figure this out without a combat log.


This is not a hard concept and even present with Resilience in WoW.

Edited by Kibaken
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I went through all my gear piece by piece to decide which gave the best damage upgrades. Granted, I don't have full battlemaster yet, but I found that the Rakata and columi were better than champion. I'm sitting at about 8% expertise now, and this setup calculates at about 12% more damage, 5% more HP, and 5.5% less DR than the full pvp setup. I realize that the HP doesn't counterbalance the DR loss, however the greatly increased damage more than makes up for it in my mind. Since I've been running this setup, my performance in warzones has gone up quite noticeably, so I believe that about 3 pieces of Rakata and 2 pieces of Battlemaster is probably the way to go. Edited by Vegettopk
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It's an amazing resource for every class. People have theorycrafted almost every mechanic in the game thus far.


Expertise has a DR. The "cutoff" point where Rakata pieces are better is where stat gains from said Rakata gear outweigh Expertise. We can figure this out without a combat log.


This is not a hard concept and even present with Resilience in WoW.


Would you be willing to provide a link to this discussion? Curious to hear more about it...

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