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Unfair for new reach lvl 50 players at pvp zones ;and Ilum


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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already. To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds). This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game. I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums. I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!... Edited by kanun
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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already. To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds). This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game. I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums. I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!...


pargraphs your friend are ...

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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already. To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds). This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game. I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums. I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!...


Mother of God....

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Work for your gear, just like everyone else. The only thing that's unfair is you asking for a bunch of free stuff, while all of those guys you're crying about got their stuff through time and effort.


Agreed. The new 50s have it easy enough as it is. You're babied enough as it is as a fresh 50 now. I had to work hard to get my Centurion. Fresh 50s dont.

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so they never thought you to use paragraphs in university? (I'd try getting my money back if I where you)



Yes, as a fresh 50 doing warzones is tough, I know as my alt is having trouble with it also.

BUT, dont you agree that people who have been working hard for their gear and grinding alot to get rank60 valor should be better geared for PVP then a fresh 50?


Getting tier1 PVP gear only takes a couple of daily's and you can even buy your 1st tier2 item after opening only 4 PVP bags. whith a chance of an itmedrop even. It's not hard to gear up to a respectable level and once you have that PVP is pretty balanced imo.


Right now i'm almost in full Championgear and have to say I dont see that much difference in the Battlemaster gear for which I'm grinding now. The differences get smaller the higher you get.


NO pvp gear..>Tier1 This is a HUGE gap because you have 0- expertise

Tier1-->tier2 Lesser gap, your overall stats improve slighty and you get more Expertise

tier2-->tier3 almost the same imo. Some peices even lower my overall stats but give me a bit more expertise instead.

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That is exactly what pisses me off. Some random fresh 50 with a valor rank of 29 having the same gear as me with my valor rank of 51. For the longest time I was getting 1-3 Centurion comms a bag, now with the new patch, fresh 50s are getting 15 a bag. Older 50s should be compensated in some form for this. Im tired of seeing people in the same gear as me when it took me a month or longer and it took them a week.


if thy get the items within 1 week sirnoobs, that'S mean thy don'T have a real life. I agree with you. I am pvp rank 23 now . to reach lvl 60 seems realy hard :(

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you mates or player, this is not an academic essay or para. Thus I write what ever the way I want, okay? yes it is . I know EU people ,you don'T know how to speak english properly. Germany-France-Italy-Spain etc. You know just spoken English. NO1 here trying to prove who is english grammer is better or not, I don't understand how you understand things some of your where(s). I don'T know realy . I am writing here again, stop writing comments if you don't wants, that's all!!!!!!!! I hope your brains understand this...


We don't want the use of paragraphs just because its proper English, it actually makes your postings more easily readable. This is an important thing, especially if you want support for your ideas.

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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already. To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds). This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game. I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums. I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!...


You mean you don't get to just warp into zone when you turn level 50 and auto win?


Where's my autowin button?!


Waa! Waa!


At 50 I should be able to beat everyone all the time even if they've been doing it longer than me!

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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already. To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds). This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game. I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums. I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!...


Put in the hard yards like everyone else who pvped.... you cant expect to just turn 50


and start smashing people that have worked very hard for there gear. Geez it seems


the crybabies are getting worst. Trust me when i say this if u pvped and started getting


your champion gear you will slowly understand.

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I've been browsing these forums without being logged in ... but I just had to log in for this one.


First of all, I really have to encourage you to not write these kind of posts in the future. A lot of people slack at work and browse forums instead of doing what they actually should be doing. You might have cost me my job by making me burst into tears laughing while trying to get through your first post.


Secondly, you should really listen to what people say in their critique of the way you arranged your post. I only read like the first fourth of it since both the grammar and structure was throwing me off most of the time. That has nothing to do with a text being an academic essay or a forum post - it's not bareable to read, sorry.


Third, on topic: There is nothing unfair in being at disadvantage when it comes to joining max level PvP - it is nothing unusual for MMOs. It is a motivational factor for participating in PvP as well as a "status" symbol of sort that hardcore players can show off.


(I actually think in this respect that many hardcore PvP players are slightly disappointed with both not being able to stand out more clearly in terms of achievement / skill display and with new players getting new gear much faster than what was the case for the first months.)

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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already.


To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop. I liked this game content the class quests but pvp is realy unfair, unbalance as character skills/balance etc. At pvp zones I am giving max 1000-1500 damage with crit hits if I am lucky. I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor.



It is realy unfair. I am here at this game for 7 weeks(reached lvl 50 new ;but I cannot do anything to 3 months players already= it is realy non-sense). I go to ilum there are full of zerg there are many stealth class ,as trooper I cannot do anything. These 3 months players have at least full champion or full battlemaster. I cannot kill anyone at ilum=no valor points extra, for pvp zones the groups I have enter generally lose every matches (there are many pre-made parties as guilds).



This game pvp balance is realy bad I must say, these stealth characters or merchanary classes' missile skills are giving too much damage(s) with single or multiple fast attacks. As a trooper my almost all important skills have 1.5-2sec activation time, even for this activation casting skills I am giving realy less damage it is so ridiculous. Until lvl 50 everything was fine ;now the game started to become making new started players realy nervous I must say, I am saying this many people will gonna leave this game soon. I am leaving too. I have a real life (I am just playing the games for fun) but at this game you should not have any social life, any work life, any private life etc. if you don'T play for 5*6 hours per a day for everyday you cannot do anything or reach anything at this game.



I don2t know realy. This game is a total failure I think, even for a single daily/weekly I cannot do it withing 2 hours(always losing always losing every matches=less valor points to lvl up at pvp rank). I am quiting this game .Even at WoW ,if you start later you can catch up the older players ;but at swtor you cannot do it. I am bored to die with 2-3 hits realy it is realy nonsense mates( a champion or a battlemaster player is killing me with 2-3 hits!!!and I cannot give any damage to these players, when thy use healing meds = I cannot kill them totaly at pvp zones or at ilum). OFC bioware doesn'T care what we write here, thy just care what U.S server players say at their forums.



I play this game after my university lessons' finish and this game make me feel uncomfortable (after lvl 50 these mentioned things started...).I am saying who gonna comment here, if you don'T wanna comment properly don'T do it , I hate players who write non-sense/jerk comments I am warning you from now!!!!...


Better. Wall of text crit me for more then 9000 !

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there is no end realy... understand whatever you want;but I am the right one here...
I hit 50 on my alt 2 days ago. I'm not a particularly amazing pvp'er, but still have no problem being effective, despite being undergeared. Sure, if I was silly enough to attempt to go 1v1 against a fully geared BM I'd be destroyed, but in a group PvP setting, there's rarely a need to.


It's also much easier to pick up a basic level of Expertise now than it was previously as you get so many Cent tokens thrown at you.

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Hello all, I am writing this because pvp zones makes me realy nervous. I reach the lvl 50 new ;most players ofc got their battlemaster pvp items etc. I cannot do anything at pvp zones ;and generally losing at pvp zones already.


So they get there battlemaster for free? Is it possible that this persons played PvP and earned there battlemaster gear?


To reach pvp rank 60 is realy tough if you don'T play for all days all weeks non-stop.


You do not need rank60 to be competitive! You get free epics all day long doing your daily and weekly. 2 Weeks for full epic equip T1/T2 is to much effort for you?


I am looking at sorc'S at pvp zones thy have 15k-17k hp with their light armor. It is realy unfair.


Thats right it is so unfair that there are people progressing faster than you!

We should start a petition. BW have to implement some kind of progression controll. So progression is only possible when you catch up.

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