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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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All someone has to do is look at your post and see who the troll is.


NGE added "revolutionary to the industry features that no other game has done"? LMFAO.


"one of which was true atmospheric flight."


Um, other MMOs have flying mounts. lol......



The fact you think the game was better, despite having at prime time on all servers the same number of people pre-cu had a few minutes before server shutdown on one server, is epic lulz.


Again a clueless berk. Have you any idea of what atmospheric flight was? it's starship combat (or travel) in an atmosphere.

Including strafing runs on ground troops (only players in certain zones) compare that with flying mounts...... yer really similar.

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This game was never going to be an SWG 2.


That was evident even back in 2008 when they announced it.


Would I love to see an SWG 2? You bet. Will this game ever fit that bill? No. It wasn't designed to. This is theme-park, SWG was sandbox. Two entirely different genres.




But there will be some sandbox type elements coming in the next few months just in a different format.


If only Bioware could steal some people from Bethesda - this game could go places.

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Again a clueless berk. Have you any idea of what atmospheric flight was? it's starship combat (or travel) in an atmosphere.

Including strafing runs on ground troops (only players in certain zones) compare that with flying mounts...... yer really similar.


Which wouldn't be hard to do in a game with flying mounts. Just have combat on mounts, you fail to realize the flying mounts are controllable mid flight.


They are only different then NGE's in that one is modeled into a creature, the other a piece of tech.

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Which wouldn't be hard to do in a game with flying mounts. Just have combat on mounts, you fail to realize the flying mounts are controllable mid flight.


They are only different then NGE's in that one is modeled into a creature, the other a piece of tech.


A completely customisable piece of tech that flies very very fast and often an 8 player gunship not just a fighter.

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A completely customisable piece of tech that flies very very fast and often an 8 player gunship not just a fighter.


speed of flight has nothing to do with being revolutionary in a MMO.


The facts are flying mount, which is what atmospheric flight is, already existed. All that would be needed to make them like NGE's and combat which wouldn't be hard.

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


Because there is no market for SWG2


You might not like TOR

Heck I see lots wrong with TOR


But there is a market for TOR


There is no substancial market for SWG2.


Cant say it any more clear then that.


The consumer base has spoken loud and clear on the viability of UO Style Sand Box games as a AAA big budget game.


Your best hope is the low budget indy game Arch Age gathers a quiet following for long enough that some developer out there takes a chance on a moderate budget Sand Box MMORPG.


And if that works, THEN you might get someone interested in trying AGAIN to make a successfull AAA Big Budget Sand Box MMORPG.


But thats a long ways off still and ALLOT of things need to fall into place before it gets even seriously considered!


PS: And before you point at EVE Online, EVEs current subscriber base (the highest its ever been) would be veiwed as immediate failure for a big budget MMORPG.


Your markets not there


Thats why no SWG2

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Which wouldn't be hard to do in a game with flying mounts. Just have combat on mounts, you fail to realize the flying mounts are controllable mid flight.


They are only different then NGE's in that one is modeled into a creature, the other a piece of tech.


Again, there's a lot more to what was implemented than just controlling a flying mount/device or adding a bit of combat. It's ok to not want to grasp the mechanics of the system, I am sure there are things that you simply might not care to learn about.


However that's not really on-topic for this thread. Neither is bandying about mis-information which was really all my first post was intended to address.





As I said in another post, this game is not nor ever will be an SWG 2.

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SWG (Pre NGE) never failed imo. The sandbox feeling I had, was about the same as with Ultima Online. The problem with real sandbox mmorpgs is the market for such a mmorpg compared too the costs for making the game.


Why design a game that will have roughly 200k subscribers, when u can have around the million if you design it easier. Thats the whole problem.


This doesn't mean I'm still hoping for the next sandbox mmorpg.

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Because there is no market for SWG2


You might not like TOR

Heck I see lots wrong with TOR


But there is a market for TOR


There is no substancial market for SWG2.


Cant say it any more clear then that.


The consumer base has spoken loud and clear on the viability of UO Style Sand Box games as a AAA big budget game.


Your best hope is the low budget indy game Arch Age gathers a quiet following for long enough that some developer out there takes a chance on a moderate budget Sand Box MMORPG.


And if that works, THEN you might get someone interested in trying AGAIN to make a successfull AAA Big Budget Sand Box MMORPG.


But thats a long ways off still and ALLOT of things need to fall into place before it gets even seriously considered!


PS: And before you point at EVE Online, EVEs current subscriber base (the highest its ever been) would be veiwed as immediate failure for a big budget MMORPG.


Your markets not there


Thats why no SWG2


I agree with you..but consider that times are different now. Let's speak honestly, today what decides the starting number of subs it's just the hype you build about it.

SWTOR made great hype..UO was born on a different time, when gaming wasn't "massified" as today.

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speed of flight has nothing to do with being revolutionary in a MMO.


The facts are flying mount, which is what atmospheric flight is, already existed. All that would be needed to make them like NGE's and combat which wouldn't be hard.


Ok, define "revolutionary"


To me it implies something which has never been done before basically.


I am trying hard to think of another MMO that has ever had mixed space/ground combo combat before.


WoW sure had some beasts you can float about on and trael places, but did it have atmospheric combat?


TBH i dont know why we're even talking about atmos flight. As a long term BH who hunts a lot of players it had it's ups and downs. Sure i could get to the mark quicker and but often marks would get out of combat and launch into their own ships and fly off (if they were fast enough)


I just think you're silly even trying to comare the two things

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SWG (Pre NGE) never failed imo. The sandbox feeling I had, was about the same as with Ultima Online. The problem with real sandbox mmorpgs is the market for such a mmorpg compared too the costs for making the game.


Why design a game that will have roughly 200k subscribers, when u can have around the million if you design it easier. Thats the whole problem.


This doesn't mean I'm still hoping for the next sandbox mmorpg.


The massive budget on this game doomed its potential from the start.

A less mainstream game would have to have a lot less money thrown at it for them to consider a niche market.


Look at EVE online for example, widely regarded as the most hardcore sandbox game ever. Still only has around 350k subs afaik and that's been going as long as SWG

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I never really encountered the number of bugs other people had in SW:G. That being said SW:G failed to be popular because of one main reason. The timeline. Because of the timeline chosen you couldn't play what most people loved about Star Wars. Jedi. Also there was little wiggle room for creativity on the part of the developers. You pretty much knew what was going to happen next in the story. I mean in the next year of the timeline sort of next.


I was bored. Yes I created my own content but outside of those fleeting moments I was bored. I did not have to go anywhere. The skills were beyond a grindfest of not going anywhere. Sorry but SW:G failed from the start and only appealed to a small group of people.

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I never really encountered the number of bugs other people had in SW:G. That being said SW:G failed to be popular because of one main reason. The timeline. Because of the timeline chosen you couldn't play what most people loved about Star Wars. Jedi. Also there was little wiggle room for creativity on the part of the developers. You pretty much knew what was going to happen next in the story. I mean in the next year of the timeline sort of next.


I was bored. Yes I created my own content but outside of those fleeting moments I was bored. I did not have to go anywhere. The skills were beyond a grindfest of not going anywhere. Sorry but SW:G failed from the start and only appealed to a small group of people.


Even from the very start you could become a jedi if you wanted to and later in the game Jedi was a starter prof.

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Ok, define "revolutionary"


To me it implies something which has never been done before basically.


I am trying hard to think of another MMO that has ever had mixed space/ground combo combat before.


WoW sure had some beasts you can float about on and trael places, but did it have atmospheric combat?


TBH i dont know why we're even talking about atmos flight. As a long term BH who hunts a lot of players it had it's ups and downs. Sure i could get to the mark quicker and but often marks would get out of combat and launch into their own ships and fly off (if they were fast enough)


I just think you're silly even trying to comare the two things


If you mean actual space, then yeah, I don't know any.


If you mean a combination of ground combat and aerial combat, City of Heroes has free flight, where you can strafe on ground targets. And, some of the mobs have flight themselves (Freakshow, Circle of Thorn, Sky Raiders, etc...) which turn into a flight vs flight combat while others still duke it out on the ground.


Sidebar = getting stunned at high altitude and plummeting to the ground... hurts...

Edited by DalrisThane
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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


SWG is dead dead dead dead dead - go on keep kicking the dead horse I don't care but harder you kick more dead it is.

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If you mean actual space, then yeah, I don't know any.


If you mean a combination of ground combat and aerial combat, City of Heroes has free flight, where you can strafe on ground targets. And, some of the mobs have flight themselves (Freakshow, Circle of Thorn, Sky Raiders, etc...) which turn into a flight vs flight combat while others still duke it out on the ground.


Sidebar = getting stunned at high altitude and plummeting to the ground... hurts...


Oh SWG had proper space combat too, just a patch let us fight the same in atmos as well.


Was funny flying over a pvp zone in a gunship with 5 gunners pounding the ground with laser fire with our air combat patrol of 2 fighters circling overhead lookig out for interceptors

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The question is all on the title. Why didn't they make a new game like galaxies that offered more freedom , with nearly a billion of features that swtor will never have.

Why this "prison" small story park?


It's a simple answer, money. /thread

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SWG had 100,000s of subs before the CU hit, that droped quite a bit. but was eventually going back up because it was still SWG in the end.


NGE completely killed it.


Sorry, I was playing SWG when all of this happened. You obviously never played it and think a few 100,000 subs is fail.


A prime example of how WoW has ruined the MMO community.


I played SWG from the day it released in Europe, until I received my invitation to the CoH Beta shortly before it went into Open Beta. When I say that SWG failed, I do not base it solely on the fact that the game only got a fraction of WoW's subscriber numbers. You said it yourself: The main reason people played that trainwreck of a game was the Star Wars IP. If not for that, it might've been shut down years ago. Sandbox MMOs only appeal to a small niche. Add to that major latency issues, bugs, broken features and you've got yourself a recipe for failure.

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SWG was a failure in each of it's 3 incarnations. Time to face it.


Tbh, i would say there were 5 . Pre-cu, CU, NGE, NGE 2 (armour sets and heroics and imprived pvp) and NGE 2.1 (Assaults on cities for region control and odd stuff like atmos flight)

Edited by Shuno
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Oh look, another why is this a theme park game, I want a sandbox game thread. While we're at it, why is the sky blue, why does the sun rise in the East and why can't pigs fly? The game is what it is. If you want a sandbox game, then go find one already cuz this ain't it. Continuing to gripe and whine about the fact that the game isn't a sandbox game is beyond pointless.
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Oh look, another why is this a theme park game, I want a sandbox game thread. While we're at it, why is the sky blue, why does the sun rise in the East and why can't pigs fly? The game is what it is. If you want a sandbox game, then go find one already cuz this ain't it. Continuing to gripe and whine about the fact that the game isn't a sandbox game is beyond pointless.


Consider that sometimes people just "discuss" about something they love: Videogames in this case.

It's not always an hater attack. So shouldn't be always a fanboy party.

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