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Pros and Cons of Dual Advanced Classes


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I still don't understand how giving people an option breaks the game for everyone else when that person would otherwise miserably grind through the same content again or just not play that AC at all, limiting their experience and enjoyment of the game.


I never understood the "its optional" argument for adding things into the game.


Why not let players have the option to be automatically 50? Why not let players have the option to switch between Trooper and Sage? Why not let players have the option to solo all the content and gain level 145 epics? Why not turn fleet pass and quick travel into 5 second cooldown abilities? Its all optional and "doesn't affect you" in the slightest if someone chooses to do these, so by your argument, these should all be allowed.


Honestly I'm sort of 50/50 right now on the issue, but adding options is not always a good thing, since it can cheapen the gaming experience for many. I'm not saying there isn't a good argument for allowing players to change ACs, but it certainly does alter the way the game will be played and is not something to toss in just because a player can choose to ignore it.

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What polls? any links to them.


I am pretty sure it was a question asked before the wipe. You are probably as capable of searching through the hundreds of polls in the poll section as I am!


If they are none there on this specific question then it was a poll that happened previous to early launch and was wiped from the boards.

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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I am pretty sure it was a question asked before the wipe. You are probably as capable of searching through the hundreds of polls in the poll section as I am!


If they are none there on this specific question then it was a poll that happened previous to early launch and was wiped from the boards.


Poll after poll after poll on this came up with around 70% against and 30% either for or that didnt care.


I have no doubt that Dual AC will be put in some time in the future. It will hapen as one of many last ditch efforts to get people to come back to the game before it goes F2P along with the ability to change sides.

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I am pretty sure it was a question asked before the wipe. You are probably as capable of searching through the hundreds of polls in the poll section as I am!


If they are none there on this specific question then it was a poll that happened previous to early launch and was wiped from the boards.


it is not unreasonable to ask someone who is arbitrarily pointing out some obscure fact to back it up with proof...


I do happen to believe it is weird having people who are Dark V playing along side me and not being able to swap sides seems strange since npc's have apparantly already defected... (Troopers second companion elana dorne or something was sith that crossed over)


So while I DON'T agree with Changing Advanced Classes... I DO support side swapping as long as your dark/light points are maxxed.

Edited by xyloh
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I would prefer if there wasn't an option to change adavcne classes.


You made a choice, and you have to stick with it.

Or else if it were allowed, everyone would take the "flavor of the week".



If Mercenarie would become the OP AC, then all/most Powertechs would switch to mercenarie, just because it is the flavour of the week/patch.


Kinda like in WoW within the 1 class where Unholy DK was great during WotLK, but then Frost became OP, the flavor of the expansion/patch. Everyone went Frost then.


Sure WoW doesn't have AC, but it is kinda the same principle.

I just don't want people to switch AC just because it isn't the flavour of the week/patch.

Edited by Spaarkaart
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I would prefer if there wasn't an option to change adavcne classes.


You made a choice, and you have to stick with it.

Or else if it were allowed, everyone would take the "flavor of the week".



If Mercenarie would become the OP AC, then all/most Powertechs would switch to mercenarie, just because it is the flavour of the week/patch.


Kinda like in WoW within the 1 class where Unholy DK was great during WotLK, but then Frost became OP, the flavor of the expansion/patch. Everyone went Frost then.


Sure WoW doesn't have AC, but it is kinda the same principle.

I just don't want people to switch AC just because it isn't the flavour of the week/patch.


If there is a FotM, having AC respec is the last of the problem. The game has a fundamental problem that has to be addressed.

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Because there are not enough Troopers and Consulars on Republic side. And we could sure use more Bounty hunters and Inquisitors on Empire side.


Why play a class that is limited to heals/damage or tank/damage when you can do tank/heals/damage depending on your mood.


Dual AC would make this a 2 class game instead of an 8 class game.


You are assuming every player can and will want to be tank,healer and dps.


Some players will always be dps only. Some healers only and yet others tank only.


Only a select group of players will have the skill and the versatility to be tank, healer or dps.


You also forgot with starships, companions, class story, gear, there are legitimate reasons (i.e.having fun) to play with the so called two-role classes.

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Only a select group of players will have the skill and the versatility to be tank, healer or dps.



that is the point!


if anybody could roll any class and then switch advanced classes a plethora of unskilled (at certain roles) players would be unleashed.


The solo content in this game is easy enough that an unskilled healer, tank, or dps can survive without too many deaths/repair bills

however it could, and in my opinion would, damage group content because unskilled players would be experimenting with new roles.


I rolled a healer for the first time in this game. After grinding up through the levels, i have become, IMO, fairly competent and able to contribute to groups.


Somebody who switches from a dps to a healer, and then is responsible fora group wipe because they were busy slicing and dicing is only possible with Dual AC


as for arguments that say its an option, it doesnt affect you,

that is straight up wrong

Any choice the developers make to the structure of the game has an effect on everyone playing it, whether detrimental or beneficial

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I still don't understand how giving people an option breaks the game for everyone else when that person would otherwise miserably grind through the same content again or just not play that AC at all, limiting their experience and enjoyment of the game.


I put this in anther thread and I'll repeat it here.


As players it should be our goal to see this game live on for years and continue to grow and develop. People need to get past the entitlement view of "give me what I want now" and realize its not what is best for the longevity of this game. Options are NOT always better.


Its a commonly held belief that raising your child by structuring their choices and guiding them to make the right ones is vastly superior to allowing them to do whatever they want whenever they want. Offering vegetable A or fruit B is a better option than "pick something out of the kitchen for dinner". They'd invariably choose the candy every time. By limiting their choices you are teaching that child how to make the right decision when they get older. "Candy is not appropriate for dinner".


The same can be applied here. Sure, we can let players do whatever they want. PvP and buy PvE gear with the reward. Go RP with someone in a cantina for 6 hours a day for a month and get to level 50 with max PvP gear. Pick whatever class you want - it doesn't matter because you can change it whenever you like. Players will go on a frenzy of playing and no one will want to stop. Until there's nothing to do anymore. They've played all the classes. They have 8 sets of PvP, PvE and social gear. They are bored. They have one character. They quit the game.


By forcing you to make the choice of what class you want to play, Bioware has guided you towards certain options in the game. Yes, there is choice within that class as to what tree you want to play (the best decisions made for someone always look like they have options within that choice) but you're still committed on some level. In the end, if you want to change your choice, you'll need to work for it and develop another character. It increases replayability and extends the life of the game exponentially. Which should be important to all of us.

Edited by aznthecapn
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that is the point!


if anybody could roll any class and then switch advanced classes a plethora of unskilled (at certain roles) players would be unleashed.


The solo content in this game is easy enough that an unskilled healer, tank, or dps can survive without too many deaths/repair bills

however it could, and in my opinion would, damage group content because unskilled players would be experimenting with new roles.


I rolled a healer for the first time in this game. After grinding up through the levels, i have become, IMO, fairly competent and able to contribute to groups.


Somebody who switches from a dps to a healer, and then is responsible fora group wipe because they were busy slicing and dicing is only possible with Dual AC


as for arguments that say its an option, it doesnt affect you,

that is straight up wrong

Any choice the developers make to the structure of the game has an effect on everyone playing it, whether detrimental or beneficial


First of all, you don't have to group with those players. If they don't have very good gear, it could represent that they rerolled AC and therefore you know that they may not know what they're doing. If they're however just new to 50, then they should be doing dungeons appropriate for that gear level, which aren't too challenging anyways. Also, there are healer/dps and tank/dps ACs, so people could still just as easily switch between those specs and have no idea what they're doing.


I put this in anther thread and I'll repeat it here.


As players it should be our goal to see this game live on for years and continue to grow and develop. People need to get past the entitlement view of "give me what I want now" and realize its not what is best for the longevity of this game. Options are NOT always better.


Its a commonly held belief that raising your child by structuring their choices and guiding them to make the right ones is vastly superior to allowing them to do whatever they want whenever they want. Offering vegetable A or fruit B is a better option than "pick something out of the kitchen for dinner". They'd invariably choose the candy every time. By limiting their choices you are teaching that child how to make the right decision when they get older. "Candy is not appropriate for dinner".


The same can be applied here. Sure, we can let players do whatever they want. PvP and buy PvE gear with the reward. Go RP with someone in a cantina for 6 hours a day for a month and get to level 50 with max PvP gear. Pick whatever class you want - it doesn't matter because you can change it whenever you like. Players will go on a frenzy of playing and no one will want to stop. Until there's nothing to do anymore. They've played all the classes. They have 8 sets of PvP, PvE and social gear. They are bored. They have one character. They quit the game.


By forcing you to make the choice of what class you want to play, Bioware has guided you towards certain options in the game. Yes, there is choice within that class as to what tree you want to play (the best decisions made for someone always look like they have options within that choice) but you're still committed on some level. In the end, if you want to change your choice, you'll need to work for it and develop another character. It increases replayability and extends the life of the game exponentially. Which should be important to all of us.


You can still essentially do this as long as you spend more time miserably grinding through the same content twice for each class, experiencing the same exact story(which is supposed to be unique to your class). I do not believe that is replayability. People still play nonstop until they're bored regardless of switching ACs, and playing nonstop leveling to get the part you actually enjoy is worse than playing the part you enjoy until it's boring, especially when the former option can cause you to quit before you actually even reach the part you enjoy.


If you don't enjoy a certain aspect of the game, but are forced to do it just so you can experience the aspects you DO enjoy, then you either spend less time playing, or spend the same/more time and foster contempt for the game based on that and quit earlier than you would had you been able to enjoy it more often. So essentially it reduces replayability and decreases your enjoyment, interest, and time in/on the game.


I don't speak for everyone, nor the majority, but I'm sure many feel the same way I do.

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Yes advanced CLASSES are classes. You choose them at the beginning of your levelling process once you get used to the basic play style of the game. This game has 8 classes, not 4.


No this game has 4 Classes. 8 ACs but mirrored after each other. Advanced classes are classes.

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Well, we have two very similar discussions rolling in the SUGGESTION forums right now. I posted something similar in the other forum and I think the points could be useful here for discussion sake, so I'll summarize my thoughts here:


With all the back and forth, the argument usually boils down to the definition of classes.


The PRO-AC change side believes that Advanced Classes are spec-related, NOT CORE-class related.


The ANTI-AC change side believes that Advanced Classes are CORE-class related.


We can call it semantics, but since I'm on the PRO-AC change side, I'll illustrate the reasons why I believe Advanced Classes are more spec-related and less class related.


REASON# 1: Bioware introduces AC selection akin to Talent Tree Selection


Because the first 10 levels are IDENTICAL regardless of the AC selection, the choice at level 10 doesn't feel like a different class, but rather, a specialization choice. As a Sith Warrior, you've entered combat primarily through Force Leap starting at level 2. At level 10, you will still enter combat primarily through Force Leap REGARDLESS of your AC selection. Further to that point, your combat resources remain the same as does many other aspects including story, companion, ship, etc.


REASON# 2: Advanced Classes are NOT as clearly defined as Core Classes


When a player select an AC at level 10, they have two tabs of abilities. One is defined by their Core class (i.e. Sith Warrior) and one is defined by their AC (i.e. Marauder). An Annihilation Marauder will always have (and train) Sith Warrior abilities while an Immortal Juggernaut will ALSO have (and train) Sith Warrior abilities. Regardless of the selection of Marauder or Juggernaut, the character will always be a Sith Warrior at it's core.


Not only do the different ACs share common abilities based in the CORE CLASS, but the two ACs share a common Talent Tree as well. This is where the CLASS delineation breaks down even further.


These two points boil down into quite an ambiguous definition of Advanced Class. It's obviously not a CORE CLASS (since you can't select a Mercenary AC while playing a Warrior); it's not a COMPLETELY different set of Talent Trees (since the two ACs share a common Tree) and it's playstyle is not entirely UNIQUE between the two ACs (Both Juggernauts and Marauder's Force Leap into combat).


Somebody who switches from a dps to a healer, and then is responsible fora group wipe because they were busy slicing and dicing is only possible with Dual AC


Actually, it's quite possible now, even without Dual AC. I doubt that a Mercenary who's leveled from 1 to 50 as Arsenal will be any better equipped to be an end-game healer if they decide to re-spec to Bodyguard at level 50 prior to an Operation.


Learning to play is completely separate from this conversation as long as Bioware allows Talent Tree respecs (two within an AC). Why not allow all four Talent Trees (within the CORE class)?

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You can still essentially do this as long as you spend more time miserably grinding through the same content twice for each class, experiencing the same exact story(which is supposed to be unique to your class). I do not believe that is replayability. People still play nonstop until they're bored regardless of switching ACs, and playing nonstop leveling to get the part you actually enjoy is worse than playing the part you enjoy until it's boring, especially when the former option can cause you to quit before you actually even reach the part you enjoy.


If you don't enjoy a certain aspect of the game, but are forced to do it just so you can experience the aspects you DO enjoy, then you either spend less time playing, or spend the same/more time and foster contempt for the game based on that and quit earlier than you would had you been able to enjoy it more often. So essentially it reduces replayability and decreases your enjoyment, interest, and time in/on the game.


Except every MMO to date that has had any modicum of long term success (yes, subjective but pretty easy to gauge) has NOT allowed class changes. In fact, those few that have are showing some signs of death throes. FFXI is way at the bottom of the MMO market except for Asian markets, FFXIV is an abominable turd that won't flush and Rift is less than a year since release and offering the first 20 levels free.


Fixed classes mean more alts and, as WoW has proven people WILL roll alts regardless of story. The story was identical for everyone in the same faction for the entire game and its 7+ year history is indicative that this will continue. I genuinely don't see why the story is suddenly the single most important basis for class changing - and no, being a "story driven" MMO isn't a good reason.

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Well, we have two very similar discussions rolling in the SUGGESTION forums right now. I posted something similar in the other forum and I think the points could be useful here for discussion sake, so I'll summarize my thoughts here:


With all the back and forth, the argument usually boils down to the definition of classes.


The PRO-AC change side believes that Advanced Classes are spec-related, NOT CORE-class related.


The ANTI-AC change side believes that Advanced Classes are CORE-class related.


We can call it semantics, but since I'm on the PRO-AC change side, I'll illustrate the reasons why I believe Advanced Classes are more spec-related and less class related.


REASON# 1: Bioware introduces AC selection akin to Talent Tree Selection


Because the first 10 levels are IDENTICAL regardless of the AC selection, the choice at level 10 doesn't feel like a different class, but rather, a specialization choice. As a Sith Warrior, you've entered combat primarily through Force Leap starting at level 2. At level 10, you will still enter combat primarily through Force Leap REGARDLESS of your AC selection. Further to that point, your combat resources remain the same as does many other aspects including story, companion, ship, etc.


REASON# 2: Advanced Classes are NOT as clearly defined as Core Classes


When a player select an AC at level 10, they have two tabs of abilities. One is defined by their Core class (i.e. Sith Warrior) and one is defined by their AC (i.e. Marauder). An Annihilation Marauder will always have (and train) Sith Warrior abilities while an Immortal Juggernaut will ALSO have (and train) Sith Warrior abilities. Regardless of the selection of Marauder or Juggernaut, the character will always be a Sith Warrior at it's core.


Not only do the different ACs share common abilities based in the CORE CLASS, but the two ACs share a common Talent Tree as well. This is where the CLASS delineation breaks down even further.


These two points boil down into quite an ambiguous definition of Advanced Class. It's obviously not a CORE CLASS (since you can't select a Mercenary AC while playing a Warrior); it's not a COMPLETELY different set of Talent Trees (since the two ACs share a common Tree) and it's playstyle is not entirely UNIQUE between the two ACs (Both Juggernauts and Marauder's Force Leap into combat).


Somebody who switches from a dps to a healer, and then is responsible fora group wipe because they were busy slicing and dicing is only possible with Dual AC


Actually, it's quite possible now, even without Dual AC. I doubt that a Mercenary who's leveled from 1 to 50 as Arsenal will be any better equipped to be an end-game healer if they decide to re-spec to Bodyguard at level 50 prior to an Operation.


Learning to play is completely separate from this conversation as long as Bioware allows Talent Tree respecs (two within an AC). Why not allow all four Talent Trees (within the CORE class)?


Very organized and were similar to some of my ideas/pros, except much more clear. Liked this post a lot. :)

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REASON# 1: Bioware introduces AC selection akin to Talent Tree Selection


Just because its picked at level 10 doesn't make it a talent choice. If ACs were picked at level 1, we wouldn't be arguing about this? So we're arguing about 10 levels? One of your benchmark reasons is you don't want to re-level 10 levels?


Because the first 10 levels are IDENTICAL regardless of the AC selection, the choice at level 10 doesn't feel like a different class, but rather, a specialization choice. As a Sith Warrior, you've entered combat primarily through Force Leap starting at level 2. At level 10, you will still enter combat primarily through Force Leap REGARDLESS of your AC selection. Further to that point, your combat resources remain the same as does many other aspects including story, companion, ship, etc.


As an Assassin you get stealth and as a Sorcerer you gain healing skills. That's a substantial difference. Casters enter combat by casting a spell. Melee enter combat by running or leaping into it. In WoW, seven classes use mana, are they all the same class? Resources do not define a class.


REASON# 2: Advanced Classes are NOT as clearly defined as Core Classes


Then ask Bioware to define them more clearly.

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Another argument against Dual AC is that it reduces replayability, because you can be every single role, and in the case of consular/inquisitor and Imp Agent/Smuggler even dabble with long range dps/heals and switch to close range melee dps/tanking

why would I spend time leveling alts when i can just switch my main to a different (to varying degrees) playstyle


also, you are not forced to play the same story, i have a 41 sith sorc and am rolling a jedi conselor alt to try out the tank-asin build to see how i like it


Why should bioware give you more choice when you have limited yourself to playing one and only one faction?

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Another argument against Dual AC is that it reduces replayability, because you can be every single role, and in the case of consular/inquisitor and Imp Agent/Smuggler even dabble with long range dps/heals and switch to close range melee dps/tanking

why would I spend time leveling alts when i can just switch my main to a different (to varying degrees) playstyle


also, you are not forced to play the same story, i have a 41 sith sorc and am rolling a jedi conselor alt to try out the tank-asin build to see how i like it


Why should bioware give you more choice when you have limited yourself to playing one and only one faction?


Funny you say this.


I have TEN alts and have intention to level every single one of them to 50.


Yet, I still support AC respec.


Why? Becos it will be fun for me and I won't feel like : Oh, I am stuck in this role and this group just need a healer which my AC cannot spec.


If you then ask "Why not bring the other alt I have which is the role that the group wants?" My answer is the 10 alts are all spread between two servers and two factions and are of VARYING levels. So let's say if someone wants a healer in cademimu and my healer currently is level 10 but my level 30 char, which can be a healer if AC respec is possible, cannot run because he is not a healer at the moment.

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Why? Becos it will be fun for me and I won't feel like : Oh, I am stuck in this role and this group just need a healer which my AC cannot spec.


If you then ask "Why not bring the other alt I have which is the role that the group wants?" My answer is the 10 alts are all spread between two servers and two factions and are of VARYING levels. So let's say if someone wants a healer in cademimu and my healer currently is level 10 but my level 30 char, which can be a healer if AC respec is possible, cannot run because he is not a healer at the moment.


your reasoning is that because it will be "fun for me" and you wont have to let down a group that really needs a healer then you should ahve the ability to switch specs at will


Having a ferrari will be fun for me, and i wont ever let down my group of friends that has always wanted to ride in one, but that doesn't mean that Ferrari has to send me an Enzo

(not a perfect analogy)


I have no idea your skill level, but i am going to assume that you are better at some things rather than others, so if you were playing to your skills as an awesome powertech tank, but a group needed you to heal then you could switch to your healing specc'ed in the other AC (i dont know how the trees work for bounty hunters, so if i get them mixed up, my bad)

you accidently go through your tanking rotation and your group has to deal with a mediocre healer instead of one who has grinded through the levels and learned how to heal very well cus that is his or her everyday playstyle


Furthermore, i commend your dedication to leveling 10 different characters and I hope they dont begin to feel stale as you play the same AC with the same mechanics over and over and over and over again

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Just because its picked at level 10 doesn't make it a talent choice. If ACs were picked at level 1, we wouldn't be arguing about this? So we're arguing about 10 levels? One of your benchmark reasons is you don't want to re-level 10 levels?




As an Assassin you get stealth and as a Sorcerer you gain healing skills. That's a substantial difference. Casters enter combat by casting a spell. Melee enter combat by running or leaping into it. In WoW, seven classes use mana, are they all the same class? Resources do not define a class.




Then ask Bioware to define them more clearly.





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Except every MMO to date that has had any modicum of long term success (yes, subjective but pretty easy to gauge) has NOT allowed class changes. In fact, those few that have are showing some signs of death throes. FFXI is way at the bottom of the MMO market except for Asian markets, FFXIV is an abominable turd that won't flush and Rift is less than a year since release and offering the first 20 levels free.


Fixed classes mean more alts and, as WoW has proven people WILL roll alts regardless of story. The story was identical for everyone in the same faction for the entire game and its 7+ year history is indicative that this will continue. I genuinely don't see why the story is suddenly the single most important basis for class changing - and no, being a "story driven" MMO isn't a good reason.


Oh wait!!!


Hold that /thread.. Just to add to the post above..


No to AC switching!!!


FACT!! There is no viable reason to allow it!! Convenient and easy are not reasons..


FACT!! The vast majority of the players don't want it..


FACT!!! Reguardless how may feel about or like or dislike it, or even disagree with it.. Your AC is you class!! Bioware says so and they are the only one with the authority to say otherwise.. That is simply a fact!! It is indesputable.. There isn't a single word to the contrary..


We do not get to choose what is or isn't a class.. We didn't design this game.. We didn't spend years working on it.. We have not earned the right to make such a call.. We don't have to agree with it.. But we don't have the right to simply say otherwise.. Nor do we have the right to demand a change to the game that was never intended and goes against the very fabric of game design.. Since the days of the Beta.. Your AC selections was permanent..


There is no written in stone standard for what is and isn't a class.. Nor should people be making up such rules to suit their need or views..


You are always entitled to your opinion.. You are not entitled to your own facts..


Oh.. It would have been nice if the OP could have simply added their feelings to an existing thread on this issue instead of making another.. Just saying..


/thread.. For real this time..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Another argument against Dual AC is that it reduces replayability, because you can be every single role, and in the case of consular/inquisitor and Imp Agent/Smuggler even dabble with long range dps/heals and switch to close range melee dps/tanking

why would I spend time leveling alts when i can just switch my main to a different (to varying degrees) playstyle


also, you are not forced to play the same story, i have a 41 sith sorc and am rolling a jedi conselor alt to try out the tank-asin build to see how i like it


Why should bioware give you more choice when you have limited yourself to playing one and only one faction?


In numerous posts of mine, I've already said that many people don't enjoy leveling, so therefore won't, which means no replayability. Replayability is supposed to include enjoyment, but if there's no enjoyment(such as grinding the same stuff over again) then it's not really replayability.

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As an Assassin you get stealth and as a Sorcerer you gain healing skills. That's a substantial difference. Casters enter combat by casting a spell. Melee enter combat by running or leaping into it. In WoW, seven classes use mana, are they all the same class? Resources do not define a class.


Also in WoW, there are specs within a class that are melee and caster. Druid, paladin, and shaman, for example, can switch between all the roles, except for shaman, which has both melee and caster dps, as well as healer.

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Except every MMO to date that has had any modicum of long term success (yes, subjective but pretty easy to gauge) has NOT allowed class changes. In fact, those few that have are showing some signs of death throes. FFXI is way at the bottom of the MMO market except for Asian markets, FFXIV is an abominable turd that won't flush and Rift is less than a year since release and offering the first 20 levels free.


Fixed classes mean more alts and, as WoW has proven people WILL roll alts regardless of story. The story was identical for everyone in the same faction for the entire game and its 7+ year history is indicative that this will continue. I genuinely don't see why the story is suddenly the single most important basis for class changing - and no, being a "story driven" MMO isn't a good reason.


SWTOR doesn't have to bend to what the other games do. It can use new methods and still be successful. I'd have to say that being a story driven MMO means that you shouldn't have to experience the same story twice. It's also not the most important basis for class changing, IMO at least.

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