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The reason Sorcerer/Sage CC is OP in PvP


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Easy fix would be to force the sorc to get the top ability in one tree before getting anything in another tree. Personally, I run with 28 in madness because I like creeping terror (it's good for stopping tanks on burners, seems to go through when other stuff doesn't). Aside from that, I have some first tier stuff from the other two trees... can't remember what, something like crit chance and what not.
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Easy fix would be to force the sorc to get the top ability in one tree before getting anything in another tree. Personally, I run with 28 in madness because I like creeping terror (it's good for stopping tanks on burners, seems to go through when other stuff doesn't). Aside from that, I have some first tier stuff from the other two trees... can't remember what, something like crit chance and what not.


Plus you like the spamming option of force lightning......

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Interrupts and snares are the best form of CC currently in game (that and knockdowns/the powertech 4 second stun) as neither are affected by the resolve bar.


Sniper gets a snare, interrupt, aoe mez for 8 seconds, 2 knockbacks with more range then the sorc one, one with a snare attached and also aoe, shield, evasion, 20% reduced damage for all allies in an easy to see bubble, immunity to cc thanks to entrench, 45% accuracy reducing atk and a meelee range stun. (this is for marksman tree, i havn't looked at the other ones) Edit: one of their trees has a huge slow but not the one i posted abilities from.


Sorc gets sprint, bubble, possibly a 3 second (not 8 second) aoe mez, ranged stun, short range aoe knockback with a snare attached, whirlwind (8 sec mez) with a 2 second stun if broken by damage (which fulls resolve bar on its own, if resolve bar is full you dont get the stun) and a ranged interrupt. Also a 2 second snare if you spec 31 points into madness) Edit: Sorry forgot to add slow.


I may have missed some things, but not intentionally. One of those classes has more utility then the other, one also does more burst damage, and even more sustained single target damage. One does more aoe damage then the other and is more mobile.


Both have weaknesses, both have strengths, that is how you make a game balanced... neither of them are OP as you will see in many other forum posts people stating how easy it is to kill both classes.


One of those classes has more utility then the other,

Edited by Guioki
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There is a cooldown for force lightning, and telekinetic throw.



There's also a talent that removes that cd.


I know this. What I'm saying is the talents madness/telekinetic balance need to be nerfed to the point where there is at least a 2 second cooldown before force lightning, and telekinetic throw can be activated.....

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I know this. What I'm saying is the talents madness/telekinetic balance need to be nerfed to the point where there is at least a 2 second cooldown before force lightning, and telekinetic throw can be activated.....


That would just screw up pure madness builds, which really aren't a problem. Imo they should just move it up the tree

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Some facts forgotten:


- We got no knockback or stun immunity

- We have light armor

- Heals are interruptable (if you dont go for corruption tree)


I tell you something. If I dont call every CD I have (interrupt, cc, bubble, etc) an equal equipped merc kills me with his tracer missiles in like 4-6 sec? Same goes for Commando. Hurts like hell.


And well, if i would go for all the CCs and improvements described by OP, I would loose some important dps improvements in skill tree. So it's like a 300+ dps loss with your weird (you really need to post the spec you are talking about) hybrid thingy.


The hybrid spec I use (0-13-28) has only 3-4 CCs (Instant Whirlwind, Eletrocute, Force Slow, slowing effect of Lightning Storm).

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Some facts forgotten:


- We got no knockback or stun immunity

- We have light armor

- Heals are interruptable (if you dont go for corruption tree)


I tell you something. If I dont call every CD I have (interrupt, cc, bubble, etc) an equal equipped merc kills me with his tracer missiles in like 4-6 sec? Same goes for Commando. Hurts like hell.


And well, if i would go for all the CCs and improvements described by OP, I would loose some important dps improvements in skill tree. So it's like a 300+ dps loss with your weird (you really need to post the spec you are talking about) hybrid thingy.


The hybrid spec I use (0-13-28) has only 3-4 CCs (Instant Whirlwind, Eletrocute, Force Slow, slowing effect of Lightning Storm).


Believe it or not madness/telekinetics balance ARE the most important talents of the madness/balanced skill trees, I am all for putting them all the way to the top. please stop wasting our time.

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Believe it or not madness/telekinetics balance ARE the most important talents of the madness/balanced skill trees, I am all for putting them all the way to the top. please stop wasting our time.


not everyone goes for sorc healer hybrid. and most of the additional CC described are in the lightning tree.

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I played alot of sorc in other mmo.. BUT in SWTOR SORC SUCKS BIG TIME!!!!!

they are weak, dps sucks, healing need items to get it to good just good enough, cant use em in PVP...



sorcs far from suck. they only suck in the hands of ppl rerolling sorcs bcause "dey is op" the same way any other class only sucks in the hands of a baddie


someone who knows how to play properly can rip **** up like any other class in the game. I just outlasted 2maraurders on me 1v2... because they were bad. vs a good maro im dead unless i cycle everything perfectly and can dodge his big hits.


anyon in low/no pvp gear will struggle and suck. BUt this isn't the point of the thread

Edited by Tsubodia
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Healing sage/sorc is not OP at all. Tracer spam, or operative knockdown/suprise ******* combo can burn away ~2/3 of your HP in seconds which is nearly impossible to recover from unless you get help from your team immediately. If force speed is on cooldown, you are going to die, period. You have to be extremely careful with positioning all the time while simultaneously keeping your team up because you depend on them as much as they depend on you for heals.


People really need to roll the classes they complain about and try them out before they post. Balance/hybrid specs are another story and if those were toned down a bit, the QQ would probably disappear.

Edited by Warcranium
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Can somebody please post this awesome build... I'm almost rank 60 and in full champion gear I still get rolf stomped by every class one on one... I seem to die in a heartbeat to an equally geared opponent.

So much so that I’ve re-rolled. Sorcs really need a buff to survivability imo. Every other class seems to get massive crits.. largest I’ve had so far is 3.1k with trinkets stims etc

Edited by WQQkster
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Can somebody please post this awesome build... I'm almost rank 60 and in full champion gear I still get rolf stomped by every class one on one... I seem to die in a heartbeat to an equally geared opponent.

So much so that I’ve re-rolled. Sorcs really need a buff to survivability imo. Every other class seems to get massive crits.. largest I’ve had so far is 3.1k with trinkets stims etc


Read the Original Post.

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I play a Scoundrel not the Sorc. Every warzone I have been in lvl 50s it has always been BH/Trooper or melee that top the dps boards. I just cant see how how any of these builds is OP on the Sorc/Sage. The low ac light armor , and the fact they are soft targets require them to have a few extra abilities to mitigate. If the class gets changed the melee train will roll it over like a small speed bumb.


I am sorry the original poster had his character hybrid trees nerfed. I did also. I really did not think that any of the class changes so far were necessary. To keep nerfing classes especially the most popular classes in the beginning of the game would be bad for business. If half the folks rolled these classes what is left of the game when the majority get sick of going backwards. Half the subscriptions are lost, server pop takes another hit, and balance was never served. It was just shifted.


I know I for one will not continue to play a game that regresses because we have one person qq. The Sorc/Sage is not the most OP class in the game. It has diversity in abilities that are more useful than other classes such as my Scoundrel. They are required for any kind of survival from what I can see of the class.


It would be better to see construtive posts on how classes could be made better, stronger, more competative. Rather than tearing more classes down again. I hope Bioware realizes this is where other games have gone wrong and failed miserably. Gutting classes leads to failed games. Making a handful of QQ's happy will only cause thousands of people who play those classes to cancel.

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Aside from all the problems, whether ranged or melee, sorcs are what you call the hardest as hard comes as an anti-melee caster. Their survivability, their control, it`s all based around controlling melee. Even backlash, really? A bubble that absorbs 3-4.5k damage, and when broken or cancelled, stuns around them for 3 seconds?


Not to mention, when you have 4-6 sorcs, per WZ, with the amount of cc/control they have... it`s just STUPID. They have, very much so, went overboard when doing so.


As a general statement, however, I think stuns and slows need to be addressed. I can understand some classes with a lack of cc/mobility having a stun, I cannot however justify a sorc having one. I also think resolve should be tampered with to slowly build up apon being slowed and snared. If this biggest issue here is melee vs casters, then don`t so much change the classes as you change how a fight between melee and casters goes.

Edited by babiegirlla
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People say sorcs are op, and anti-melee yet I face roll them on my sentinel.. This leads me to believe that the majority of posters who hate on sorcs are having l2p issues. (last time someone posted something to this effect they had a picture of their ui on another thread w/out a single keybimd.. C'mon man lol).they are very predictable, wear light armor, have a Bubble that is gone after one hit, and get owned when slowed following the root from force leap. Believe it or not sorcs aren't completely faceroll and have a more complex rotation then tracerLoL (but definately not as strenuous as a sentinel rotation). Either or stop whining and learn how to counter them.. Almost every spec of any class can do so.
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People say sorcs are op, and anti-melee yet I face roll them on my sentinel.. This leads me to believe that the majority of posters who hate on sorcs are having l2p issues. (last time someone posted something to this effect they had a picture of their ui on another thread w/out a single keybimd.. C'mon man lol).they are very predictable, wear light armor, have a Bubble that is gone after one hit, and get owned when slowed following the root from force leap. Believe it or not sorcs aren't completely faceroll and have a more complex rotation then tracerLoL (but definately not as strenuous as a sentinel rotation). Either or stop whining and learn how to counter them.. Almost every spec of any class can do so.


Its easier to QQ on forums.


"May baton mashing no kill da sorc! NURF!"


They are free kil for mara/sentinel AND few other ACs/specs, they cant kill any healer spec, they are easiest class to shut down, they dont have ANY burst.... and yet baddies cry nerf lol. Aint happening.

Edited by GrandMike
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