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Did you ninja nerf Sentinels?


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Perhaps it's just me but today every single NPC seemed to be hitting harder while I seemed to be suddenly struggling against enemies I would previously handle well. Did you nerf this already mostly useless class that I unfortunately chose to spend my time and money on leveling?


Can anyone else speak to this? Nothing is more annoying then Ninja Stealth Nerfs.

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Hard to tell when there are no meters or anything else allowed in the game. Has anyone else noticed changes? Stealth nerfs are one thing that will drive me away from any game. It's underhanded and insulting. Edited by kaberf
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Hard to tell when there are no meters or anything else allowed in the game. Has anyone else noticed changes? Stealth nerfs are one thing that will drive me away from any game. It's underhanded and insulting.


Apparently this has been done. I'm reading in general chat that SURGE has been nerfed which increases the defense of everything and makes our already not viable and nearly useless PvP status even more dire, but the real insult and injury here is the effect it's having and will now continue to have on PVE.


A class that is already saturated and provides NOTHING but Damage, now does it less effectively, so even end game content and HM's will no longer be a place where this class provides any value.


I am seriously considering cancelling before I am billed again, I am so angry over this. All the time I have spent, on this game and this character, We already were severely limited in our use, especially when compared to ranged DPS, whats left is wiped out overnight in an underhanded, sneaky, backstabbing move like this.


Apparently Bioware is taking lessons on customer griefing from SONY.

Edited by Tinasa
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First of all there is nothing sneaky or underhanded about this. If you actually read the patch notes today you would see that the Surge changes are one of the first things listed.


BioWare has also stated that this change was coming and most of the community has known about it for some time now.


Finally, while this is unarguably a nerf to Sentinels, it has not cut the class at the knees like you seem to think. Sentinels are still perfectly capable of ripping through enemies.


Sentinels are and always have been the epitome of the term "Glass Cannon". Keep aggro off them and they will annihilate anything in their way, but start to focus them and they start to drop fast. Because of this the class requires a high level of skill and a very specific playstyle in order to be a top contender.


Requiring skill to play does not mean a class is weaker than others. If playing a Sentinel properly required you to have better gear than your opponent then that would mean the class is weaker. However, while Sentinels (like most melee classes) do rely very heavily on gear, they do not need to be better geared than their opponents in order to be competitive.


Please do not get your ego hurt and think that I am calling you a bad player. Notice that I said Sentinels require a high skill and specific playstyle in order to be competitive. If you are having so much trouble then perhaps the Sentinel is simply not the right class for you. You can be the best player in the world but if you don't have the mindset for a certain class then you will not perform well with that class.


If you think that all 8 classes should be perfectly equal in the skill required to play them then you are very naive. Especially since the game has only been officially released for 2 months (if you remember Feral Druids from WoW you will remember how long it took for them to be competitive playable by people of any skill level).



Sentinels are very restrictive in who can competitively use them it's true, but this is not the same as the class being weak. There are plenty of people who prefer their Sentinel in both PvP and PvE over classes that are generally considered to be OP and have no trouble topping damage meters in PvP.

Edited by sollinton
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First of all there is nothing sneaky or underhanded about this. If you actually read the patch notes today you would see that the Surge changes are one of the first things listed.


BioWare has also stated that this change was coming and most of the community has known about it for some time now.


Finally, while this is unarguably a nerf to Sentinels, it has not cut the class at the knees like you seem to think. Sentinels are still perfectly capable of ripping through enemies.


Sentinels are and always have been the epitome of the term "Glass Cannon". Keep aggro off them and they will annihilate anything in their way, but start to focus them and they start to drop fast. Because of this the class requires a high level of skill and a very specific playstyle in order to be a top contender.


Requiring skill to play does not mean a class is weaker than others. If playing a Sentinel properly required you to have better gear than your opponent then that would mean the class is weaker. However, while Sentinels (like most melee classes) do rely very heavily on gear, they do not need to be better geared than their opponents in order to be competitive.


Please do not get your ego hurt and think that I am calling you a bad player. Notice that I said Sentinels require a high skill and specific playstyle in order to be competitive. If you are having so much trouble then perhaps the Sentinel is simply not the right class for you. You can be the best player in the world but if you don't have the mindset for a certain class then you will not perform well with that class.



Sentinels are very restrictive in who can competitively use them it's true, but this is not the same as the class being weak. There are plenty of people who prefer their Sentinel in both PvP and PvE over classes that are generally considered to be OP and have no trouble topping damage meters in PvP.


I agree 100%

I play against and with some extremely skilled sent and marauder players who tear through others in PVP like a warm a knife through butter. I tried a sentinel to 34, to complicated for me, had to switch to guardian. Much kudos to all you crazy good sents and marauders out there.

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I agree 100%

I play against and with some extremely skilled sent and marauder players who tear through others in PVP like a warm a knife through butter. I tried a sentinel to 34, to complicated for me, had to switch to guardian. Much kudos to all you crazy good sents and marauders out there.


I feel your pain. My main is a Sage and on my server there is one Marauder whom I fear far more than any other class, Operatives included. Normally no class offers much of a threat to me 1v1, but if I see him on the battlefield I have to immediately hop into my tank's pocket otherwise I will be ripped apart before I can get even a single heal off.


There is nothing wrong with Sentinels if you actually learn how to use them properly.

Edited by sollinton
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First of all there is nothing sneaky or underhanded about this. If you actually read the patch notes today you would see that the Surge changes are one of the first things listed.


BioWare has also stated that this change was coming and most of the community has known about it for some time now.


Finally, while this is unarguably a nerf to Sentinels, it has not cut the class at the knees like you seem to think. Sentinels are still perfectly capable of ripping through enemies.


Sentinels are and always have been the epitome of the term "Glass Cannon". Keep aggro off them and they will annihilate anything in their way, but start to focus them and they start to drop fast. Because of this the class requires a high level of skill and a very specific playstyle in order to be a top contender.


Requiring skill to play does not mean a class is weaker than others. If playing a Sentinel properly required you to have better gear than your opponent then that would mean the class is weaker. However, while Sentinels (like most melee classes) do rely very heavily on gear, they do not need to be better geared than their opponents in order to be competitive.


Please do not get your ego hurt and think that I am calling you a bad player. Notice that I said Sentinels require a high skill and specific playstyle in order to be competitive. If you are having so much trouble then perhaps the Sentinel is simply not the right class for you. You can be the best player in the world but if you don't have the mindset for a certain class then you will not perform well with that class.


If you think that all 8 classes should be perfectly equal in the skill required to play them then you are very naive. Especially since the game has only been officially released for 2 months (if you remember Feral Druids from WoW you will remember how long it took for them to be competitive playable by people of any skill level).



Sentinels are very restrictive in who can competitively use them it's true, but this is not the same as the class being weak. There are plenty of people who prefer their Sentinel in both PvP and PvE over classes that are generally considered to be OP and have no trouble topping damage meters in PvP.


Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion.


As for your implied remarks that I don't know how to play or I lack skill. I think you should keep your personal comments and trolling to yourself.


This class was already the albatross of the game, and it's now been lessened even further into the broken beyond repair department.


Your agreeing or disagreeing with me changes nothing about how I feel both of how Bioware has acted or changes my opinion on changes that were so noticeable I took time from my day to bring the discussion here when I clearly noticed the changes in the game.


Go troll elsewhere.

Edited by Tinasa
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Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion.


As for your implied remarks that I don't know how to play or I lack skill. I think you should keep your personal comments and trolling to yourself.


This class was already the albatross of the game, and it's now been lessened even further into the broken beyond repair department.


Your agreeing or disagreeing with me changes nothing about how I feel both of how Bioware has acted or changes my opinion on changes that were so noticeable I took time from my day to bring the discussion here when I clearly noticed the changes in the game.


Go troll elsewhere.


Click "Developer Tracker" on the main forum page. Then scroll down a bit.


On 2/9/2012 you might find something pertaining to this very discussion.



Sentinel AC is definitely not broken beyond repair.

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Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion.


As for your implied remarks that I don't know how to play or I lack skill. I think you should keep your personal comments and trolling to yourself.


This class was already the albatross of the game, and it's now been lessened even further into the broken beyond repair department.


Your agreeing or disagreeing with me changes nothing about how I feel both of how Bioware has acted or changes my opinion on changes that were so noticeable I took time from my day to bring the discussion here when I clearly noticed the changes in the game.


Go troll elsewhere.


First, if you were around here and didn't know about the surge nerf you weren't paying any attention at all. It was not any kind of stealth nerf, nor was it Sentinel specific - it hits everyone because basically everyone was stacking Surge because Surge was broken.


Second, the Sentinel is not broken. They're simply a high-skill class. You might know how to play in general, and have a reasonable level of skill, but they're just straight up hard to play - more so than any other class.

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Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion.


As for your implied remarks that I don't know how to play or I lack skill. I think you should keep your personal comments and trolling to yourself.


This class was already the albatross of the game, and it's now been lessened even further into the broken beyond repair department.


Your agreeing or disagreeing with me changes nothing about how I feel both of how Bioware has acted or changes my opinion on changes that were so noticeable I took time from my day to bring the discussion here when I clearly noticed the changes in the game.


Go troll elsewhere.


Tinasa there have been multiple threads in these forums on the subject, so what sollinton says is not nonsense at all. Also note he made it particularly clear that he was not insulting any one in stating that different play styles work for different people. When it comes to nonsense posts yours is much more nonsense than the post by sollinton.

So how about you stop taking offence where non was offered and actually pay attention to the world around you.

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Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion..


People have already shown you that you are wrong about this topic so I will address it no further except to say that were I in your position I would be pretty embarrassed about claiming to know everything that goes on here only to find out that I completely missed something this big.




As for your implied remarks that I don't know how to play or I lack skill. I think you should keep your personal comments and trolling to yourself.

Next time read my post before you embarrass yourself again like this.

Please do not get your ego hurt and think that I am calling you a bad player. Notice that I said Sentinels require a high skill and specific playstyle in order to be competitive. If you are having so much trouble then perhaps the Sentinel is simply not the right class for you. You can be the best player in the world but if you don't have the mindset for a certain class then you will not perform well with that class.

Please do not get your ego hurt and think that I am calling you a bad player.

Please do not ... think that I am calling you a bad player.


+1 For reading.




This class was already the albatross of the game, and it's now been lessened even further into the broken beyond repair department.


Your agreeing or disagreeing with me changes nothing about how I feel both of how Bioware has acted or changes my opinion on changes that were so noticeable I took time from my day to bring the discussion here when I clearly noticed the changes in the game.


Go troll elsewhere


You accuse me of trolling when you call a perfectly fine class "broken beyond repair"? If the class is broken then how do Sentinels get 300-400k damage in single Warzones (there are screenshot proofs on the forums, go do some research)? How do Sentinels rip apart fully geared out battlemaster tanks in less than 15 seconds (again there are videos of people doing this all over the forums)?


Before I wasn't implying anything about your skill level, but now I am going to go ahead and say that you need to learn how to properly play this class before you start trolling about how bad it is.


Plenty of people here have disagreed with you. Sometimes when everyone disagrees with you it's actually because you are the one who is wrong. :)

Edited by sollinton
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Apparently this has been done. I'm reading in general chat that SURGE has been nerfed which increases the defense of everything and makes our already not viable and nearly useless PvP status even more dire, but the real insult and injury here is the effect it's having and will now continue to have on PVE.


^what are you talking about here? The nerf wasn't that bad at all i lost like 9% surge which is fairly low. Went from 82% surge to 73%


Dot ticks before patch -


600 * 2.12 = 1272 damage.


Dot ticks after patch-


600 * 2.03 = 1218 damage.


Seriously.. 1272-1218 = 54 damage. I lost 54 damage or 216 damage over the course of 4 dot crits. It's not that bad.


A class that is already saturated and provides NOTHING but Damage, now does it less effectively, so even end game content and HM's will no longer be a place where this class provides any value.


Um everyone got nerfed not just you. Healers ability to heal got nerfed and every other dps's ability to damage got nerfed, no need to QQ buddy.


I am seriously considering cancelling before I am billed again, I am so angry over this. All the time I have spent, on this game and this character, We already were severely limited in our use, especially when compared to ranged DPS, whats left is wiped out overnight in an underhanded, sneaky, backstabbing move like this.


Lol umad? It's not a problem at all.


Apparently Bioware is taking lessons on customer griefing from SONY.



yes net nerfs QQQQQQQ

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SO it was an overall Nerf to surge... to EVERYONE... and to people saying we are not viable your just a dont know how to play the class OR the mechanics of the class are not for you.

in PVP i am usually top Damage, will out heal bad healers, and have one of the most objective points. So setinals are still good even after EVERY CLASS got a surge nerf.


Surge was just a crit multiplier as well so it just reduced the amount of damage you do

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Nonsense. I'm here every single day and knew nothing about the change, nor do I think a scheduled change like this would have passed by on these forums without serious and bitter discussion.


LOL the Surge nerf has been up on the PTR for a week now....sometimes the notes here aren;t updated but if you go to the PTR froums they always have the curent patch notes up there.. So you may be here every day but you still haven't learned to look in the correct place?

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Perhaps it's just me but today every single NPC seemed to be hitting harder while I seemed to be suddenly struggling against enemies I would previously handle well. Did you nerf this already mostly useless class that I unfortunately chose to spend my time and money on leveling?


Can anyone else speak to this? Nothing is more annoying then Ninja Stealth Nerfs.




Turn your companion off of passive and stop crying.

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Turn your companion off of passive and stop crying.


Lmao... I've done that and yelled at doc like it was his fault for just standing there. I play lvl 50 focus which relies on crits for damage and didn't notice any difficulty yesterday against PVE elites. I guess we are also taking less damage at the same time. After I read the patchnotes I was worried so I just went on a killing spree in the morning. I am still amazed at how fast I can cut down elites compared to some other players I watch on the same opponents, the difference in health is also staggering. If I really nail my rotation and interrupts with Doc I'll be 90% or better compared to 40-50% coupled with a companion loss.

Edited by nninjacoupe
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