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Why did they even bother with a beta for this game?


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You've got vaild points here. However, we must all remember that this is Bioware's freshmen MMO. I would have been shocked as all hell if they'd gotten it right.


Freshman MMO... what does that have to do with a bugged sloppy cluncky combat system?


They make games for a long time, thats no excuse.

Before building maps, story, sounds, voice overs, characters/races whatever... first thing you do is combat design and animations. Thats the number one thing you need to develop in a COMBAT game.


Anyway... with fans like this supporting this ugly ***** development style, we are doomed to have crap MMO's for a long time till someone (Blizzard) gives you something diferent.

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No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're complaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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I love how complainers think their point of view is the only one that matters, and unless you join them you're destroying the game.


I love how you don't address a point, or support any argument one way or the other. You just put words in people's mouths that had no bearing on what they said.

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It is a bit strange. Not so much the bugs, those things happen. But the vast amount of heavy handed balance fixing (Scoundrel/Operative burst and Surge Rating). Those are the types of things that should have already been mostly ironed out with a beta, and only required minor tweaking with live.


So, I will say...the only reason the last two months of beta existed was mostly for building hype. That, and probably the game was released before Bioware were really done with it.

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No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're compaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.


It's interesting that you should mention that "devs never addressed them" in your response.


I remember being in Beta ... I remember seeing huge green beams of light shooting everywhere (I saw that the first week after launch too). I remember seeing weird spike looking graphics coming out of my toons. I remember seeing my character doing some weird animations during some cut scenes ...


Yet today, none of these exist for me. The green beams are gone, the spikes on my gear are gone, the weird animations are gone.


So what gives? How in the world did they "never address" them?


Here's what Daniel Erickson said about bug fixes:


How we prioritize bugs is a complicated question and one that can be maddening from a player point of view. The answer is as complicated as the question but I can give a high level view. First comes anything that blocks the critical path of a class story for any reason. If you can’t progress, your game comes to a screeching halt so that always takes precedence. Next is the question: how many people are being affected and what is the damage being done? Half the population being slightly irritated loses in priority to ten percent of the population having their game crippled, for example. The last consideration, and the most opaque to players, is how hard the bug is to fix. There are fixes that look complicated and are nothing more than a database entry that went rogue. There are fixes that look easy and take months of untangling code. What we can promise is that we never ignore bugs or decide something is good enough as-is.



Maybe you should go apply for a job at Bioware. I'm pretty sure that you could walk in the door and have every bug fixed within 10 minutes, right?


Quit the game already. Please. Ignorance is seldom seen by those that commit such atrocities.

Edited by Alkiii
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none of you people have played a disfunctional MMO before ... i have and its running pretty damn good ...


patches, hotfixes, updates are all normal in the MMO universe and if you say otherwise, you're full of crap!


all you people complain about bugs and problems in the game. have you ever realized that the gaming community is to blame for early releases and problems in games today? everyone pushes and pushes for developers to realease games before they are finished and then you complain that it doesn;t work. even regular RPGs, 1st shooters and others have bugs and problems, because the community always demands new games at a pace that they don;t want to wait for. look back 5 years ago (PC, 360, PS2, PS3) and count how many games that they released that didn;t require some sort of patch or bug fixing.


gone is the time when you bought a game and played it without having some sort of problem with it. the public demands the games, not tomorrow or today, but they demand it yesterday, regardless if its 100% functional. and the industry knows its can make more money getting it out early, and worry about patching the bugs later thanks to an internet connection.


so stop complaining and play what you can ...

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Oh yes, the green lights! WAY TO GO BIOWARE!!!!!!





Ability lag.




I will quote this again because I don't think you fully understand what you're talking about.


How we prioritize bugs is a complicated question and one that can be maddening from a player point of view. The answer is as complicated as the question but I can give a high level view. First comes anything that blocks the critical path of a class story for any reason. If you can’t progress, your game comes to a screeching halt so that always takes precedence. Next is the question: how many people are being affected and what is the damage being done? Half the population being slightly irritated loses in priority to ten percent of the population having their game crippled, for example. The last consideration, and the most opaque to players, is how hard the bug is to fix. There are fixes that look complicated and are nothing more than a database entry that went rogue. There are fixes that look easy and take months of untangling code. What we can promise is that we never ignore bugs or decide something is good enough as-is.


You have 2 options:


1.) Go apply to Bioware and show them how it's done.

2.) GTF0

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Wrong again.


I've played every single major western MMO since EQ, I know exactly how these things work. I've been in beta for most. And I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't have these insights expecially when they're attempting to claim I don't.


But I'm sure your confirmation bias will conclude me and the countless other people who agree with me are just making stuff up.


Then put um oh kind sir, and show us all the launch MMOs that were fully featured and bug free at launch. And remember, since you're the one claiming it is not the norm, you have to produce a lot of examples.

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Then put um oh kind sir, and show us all the launch MMOs that were fully featured and bug free at launch. And remember, since you're the one claiming it is not the norm, you have to produce a lot of examples.


Go back and read what I posted.



Here, I'll hold your hand.


No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're compaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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For me, it's not the bugs that are the problem. I can deal with bugs even though some are irritating (especially when raiding).


It's the lack of anything NEW. There is absolutely nothing in this game that is new in the MMO genre. When my character got their ship, i was so excited. I thought, YES! this will be awsome. Only to find out it was just a fancy way to implement more daily's. So much potential and they are asking us to wait for them to put this potential in.


I honestly think they should have given us something lasting and different. I like this game - but currently there is just nothing to do. If i want to do something repetitive, I'll go work a factory job.

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I was invited into the general beta testing in late September and really after all the builds we testers played through and with each new announcement that a new build was coming out most of us said, "oh finally! this crap will be fixed. we wont have to fall through the planet and die, x npc will have actual pants instead of shimmering pixel blue skin legs, my boots wont look like pink glitter glue is covering them or hey maybe my female BH can finally get off Hutta!'


Sadly what seemed to happen is not only did these issues get addressed painfully slow if at all before release but we found more and more options and flavor of the game removed. What was supposed to be a build closer to release seemed like steps back. Huge amounts of varied skinned armors: gone. Titles: gone (what is the point of finishing up the over kill of quests on each planet if you cant even get the title that was made for it?), PvP gear besides lvl 20, 40 and 50: gone, they even changed the looks of various npcs and 9 times out of 10 they were horrible changes.


For my experience, the first beta build I played in was a great and fun time even with the bugs and glitches. There was an actual community to play with, there were more reasons to finish quests and explore. A plethora of titles to choose from. Sadly ever step the devs have taken have all been backwards from then on. I just cancelled my sub today with a heavy heart :(

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