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Score one for the casuals


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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.

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screw it i saved up almost 1700 exp adrenals from the 1 -49 bracket i'll just use them,i used the power adrenal instead of the surge one anyway( i thought power was marginally a better stat than surge as well) could be wrong though no logs so just went with word of mouth.
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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


LOL yeah right. Because spamming an ability to get high crits on noobs is really hardcore.

If they are casual, you should still be able to kill them. It will just take longer.

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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


The Carebear mentality will always prevail in games like this and yes, I couldn't agree more.


Just remind yourself, Guildwars 2 soon.


It's seriously like Blizzard all over again except for the fact that IMO, BW has way worse customer support.

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you wanna kill....weaker...crappier...people....easier? Is this seriously the reason you pvp?


Honestly that actually makes a lot of sense. I guess its the same mentality in wow when people would make decked x9 characters to just farm guys in greens and with missing pieces of equipment. Not my type of fun at all but maybe there's more of you than I think.

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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


Sounds like you need to wake up and realize that casuals are a greater part of the player base than elitist cool kids like you.

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you wanna kill....weaker...crappier...people....easier? Is this seriously the reason you pvp?


Honestly that actually makes a lot of sense. I guess its the same mentality in wow when people would make decked x9 characters to just farm guys in greens and with missing pieces of equipment. Not my type of fun at all but maybe there's more of you than I think.


Did I say that? My point is that bioware is making decisions based on keeping casual players happy, but that's a bad road to go down.


And this isn't about spamming one spell/move.... nerfing surge affects everything. If it crits, it got nerfed.

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The Carebear mentality will always prevail in games like this and yes, I couldn't agree more.


Just remind yourself, Guildwars 2 soon.


It's seriously like Blizzard all over again except for the fact that IMO, BW has way worse customer support.


You act like the carebear mentality won't be present in GW2... lol.

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Yeah, and we all know that hardcore PvP games are a successful business model.


Hardcore gamers, fsss. Most sane people would rather have hardcore sex with real people, and have a hardcore real job that earns hardcore money, so they can pay for their hardcore homes, cars, boats, and provide their hardcore gaming teenager more Cheetohs and lemonade, instead.


In other words, get a life, and you'll then look at your 'hardcore gamer' past like it was a total waste of time, as you're flipping burgers in your mid twenties.


Cheetohs and lemonade...brb! ;)

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Im at work as we speak.and.When I get home ill have to take care of digs kid and.so.forth.Some people cant.sit on there fat asses all day and do nothing but game.Some people cant hit 50 in 3 days and be battlemaxters in 1 month.Casual gamers dont get bored.of.the game In 1 month and ***** about something to do,and they pay for there game just like first time I have said this gj bio.making the game.more fun for the guys that have a life,and a woman in there bed at home.Sorry for any typos im on my droid.
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screw it i saved up almost 1700 exp adrenals from the 1 -49 bracket i'll just use them,i used the power adrenal instead of the surge one anyway( i thought power was marginally a better stat than surge as well) could be wrong though no logs so just went with word of mouth.


Except they share a cooldown...

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surge was a bit overpowered. didnt seem fair that i could basically take anyone, no mater what class they are, down to below 1/4 of their HP before they even had a change to fight back or really do anything. with new patch, i can still take their HP down alot, just not so low that they really have no chance at all.
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Since there's no combatlog to epeen over, why would you care about the big numbers as long as you get the job done anyways?

Maybe a tad slower now but that could also make the combat more interesting because you're actually fighting undergeared / new 50's instead of 3-shotting them.

You should be more focused on winning / objectives and less about numbers.

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Since there's no combatlog to epeen over, why would you care about the big numbers as long as you get the job done anyways?

Maybe a tad slower now but that could also make the combat more interesting because you're actually fighting undergeared / new 50's instead of 3-shotting them.

You should be more focused on winning / objectives and less about numbers.


Who needs a combat log? I can see the numbers as they're popping up.


Maybe you didn't know this, but killing people in this game is part of the objectives... :rolleyes:

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Why did issue 11 and 12 in City of Heroes kill pvp? Because they were catering to "casuals" as Lighthouse stated (a dev that departed not long after that fiasco of a patch). In City of Heroes before those particular patches, pvp was loads of fun, before issue 5 (back in mid 2005), pvp was extremely fast paced and took alot to kill the opponent in arena matches, but now everytime you start fighting an opponent, you're automatically snared, everytime you heal yourself, you're snared, you can't even fly (unless they fixed that). Siren's Call (most popular pvp zone) very very very quickly became a ghost town and so did Recluse's... I only play CoH casually from time to time now that it's F2P, gee I wonder why it's F2P now? ;)


Lessons need to be learned in the gaming inudstry from other company's mistakes, MOST especially SOE's. I'm talking about the funky *** strobing toolbar change from last week, why has that not been addressed yet?

Edited by Sookster
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Who needs a combat log? I can see the numbers as they're popping up.


Maybe you didn't know this, but killing people in this game is part of the objectives... :rolleyes:

Yeh I'm sure you also remember all those numbers of every fight so that you can actually analyse the real impact of surge rating?

And you're still able to kill people, just those numbers popping up on the screen are a little bit smaller.

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Nerf surge? All I see is another move by bioware to protect the casuals.


First it was the 50s bracket to keep all the slow lvlers from complaining about getting blown up by 50s.


Now it's a nerf to surge to keep all the new 50s from complaining about getting blown up by 50s in full champ or full BM gear.


God I wish companies like Blizzard and Bioware would stop coddling these casuals.


Are you sure you aren't the one with the casual mentality?


Most hardcore PvPers I know like drawn out fights where there are attacks and counters and you actually have to think to win.


Casual players, on the other hand, like having a certain type of gear where they can just spam 1-3 abilities that nuke someone to death with no thought.


Guess it's how you look at it....

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The Carebear mentality will always prevail in games like this and yes, I couldn't agree more.


Just remind yourself, Guildwars 2 soon.


It's seriously like Blizzard all over again except for the fact that IMO, BW has way worse customer support.


And you don't think gw2 will cater to casuals? lolololo Games that catered to the "hardcore" are what? Mortal Online and Darkfall? Look at their sub numbers and thats all that needs to be said.

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