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Why You Should NEVER Play a Gunslinger/Sniper


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lolllllll just look at their damage/healing done in the huttball one.


nice to see you own orange-geared people.


Okay, so compare me to my team. I had far more damage, while having fewer deaths than all but one other player

I'm not sure why I'm bothering to argue with you, you're just grasping at straws and discounting any evidence that I put forward...

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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All i play is Marksman, i top chart with marksman, top charts with lethality... i tried lethality 1 weeks then got bored because its so boring and i gave up on killing sorcs when all they did was purge my dots.


So i went back to the Burst Spec. but oh wait they nerfed the fundamental of our class "Surge"


You seem like a godly snipers who just owns everything because you L2P like a god. plz tell me you are on the fatman server so i can admire your skills.


Pretty sure Sorcs/sage healers can't cleanse ur dots. Btw u troll good, maybe u can get us buffed ^_^

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I have trickshot on my bars

The URL is date-stamped


So, you're saying. You click 1/2 your abilities and you get 560k dmg vs competent players. I just want to be clear on that.


Also, not to knit-pick but that's just the date you uploaded. Try again. I will give you the trickshot thing. I was doing that dmg pre-1.1.1 too... before biomed nerf, before surge nerf vs 1/2 the team non-50. I am talking now...

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Okay, so compare me to my team. I had far more damage, while having fewer deaths than all but one other player

I'm not sure why I'm bothering to argue with you, you're just grasping at straws and discounting any evidence that I put forward...


dude you just don't get it.


SS are useless showing DPS... it depends on your server how good the players are, how bad the other team was, if you had a pocket healer, if you pre-made against them.... right now Damage shown is useless.



What we are talking about here is , the mechanic of the class in the future in competitive PVP

8v8 pre-mades or WZ where everyone is BM Geared.

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All I heard was "Don't play this class because -I- don't like it"


The reasons of why Snipers/Gunslingers relatively aren't as good may very well be true, but if players really like playing them I don't think they should be told to REROLL AS A BETTER CLASS.


If those ACs consistently have problems I would bet that they will MAKE THEM BETTER. It is foolish to write a class off because of their current state in a game that changes every week.

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So, you're saying. You click 1/2 your abilities and you get 560k dmg vs competent players. I just want to be clear on that.


Also, not to knit-pick but that's just the date you uploaded. Try again. I will give you the trickshot thing. I was doing that dmg pre-1.1.1 too... before biomed nerf, before surge nerf vs 1/2 the team non-50. I am talking now...


No, I actually use all of my abilities... That's how I got 470k damage in huttball, and have far fewer deaths than everyone.

If you would like to verify the levels and armor of those players on my server, feel free to log onto the Imperial side of the Sword of Ajunta Pall server, /who them all, and subsequently track them down and inspect them.

I'll gladly E-mail you the original file of those pictures, as they do have the time stamps of when I took them. Although, you would probably accuse me of falsifying them :p

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In fact the sith know me on our server and target me specifically due to the mass damage I can cause to them.


Hahahaha.. yeah dude.. *that's* why they target you specifically.




Snipers/gunslingers get targeted specifically because they're the easiest thing to kill in the game. In fact I didn't stop getting insta targeted until I actually started doing "mass" damage due to full champion gear and a bm rifle. It took alot of work just to get to the point where my damage was at an acceptable level, given my squishiness. The surge nerf has pretty much erased that.

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No, I actually use all of my abilities... That's how I got 470k damage in huttball, and have far fewer deaths than everyone.

If you would like to verify the levels and armor of those players on my server, feel free to log onto the Imperial side of the Sword of Ajunta Pall server, /who them all, and subsequently track them down and inspect them.

I'll gladly E-mail you the original file of those pictures, as they do have the time stamps of when I took them. Although, you would probably accuse me of falsifying them :p


All I can say to that is, I hope they have cross-server ladders if that's the kind of competition I can expect to face on Sword of Ajunta Pall. I mean, if a clicker is getting 500K+... wow. Just wow.

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dude you just don't get it.


SS are useless showing DPS... it depends on your server how good the players are, how bad the other team was, if you had a pocket healer, if you pre-made against them.... right now Damage shown is useless.



What we are talking about here is , the mechanic of the class in the future in competitive PVP

8v8 pre-mades or WZ where everyone is BM Geared.


You are asking people for EVIDENCE THAT IS FUNDAMENTALLY UNTESTABLE in the current system, while at the same time not realizing the hypocrisy that you don't have any evidence of gunslinger/sniper 8v8 premades of battlemaster gear yourself.


I'm not sure if you realized it yet, but when all the players get full battlemaster gear, the damage out increase and damage in decrease of other players cancels out. The numbers will be exactly the same as someone in full champion versus full champion, an in/out difference of zero expertise, save for heal increases. The only differences are the minor increases in core stats, but that change would not make a difference

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All I can say to that is, I hope they have cross-server ladders if that's the kind of competition I can expect to face on Sword of Ajunta Pall. I mean, if a clicker is getting 500K+... wow. Just wow.


I'm 9/10 nightmare modes while clicking... how many do you have done?

The irony is, I'm a lot better at clicking cooldowns than you are with all of your buttons hotkeyed.

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You are asking people for EVIDENCE THAT IS FUNDAMENTALLY UNTESTABLE in the current system, while at the same time not realizing the hypocrisy that you don't have any evidence of gunslinger/sniper 8v8 premades of battlemaster gear yourself.


I'm not sure if you realized it yet, but when all the players get full battlemaster gear, the damage out increase and damage in decrease of other players cancels out. The numbers will be exactly the same as someone in full champion versus full champion, an in/out difference of zero expertise, save for heal increases. The only differences are the minor increases in core stats, but that change would not make a difference


I was asking because I couldn't fathom the idea that any competent person would allow 1 gunslinger to kill their entire team when they are so easily countered. That's all I am saying. Maybe I should give the Empire on my server more credit. I mean, your server sounds like it's worse in terms of skill than mine.

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I was asking because I couldn't fathom the idea that any competent person would allow 1 gunslinger to kill their entire team when they are so easily countered. That's all I am saying. Maybe I should give the Empire on my server more credit. I mean, your server sounds like it's worse in terms of skill than mine.


Or I'm a better player than you.


/Can't accept this possibility, making up any excuse to dismiss it

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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I'm 9/10 nightmare modes while clicking... how many do you have done?

The irony is, I'm a lot better at clicking cooldowns than you are with all of your buttons hotkeyed.


Lol we'll see buddy. And grats on bringing up PvE in a PvP thread. Everyone pretty much agree's PvE right now is a complete joke.

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Pretty sure Sorcs/sage healers can't cleanse ur dots. Btw u troll good, maybe u can get us buffed ^_^


A lot of posts lately missing the point. The class can be played. You can have circumstances with dps totals that look very impressive on the surface.


I think my point is getting lost in a bragging class dps verse class dps conversation.


All specs have a trick that could get you amazing dps. Well almost all. The point is that if you play the class enough it has a ton of very hard mechanics that are not fun to play.


It needs someone at bioware to give the class a bit of a hand to make it more fun to play with some basic skills that the class lacks.


I never once asked to buff/nerf dps. I only stated that it is not the highest powered dps class. That it indeed does not deliver consistently higher dps than any other dps class.


I don't care if that is intentional. What is challenging is playing a DPS class with no real defenses, kiting or escaping abilities to get and keep range.


That is my problem and its fustrating as other classes have this, plus other abilities like stealth or heals or stealth and heals, or sprint and shield. Or a variety of different mechanics they have to use to give them some survivability if only for a short period against a group.


We've got none of those features and a cover system that was suppose to be that "advantage" system for our class that is a liability and not a bonus.


It's not a whose e-peen is bigger contest. Its a hey..... This class is really bad and lacks skills everyone else seems to get.


Like oh not being able to enter cover in certain situations. It'd be cool. Use the cover roll to maybe move while stuck.


Anything. Something. this class has NOTHING worth taking it for. Those saying yea bro I out DPS EVERYONE I AM ELITE.


Great. Your special. that is not the experience of those playing the class. Unless its the rare wz pugs that are not queing with any pre-mades.

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Or I'm a better player than you.


/Can't accept this possibility, making up any excuse to dismiss it


At this point, all I can say is. Wow. If you honestly think the best setup for any MMO is to click 1/2 of your abilities... you have said more about your so-called skill than really needs to be said and says a lot more about the competition you face on a daily basis.

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This class is completely broken as a DPS class.


Do not play this class. Re-roll if you are leveling one now.


Wall of ignorance deleted


You are so wrong that its not even funny.


Entrench to be immune to force leap/charge grapple pull push knockback

3-4 shots to kill if not LoS'd


complete ignorance in that original post.

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I am just pointing out what issues the class has and why I would not let anyone I know play it. I'd advise anyone to strongly advise going to an advanced class that is not suffering from significant problems in terms poor roles and fun factor.


I think most people who play gunslingers know what the issues are. And I think most classes have issues they deal with. Beyond that, fun is subjective.


I'm having fun on my GS. I had fun in the 1-49 bracket and I'm having fun in the 50 bracket. As far as I'm concerned, that pretty much makes your post irrelevant. I'm glad that I don't know you and that you aren't trying to enforce your idea of what's fun on me and prevent me from having a good time on builds you don't like.


The other main point in this discussion seems to be that Gunslingers will do poorly in ranked warzones with premades. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. When it actually happens, people will be able to see for themselves. Until then, I think the discussion is pointless like the "i don't think it's fun so you shouldn't either" line of bs.


Moreover, everything is subject to change. Maybe gunslingers will get buffed. Maybe Sorc/sages will get nerfed. Maybe i'll get a pony with my cowboy hat. Is there nothing better to whine about? If something's bothering you about a class play something else--don't make a public service anouncement.

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I play a sniper. We do have some issues, but I am sure every other person on this forum has at least 1 gripe with their class. To call us broken is a gross exaggeration. We have some of the best burst in the game.


If they would just fix the issues with cover id be a happy camper.

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Didn't even bother reading the 10 pages that precede this post.


Snipers and Gunslingers are dangerous.

Most of them are bad.

It may be underpowered, I don't believe this is the case but I certainly don't mind leading scoreboards and ripping apart Sages and Sorcerers with an underpowered class.


Don't role a Sniper unless you like to be invisible, snickering at posts like these while tearing down all the people that think your class is a joke.


Cheers OP, we're better off without bads like you representing us.

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Ah what's the use anyways. They are going to do whatever they want regardless of what people think. So tired of this attitude in regards to class balance. It's so pervasive in the MMO developer culture it seems. They think they know best every time. People say CCP is good at listening to their customers... too bad it takes 2343265 years to catch up in that game.


For those of us in beta, I guess we should have realized then this team was no different. They valued their own "internal testers" more than the people actually playing the game as a consumer. I'm done here. Just another ineffectual thread among hundreds of threads that will be ignored, with zero conversation with the dev team.

Edited by Selout
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I play a sniper. We do have some issues, but I am sure every other person on this forum has at least 1 gripe with their class. To call us broken is a gross exaggeration. We have some of the best burst in the game.


If they would just fix the issues with cover id be a happy camper.


Same here. I'd like roots to no longer prevent us from entering cover. I'd also like to know if diversion is working correctly by knocking people out of cover even when they are entrenched. If it intended to screw entrench so be it. There's not all that many MM/SS snipers/'slingers in warzones anyway. Even fewer pick up that talent as it no is useful on operation bosses.

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