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Class story line any good for a smuggler?


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I really like it personally. You really get the cheeky smuggler dialog plus you have the option of going down light or dark side. Though if you want to stack light/dark side points you might not like it, unless the bring out neutral gear.
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If you want a very good storyline you might want to check out sith-inquisitor or sith-warrior as they're supposed to be very good.


For me personally the smuggler storyline has had its ups and downs.

I am 47 right now so I dont know the ending.


Most of the storyline was pretty damn awesome, and funny. There were some situations where I was sitting at the screen wondering myself what the **** is going on because it was rather unbelievable but other than that it was pretty decent.

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The smuggler storyline is easily my favorite. The script is terrific and they have an excellent dark side / light side dialogue options. The way the smuggler handles some situations is extremely entertaining.


For you, and anyone who wants to try out any class in general, I suggest playing to about level 15. It won't take long and you will get a good understanding of the class's storylne, advanced class's gameplay, and overall feel for what is to come later.


- Manstud

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I like it because there's a sense of freedom in the story. There is no "destiny" that compels you to do something.


(Sure, you don't REALLY have major choice in the storyline, but you at least have the feeling that you're motivated by your own greed, personal vendetta, self-preservation, or desire to help the republic just because you feel like it.)


It goes well with my personality, as I don't like having to fulfill some prophesy or moral code like the force users seem to...

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If your character has a vindictive streak so wide (or is such a firm believer in the ideal that "If someone tries to kill you, try to kill em right back!") that s/he's willing to chase their prey all over the galaxy and more or less singlehandedly slaughter the entire imperial force on several planets JUST for the chance to get revenge (and make some credits on the way, of course), the Smuggler story will work out great for you.


If your character is inexplicably a Republic lapdog even though you're a criminal and the Republic would totally be arresting the hell out of you if there weren't bigger Imperial fish to fry, the Smuggler story might work out alright for you.


If your character is a guy who's happy to follow the orders of every woman he meets- even if said orders involve fighting singlehandedly against the entire imperial army on several planets- JUST for the chance of MAYBE getting into their pants, it's possible the Smuggler story will work for you.


If not, the Smuggler story may seem a bit of a confusing mess where you're constantly asking yourself why you're running errands for some random stowaway/politician/jedi you literally just met, and why you're throwing yourself against entire Imperial armies all the damn time.

Edited by OniGanon
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Towards the end of Act 1, you get to shoot an Alderaan Noble that challenges you to a duel...twice unless you go for the kill shot and this is during cut scenes which can go to the standard fight.


Later on, you are supposed to be able to get the two female crew members to squabble over you if you are male if you romance both. Pure awesome for comedic effect when they confront you.


Your wookie always threatens to rip the arms off guys.


Yeah, Smugglers got a great storyline just for laughs alone. :D

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There are good bits. Some of the 'attitude' is amusing and engaging. The story as a whole though is cringeworthily predictable, except where a surprise sneaks through by virtue of sheer implausibility. Your initial opponent is mouthy, incompetent and an irritant, kept alive solely by storywriter fiat.
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There are good bits. Some of the 'attitude' is amusing and engaging. The story as a whole though is cringeworthily predictable, except where a surprise sneaks through by virtue of sheer implausibility. Your initial opponent is mouthy, incompetent and an irritant, kept alive solely by storywriter fiat.

I agree with this entirely. There's one or two twists that caught me off-guard, but as a whole I was somewhat disappointed in the story after the end of Act I, up until the middle of Act III.


I still enjoyed myself thoroughly though, since what keeps me playing is the ability to mouth off - and credits. Don't forget credits.

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The story line of the smuggler class is awesome. Don't die before you've played this class, that's all I'm saying.


After lvl40 though, I felt like a republic soldier rather than a smuggler and it bored me quickly. There weren't enough "greedy" dialogue choices in conversations. Luckily the end was good enough.

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After lvl40 though, I felt like a republic soldier rather than a smuggler and it bored me quickly. There weren't enough "greedy" dialogue choices in conversations. Luckily the end was good enough.


Yeah I do have to agree, my character's a neutrally-aligned member of the "Gimmie the Credits" faction, and I'd been hoping that I'd be given the choice to scam the Republic in addition to helping them out.



(Which you actually do get a chance to do, but it seemed like just a side thing.)


Also I sorta got to screw over the republic by, uh... screwing that senator. But still doesn't count.




To compensate, I'm just telling myself that my character's seen enough Sith atrocities in his leveling travels to realize that the Republic is the lesser of two evils. He realizes that he would never have his free lifestyle if the Empire ruled the galaxy, helping them out is a means to an end. Also, they still pay...

Edited by Stenrik
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