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Everything posted by Azzkickrr

  1. wow, had to google him : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Marks 30 tons, thats redic.
  2. Jesus man, youll poke someones eye out. Watch where you swing that Epeen!
  3. Also Ash from Army of darkness... smuggleresque imo
  4. Id take Mal's ship too (with th emechanic of course =D) Dont get me wrong our ship design is better than alot of others... but Yeaaahh, they are all pretty dry in design.
  5. If im going to be melee, why cant the primary weapon be the shotgun? Instead of pistol whip, smack him with the butt end of the shot gun? Besides it sounds way more intimidating... and it would bring some uniqueness to the class.
  6. Honestly, I think Mal from Firefly. Whhhhhaaat a bad ***
  7. Nooooooooo you were suppose to be the chosen one!!
  8. Extremely dissapointing, currently only playing because I have friends that are playing. If 1.2 doesnt hit the spot, who wants to start a guild on vanguard! That game still looks better than anything out, and they released new end game content. God I wish that game wasn't kicked out the door so early, that game was a let down. I just wish MMO's would learn from other MMO's. This one did not learn, AION, RIFT, same ol same ol. Maybe EQ next? Probably not.
  9. Very good damage, and she uses hand me downs. My only complaint her damage feels like it builds... so she usually hits like a truck when the mob is down to 15% life... and its doomed anyway.
  10. I got bored of Risha due to the fact her usual big hits are when the mobs are around 10% life anyway... and at 50 it doesnt really matter what pet you have out... so I gave bowdarr a go. I've been doing quite a few hard mode EV;s and Hutts, was able to steal some trash look and hook him up with a few peices of rakatta and columi... None of his gear was below 126, and he is sitting around 16k hp. DPS wise, horrible. Tank wise, Horrible. The only thing he was good at was taunting the mob so I could Backblast, and then immediately regain agro after his taunt wore off. I have more HP than him, but he's suppose to be a tank... I can tank gold mobs better than he can. Back to the ship wookie, please stay out of the food supplies this time. Now i'm gearing out Akaavi, and with some gear pretty horrible, she does WAY more DPS and its constant, not speradic like Risha. Tanks waaay better as well. Handles AOE pretty well, only 2 abilities you have to turn off in order for her not to break CC in the rare moments you are soloing anything difficult. My only complaint, WHY the techstaff. What a joke, its a blue item, and I have yet to find a purple weapon for her. Rediculous,
  11. Honestly, I cant believe im the only one with this viewpoint. Am I just being Trolled? Wheres my torches! BACK TROLLS, COME YE NO FURTHER!
  12. Your missing the point. Im not saying BAM BAM BAM i doted a bunch of people and I want to stealth. I am saying I ran in the middle, got aoed which dropped me out of stealth and right as everyone notices the Scoundrel and decides that he is the weakest target and turns to smash my face in, I spam a bunch of Vital shots. I die. I re spawn up in the waiting cell and I cant re stealth due to being in combat. Its not that I want an in combat stealth, I just think that DEATH would be a good reason for NOT being in combat so I can stealth when I respawn in the holding cell.
  13. Oh and I forgot to point out earlier, you get proton torpedos at 50 and the only daily space mission that gives daily commedations (impossible) you cant even use them on...
  14. Only one worth it at 50 is Impossibru! Its incredibly boring you fly around for a good 2 minutes just dodging rocks while an enemy fighter pilot shoots at you randomly while you cant shoot him cuz hes off screen. 8 Minutes long... really.. couldnt cut that crappy part out? Also 1 space **** against that many baddies... rediculous. I know its called Imossible, but thats plain redic. But hey, you get 3 daily commedations for it. /yank
  15. 1 of the many bugs this class has, BUT Working as intended, Love Bioware
  16. Its not suppose to be either of those two options. I will go with C: I die, my dots stay active and I am out of combat because I am in the waiting area. Its a load of crap that I stay in combat, I shouldnt have to go out un stealthed. Its broken.
  17. It makes me care that its broken, and wont allow me to re stealth.
  18. Nope, working as intended - love bioware
  19. Exactly, then you die... you re buff... and your still in combat due to vital shots... which shouldnt happen. You died, you should be out of combat even if your dots are still ticking. I was just curious if everyone was getting this issue.
  20. Being dead isnt enough seperation to allow me to re stealth?
  21. On voidstar i just pop everyone with vital shots because with the dot you cant click the doors. I've recently begun to notice that when I do die, I pop up in the waiting station to drop down and I'm still in combat and cant go stealthed. Anyone else?
  22. At 50 with decent gear, it doesnt matter which companion you use. Risha usually just hits the target really hard Right before the finishing combo anyway.. so she does good damage, but so do you. I dont really like Corso so I leave him on the ship. With Bowdaar, I really like the look of the Vibroswords so I have been having him follow me around. Gus is holarious, used him for a while. The other chick uses a techstaff or blade, which is gimped in this game so Ill never use her again. Before her techblade gets left behind at 50 because I cant find an orange or purple one for her ( best one I can find is a blue) shes on the ship too. She did really really good damage though, but her wep is gimped.
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