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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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Note it does not depict CURRENT POPULATION.


Yes it does. And if you go through the options a bit more you will get what the population is on any particular server at this moment.


What it also shows is that the population is dropping and you can not argue against it.

Edited by Sejia
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Yes it does. And if you go through the options a bit more you will get what the population is on any particular server at this moment.


What it also shows is that the population is dropping and you can not argue against it.


all mmo population drops in between big patches. Look at WoWs population it's been a while since their last big patch and server populations at an all time low.


The question is will population go back up when 1.2 comes out.



it's like saying "Uh oh Halloween Costume sales are down in July. Halloween stores are going out of business"


now if patch 1.2 comes out and server population DROPS then I would be worried.

Edited by Sejia
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now if patch 1.2 comes out and server population DROPS then I would be worried.


well, people are probably gonna resub, see 1 new instance and maybe 1 new operation, and if the legacy system finally makes it in, this too (and depending how bioware handles, it might piss more people off than brings them to reroll a character with a new race).


the whole "hm, let's resub for a month to check it out" only works so far tho.

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About 70% of the people I know have either left for good, or left to resub when 1.2 is out. Our fleet has gone from 150+ on a Friday/Saturday at peak time to just 40-50 as imperial. Less people raiding, less people pvping, planets are underpopulated.


Guess your servers just lucky, ours is just plain dead.

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Obviously you did not read what I just said. Multiple factors to consider when trying to use that website.


still shows what you can see in the game, population = declining. It would depend on what server your on, but yea.. theres a major problem that needs to be sorted asap, I know alot of people can only smile so long whilst content that has been out from released is still bugged.. Or has become bugged (i.e. Soa <3)



Yeah, there's always people on my server (Mask of Nihilus). The game is doing awesome, regardless of the crybabies that want it to fail.


And alot of people don't want it to fail, it just IS failing. One or two of the really high populated servers may not see a problem, because people will go for the higher pop servers on creation. But the smaller ones, they're the servers that are suffering.

Edited by Mysquine
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still shows what you can see in the game, population = declining. It would depend on what server your on, but yea.. theres a major problem that needs to be sorted asap, I know alot of people can only smile so long whilst content that has been out from released is still bugged.. Or has become bugged (i.e. Soa <3)





And alot of people don't want it to fail, it just IS failing. One or two of the really high populated servers may not see a problem, because people will go for the higher pop servers on creation. But the smaller ones, they're the servers that are suffering.


Until Bioware comes out and says we have 1.3million instead of 1.7million we truly do not know what the exact number is. When they released the 1.7million they said they were growing so...

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Stupid question.


I subbed for 6 months, and just got billed about 5 days ago (91$). Anyway, after thinking about it, I'm not really up-to paying anymore than that for this game. So I've decided to cancel my sub a play out my 6 months finishing up the stories.


Question is, if I cancel now, I will still have those 6 months I paid for, right?


Just asking in-case of a surprise.. The CS is notoriously bad for EA products.

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Sunday Afternoon peak time in Europe so lets have a look at the English servers:


0 Full

2 Heavy

4 light

The rest standard


Sorry m8 but the population is dropping like a stone. 4 weeks ago many of the servers were heavy, some full and none light.

Edited by Gankdalf_
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Stupid question.


I subbed for 6 months, and just got billed about 5 days ago (91$). Anyway, after thinking about it, I'm not really up-to paying anymore than that for this game. So I've decided to cancel my sub a play out my 6 months finishing up the stories.


Question is, if I cancel now, I will still have those 6 months I paid for, right?


Just asking in-case of a surprise.. The CS is notoriously bad for EA products.


Yes... you play out the remainder of the time you paid for. I unsubbed and still have access for about another week. I pretty much expect BW to try and soak up a few more subs with the new patch... but ultimately SWTOR will be sent to the MMO graveyard when D3 and GW2 hit.

Edited by Sizzurps
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Until Bioware comes out and says we have 1.3million instead of 1.7million we truly do not know what the exact number is. When they released the 1.7million they said they were growing so...


Well, they can say what they want, but they have 215 servers..


With 1,000,000 it would suposidly be about 4651 players to each server (Im pretty sure this isn't the case, and yes that would include people who are not on at the same time I know)


1,300,000 would be 6046 players average per server


1,700,000 would be 7906 players average per server


I've been checking my server count and its been going down from the beginning of the game (averaging out at about 1000 Empire : 730 Republic all the way down to 600 Empire : 370 Republic - rough stats admittedly) but at peak times with them having "1.x million people" - they have too many servers to choose from. Some servers are more populated than others.


It doesn't matter if they have 1.7 million people or even more - if there are too many servers to choose from, people will be scattered all over the place, and some servers will die, others will flourish.


Free merges / server transfers - or something "FREE" needs to be done, there's only so long you can keep holding on thinking "things will get better" when its just a downhill spiral.

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Yes... you play out the remainder of the time you paid for. I unsubbed and still have access for about another week. I pretty much expect BW to try and soak up a few more subs with the new patch... but ultimately SWTOR will fade in the MMO graveyard when D3 and GW2 hit.


Yeah, just unsubbed. I got 154 days left (Oh boy). I'll finish up the stories and move on I guess.


Hell'va sad ending for me, though. This game looked (Right up until I played it lol) the type of game for me (Lore, Story being the biggest aspect, Immersive). Just came up way short.


And I don't have faith EA/Mythic can get it on track.


Hopefully GW2 turns out better.

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If people continue to deny the fact that there is no major problem then the problem will never get solved. Most people want this game to be sucessful but we will not pay for subpar service and products.


This is not a hard concept to understand.


Yes, I agree that people should not deny that there is no major problem.


Though the double negative seems a bit redundant.

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If you say the servers are empty during the week people say everyone is at work, if you say they are empty on a weekend they say people are watching football. I love it, I really love it as I know they are squirming in their seat, some may even be shedding a tear or two as they try to think of an excuse.



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Many of the people i know playing the game are done as of the 20th Monday. I have seen the Fleet Space station go from an average of 180-200 ppl to and average of 100 or less over the last couple of weeks.


Our server was packed with ppl now it seems an empty waste land. So is the game population

dropping i don't know, but on my server it is.

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I think you had a mental idea of the game and that didn't live up to the reality.

I had a completely different one and the game hasn't disappointed me, because I expected it to be a lot worse than it is. Also, talking about industry standards is ridiculous, every MMO is different. If someone doesn't have WOW features, it's FAIL, if it has them it's a clone. It's sad but it is like that.

And to be honest, people coming on the forum to gloat that the game is failing are just trolls, whatever they might tell themselves. Who cares really? I really don't care how mny people play the game, there are 112 imps on the fleet right now on my server, that's enough for me....


I never played WoW. Last two MMORPGS I played were Runes of Magic and Aion. Both had better LFG options than SWTOR for just on example.


And they were as simple as you can get. A global LFG chat channel.


You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint?


That didn't reek of bad-design to them?



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I never played WoW. Last two MMORPGS I played were Runes of Magic and Aion. Both had better LFG options than SWTOR for just on example.


And they were as simple as you can get. A global LFG chat channel.


You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint?


That didn't reek of bad-design to them?




Well ALL the FP and OP ARE in eh fleet, so....

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And to be honest, people coming on the forum to gloat that the game is failing are just trolls, whatever they might tell themselves. Who cares really? I really don't care how mny people play the game, there are 112 imps on the fleet right now on my server, that's enough for me....


If you used your eyes that you were born with (I'm guessing you were at-least as your able to write so well!) that you would notice a vast number of players are in fact pretty tired. You can try and reason it how ever you want so your brain can understand, but fact is, statistics of servers - in general show a decline in population, and if your lucky enough to be on one - you will have first hand experience.


The game may not be dying, but its not living up to its full potential. And you must be so luck to be on a populated server, but you don't seem to understand everyone isn't as lucky as you and servers have been dying.


Like I said, reason it how every you want, my care cup is empty for what you have to say back, but its people like you that just have a closed minded view on this game, and your "LOLOL IM FINE MY SERVERS FINE DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS WITH GAME YOU FAIL" attitude really isn't what the forums need.


There are problems out there that need to be addressed.

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