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Server Population is GROWING!


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These sites are used to damn the game why can't these same sites be used to support it.

O thats right because it isn't a negative comment


Dont misunderstand me. I mean the game is growing (Bioware says, EA Games says). But that info is just not accurate as it takes just the point of view on how is the server, not on how many people are. It could say "hurray! game is growing! servers are heay so that means every server is now full of players" and Bioware could just have moved the servers to a lower capacity machine (which would be shown as heavy) or they could do the other way, move to a bigger capacity (which is what happened) and then all server suddenly become "light".

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These sites are used to damn the game why can't these same sites be used to support it.

O thats right because it isn't a negative comment


You can't use these sites to prove or disprove population growth -- the only thing they track is amount of time people are playing.

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Again, go back to your bridge, trolls aren't welcome here. If you're not happy, don't play.


nice job linking a quote from 3 days after official launch, when everyone was still playing during the free month, and most were still leveling.


People don't need to look at server status pages, fleet pop, or anything else.

Just look/ask around.


Ask someone in a guild (any guild) how many of their original players still log in regularly. Those are individually small samples, but they tell the tale easily. BW bet heavily on the leveling game, which was completely foolish for a modern MMO. Now, they're paying the price.

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To everyone who cares that the server population might be going up


And to everyone who insists it is going down


Honestly, I feel bad for you. Please, seek help. I can't even imagine a life so absent of meaning that the success or failure of a game you play (or do not play in the case of the people who think it is going down) is an important consideration and worth fighting over.


Doomspeaking is older then time. People who come to forums and say "THIS GAME IS DYING" are the same as the people who used to stand on the street corners and scream "THE SKY IS FALLING". Or that guy who keeps saying the world is going to end on x date. There is a lot of research into why people find it gratifying, so it will be easy for you to get the help you need.


As for the people on the other side, so personally offended by the idea that the game they are playing might not be universally liked, just take a step back. Have a beer or something. As long as YOU like the beer, and enough people like the beer that you can still buy it in the store, who cares if it's the most popular. It's what you like. And seeing FF14 is still around (with no plans of going free to play) after 2 years of NOT A SINGLE PERSON PAYING FOR IT EVER, we can use that as a model for the AAA MMO ... SW:TOR isn't going anywhere, even if it loses 75% of it's population base.


This is not sarcasm in any way. I honestly think it would be good for you to talk to someone about how important this is to you, so they can give you some perspective on what is really important in life.




I'll drink to that. However Sir, before I say cheers, accept that no one will ever remember this post. Cheers.

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Everyone is rereolling on Canderous Ordo.
That seems to be the case.


The only servers with growing pops are heavy ones people are rerolling to.
Those are indeed the servers people claiming their server is full are playing on.


Last night at 1 in the morning on a Wednesday night there was 148 people in the imperial fleet on the Mask of Nihilus server.


This game is getting bigger and bigger.

Probably not; Mask of Nihilus is probably just on the short list of servers that will last past 6-12 months.


Saw it in WAR; you wouldn't know the server I was playing on was part of a dying game, but really it was just one of the last to go.

Edited by Ansultares
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Bioware fix your game before it bleeds dry! The community of your game is fed up and all the initial reviews of your game is changing around the web, wake up!


I haven't seen any reviews changing. In fact, more good reviews keep coming.

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