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Server Population is GROWING!


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Sadly population is not growing. It's shrinking.


Hopefully 1.2 will bring a rise, but an OP and a FP can only interest you for so long, oh and a WZ.


The IF on my server has taken a huge hit, at one point it was 300ish at peak times, not it's 150 or less.


Sunday has been the busiest day for this game the last month, so I will be checking numbers.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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And alot of people don't want it to fail, it just IS failing. One or two of the really high populated servers may not see a problem, because people will go for the higher pop servers on creation. But the smaller ones, they're the servers that are suffering.


That kind of cuts both ways though...


I mean, it's possible that people are leaving lower pop servers for higher pop ones.


And, of course, there's absolutely no proof that the game is "failing" outside of forum posters making noise, and I don't really consider that reliable at all.

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If you used your eyes that you were born with (I'm guessing you were at-least as your able to write so well!) that you would notice a vast number of players are in fact pretty tired. You can try and reason it how ever you want so your brain can understand, but fact is, statistics of servers - in general show a decline in population, and if your lucky enough to be on one - you will have first hand experience.


The game may not be dying, but its not living up to its full potential. And you must be so luck to be on a populated server, but you don't seem to understand everyone isn't as lucky as you and servers have been dying.


Like I said, reason it how every you want, my care cup is empty for what you have to say back, but its people like you that just have a closed minded view on this game, and your "LOLOL IM FINE MY SERVERS FINE DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS WITH GAME YOU FAIL" attitude really isn't what the forums need.


There are problems out there that need to be addressed.


So why don't you go on and post some SUGGESTIONS instead of posting over and over that TEH GAME IS DIEIEIEIEIEIENG?

anyway, finished crafting so back to play. you should try it too, every now and then ;)

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33 people on my friends list have all quit....All PvPers and said lack of content no rated wGZ, not being able to que 8 man teams to actually have fun with your own guild = fail and doesn't feel like an MMO at all to me. If rated WGZ aren't out in like the first or 2nd week of March im gone as well.
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Well ALL the FP and OP ARE in eh fleet, so....


Sure. And if I want to run Maelstrom Prison, I would have to sit in Fleet spamming:


"LFG Maelstrom Prison" for an hour or more before I give up. I might get 2 people if I'm lucky.


Instead of wanting to do Maelstrom, and being on Balmorra questing and looking at chat and seeing:


"LFG Maelstrom Prison" globally.


Now I can quest, while getting a group for a Flashpoint.


I shouldn't have to explain this to you, Mutharex. I know you are smarter than defending this very obvious, very stupid (Let's be honest, that's what it is) oversight.


And this is simple, simple stuff. But then, they left out customizable UI.

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That kind of cuts both ways though...


I mean, it's possible that people are leaving lower pop servers for higher pop ones.


And, of course, there's absolutely no proof that the game is "failing" outside of forum posters making noise, and I don't really consider that reliable at all.


It might not be to failing - point taken, but its starting to show a decline. Guilds have been falling apart on my server, people have been quitting or resubbing when new content comes out, like I've been saying - some servers are benefiting others are sadly going into the ground.


People might be re rolling to higher servers, might be the case - but there's still a population decline.

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Sure. And if I want to run Maelstrom Prison, I would have to sit in Fleet spamming:


"LFG Maelstrom Prison" for an hour or more before I give up. I might get 2 people if I'm lucky.


Instead of wanting to do Maelstrom, and being on Balmorra questing and looking at chat and seeing:


"LFG Maelstrom Prison" globally.


Now I can quest, while getting a group for a Flashpoint.


I shouldn't have to explain this to you, Mutharex. I know you are smarter than defending this very obvious, very stupid (Let's be honest, that's what it is) oversight.


And this is simple, simple stuff. But then, they left out customizable UI.


no one said that the game can't be improved or needs to be improved, could surely do with a customisable UI and a better LFG tool, but the lack of those things really justify all the HATE? chill guys, anyway off playing anyone who wants to keep insulting me can do it through private message lol

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So why don't you go on and post some SUGGESTIONS instead of posting over and over that TEH GAME IS DIEIEIEIEIEIENG?

anyway, finished crafting so back to play. you should try it too, every now and then ;)


kthxbye :) Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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BW don't publish this information, so how is that possible!


(Unless I missed a major BW policy change)


Errr, sorry about that, you are correct.


This site is what I was referencing.




Go through the options and you can see the decline. I would have argue against the drop 2 weeks ago but this last week has been really harsh on my server. 150+ in fleet to 40-50. Hard to resub when no one is around.

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It might not be to failing - point taken, but its starting to show a decline. Guilds have been falling apart on my server, people have been quitting or resubbing when new content comes out, like I've been saying - some servers are benefiting others are sadly going into the ground.


People might be re rolling to higher servers, might be the case - but there's still a population decline.


I'm seeing growth, you're seeing decline, there's no way to say anything meaningful about whether the game as a whole is growing or shrinking.

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Errr, sorry about that, you are correct.


This site is what I was referencing.




Go through the options and you can see the decline. I would have argue against the drop 2 weeks ago but this last week has been really harsh on my server. 150+ in fleet to 40-50. Hard to resub when no one is around.


I think the perpectuated myth that Torstatus.net is 100% reliable is all I need to know. Sure, it's good work, but it has no baselines, due to the fact that Bioware may well have moved the goalposts.


Anyhaw, I'm not arguing one way or the other, but I personally do not believe, based on my own observations, that there has been a massive decline. Certainly not in the orders of magnitude that the link you give tries to imply.

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I'm seeing growth, you're seeing decline, there's no way to say anything meaningful about whether the game as a whole is growing or shrinking.


A general way of looking at it is the server list in game. There used to be quite a few heavy populated servers for Europe and it is now down to 1-2. Likewise, lightly populated servers did not exsist and now there is a lot of them.


There is a decline, no denying that, how big is up for debate. See what happens in the next week when resubs kick/do not kick in.

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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


I count 16 servers with an increase between 0.01 and 0.03 and 104 servers with a decrease between 0.01 and 0.19.

Where I come from 104 > 16


So significantly more - than +

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"The population is shrinking"

"The populatin is growing"


Fact is - NO ONE KNOWS FOR SURE (yet). Quit crapping on everyone's parade. Personally, my server went from having 50 or 60 Republic to over 100+ on the Fleet alone. Imperials outnumber us greatly still, and I don't know what numbers they have, but the Republic side is growing on my server.







Just because your on the very few Light servers, doesn't mean everyone else is experiencing the same decline. (And yes, I said very few because when it comes down to it, the amount of Heavy/Standard servers far outweigh the few Light ones) - I'm personally seeing growth. Does that give me the right to generalize everyone, everything, this game and it's community? Hell no. I can only speak for what I see on my own server.

Edited by Valeena
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I never played WoW. Last two MMORPGS I played were Runes of Magic and Aion. Both had better LFG options than SWTOR for just on example.


And they were as simple as you can get. A global LFG chat channel.


You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint?


That didn't reek of bad-design to them?





Im sorry but you are wrong about Aion having a better LFG option. A global chat channel?! I've never played Runes. In fact, in Aion you could not flag yourself as LFG on WHO under social pane. So I don't know if you are trying to sabotage the game like a lot of complainers on these forums, and they know who they are :p. Or if you are simply delusional.

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I'm seeing growth, you're seeing decline, there's no way to say anything meaningful about whether the game as a whole is growing or shrinking.


Well, as "inaccurate" as the statistics might be, It gives you a good idea. I'm sure your on a higher populated server that at least stays on "standard" or above. This would give new players a bigger reason to roll onto them as there's more players.


Fact is its happening, maybe not on your server, maybe not on others but servers are suffering, and those that are need to be sorted out. I'm up for playing the game, but re rolling and remaking all the classes I've leveled to 50 so far on another server, isn't really an option.


But there seems to be more information pointing towards decline than a growth. And im not sure which servers you'd be on EU or US. But personally, Uthar Wynn EU - there's been a decline, and even though its sort of averaged out at about 40-50 or so in Fleet now compared to 100+ about a week-two ago its just a shame :(

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A general way of looking at it is the server list in game. There used to be quite a few heavy populated servers for Europe and it is now down to 1-2. Likewise, lightly populated servers did not exsist and now there is a lot of them.


There is a decline, no denying that, how big is up for debate. See what happens in the next week when resubs kick/do not kick in.


Nope. I've seen heavy servers when I logged in. No one but BW has any idea whether the game is growing or shrinking.


I understand that a lot of forum posters have created this shared consensual reality that the game is shrinking, but there's absolutely nothing hard behind it, just people reinforcing each other's opinions.

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Sadly population is not growing. It's shrinking.


Hopefully 1.2 will bring a rise, but an OP and a FP can only interest you for so long, oh and a WZ.


The IF on my server has taken a huge hit, at one point it was 300ish at peak times, not it's 150 or less.


Sunday has been the busiest day for this game the last month, so I will be checking numbers.


and target of target

new quests

ranked pvp

guild banks

duel spec

UI customization

and didn't they also mention a new planet being added in this one?



Oh and lets not forget that march is the official release in the Oceanic area so we WILL see a increase in subs.

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Nope. I've seen heavy servers when I logged in. No one but BW has any idea whether the game is growing or shrinking.


I understand that a lot of forum posters have created this shared consensual reality that the game is shrinking, but there's absolutely nothing hard behind it, just people reinforcing each other's opinions.


As you said - Only Bioware know, but they've been so quiet about everything it would be nice to just see, maybe there's a reason they've not said anything? Maybe there isn't.

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Well, as "inaccurate" as the statistics might be, It gives you a good idea. I'm sure your on a higher populated server that at least stays on "standard" or above. This would give new players a bigger reason to roll onto them as there's more players.


Fact is its happening, maybe not on your server, maybe not on others but servers are suffering, and those that are need to be sorted out. I'm up for playing the game, but re rolling and remaking all the classes I've leveled to 50 so far on another server, isn't really an option.


But there seems to be more information pointing towards decline than a growth. And im not sure which servers you'd be on EU or US. But personally, Uthar Wynn EU - there's been a decline, and even though its sort of averaged out at about 40-50 or so in Fleet now compared to 100+ about a week-two ago its just a shame :(


There's no actual information pointing towards decline. I play on Mask of Nihilus US, and... the server population is kind of random. Sometimes it feels kind of empty, sometimes there's more than 200+ people in the fleet. Sometimes the fleet is empty, and there's 100+ people on Nar Shadaa.


Random anecdotal observations are a poor basis to draw conclusions from.

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