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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Population is GROWING!


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Alright, kid. Didn't mean to upset you. I was just kidding.

Obviously, someone at Bioware or LA scarred you in some way (only explanation for you to linger on this site only to spread random, unsupported, negative claims instead of spending your limited time on earth on something positive. Wait? Did George Lucas dump you??? Seriously? And without as much as a "thank you"? Bad George!)


uh?? your sarcasm detector must be misbehaving. I actually love TOR. what negative claims?!?

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We will see.


I m bookmarking that entire post.


In a month or two you will see it again.


Now wait a sec. I never said I wouldnt come back. IF they dont change anything then I will not come back but if they make some major changes that I like I could. So if the game makes a ton of improvements dont try to do a I told you the game didnt suck because your back.


If you see me post on the 27th then you can say something about me. Not saying the 26th because not sure how the game time works so my sub could run out early on the 26th.


I will tell you you wont see me in game or posting after the 26th untill they make some major changes to the game. I could check in in 3 or 6 months to see how its going.

Edited by Emeda
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The last 2, maybe 3 weeks, I've definitely seen the republic side get much larger. Sith guilds on my server have been rerolling to balance it out though.


This ahas been happening on our server as well, but the imperial population seems pretty steady still.

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uh?? your sarcasm detector must be misbehaving. I actually love TOR. what negative claims?!?


Alright, I admit, you got me confused now :D


Your claims that in a month SWTOR will be free to play and George Lucas will have fired the entire board of directors...isn't that negative claims?

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Alright, I admit, you got me confused now :D


Your claims that in a month SWTOR will be free to play and George Lucas will have fired the entire board of directors...isn't that negative claims?


yeah I hoped those were 'surreal' enough to give it away

I was replying to some kid post of that tone

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Sales from vgcharts. make up your own minds:


Week Ending Week Weekly Change Total

24th December 2011 1 1,453,494 N/A 1,453,494

31st December 2011 2 316,194 -78.2% 1,769,688

07th January 2012 3 111,762 -64.7% 1,881,450

14th January 2012 4 67,742 -39.4% 1,949,192

21st January 2012 5 59,131 -12.7% 2,008,323

28th January 2012 6 49,075 -17.0% 2,057,398

04th February 2012 7 36,225 -26.2% 2,093,623


Those numbers are normal for any game, including World of Warcraft. The the numbers that really count are subs.

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yeah I hoped those were 'surreal' enough to give it away

I was replying to some kid post of that tone


Lol, alright, I didn't get that. Guess we can both agree then, that good and bads things about SWTOR aside, it won't go F2P in a month - no sarcasm intended :)

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I hate to burst your bubble sport, but I have a strong feeling the population is in fact dropping. This game gets dry fast at level 50.


Yeah, so? People can still be starting the game faster than people are hitting lvl 50 with 8 chars.

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Welcome all! Hang on to the edge of your seat or grab a tissue cause we're about to check out our GROWING game!


So, SWTOR boasts 2 million games sold! Well hold on that's worldwide and they have 220 servers give or take in the world! Math Please!


2,000,000 games / 220 servers = 9,090 players a server, now split that for faction you got 4,545 per faction, per server if servers and factions were equally balanced. But hold on no MMO is actually like that. Got that tissue still? Here are the actual numbers. I don't know where all the players went if there are 2,000,000 of them total.


Now let's go to a populated server and see planets with 20-40 people given your more populated faction and same with fleet that has 100-150. They should consider merging some servers!


This game reminds me of another recently successful launch mmorpg, does anyone remember? RIFT! If they do not merge some of these servers people will quit do to the fact it feels of a RPG not an MMORPG. What do you think, SWtOR or SWBore?


Thank you for your time. Happy trails!

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Welcome all! Hang on to the edge of your seat or grab a tissue cause we're about to check out our GROWING game!


So, SWTOR boasts 2 million games sold! Well hold on that's worldwide and they have 220 servers give or take in the world! Math Please!


2,000,000 games / 220 servers = 9,090 players a server, now split that for faction you got 4,545 per faction, per server if servers and factions were equally balanced. But hold on no MMO is actually like that. Got that tissue still? Here are the actual numbers. I don't know where all the players went if there are 2,000,000 of them total.


Now let's go to a populated server and see planets with 20-40 people given your more populated faction and same with fleet that has 100-150. They should consider merging some servers!


This game reminds me of another recently successful launch mmorpg, does anyone remember? RIFT! If they do not merge some of these servers people will quit do to the fact it feels of a RPG not an MMORPG. What do you think, SWtOR or SWBore?


Thank you for your time. Happy trails!

LOL ... Another one.
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Got that tissue still? Here are the actual numbers. I don't know where all the players went if there are 2,000,000 of them total.


The numbers on torstatus.net do not represent population. They represent the population index, an numerical scale defined as: light = 1, standard = 2, heavy = 3, very heavy = 4, full = 5. The vertical axis is the average population index times the total number of servers.

Edited by Kthx
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Welcome all! Hang on to the edge of your seat or grab a tissue cause we're about to check out our GROWING game!


So, SWTOR boasts 2 million games sold! Well hold on that's worldwide and they have 220 servers give or take in the world! Math Please!


2,000,000 games / 220 servers = 9,090 players a server, now split that for faction you got 4,545 per faction, per server if servers and factions were equally balanced. But hold on no MMO is actually like that. Got that tissue still? Here are the actual numbers. I don't know where all the players went if there are 2,000,000 of them total.


Now let's go to a populated server and see planets with 20-40 people given your more populated faction and same with fleet that has 100-150. They should consider merging some servers!


This game reminds me of another recently successful launch mmorpg, does anyone remember? RIFT! If they do not merge some of these servers people will quit do to the fact it feels of a RPG not an MMORPG. What do you think, SWtOR or SWBore?


Thank you for your time. Happy trails!


So...where are the actual numbers? I only see the sum of the population index there.

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2,000,000 games / 220 servers = 9,090 players a server, now split that for faction you got 4,545 per faction, per server if servers and factions were equally balanced. But hold on no MMO is actually like that. Got that tissue still? Here are the actual numbers. I don't know where all the players went if there are 2,000,000 of them total.




Haha your so silly. Your assuming that everyone who bought a game is on all at once. Lots of people only get to play computer games once or twice a week. Because we have jobs etc having a sub to a fun game you only get to play every now and again is no problem.


The majority of people are not hard core 'gamers' who hang around forums arguing about game populations because they have nothing better to do.... :p


That graph is actually quite healthy looking. The servers seems quite populated when Im on. And I really dont care one way or another.

Edited by Thornsbane
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Yeah this game is definitely growing. I keep seeing new people on my server alone. Nadd's Sarcophagus is my server.

Are you seeing new people or new characters?


On Dreshdae Cantina, Republic side, the fleet population has been pretty steady at 80-100 people each evening. You would think that population would go up a bit as people hit level 50. I've also noticed that the population spread per planet didn't change much when I leveled my second toon. There was a serious drop in world populations starting at Balmorra. That has been pretty consistent from my first level 50. It's like people finish act 1 and decide to try a different class.

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Yeah this game is definitely growing. I keep seeing new people on my server alone. Nadd's Sarcophagus is my server.


Absolutely, it seems like every day this month there's been a press release to announce a new population milestone.

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Cmon, cut him some slack, he spent the whole day working that out, whatever that is, give him at least some satisfaction or he could stop doing it...


Not wanting satisfaction, just got home from work and clearly this thread states the population is GROWING didn't want someone to be mislead. I was just stating they should merge the servers.

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