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What are all the 50's doing?


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First off this is not a troll post or a attempt to bash the game in any way. I am just wondering what 50's are doing?

Curently I am at full pvp gear grinding up the last bit of valor for battlemaster just completing dailys. I have also been running hm flash points and opps and alot of that content is clear for me at this point. The only thing I have yet to touch is the endgame rail shooting. Already have another toon halfway through the his story. I only play this game a few hours a day on work days. I in no way smashed through content space baring or power leveling.

So this brings me back to the same question what is there to do? Bored with the first two I have already done plenty of. Finding it a little boring to long in now. Am I missing something, Is there another activity that's out there to do that I am unaware of? (besides roleplaying, take no enjoyment in that)

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doing the pvp grind now for champ gear and trying to improve my pvp skills. Also helping lower level guildies when I can. Also working on my crafting. I haven't even finished my class quest and this is my first toon. I find there is always something to do, but I guess it depends on why you play the game in the first place.


I'm in no rush though to have/finish everything. To me the game is not a race and I think the people that raced to the end and raced to gear up are kinda bored now.

Edited by Sconnoll
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How much do you play each day?


I probably average 3 hours a day, so a decent amount each week but not overly hardcore. Played since day 1 of early access.


My current progress stands at valor 47, nearly full champ gear (missing gloves, boots, belt and implant), only 1 piece of columi. Full clear of EV normal and 3/5 Karagga's normal. I spend most of my time pvping hence slow progress there.



So, my daily activities usually consist of completing daily warzones, daily ilum, and daily pve stuff. On a good day I can complete my 3 wz wins in under an hour. On a bad day it will take me all evening to complete. Same with ilum. PvE dailes take roughly an hour to an hour and a half. So, that is most days for me, pvping and squeezing in pve dailies. I could skip pve dailies but I do this mainly for gearing my companions.


If its a raid night or I do some HMs then I dont have enough time to do PvP on top of it. I must note that I'm not a very focused player and I've been extremely unlucky with champ bags. I think if I'd have gotten full champ gear earlier on, my motivation to pvp would have lessened and I'd have made better progress through HMs.



So, I have plenty to do. I still enjoy PvP but starting to move towards PvE purely to gear up for raiding. I don't RP or craft but for the time being there is enough endgame content for me.

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I just hit level 50 yesterday :) I was happy to know that even at 50, the mobs were tough enough on corellia that I could still die rather quickly, so theres fun to be had with farming and taking on mob challenges.

I also hit 400/400 on crafting and gathering, still working on my last skill.

I think im going to roam the lands and farm mats, pile it all in my storage box and then go back and craft every yellow in my crafting list to RE them and see what happens when I try to hit the market with all of it. Once Im done there, Ill probably go do every flashpoint/heroic I couldnt find a group for during the leveling term, complete them and finally finish off my alt who is currently at 36 and do it again with another alt. Might help some folks get through stuff along the way.


By then, we should have the uhhh legacy patch. We'll see what that brings. Also, I dabble a little in character concepts (not the greatest of artists by any means) so, I may put some time in on that.

Edited by MarcosAguila
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Bioware has no concept for endgame and just hopes that people play enough alts to keep their subs long enough to get their money back. Actually its not even racing to 50 because you get experience left and right. At some point I really wanted to turn experience off because I was sick of grey class quests.


Their approach is simimlar to a game like Mass Effect. Release a new part every 1-2 years and hope people resub.


I really wish some companies would be smart enough to reinvent the endgame finally. Dailies and instances plus some raids are not the way to go. Implement some sandbox mechanics to let the player to their part or use huge dungeons with large loot tables to give people replayable content.


I really liked how they phrased it. PvP is a huge success! We didnt expect it and will add more! Well yes ... there is nothing else to do so yes alot of people do alot of PvP grind of course.

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I'm sitting in a similar situation as the OP. I'm full champion about 57 or so Valor. I hate collecting those boxes on Ilum so I don't do those dailies unless its the weekend. I do my WZ dailies everyday, unless I'm to bored to log in.


I have a 25 Sorc, 35 Marauder, 15 PT, and a 10 Commando. I can't bring my self to do more then 45mins on any of them before I'm bored and don't want to play.


We cleared EV and KP a long time ago, I have since stopped going to the raids unless my guild really needs me, my operative is pretty much useless in them anyways. I have full columi, and about half a set of rakata.


Mostly I log in and do WZs with my friends until they have their wins, then if they want to continue I will because its fun to play with them. If they don't we usually end up talking on vent while I run around in circles or go to tatooine hoping to pick a fight with some reps (this usually involves ganking lowbies until 50's show up) I try to get things happening on the server through the forums like OWPVP and stuff, also try to get people more active on the guild website and forums, but its easy to tell most everyone it getting bored fairly quickly. I just hope BW blows everyone away with 1.2 and it doesn't come too late!


We literally talked for like 2hrs yesterday about how awesome GW2 looks... ;)

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I play a few hours a day and more on the weekends.


I am at lvl 59 Valor, so ~ 45 matches till Battle Master rank, But I think that's when it really begins a new pvp grind.


I do Ops with the guild a few days each week, with us last night completing KP and EV on Hard mode.


Things I need to still do in my limited free time.


Companions affection, got 1 to 10000 and my second at 7500/10000 with the rest really lacking. so their rep and then stories.


Space Missions, I skipped them entirely and have been enjoying doing them occasionally.


Gear for my companions, My main companion has been getting good use out of all the centurion tokens, since I do not need any cent. gear for myself.


Crafting is maxxed but still could learn more epic quality recipes.


Since a lot of low quests are not able to be abandoned, I have been enjoying slaughtering them as well.


I have not done any dailies besides the pvp/ops ones so I could always check them out.


I have a few weeks more of these things before I start to get bored.

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hmm so guess it just depends on how you lvled and what you did. I see alot working on tradeskills still, companion affection and valor grind. I have all of those done on my main except the valor grind. Have already cleared out all the planets story quests and daily's a little pointless since they do not really have anything I need. Just not really sure whats left to do at this point besides making more alts to play through the story. Thank you for the info was not sure if there was something else I missed or over looked.


Definitely wish there was more sandbox, so guess I will just give the game more time. Only a few months old just hope they add in more then extra ops and pvp planets. In the meantime will just work on my eq2 house project while patches come out.

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