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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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If there were a ton of enemy npcs running around people would complain about too many npcs running around aggroing on people. The static enemy npcs is a gameplay decision not an immersion decision.


I agree that it would be cool to be immersed in the world and that the game is a little static but this is the case with MMOs. Other MMOs have combated the static feel by having NPCs endlessly walking back and forth. This really isn't more immersive, in fact I find it less immersive that Swtors current implentation. At least most NPCs look like they are engaged in a conversation. I always had a problem with mobs endlessly walking back and forth, why would they be doing that?


This is the way MMOs work. Bioware never claimed to reinvent the wheel.

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But it's got cutscenes that let you pick the subsequent NPC response before reverting to their preset course through the conversation.


the first couple days i thought the cut scenes were cool...


then i began to realize that at least 50% of my playtime was being spent watching really dumb and pointless cut scenes...


now i just mash space and press the friendliest looking answer just to get it moving along.





I mean i love the voice acted cut scenes 100% better than the old all text style...


The problem is you put a cut scene on every single npc in an entire quest hub area and now its not cool anymore, its just obnoxiously time consuming when you really just wanted to PLAY a game... (not watch a bad movie).



They need to get passed the quest hubs with 6 NPC all waiting with their 5 minute long cut scene so it takes 30 minutes to do anything else...


take the npc and spread them out through the world, stick them in the middle of the quest areas or something. you gotta break up these 30 minute long voice acting sessions.




At this point the quest hub areas are so obnoxiously time consuming with all the voice acting all i do is press space and skip it all... and im sure that is not what they hoped for when they designed it, or why would they have bothered at all.

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Typical. It's our fault for expecting too much for swtor to provide a better gaming experience then what is already out there.


Keep singing that tune while people unsubscribe.



Once again, the ole "everyone is quitting because I don't like it" argument.


Its gone beyond conjecture now. People are not quitting the game, and that statement is a lie.


Second, we ARE enjoying the game. They have delivered everything that most of us expected, but we took the time to read up on it, understand what they were producing, and we chose the correct genre for our tastes.


I can't help that you chose the wrong one, expected something that they did not promise, played a game that you knew nothing about. Its not my experience or the experience of the vast, overwhelming majority of players.


....unless you read the crap that you just posted....and then believe it. ;p

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It's hard to expect less when the devs say the game would contain every AAA MMO features when it turns out to be a lie.


Not that I don't believe you, but can you provide a source for that promise?


OTOH - is this your first MMO? Did you install the game expecting a blockbuster, pristine experience? If so, then let me explain something about these types of games to you...

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Typical. It's our fault for expecting too much for swtor to provide a better gaming experience then what is already out there.


Keep singing that tune while people unsubscribe.




People like you will complain about absolutely anything. You simply cannot be an adult with as much as your whining like a child whose toy isn't what he thought it'd be.



Grow up, play the game or quit and **** off the forums..

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the first couple days i thought the cut scenes were cool...


then i began to realize that at least 50% of my playtime was being spent watching really dumb and pointless cut scenes...


now i just mash space and press the friendliest looking answer just to get it moving along.


Then you picked the wrong game. How is that their fault? They told you all about this. There were no secretes here?


To me its the best part of leveling. It is the most complete, easiest leveling grind I've ever experienced because of the story line. Not only is the trip to 50 painless, but it is enjoyable.


Honestly, like most complaints here. I have no idea where you are comming from on this. What? I chose a chocolate ice-cream cone then realized I don't like chocolate? Its their fault? They should make exclusively vanilla or the suxsors?

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Once again, the ole "everyone is quitting because I don't like it" argument.


Its gone beyond conjecture now. People are not quitting the game, and that statement is a lie.


Second, we ARE enjoying the game. They have delivered everything that most of us expected, but we took the time to read up on it, understand what they were producing, and we chose the correct genre for our tastes.


I can't help that you chose the wrong one, expected something that they did not promise, played a game that you knew nothing about. Its not my experience or the experience of the vast, overwhelming majority of players.


....unless you read the crap that you just posted....and then believe it. ;p


Too bad blindly defending this game on these forums doesn't offer faction Rep. Cause you'd be exalted 10 times over.

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The planets are stagnent because they want people with low end PC to be able to run this game, if they add life to the planets then they wont be able to have people with low spec PC's playing the game because all those animations are extreme resource hogs, look at the low population lvls on servers, BW like it like that so the game can run smoothly. Now i am not ok with the way they developed this game and i think that they should cator to people with at least mid range pc's not people with low end pc's but its all about how much money they can grab before they move to a free to play platform because they will not be able to continue to charge people monthly for a game that is not truely a MMO. This game was a good test bed for what a really good story and voice acting can do in an MMO but it fails at every other aspect of an MMO.

So, I think the worlds are static because of hardware limitations and design flaws.

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To me its the best part of leveling. It is the most complete, easiest leveling grind I've ever experienced because of the story line. Not only is the trip to 50 painless, but it is enjoyable.



As a JK, I started Nar Shaddaa at level 24 (which is the max recommended level) because there has been too much content. I have played only 1 space mission and no PVP. I leveled up 6x on Taris...I thought about complaining, but then I remembered all the other MMOs I've ever played and what that level grind was like and I felt pretty stupid.

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What game are you playing? Everything is more lively and lifelike than TOR lol. AOC, WoW, EQ2. The fact that you can't loop music in TOR and the seeming lack of music alone hurts it. There's so many things from how there's no smaller wildlife running around or any nature like things going on, no day/night/weather cycles, bad draw on plantlife. it's just laughable, that's not all the little details that are bad either that's just everthing i can think of at the moment.


That is a ridiculous assertions.....the music loop is coming the devs said so and you are lying about the smaller wwildlife I see them on Taris, Tatooine and even Hoth.


The only thing here that is laughable is your mindless hate. :rolleyes:

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Yes, but you are still here. ;p


Sorry to keep parroting that, but you yourself said that you still return to AION once and a while just for the ambiance? Why are you not playing that game? Could it be the lack of content, too much wasted in superficial, meaningless items rather then immerse content? Too many bunnies running around, no raid game?


Put it where its important. This is just the leveling process that we are talking about, not end game. It is something that you will see for about 2 seconds in the life of your play. Is that really worth the resources?


See, the reason I am saying that people will complain about anything is that this issue is being blanketed across the entire game. The cut scenes make this the most immerse MMORPG ever developed. You character has personality, the NPCs come to life rather then just spam text across the screen....but rather then enjoy the immersion, people want bird fights off to the side? Does not make sense to me at all. It just sounds like empty complaining.




Level 23 cities do not need anymore then they have. Put all effort into the important stuff, and into the end game, next expansion, the places we will be spending our time.


Let me address your comment about AION, I in fact still go to many of the areas I have already leveled past, to enjoy the ambiance, as well as to farm for certain objects, or just to help lowbies. I also tend to explore old areas as well to see if I can find things I missed before, or to lol stomp someone from the other side who is ganking our lowbies. AION for all it's faults, has a hell of a lot more to offer than SWTOR ambience wise when both are held up to a comparison. But even it, is a tad too static for my tastes, and it's FAR more active the SWTOR.


Maybe when SWTOR has been out as long as AION has, it will improve as well.


I also still play EQ1 now and then (though not as often). Same with PWI. All for different reasons.


The problem I have with this game more than anything else is. It feels dead. The worlds themselves. Sure there are plenty of players on my server. Not an issue to me. What is an issue to me is the worlds themselves. I'm not asking for MY ideal to be produced, but man.. somewhere between my ideal and the deadzone we have now would go a long ways to improving the feel of the worlds.


And one of my BIGGEST pet peeves with MMO makers now days is they have totally forgotten that the JOURNEY is as important as, or of more importance than the final destination. For those who are gear dogs and think end game is the be all and end all of an MMO.. I would disagree strongly with them. Sorry, but farming the exact same boss(s), over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again... is not my idea of fun. To me, that is the pinnacle of absolutely boring.


As for the cut scenes.. no offense, they are a nice addition, but they really don't add much to the game in my mind. They don't make me enjoyy my character any more, or any less than a game with no cut scenes. I personally think BW spent way to much time with them, when they could have done other things. But what is, is and I am not complaining about that.


Again, my opinion is as valid as yours is. How I see things about a game, is as valid as how you see them. I don't agree with how you see the game. I think they could have done better than they did. It's disappointing that they didn't. Heck, even a Day/Night cycle would have gone a long way to making things slightly better.


Honestly, I question where all the money went. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars over what... 5 years or more... and produced this? And your happy with that? Well... I guess my expectations are higher than yours. I'm not satisfied with mediocrity. And this is, at best, what BW produced.



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Then you picked the wrong game. How is that their fault? They told you all about this. There were no secretes here?


To me its the best part of leveling. It is the most complete, easiest leveling grind I've ever experienced because of the story line. Not only is the trip to 50 painless, but it is enjoyable.


Honestly, like most complaints here. I have no idea where you are comming from on this. What? I chose a chocolate ice-cream cone then realized I don't like chocolate? Its their fault? They should make exclusively vanilla or the suxsors?



you know, out of all the advertisements ive seen for this game, ive never seen a single one that said:


"this game will cause you to spend obnoxious amounts of time watching cut scenes"



so yeah... what was your point?

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Typical. It's our fault for expecting too much for swtor to provide a better gaming experience then what is already out there.


Keep singing that tune while people unsubscribe.


It's hard to expect less when the devs say the game would contain every AAA MMO features when it turns out to be a lie.


Not that I don't believe you, but can you provide a source for that promise?




At the same time, we will still deliver all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game. To top it all off, Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in a very exciting, dynamic period in the Star Wars universe."

- LucasArts and BioWare

Edited by Dreossk
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Like someone said, they did the best they could with the limits they placed on themselves by using an Engine (Hero) they were comfortable with.


Mythic used it on Warhammer, and figured they'd use it here as well to save time and money, I guess.


I think it was a poor choice, as the game speaks for itself.


They should have built their own engine around their game, rather then build their game around an engine that limited them so severely.


Really EA's fault though for giving SWTOR to Mythic. They made a gamble by giving it to the only team within EA/Bioware that had experience with MMORPGs and they lost.


That said, there wasn't much choice. Real Bioware was busy knocking out ME3, and they even siphoned off their best writer in Drew. The DA team helped, but given the dud they released in DA2.. probably not a smart idea.


I see this going the same way as Warhammer. Initial burst of population, then a steady trend downwards. This game will feel it hard because of how lifeless it already feels with a ton of subscribers.. Take away half of them, and the game just won't survive.


Jesus Chirst the misinformation and silly remarks are staggering :rolleyes:


Warhammer was not designed with the Hero Engine it was an advanced version of the DAOC engine....:rolleyes:

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Then you picked the wrong game. How is that their fault? They told you all about this. There were no secretes here?


To me its the best part of leveling. It is the most complete, easiest leveling grind I've ever experienced because of the story line. Not only is the trip to 50 painless, but it is enjoyable.


Honestly, like most complaints here. I have no idea where you are comming from on this. What? I chose a chocolate ice-cream cone then realized I don't like chocolate? Its their fault? They should make exclusively vanilla or the suxsors?



also, if you could get passed your fanboism for a minute you would have seen i said i loved the voice acting cut scenes 100% better than the old all text style, it was simply the way they implemented quest hubs that was causing the problem...


...but i digress, its like trying to teach a monkey to sing.

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Honestly, I question where all the money went. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars over what... 5 years or more... and produced this?





Why do people always use the budget as a point of attack on TOR? It's not like they're charging you more than standard for both the box and the sub. They assumed all of that cost themselves. You didn't pay a dime until December 2011. So who cares how much they were spending from December 2007-November 2011? Why is this important to you? Why is it the ultimate argument from people upset with the game? It shouldn't make one bit of difference to YOU, the player, because you aren't being asked to pay an amount commensurate with their cost.

Edited by thekidpow
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At the same time, we will still deliver all the fun features and activities that fans have come to expect in a AAA massively multiplayer online game. To top it all off, Star Wars: The Old Republic is set in a very exciting, dynamic period in the Star Wars universe."

- LucasArts and BioWare


I'm not really sure how they're wrong, other than customizable player housing. I don't consider day/night cycle and motile NPCs a "feature".

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What are they? Things?


Basically, but with even less meaning. Again - other than City of Heroes, which had movement mechanics that allowed for transport above ground to reduce NPC debris - I don't know of a game with really dynamic NPC movement. And even in COH, it didn't enhance my gameplay one bit.


I don't play games to watch NPCs. I understand that its important to some, but I have a difficult time believing that this group is the majority of both the current and potential subscriber base.

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