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Surge nerf > holy ****


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Funny. I'm a maurader... pure DPS... and even I have problems with healers who know how to play when 1v1. Hell.. even with 2v1 a healer sometimes pwns me with all their control, heals and LOS.


Welcome to a level playing field?



DPS/ Healer Hybrid was always a bad idea.


As a PT I spec Pyro DPS so I'm poor at Tanking, If I'd spec'd for a Tank I'd be an awful DPS. I know one guy who regularly ding'd 500DPS before switching to tank spec and he rarely breaks 210-220 damage in a match now.


DPS/ Healer Hybrids should make you either a very good DPS and weak healer or vice versa. I don't mind a healer who is hard to KILL and can use Mezz's to get away, etc. But I don't like those who are hard to KILL and hard to SURVIVE because they can have similar DPS to you.


Mugbloods > Pure Bloods :(


It'll get nerfed eventually, though.


Sorcs/ Sages may have a damage buff to compensate or more damage mitigation but Commandos/ Mercs will have to choose spec's more closely.

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Again this is purely subjective. I'll take my chances in leveling my toon ;)



The problem is for Ops and Sc's is that most don't understand how to play their class. It's analygous (spelling) to Marauders. Mara's are a great class but difficult to play for most so most think they're a bad class. Comparatively, Ops and Scs are easy to play but most don't understand that their role is situational. They can easily top the score-board but not always and it depends how the match turns out.


It the enemy team runs as a tightly packed unit and doesn't heal up those with health deficits then the stealth classes have to sit back and can't do much. If the team is loose and disorganised then it's easy for them to pick off stragglers, go for the squishies, healers are a prime target etc.


'Events, dear boy. Events!' - MacMillan.

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Granted this also does hurt healers, my healer operative went through 3 warzones without a single death, focused upon several times since I was the ball carrier multiple times in one huttball match and scored twice. Less incoming big spike damage and I kept shield probe up as often as I can while cycling kolto probe and surgical probe and it lasts longer, I imagine sage/sorc's shield will last longer as well, but I didn't have that much trouble taking them down since I use cover/explosive droid (does between 2200-2800) in my rotation which can almost completely consume sage/sorc's shield.


My healing output however is lower.

Edited by Sookster
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part of the problem with the nerf, not that it shouldn't be adjusted, is your choices when it comes to buffing other stats besides surge. For starters crit is almost always inherently tied to mods with surge as well, so you can't specifically target crit. There's no point in stacking accuracy past a certain point which is easily attained. Alacrity isn't necessary for every class, and power provides minimal increase from modifications.


Now this change would be night and day if it was actually introduced with the armor crafting changes that would allow crits to provide an augment slot on orange armor. The best way to buff specific stats would seem to be the augment slot.


side note: did they reduce the surge cap or just reduce the surge from gear? cause if the cap isn't adjusted it seemingly negates specs for a lot of classes. If i'm already "capped" on surge rating, what about talents that increase the crit damage of specific attacks? do they apply on top of that still or are you already at the cap and it wont increase.

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stack power


srsly...some people acting like big number RNG is the only thing to do in this game.


How about stack your main stat, push for maxing out power, then look to crit and surge.


RNG shouldn't be a guaranteed thing every time. The problem is how often the crit procs, so the amount it does is substantial (the surge.) They could either reduce the amount you crit or how much you crit for.


This is a universal nerf. Everyone is affected and this change in my opinion requires more play with more strategy.


It deters the play-style of running around spamming that one instant to look at big numbers and think you're awesome.


It requires people to have more skill and I think that's a good thing.

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stack power


srsly...some people .


yeah srsly..some people..



like yourself who have no clue. enhancements come crit/surge, crit/accuracy, power/surge, power/accuracy, shield/crit, defense/surge, absorb/surge



all of the enhancement options are crap in this game. there is no crit/power option. power/accuracy? only gunslinger/sniper, marauder/sentinel even care about accuracy.


the surge nerf would suck less if bioware knew how to itemize their creation properly.


and lets not even get INTO the power dr. if i hit a 350 power adrenal i get about 60 actual +dmg from that and about 20 or so +healing.

Edited by Corran
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After nerf, went from 81.84% surge to 72%.


That is one HELL of a nerf and considerably worse than I had thought.


Great patch, awsome patch.


BW has officially made heal Ops totally worthless.


Thanks BW, can I have another nerf please?


This was a buff for all healers in pvp. Dps rely on big crits a lot more than healers do.

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yeah srsly..some people..



like yourself who have no clue. enhancements come crit/surge, crit/accuracy, power/surge, power/accuracy, shield/crit, defense/surge, absorb/surge



all of the enhancement options are crap in this game. there is no crit/power option. power/accuracy? only gunslinger/sniper, marauder/sentinel even care about accuracy.


the surge nerf would suck less if bioware knew how to itemize their creation properly.


Then I guess you would see that my point is to stack power/surge and power/accuracy? Right? I mean cause not everyone is picking crit/surge right? I mean that's not the only one everyone has been picking for the last month? And there's a couple of combos you missed there. I know one I was able to get +60 power from. Gear sets will offer a bit of power too. Collumi has a set for example.

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stack power


Really now? Power gives very little bonus, something like 450 power gives like 60 damage boost, woopie doo. I prefer tech/force power which has a much better return but unfortunately they're only available on weapon and offhand items.

Edited by Sookster
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So they reduced the effectiveness of a tertiary stat?


CORRECT. The main issue is that everyone went for crit/surge. If they went power/surge and then supplemented crit with buffs etc, they would be in a better place.


The point is they stacked crit to put RNG in their favor and surge as a bonus for high crits. Now they crit a lot and just don't do as much damage. The alternative is to stack power do higher consistent damage/heals and then when they do crit from RNG do higher damage (just not as high they were before.)

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Really now? Power gives very little bonus, something like 450 power gives like 60 damage boost, woopie doo. I prefer tech/force power which has a much better return but unfortunately they're only available on weapon and offhand items.


perhaps for you. I'm at almost 800 power for damage and 620 for heals and I've been very happy so far. I'm not completely maxed out yet, I don't know what it's like higher than that.

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CORRECT. The main issue is that everyone went for crit/surge. If they went power/surge and then supplemented crit with buffs etc, they would be in a better place.


The point is they stacked crit to put RNG in their favor and surge as a bonus for high crits. Now they crit a lot and just don't do as much damage. The alternative is to stack power do higher consistent damage/heals and then when they do crit from RNG do higher damage (just not as high they were before.)


there are no power/crit enhancements. stop saying the fix is to stack power before you people have fully investigated what enhancement combos actually exist in the game


also realize you drop a SUBSTANTIAL amount of your main stat to pick up any amount of power, and power has huge DR as well.

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there are no power/crit enhancements. stop saying the fix is to stack power before you people have fully investigated what enhancement combos actually exist in the game


also realize you drop a SUBSTANTIAL amount of your main stat to pick up any amount of power, and power has huge DR as well.


I never said there was power/crit enhancements.


There's just so much wrong with this post. Those of us whom stacked power before hand (I saw this nerf coming) know the truth.


I'll take consistent output vs. RNG any day. And Bioware agreed with me. Yay.

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Its not the 'dps' ones, its all of them. A pvp tank will use crit+surge also because defense/shield is useless in pvp.


There are three stats useful in pvp






Thats it



What they should have done was made defense lower the damage you take by crits, and left surge alone.


Then everyone would be balancing surge and defense some


This would have a side effect of making accuracy also an important stat for the classess that use white damage.


That would have fixed everything (except shields)

Glad someone understands what's going on. They've painted us into a corner of three stats and only two variations of enhancements to choose from. Every design choice they've ever made since release was the quick and easy path, which will only haunt them when the playerbase dwindles from lack of creativity. Instead of fixing/buffing other stats, they made another knee-jerk sweeping nerf to level the playing field.


Balancing a game around one stat is not smart design, but it's not my game to run into the ground.

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