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Surge nerf > holy ****


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Hey, I have a great idea to help with this super surviving healer situation. Team leaders in pug games could actually mark those healers and teams could then focus fire them down.


Try it, you'll like it.


This is why I like being one of the highest valor players on my server.


I always mark the healers.

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This is why I like being one of the highest valor players on my server.


I always mark the healers.


Yeah, I like to mark them when I get lead, but if I recognize most of the names of my teammates and they ignored my marking in the last few games, I don't even bother.


If there is an easier way to mark besides targeting the healer, then right clicking their portrait, then marking, I'd like to know what it is, though.


Which reminds me of one I forgot to put in the most embarrassing pvp moments ever thread. I marked what I thought was a healing sorc, but must have had the wrong guy targeted so a nice tanky marauder went around the whole match with a big crosshair over his head. Luckily, that was one of the games my team was ignoring markings anyway! :o

Edited by maradigamer
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yeah srsly..some people..



like yourself who have no clue. enhancements come crit/surge, crit/accuracy, power/surge, power/accuracy, shield/crit, defense/surge, absorb/surge



all of the enhancement options are crap in this game. there is no crit/power option. power/accuracy? only gunslinger/sniper, marauder/sentinel even care about accuracy.


the surge nerf would suck less if bioware knew how to itemize their creation properly.


and lets not even get INTO the power dr. if i hit a 350 power adrenal i get about 60 actual +dmg from that and about 20 or so +healing.



LOl I love all the people saying because EVERYONE can't stack crit/power itemization is broken. Never crossed your mind that is intentional and they don't want everyone just using one enhancement.


Be good at what you can do not just whine about what you can't do

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there are no power/crit enhancements. stop saying the fix is to stack power before you people have fully investigated what enhancement combos actually exist in the game


also realize you drop a SUBSTANTIAL amount of your main stat to pick up any amount of power, and power has huge DR as well.


Nobody said stack power and crit stop being obtuse and stop thinking the only way to build stats is with your two favorites on every piece.

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Our scoundrels do fine at 50 and even inspired me to roll one. I'll see what it's like at 50. Personally I don't think much will change as gear scales pretty much with your character.


I'm not going to speculate on the comps of rated warzones just yet, because 8 man comps are pretty huge and provide a wide array of variance.


Also good teams will learn to outplay scoundrels, likewise good scoundrels will learn to adapt. They fulfill the heavy hitter backline ganker role in group pvp and absolutely destroy mercs and sorcs.


Just stop. Nobody cares about your level 20 Scoundrel. No, you don't know what it's like as a Scoundrel at 50 and aren't in a position to comment on the effect Surge nerfs will have on an already nerfed class just because you have a lowbie alt.

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Surge was, by far, the strongest secondary stat in the game and WAY out of whack with crit and power(bad). Surge gets nerfed to be more in line with the other stats (good). People then cry because they do less omgbbq huge crits (stupid).


Seriously, you people make my brain hurt. Things get made to be more BALANCED, and you are not happy with that. You officially confirmed that you are not worth listening to.

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if you wanna stack power, you get alacrity , stop lying to fit your argument


What if you're a PT/VG/Scoundrel/Op/Mara/Jugg/Sent/Guard/Sin/Shadow who all get next to no use from alacrity?

Edited by Mhak
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Surge was, by far, the strongest secondary stat in the game and WAY out of whack with crit and power(bad). Surge gets nerfed to be more in line with the other stats (good). People then cry because they do less omgbbq huge crits (stupid).


Seriously, you people make my brain hurt. Things get made to be more BALANCED, and you are not happy with that. You officially confirmed that you are not worth listening to.


How? Where is the problem exactly? Is the problem that surge makes a few key abilities too powerful? Or is the problem that a few key abilities are too powerful to begin with? Which is it?


So yes. The operative wont kill you in a single stunlock now. But he'll kill you afterwards, because you are now weaker in the same proportions that he is.


Theres only so much nerfing of outside influences that you can do before you realize that the problem isn't the trinkets, or the consumable, or the stat. It's the class.

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This was a buff for all healers in pvp. Dps rely on big crits a lot more than healers do.


Uh....no. Sorry. Incorrect. This will probably be a pretty big nerf to most healers, as well. But that's life I guess.


Can I just say how amusing it is that everyone is saying crap like, "Guys, don't you get it? This nerf affects everyone!" Well, yeah....But it should also be obvious that it affects certain classes/specs substantially more than others.


What surprises me is that they didn't have surge set up this way from the beginning. I mean, if a bunch of teenagers are able to figure out that the best way to maximize performance is to stack certain stats, why weren't the devs able to figure it out and balance it properly in the first place?

Edited by belialle
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Is the problem that surge makes a few key abilities too powerful? Or is the problem that a few key abilities are too powerful to begin with? Which is it?


I believe the problem was with crits doing too much damage, thus the change. Which tells me the key abilities were fine. It's crits that you constantly see people complaining about, and it's the surge stat that was nerfed, which shows that Bioware agreed. Crits were too high.


I'm personally a fan of counting on consistant damage instead of stacking secondary stats for higher crit damage, so I like the change to surge rather than another nerf to the basic abilities.


But that's just me. I can see how someone who built their character around crits would be upset here.

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So after reading 15 pages of comments I decided to post my view on this.


Most of the previous comments are on pvp and how dps or healers or tanks are better or worse off.


But I think everyone is missing something....


The real winners are the npc's! : p


In all seriousness, MMO's run on constantly shifting grounds. Players must adapt or they will be left behind until the ground shifts back their way in the future.


Will you always be able to adapt? Probably not.


Will it always remain this way in the future? Probably not.


*shrugs* Tis the nature of this type of game. And do remember that it is just a game.


; )

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Thank you for completely gimping my class and build bioware. As a rage my marauder i relied on surge. My crits went from 5.5k to 3.8k. FC from 1.8-1000. My DPS output was destroyed. I went from 105 surge to 72!




Oh noes!!! You went from 3 shotting a sorcerer with 15k hp to 4 shotting them. The horror! For the record I would love to see a 5.5k hit, hasn't happened yet and I am fairly well geared out.

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What's left to stack then? Accuracy seems to be a waste, and as far as I know there are no power/crit enhancements :<


Unless your accuracy sits at 105% you can always stack more. 105% at 50 = even raid bosses can no longer defend your attacks, and in PvP only tanks will be defending your attacks.


As a DPS if you are missing your not doing anyone any good.

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- Make Alacrity maybe reduce the cost of spells past a certain point? Correct me if I am wrong but from what I can understand, casters don't want Alacrity because it means they cast faster thus using their Force/Energy at a faster rate. Their attacks won't hit nearly as hard as if they had simply stacked Surge so they forego Alacrity completely and stack Surge. Would this solution help fix Alacrity?


This mostly affects ACs that have lower resource pools and high regens (like shadow or IA). This wouldn't be an issue for the Jedi Knight, as they would be able to build their resources faster. However, they can't because of another huge issue with Alacrity:


It only affects some abilities. Alacrity doesn't affect HoTs/DoTs or the GCD. For some specs, this is the majority of their abilities. In order to fix this, Alacrity would need to speed up ticks and would need to lower the GCD.


Then there's the issue of movement fights where abilities tend to be binary. You cast, then move; you don't have a real opportunity to chain. Alacrity is worthless if you are not chaining.

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It's called balance, people. They don't want everybody stacking one thing, you should be building balanced characters! Don't just stack one thing like a retarded monkey, recognize that crit, surge, accuracy, power... they ALL have value, and trying to get a single one higher is generally going to have an opportunity cost in the others. Stop QQing and L2P - I swear, the little bit of thinking required to figure this out won't hurt you too much.
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Unless your accuracy sits at 105% you can always stack more. 105% at 50 = even raid bosses can no longer defend your attacks, and in PvP only tanks will be defending your attacks.


As a DPS if you are missing your not doing anyone any good.


As far as I know accuracy is useless in PvP because nobody has resistance except tanks, and that might be not worth it.



It's called balance, people. They don't want everybody stacking one thing, you should be building balanced characters! Don't just stack one thing like a retarded monkey, recognize that crit, surge, accuracy, power... they ALL have value, and trying to get a single one higher is generally going to have an opportunity cost in the others. Stop QQing and L2P - I swear, the little bit of thinking required to figure this out won't hurt you too much.


There are 2 viable enhancements from a DPS PvP perspective:


Power / Surge

Crit / Surge


As you can see, both have surge, so it's not like I sit here and say "Oh, Surge got nerfed, I'm gonna balance out my gear now and try something else!", because there is really no alternative.

Edited by hoax_
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I had been breaking champion gear mods just to get the crit/surge mods(the pyrotech gear had it and I'm a arsenal Bounty Hunter). So now because of this nerf, I have to switch back, luckily, I had Rakata gear with accuracy and power. Not only that, but I spent 240 daily commendations to get the rakata medic implants that had crit/surge, that's a lot of dailies... Now because of the nerf I have to do it again? Bioware, you suck. Edited by Adelise
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After some testing (as a vengeance juggernaut, not lolragesmash) here's what I've managed to do to keep my damage more or less the same.


A) Keep surge at 75%, this is effectively the point at which surge gains experience MASSIVE cutbacks.


B) Drop Crit/Surge for Power surge and power/accuracy


C) Drop the power BM relic for the BM crit surge relic whilst using the power adrenal, you don't experience DR with this.


Current stats (self buffed w/ rakata stim)


428 bonus damage

24.3% crit

75.15% surge


when I pop the adrenal + relic, my surge % shoots to 91% and my crit to 34% and my bonus damage shoots to 534, before with both power ones it shot to something around 590, so the net gain (given power's diminishing returns is the same).


TLDR, I can burst just as hard, I just have to move around stat priorities... again




With the new surge you can't have more than 80%...


And power doesn't have diminishing returns.

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The surge nerf affected everyone, why you think it only affects operatives is beyond me :rolleyes:


The only thing the surge nerf did was reduce the ttk which was probably too high as the developers told us they game won't have a quick ttk.


also in cast your wondering, I've leveling a scoundrel and I still do well and can't wait to get to 50.


You know that this is a post about surge nerf and at that level you barely got surge?

You know that with a level 12 assassin i did 210k in a Voidstar?


any class left alone or that do a little bit of aoe can achieve alot of damage on the meter.


This surge nerf doesnt help the PVE situation at all. I wouldnt mind the nerf if the other stats were interesting. Accuracy and Alacrity are both worthless to alot of classes (every classes with a resource to manage in fact). Whats the point in healing faster if you will get reduction. Alacrity should raise the number of your energy regen too so that you can actually heal faster and efficiently.


Now healer only use surge because its the only thing that really give more HPs

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