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Expertise: Discouraging people from PVP.


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Especially now that loot bags are dropping tokens even less often than before. Why would anybody want to go into a warzone and get constantly owned for months to scrap together enough to the champion gear when some people already have full battlemaster?


Expertise needs to be toned down across the board. It's a good idea but it totally discourages people from PVP.


Just think that getting one champion gun would take 54 WINS at hutball.


If you're not going in at premades that's forever.

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10-49 pvp = good


50 pvp = either scrubs in full expertise gear farming new 50's or scrubs grinding out their own l33t expertise lewt (leaving wz's as soon as they look like losing, wz number exploiting, kill trading in ilum) etc. Yeah the 50 bracket is so much fun!


Seriously do yourselves a favor just don't ding 50, and if you do re-roll. The pvp is just so MUCH better at levels 10-49.

Edited by Evuke
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Holy god whine more. There has to be disparity in pvp, most games it's the highest level vs the lowest in a bracket, here it's fresh 50's vs long time 50s. Without expertise people would have to pve hard modes in order to pvp effectively. Making people pve to pvp is stupid. If they took out expertise, then you'd still have to grind hard mode flash points in order to beat people in rakata gear. Now if they took out expertise and buffed bm gear to the same stats as rakata then people would cry that others just pvped to get the best gear in the game and didn't pve to get it. See now?
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Oh this again, lol! Well as a level 10 when I enter a wz then I want all of my skills that I would have at 49 to be part of the buff and I also want the same # of skill points equal to a 49 and I want gear that is as good as well!


They already took the rng dependency out of champion gear and added tokens, they added more centurion tokens, and that isn't good enough? Boo hoo I want my gear now, geez lets be real here!

Edited by Ojaix
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bads will be bads. I have enjoyed 50"s bracket. Even when I didn't have expertise I still had fun contributing to kicking the Imps butts all over the maps. Yeah going head up against a BM you are going to die (so what). As a fresh 50 you have to revert to a support role. Throw some heals (even if you are specced DPS) Use your CC. Stand at left turret guarding and calling out INC's as soon as you see them. Don't go all rambo and try and fight them first b4 calling.
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ITT people don't understand that the gearing change made it easier to get gear, not harder.


much easier. Now when they turn 50 they are guaranteed atleast 2 Centurion Items (Chest, Pants, Helmet, Gloves, Boots) Cause any smart PVP'er knows to buy a bag pre 50, then have 1000 warzone & 1000 Merc comms when you hit 50. They Can easily be fully decked in Centurion gear after 1 day of being 50. as you can complete both Dailies and both weeklies in 1 day.

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10-49 pvp = good


50 pvp = either scrubs in full expertise gear farming new 50's or scrubs grinding out their own l33t expertise lewt (leaving wz's as soon as they look like losing, wz number exploiting, kill trading in ilum) etc. Yeah the 50 bracket is so much fun!


Seriously do yourselves a favor just don't ding 50, and if you do re-roll. The pvp is just so MUCH better at levels 10-49.


Well isn't someone mad.


Scrubs hey? Please. I have been playing against level 50 premades in PvP gear since I was MID 20s.


I did not make a SINGLE post on here to cry and moan about it. Then they brought in the 50 bracket when I was 47 so I never fought anyone below 50 while using PvP gear.


Yes, I got slaughtered pretty easily when I was a fresh 50. I had to use this thing oh whats it called, everyone always forgets it in WarZones hmm.. OH ITS TEAMWORK.


So now, about 3 weeks after 50, I am missing 1 piece of champ gear. Just because YOU don't want to put effort in or TRY doesn't make people bad players.


So many bads make for so much crying good lord.

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Especially now that loot bags are dropping tokens even less often than before. Why would anybody want to go into a warzone and get constantly owned for months to scrap together enough to the champion gear when some people already have full battlemaster?


Expertise needs to be toned down across the board. It's a good idea but it totally discourages people from PVP.


Just think that getting one champion gun would take 54 WINS at hutball.


If you're not going in at premades that's forever.


Oh Please I've been 50 for 2 days with 0 drops(tokens) from champ bags have every slot but ear and weapon filled with PVP gear and have 525 Exp already and I wasn't even trying.


That's 16 Bags BTW

Edited by KrotanaThrall
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Um, didn't hit 50 before the ilum redesign and didn't have 1000 of both tokens to get 5 bags off the start. Had only 3 pieces (head, implant, relic) of champion and that was my whole pvp gear before the bag change. Want to know how long it took me to fill out the rest of it?


2 weeks, and I was being lazy. Do your dalies and weeklies and you can probably do it in a week for tier 1. Right now i'm saving for my main hand champion tier so that might take another week or 2. Since i'm lazy and all.


Expertise sucks, I agree, but once you get the tier 1 stuff it isn't as bad. But if you spend your time pvp playing a lot before 50 and get the 1000 of each token (warzone/merc) you can get 5 bags right off the bat. You then could easily get 4 pieces of gear as a fresh 50. Even if you didn't if you get the weeklies done with one daily each that is 6 bags for the same. The bag change even with less of a chance for a champion token drop is actually making it easier to get the pvp gear.


:edit: I goofed, one week with 2 weeklies is 6 bags right from the weeklies. If you picked up dalies and even if it took you a week of casual play to get them both done you get 8 bags. 15x8=120 centurion tokens, 7x8=56 champ tokens. Easily enough to get you well on your way.


Bioware has dumbed PVP done to make it easier for people like you. Instead of doing what is right, they are doing what 12 year old boys whine about on the forums. So what are you even complaining about. Nuff Said.


Since they are taking time to scramble to make more pvp stuff I think its fair that they make the pvp more accessible to the common masses. At least the lower tier stuff. Still a bit of a grind to get to 60 valor so the elitist can enjoy their pedestal a little longer. Seriously, until the pvp of any game is equal in amout to the pve stuff there really is no reason to keep them separate. :rolleyes:

Edited by Tetrablade
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Actually if people get Columi gear they actually stand a good chance in PVP. Through my columi gear I put out enough dmg in PVP to actually complete dailies/ weeklies to get nearly full centurion and partial champion gear (Would have had more champion gear if my last 12 champion bags actually gave some gear).
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No expertise.



Stop complaining. Expertise is not overpowered.






and read this:




If you can't read the article, it basically states that if expertise did not exists you would still get rolled by people in pve gear.

Edited by Orangerascal
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In a less than a week you can earn a full set of Cent armor and a piece or two of Champ. It is no where near as bad as before the bad change. Sure Cent armor is not on the same playing field as BM but it will give you enough expertise to stand a chance.
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The problem has never been people in expertise gear rolling people without expertise gear, but people in epic rolling people in greens. It was that way before they segregated the brackets (since it's a lot easier to be epiced out at 50 than it is to be epiced out at 23) and it's that way still now.


Good news for you whiners though. It ISN'T HARD to get gear in this game. It doesn't even really matter whether or not it is pve gear or pvp gear for the most part. Just get epics. Hell all you need are credits and you can buy mods on the Auction House that can make social gear BETTER than Rakata gear (minus the set bonuses), since the innate unremovable armoring that is in Rakata gear is of poorer quality that the level 140 armoring mods that drop from bosses.

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in the time since the game opened i'v leveled 2 characters to 50 and both are in full champ gear one in a few battlemasters. you people in here ************ are super unluck or straight up not telling the truth theirs no way it takes months to get pvp geared unless literally playing one or two matches a day or your not spending your comms on bags.
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The thing with the lvl 50 braket was that i never noticed much is a player was level 50 or level 30 in a warzone, I noticed when they were level 50 with these expertise sets.


expertise is lame and what makes it worse is the pvp sets are so ugly. I can't even look at my assassian anymore, i dont even log into that toon anymore. I know my SW is coming up on the same issue pretty soon. Poor warrrior, i hardly knew ya.

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