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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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Actually convenient and easy is what the genre is about NOW. If you dont like it maybe main stream mmo's are not YOUR cup of tea!


WoW ruined? lets see yes they lost some subs.. down to 10.2 million.. Thats what.. about 9 million more players than swtor has?.. WoW still holds the record for most successful mmo on the market. thats a fact recorded in the Guinness book! In one month sales for cata was 4.7 million for a expansion to game that was already old! lets see thats 2 million more sales than swtor had for a new release....

You know if i was running a game company i would love for my game to be as ruined as world of warcraft is!


Let's see, a MMO that has been out for 7 years has more subscribers than one that's been out for 2 months. That's to be expected.


Let's see, they had a sub base of over 10 million players when Cataclysm released. 4.7 upgrading to Cataclysm is a bit underwhelming considering their sub-base was claimed to be over 12 million at the time, I believe.


Right now, WoW is a watered down version of what it used to be and lost, from my understanding, about 2 million players and is still losing players. Also, a lot of players stuck with WoW all those years because there wasn't anything else really worth leaving all their time and effort behind for.


One can hold a bunch of world records, but that's past accomplishments not current reality. Sure, WoW is still the biggest game on the market, but other games are chipping away.

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You know why everyone was running it? It wasnt for what they made it for. Blizzard made LFR so that all players could see the content.


The reason people ran it was


1. Elite guilds ran it 15-20 times in the first week to gear up their mains for world progression

2. People ran it to get gear that was better than T11 heroic gear while having to put in zero effort


The experiment of LFR failed for its intended purpose. Blizzard not wanting to admit it was a failure called it a success because everyone was running it.


Pure speculation.

Zero effort.. last time i used the lfr we still had to kill mobs to get loot. Did i miss the patch that gave you loot when you zoned in?.. No i didnt because there was no such patch.

Content still had to be completed to gain the loot so effort is required!


Funny how some one with zero numbers to back them up can call a company that has cold hard facts in numbers a failure!

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nah the side effect is people never leaving the main town and dumbed down content


How is dumbed down content an effect of LFG Queue? That's a developers choice not an automated grouping system. The only effect here is people never leaving their main city....which generally happens when level cap is met with or without. This game doesn't even have LFG and max players just sit in fleet all day.

Edited by Damarog
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Why does it have to que you? Why can't I just look at a list of people who want to run and grab them? A que makes it feel like MW or some other FPS.


because the number of people that are willing to form the group is to small. A match making system takes that away!

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LFD tool may seem like a very useful tool but in my opinion it really kills the "server culture" in a sense. Before X-server system in WoW, guild members mostly went to instances together, in fact during vanilla Wow, way before Tier 1 set and Molten Core content, people were actually looking for guilds with lots of people who are looking for groups to get T0 set pieces and to level up faster.


After Xtransfer, believe me or not but both servers I played ( Nathrezim and Dethecus ) started dying and a lot of guilds actually started to transfer to other servers.


I understand SWTOR's map is almost "too" big for many people, and that leads to low population ~ LFG problem in general. But if Bioware comes up with this system, I don't think devs can easily solve the Low population problem across leveling areas.


There's also a very important fact that many ex-Wow players are still looking for something very similar because change bothers a lot of people at the beginning.

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Let's see, a MMO that has been out for 7 years has more subscribers than one that's been out for 2 months. That's to be expected.


Let's see, they had a sub base of over 10 million players when Cataclysm released. 4.7 upgrading to Cataclysm is a bit underwhelming considering their sub-base was claimed to be over 12 million at the time, I believe.


Right now, WoW is a watered down version of what it used to be and lost, from my understanding, about 2 million players and is still losing players. Also, a lot of players stuck with WoW all those years because there wasn't anything else really worth leaving all their time and effort behind for.


One can hold a bunch of world records, but that's past accomplishments not current reality. Sure, WoW is still the biggest game on the market, but other games are chipping away.


A quick fact add to that.. You can still buy the Collectors Edition of Cataclysm in some stores.. Fry's has it for $40.00.. They still have 2 boxes at that store.. Some of the Game Stops in my area still have one or two copies laying around.. :cool:

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I believe the words you were looking for were "Facts I dont find convienient because I want a LFG system despite proof of what it did to wow". Just saying, this system would be useful for a lot of us but I could care less really. They have other more important things to work on.



You mean assorted personal opinions misconstrued as sweeping facts by some that think their armchair degrees in macrosociology and game development give them credibility and validity of authority upon such matters beyond that of a shoebox full of cat litter?


You have no facts evidencing LFG systems as being anything other than LFG systems that exist. The mere fact that so many of us have had largely positive experiences with such tools also throws an implaccable wall in front of whatever distortion of reasoning you're trying to lean on with these nebulous 'facts'.

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...Are you out of your mind? A failure? The only failure was failing to predict an exploit top end guilds figured out and lockstepped themselves into using.


They were looting, teleporting out, porting back in and being able to loot a second time.


There's the big fail of LFR. It was hotfixed thereafter, a lot of gear got stripped after the exploiters were identified and several bans were issued.



Every other failure; the griefing and the ***-hattery on the parts of some?; that's got nothing to do with LFR or LFD and everything to do with that some people are windowlicking clowns eager for an audience.


Those same sorts of people have been a pain in everyone's *** the whole bloody time. LFR/LFD didn't invent them.


Here to make it wasier for you.


What was the reason for LFR? So players could see content


What was it used for? An easy way to get loot


People did not run it to see content because you could actually ignore most of the mechanics of the fight and have 5-10 people afk and still kill it.


So in conclusion it was not used for what it was intended for but instead was ran because it was a fast easy way to get loot.


Free epics for all was the only reason people ran it. IF 10 million people bought SWTOR to make a huge bonfire then you would say that the game was great because 10 million copies sold?

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Tsk tsk tsk, doesn't invalidate his point.

Oh I am sorry. Here: No it doesn't mean her music is inherently good. But it certainly would go against the argument that everyone hates her music and it's ruined the music industry. That better?

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Lady gaga sells over 20 million records. Does that mean I should consider her music inherently good?


Well if she sells that many then clearly a lot of people think her music is good enough to buy. Its not my style of music i am a country western fan. But i am not going to go ranting that lady gaga sucks just because its not the type of music i like.

Some of you need to learn that just because you dont like it doesnt mean its not good! Yall seem to have this if its not some thing i like or want then it sucks!


This is the same argument that is usually reference about mcdonalds. Selling tons but actually being bad..

Frankly i love me a good Angus mushroom swiss burger from mcd's!

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Well if she sells that many then clearly a lot of people think her music is good enough to buy. Its not my style of music i am a country western fan. But i am not going to go ranting that lady gaga sucks just because its not the type of music i like.

Some of you need to learn that just because you dont like it doesnt mean its not good! Yall seem to have this if its not some thing i like or want then it sucks!


This is the same argument that is usually reference about mcdonalds. Selling tons but actually being bad..

Frankly i love me a good Angus mushroom swiss burger from mcd's!


Why are you on the forums instead of playing the game?

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Here to make it wasier for you.


What was the reason for LFR? So players could see content


What was it used for? An easy way to get loot


People did not run it to see content because you could actually ignore most of the mechanics of the fight and have 5-10 people afk and still kill it.


So in conclusion it was not used for what it was intended for but instead was ran because it was a fast easy way to get loot.


Free epics for all was the only reason people ran it. IF 10 million people bought SWTOR to make a huge bonfire then you would say that the game was great because 10 million copies sold?



You...really think Blizzard's staffed, designed, engineered and marketed by an autistic goldfish?


You'd have to if you believe that they were somehow unaware that in their gear-driven game wherein loot acquisition is the be-all and ultimate end-all of character progression, that people wouldn't be using LFR and LFD alike for loot.


Yeah, it's definitely easy mode. It's so easy that the people that haven't been motivated by the loot-lure to raid before can get in there, get some loot, maybe pick up a fondness for raiding while they're at it and want to stick around for X more years doing what WoW does best; raidy gear-grindy game stuff.


It's so easy that the people that have been howling for years that they couldn't see the content for reasons A through Z now have very little left to gripe about; there it is. There's the Cataclysm raid; more will come in the future and be LFR'd. Have some gimped down tier gear for your trouble, thanks for paying and playing.



Seriously, they're not nearly so stupid as you must believe them to be if you honestly think they didn't both expect and -count on- that.

Edited by Uruare
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I just realized another thing...


If LFD or to a certain extent, LFR gets implemented, content gets nerfed! Sorry guys but I'm signing off on this. It's too good to pass up. I get to be a douche, and content gets nerfed making it easier for me to use my dice philosophy. (If the dice is white, it's alright).


That also means I don't have to try as hard as I do right now. If I land a group with two sorcerer's, I can easily let those two carry me and act like I'm doing something. Even a healer sorcerer does decent damage anyway.

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Well as there was 12 million when it was introduced I accept your sarcasm as fact



actually the numbers grow during wotlk even after cross server lfg. It grew a full year after cross server lfd as a matter of fact.

The numbers didnt start falling till cata which was when they make the mistake of making content harder and make the choice to reuse old content as new content. That is what made the numbers start to fall. Ldf had zero to do with it since the numbers did not decline till a year after cross server lfd was put in game!

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They need to streamline finding a group yes. Adding a feature to help you group with people on your server, no matter what planet, or what instance of that planet they were in, would solve almost every problem anybody has currently, with the exception of empty servers (who should probably get some kind of character transfer and then that too, will be fixed).


Cross server anything is one of the most toxic things i've ever had the misfortune of experiencing in an mmo. To use WoW as an example, the people who like cross-server, probably didn't play WoW before and after its release, and are used to the convenience, without knowing what they're trading for that.


The cold hard fact of the matter, is that server's DO grow communities (outside of your own guild even! /gasp). If you played vanilla WoW you can relate. You knew by name that enemy player who played circles around everybody else in the battleground. You recognized players who ran battlegrounds often and you knew you could trust to play their role properly (and probably invited them to premades at some later point). That guild being the only ones to have completed a certain encounter on your server gave you a certain respect for people wearing that tag. If you were in a PvP guild, you would learn the names of other PvP guilds by which tags you saw constantly in warzones, so you could expect a harder fight against people wearing those tags since you knew they PvP'd often.


None of that is possible with cross-server LFG or warzones. You don't learn anybody's name, you don't care about their guild, and you don't form lasting connections. Why should you? Odds are, you'll never see that person again anyways.


TL,DR: Add a system to group with people from your own server, no matter what planet or instance of a planet they are on and voila, problems solved.

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