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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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It won be now and then, it will be 80-90% of your groups. Youed be better off bringing a companion.


Grandiose much? I never once ran into a over the top #$%hole or a ninja the entire time I ran RDF in WoW, I have serious doubts it'll be the 80-90% you claim.

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With LFD, does this mean I get to ninja roll on an item and sell it to the person who really wanted it? Because if the dice is white, it's alright.


Not to mention the potential to join a group of three friends waiting to kick you out due to competition loot or plain old douchery.


I get to do things such as these and not worry about being blacklisted. So where do I sign for this LFD tool? Because once LFD becomes implemented, I'm done being Mr Nice Guy.

Edited by Optimism
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here posting my 100% support for a cross server lfg system!

There is no good reason NOT to have one just biased people with no facts! just personal experiences that were biased to not liking it to start with. Notice the ones saying from day one they knew they wouldnt like it in the wow system. People who want to find bad will find it even if it doesnt exist they will fabricate or exaggerate!


You don't have any facts, either.

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here posting my 100% support for a cross server lfg system!

There is no good reason NOT to have one just biased people with no facts! just personal experiences that were biased to not liking it to start with. Notice the ones saying from day one they knew they wouldnt like it in the wow system. People who want to find bad will find it even if it doesnt exist they will fabricate or exaggerate!


For the 100th post you have been ignoring what everyone is saying because you dont want to accept what they are saying is true.


You said people dont like it becasue of personal experiences. Really. People who have tried it dont like it and your going to say they dont have anything to validate their points.


You also have not came up with a good reason to actually put it into the game.

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here posting my 100% support for a cross server lfg system!

There is no good reason NOT to have one just biased people with no facts! just personal experiences that were biased to not liking it to start with. Notice the ones saying from day one they knew they wouldnt like it in the wow system. People who want to find bad will find it even if it doesnt exist they will fabricate or exaggerate!


Have you read the thread or are you still looking for those numbers to support your previous claims??


There are a lot of good reasons.. You should read the thread while it is still short..


You are right in one thing.. There is a lot of bias in this discussion.. My guess is it is the people that like to say 'There are no good reasons against LFG.' when there is a thread full of good reasons.. They just don't want to consider the idea that someone else may have a difference of opinion or a valueable point to consider.. Bias to me is someone wanting something and not wanting to hear what anyone else has to say about it..


So where are those numbers you spoke of earlier?? Were they fabricated or exaggerated?? Just asking.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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So.. It appears you are looking for convenient and easy.. Perhaps an MMO is not your cup of tea.. Convenient and easy is not what an MMO is about.. Unless of course you want to ruin it.. See WOW.. It is losing subscriptions for a reason..




Citation required.. If you are attempting to quote Bioware.. An actual quote would be nice.. :cool:


Actually convenient and easy is what the genre is about NOW. If you dont like it maybe main stream mmo's are not YOUR cup of tea!


WoW ruined? lets see yes they lost some subs.. down to 10.2 million.. Thats what.. about 9 million more players than swtor has?.. WoW still holds the record for most successful mmo on the market. thats a fact recorded in the Guinness book! In one month sales for cata was 4.7 million for a expansion to game that was already old! lets see thats 2 million more sales than swtor had for a new release....

You know if i was running a game company i would love for my game to be as ruined as world of warcraft is!

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For the 100th post you have been ignoring what everyone is saying because you dont want to accept what they are saying is true.


You said people dont like it becasue of personal experiences. Really. People who have tried it dont like it and your going to say they dont have anything to validate their points.


You also have not came up with a good reason to actually put it into the game.


Wanting it is reason enough.

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Actually convenient and easy is what the genre is about NOW. If you dont like it maybe main stream mmo's are not YOUR cup of tea!


WoW ruined? lets see yes they lost some subs.. down to 10.2 million.. Thats what.. about 9 million more players than swtor has?.. WoW still holds the record for most successful mmo on the market. thats a fact recorded in the Guinness book! In one month sales for cata was 4.7 million for a expansion to game that was already old! lets see thats 2 million more sales than swtor had for a new release....


You know if i was running a game company i would love for my game to be as ruined as world of warcraft is!



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Well he want an argument against LFG tool.


I honestly dont give a ****.


If its cross server than you can be sure ill start trolling 10 time more and ninja everything.

Welcome to life.


good for you.. i can rest easy knowing at worst ill only run across you once and then /ignore will take care of me ever seeing you again.

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I know there are several threads on this, but I'd like to debunk some of the myths there are out there. Hopefully others will join and hopefully I might also actually see a legitimate reason to why BW shouldn't implement a LFD tool.


You aren't debunking myths, you're misconstruing claims and opinions like a strawman on fire.


Anyway here goes:



1# A LFD tool will ruin/destroy the community.


People look at the LFD tool and claim that it goes against creating a community on the server. That's just not true at all, instead you should ask yourself, what Bioware can do to gather people around at specific places? - socialize as you call it.


Numerous suggestions have been made in the 'suggestion' forum e.g. card mini-games, expanded cantinas, an actual functioning Casino at Nar Shaddaa.


THESE are the things people should be complaining about and not things that might potentially ruin someone elses game because they choose a server that is now a low-pop server, or people who want's to get the most out of their playtime.


TL;DR - BW should make features/events that will gather people around at specific places to do stuff together.


While you have some great ideas here, you never address the central argument pertaining to "ruins the community." The only reason I give you the time of day or an ounce of respect over a video game is that you're a good player who reciprocates that respect. Thats community, plain & simple.


Now you can say I don't have to use it and don't worry I won't but thats not what its about. Bioware could probably make even more people happy and pick up additional subs if they just added a gta hot coffee style minigame to their cut scenes, even make it co-op. Again, I wouldn't have to participate in that either but now I'm surrounded by people in a game I play for that gta hot coffee purpose degrading my environment. Thats not unlike being surrounded by people who need a LFG tool as a form of social training wheels to play their way through the design of this game and degrading my environment.


2# It will all be about loot acquisition if the LFD tool is implemented.


It already is. People do FPs and hardmode FPs because they 1. just want to check out and 2. because they need the gear to progress. . A LFD tool WILL NOT hinder your enjoyment with friends/guildies, in fact it'll actually make it easier for people to play with friends/guildies.


You aren't even giving a straight answer to your own made up argument. Nobody who is anti lfg tool that I know uses this claim.


3# We will see more 'thiefs' and people will be bad mannered.


Correct, however, we'll have the same issue regardless. There is NOTHING that is currenlty preventing people to already do that and in the month I've played the game I've never once seen someone yell out "don't play with Mr X because...", I've seen a couple of guilds being mentioned, but not the individual players no.


People don't automatically turn into 'thiefs' just because they won't see the other players again.


If anything you might notice it more because you'll be playing more. At any rate I doubt there's any real evidence suggesting that people become bullies and thiefs just because they won't the other rest of the group again.


You aren't seeing rampant disrespect yet because people are still accountable, its soo simple. This isn't WoW's massive pop servers, factions are lucky to have a even a few hundred logged on at a time. You wrap this up with quantity over quality argument at the end. Something like "you will see more disrespect but hey, you'll run more dungeons." I get it that the trade off is worth it to you. It isn't worth it to me.


4# "I don't want to play with random bad/clueless players".


Finding the players yourself won't prevent anyone from being clueless or bad and they'll still be random. Yes, you *might* potentially make a new friend, but a LFD tool doesn't hinder anyone in doing so anyway outside the FP.


Another repackaged "if you don't like it don't use it" argument. I won't use it, but that won't stave off the end result that my game environment will be degraded by the unaccountable disrespect that you indirectly deny.


5# Only lazy people wants a LFD tool.


Wait, what?! Spending 1-2 hours LFG in the fleet is 'fun' and socializing? It has nothing to do with being lazy, it has something to do with actually playing the game and a LFD tool will not hinder anyone from playing with friends.


Lazy would be putting nicely. Self entitled narcissictic social invalids NEEDING a LFG tool as they wouldn't be playing mmos otherwise mainly by their own admission would be putting it harshly.


6# If you don't have the time to find a group yourself you shouldn't be playing an MMO.


This is just plain wrong and I've seen people write this. a LFD tool is all about getting the most out of your time, espcially for people who don't have a lot of time, but enjoys the game and the universe. Are we just supposed to neglect those people?


The people who are already getting the most out of their time won't need the LFG tool when it comes out. Limited time isn't the real argument. Its more about lack of initiative and patience but plenty of entitlement.


To sum it up:


a LFD tool doesn't hinder people in making friends, the lack of social activities in the current state of the game, however, does. Besides you'll also be playing with 'doucebags' on your own server, a LFD tool will not make this worse, we'll instead be playing more and thus be seeing them more.


The game IS a social activity. Who says I will be playing with "douchebags" on my own server? I can assure you I won't. At least I can get to know who the "douchebags" are on my server and not play with them which is why I won't be grouping with people off server. I don't find your "lets anonymously share our "douchebags" closing statement to be a very attractive offer.

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Actually convenient and easy is what the genre is about NOW. If you dont like it maybe main stream mmo's are not YOUR cup of tea!!


That maybe what it is to you.. It isn't to people that actually like to play MMO's and like the challenge.. Your views are not main stream.. So don't kid yourself.. Easy and convenient is what is ruining WOW.. When the Pandas are set free, there won't even be a talent tree..


So?? Where are those numbers you speak of?? Or should we just chalk that post up to fabrication and exxageration?? :cool:

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good for you.. i can rest easy knowing at worst ill only run across you once and then /ignore will take care of me ever seeing you again.


i dont care, i will just get grouped with other ppl.


and you will group with other people that do the same as me.. because they can.(will)

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You know why everyone was running it? It wasnt for what they made it for. Blizzard made LFR so that all players could see the content.


The reason people ran it was


1. Elite guilds ran it 15-20 times in the first week to gear up their mains for world progression

2. People ran it to get gear that was better than T11 heroic gear while having to put in zero effort


The experiment of LFR failed for its intended purpose. Blizzard not wanting to admit it was a failure called it a success because everyone was running it.




...Are you out of your mind? A failure? The only failure was failing to predict an exploit top end guilds figured out and lockstepped themselves into using.


They were looting, teleporting out, porting back in and being able to loot a second time.


There's the big fail of LFR. It was hotfixed thereafter, a lot of gear got stripped after the exploiters were identified and several bans were issued.



Every other failure; the griefing and the ***-hattery on the parts of some?; that's got nothing to do with LFR or LFD and everything to do with that some people are windowlicking clowns eager for an audience.


Those same sorts of people have been a pain in everyone's *** the whole bloody time. LFR/LFD didn't invent them.

Edited by Uruare
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You aren't debunking myths, you're misconstruing claims and opinions like a strawman on fire.




While you have some great ideas here, you never address the central argument pertaining to "ruins the community." The only reason I give you the time of day or an ounce of respect over a video game is that you're a good player who reciprocates that respect. Thats community, plain & simple.


Now you can say I don't have to use it and don't worry I won't but thats not what its about. Bioware could probably make even more people happy and pick up additional subs if they just added a gta hot coffee style minigame to their cut scenes, even make it co-op. Again, I wouldn't have to participate in that either but now I'm surrounded by people in a game I play for that gta hot coffee purpose degrading my environment. Thats not unlike being surrounded by people who need a LFG tool as a form of social training wheels to play their way through the design of this game and degrading my environment.




You aren't even giving a straight answer to your own made up argument. Nobody who is anti lfg tool that I know uses this claim.




You aren't seeing rampant disrespect yet because people are still accountable, its soo simple. This isn't WoW's massive pop servers, factions are lucky to have a even a few hundred logged on at a time. You wrap this up with quantity over quality argument at the end. Something like "you will see more disrespect but hey, you'll run more dungeons." I get it that the trade off is worth it to you. It isn't worth it to me.




Another repackaged "if you don't like it don't use it" argument. I won't use it, but that won't stave off the end result that my game environment will be degraded by the unaccountable disrespect that you indirectly deny.




Lazy would be putting nicely. Self entitled narcissictic social invalids NEEDING a LFG tool as they wouldn't be playing mmos otherwise mainly by their own admission would be putting it harshly.




The people who are already getting the most out of their time won't need the LFG tool when it comes out. Limited time isn't the real argument. Its more about lack of initiative and patience but plenty of entitlement.




The game IS a social activity. Who says I will be playing with "douchebags" on my own server? I can assure you I won't. At least I can get to know who the "douchebags" are on my server and not play with them which is why I won't be grouping with people off server. I don't find your "lets anonymously share our "douchebags" closing statement to be a very attractive offer.



Sign me up under narcissistic social invalid, cause LFG is on it's way.

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here posting my 100% support for a cross server lfg system!

There is no good reason NOT to have one just biased people with no facts! just personal experiences that were biased to not liking it to start with. Notice the ones saying from day one they knew they wouldnt like it in the wow system. People who want to find bad will find it even if it doesnt exist they will fabricate or exaggerate!


I believe the words you were looking for were "Facts I dont find convienient because I want a LFG system despite proof of what it did to wow". Just saying, this system would be useful for a lot of us but I could care less really. They have other more important things to work on.

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I believe the words you were looking for were "Facts I dont find convienient because I want a LFG system despite proof of what it did to wow". Just saying, this system would be useful for a lot of us but I could care less really. They have other more important things to work on.


10 Million people playing wow is a horrible side effect of LFG.

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One of the few salient arguments against it is that it doesn't really address the main reason people are having trouble finding groups. Low population servers should be merged or migrated. LFD covers this up, it has for years in warcraft. It would be similar to giving pain medication to a cancer patient and then declaring the cancer has been cured.


The main reason cross server lfg tools work is due to the automated match making process.

People do not like to form the group themselves. The tool takes that chore away and that is the number one reason it is a success. Number 2 is with cross server players to pool from the times to find a group are low!

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