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Everything posted by UnleashedSithGod

  1. ^He just showed all the idiots in this thread how stupid they are. For everyone that isn't this guy:
  2. BH was definitely better than JK. I just love how JK storyline I didn't even really get. I understand that After all of that happened though it was just like, "Stop a super weapon - stop a sith lord - I really just wish the JK story had less, "**** THAT GUY HE HURT MY BUDDY" moments where I got super pumped to do whatever I had to do for an hour and then a hundred foot drop into being one of the worst written most boring storylines ever (granted my JK is only 46 but if the last four levels change my opinion on the class story then Bioware has some 'splainin' to do).
  3. You guy all realize that a mac is a pc right? I hope so. Now, if you're talking about the different os on a windows pc vs a macintosh pc then I understand.
  4. Yeah **** it: normalize everything. In all seriousness though...are you stupid? The only thing that would change is that BH would use power shot more (and power shot hits for MORE than tracer) which would just make you ***** more. How about this: instead of asking for daddy to take away your friend's toy because you perceive that it's better, you ask him to get you a better toy so you can lord it around your friend (because lets be honest it's not because of your shortcomings that you're losing - BH are obv overpowered).
  5. hahahahahahahahahahahahaahHAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHHAH
  6. Would you look at that, another bad voting against meters so everyone won't tell him how bad he is...oh wait, they already do that but he feels secure knowing that no one has a parse to show him how bad he is. What's that Lassie? Combat logs are getting put into the game soon and damage meters will be implemented by 3rd party addons? Hope you enjoy getting laughed out of everything you do. Cheers!
  7. It is a huge factor. You will hear/read anecdotal evidence from people claiming to be awesome at clicking. The truth is, even if they are, "awesome" at clicking they would be better if they'd just learn to use the entire keyboard. tl;dr: people will lie to you and tell you clicking is okay - that is not true and you should feel bad for encouraging bad habits in your son.
  9. Yes. When I worked at a big retail chain (who will remain unnamed) their stuff would always go 20-50 bucks off.
  10. Enough kids saw Fight Club when it came out in 1999 to actually understand and appreciate what it was trying to tell the audience. Nowadays when anyone watches it they say, "Oh yeah - it's awesome" but they don't really get it. "Listen up, maggots: You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. " - Tyler Durden (aka Brad Pitt) ^Take those words to heart. If you're deluded enough to believe that you CAN be an astronaut/doctor/whatever you want to be...you're wrong. It takes a special kind of tolerance for ******** to become one of those and (guess what) you're NOT special.
  11. Arsenal speced BH. Really, really fun (assuming you wanted to be jango/boba as much as I did when I saw the original trilogy and the prequels).
  12. Wee-woo, wee-woo: Child troll detected. Disregard everything it says.
  13. Can't speak from a sentinEl's perspective (ucwutididthar?) but from a JK guardian's perspective I've had 0 troubles doing anything. I can't imagine our durability to damage ratio can be that much different (you put out more damage, kill quicker and have to meditate longer to regain the lost hp whereas I kill **** slower, never meditate and do next to nothing in terms of damage) so I'm going to let you in on a little secret: stop blowing donkeys for quarters at this game. tl;dr: If you don't put the time in to figure out highest dps rotations/the best way to use your survival cooldowns you will die. This game forces you to be good at leveling so (hopefully) you won't suck at endgame. May I suggest bejeweled or tetris as an easier alternative (albeit at the higher levels you'll probably start crying for nerfs so you can tetris easier).
  14. ^That's what you wrote. All I got from it though was: "Herp derp, derp derp drp (see the typo there - that's what you do in every sentence) herpen derpen derpety derp herp derp." That's how everyone sees you right now so shut up.
  15. I'm playing sw:tor on a relatively decent computer right now (well, that's a lie it has an integrated video card) but I'd like someone else to do the work for me that I've been unable to complete. I'd like someone to build me the highest performance pc for cheap that will run sw:tor on ultra (and hopefully D3 when it comes out - I realize the min specs and requirements haven't been released yet so don't sweat that too much) but whenever I go on cyberpowerpc or ibuypower I always just end up tossing a 590GTX on there and 32gb of ram because I like how pretty it looks. Basically, I have no self-control and if anyone has extra time in their day and likes putting together mock pcs on any of those websites (or another one that may have better deals that I'm not aware of) I'd very much appreciate it. Just make sure everything is properly cooled. The only problems I've ever had with pcs I've built are that the hd overheats or the video card (you guessed it) overheats. If anyone has any misconceptions about my d3 comment earlier I will be playing both sw:tor and d3 so this isn't an, "I hate sw:tor and want to say goodbye subtly" speech - I really just lack the attention span and self-control to pick out something moderately priced (say $800-1100) and would greatly appreciate some help.
  16. You're right: they should work on showing us how awesome our characters look before fixing server faction imbalance problems -OR- fixing the performance issues for many of the people out there who are experiencing them (myself not included) -OR- adding more endgame -OR- anything else that actually adds something to the game. Seriously, priorities guys.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsis Before you decide that posting is a good idea, maybe you should ask your parents to proofread your text (although they're probably part of the problem so I'm just beating that old, dead raccoon that your family caught in the bug zapper outside of the trailer for dinner). Seriously: just because it's the internet doesn't mean you can type like a complete *********** moron.
  18. You get titles appropriate to the choices you make (and it's a *********** videogame so you're not actually whoring yourself out). Bioware gave you a choice, you made the other choice knowing full-well (or not - it doesn't matter) that you wouldn't get the title. Quit whining like children over eleven words that don't affect your game at all. At all. LET ME REPEAT THAT: YOUR TITLE DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR GAMEPLAY AT.ALL. I hope you get bus shocked by one of the old school shaman from wow.
  19. http://i1259.photobucket.com/albums/ii549/tljohnson89/ostrich-head-in-sand.jpg
  20. Well said. I don't know why people complain - if you level up an AC you don't like and then level another one you have two acs already. If anything you can come back to the other class later and NOT have to do those first ten again (however negligible they may be). In regards to the part of your post that I've bolded what you have to remember is that this game IS some people's lives - no matter what you say or how good of an argument you may have they'll still treat it as such. Now, think about this: if they constantly ask for second chances in this game they probably act like that in real life (instead of honing up to their mistakes they ***** for their parents/the government/etc. to fix it for them). People asking for ac changes are spoiled - pure and simple - and nothing we could say or do will change their predisposition towards life/swtor (as sad as that statement is I believe it to be true) and telling them to re-roll will do nothing. They will still ***** and moan like children as long as the developers of whatever game they're complaining about keep caving in to, "the masses" (read: the minority) complaints.
  21. Don't assume that your opinion is the same as everyone else's. I hate needlessly hard games (vanilla wow) and this game is nothing like that. As long as you spec properly and force sweep/cyclone slash enough threat isn't a problem. Granted, I'm only level 40 and I've only done the flashpoints up to my level at this point but I'm noticing some similar trends between my jk guardian tank and my 50 bh powertech tank (being that tanking was difficult 20-30 then it eased off as soon as I could start spending talents points in dps talents rather than just survivability ones). Edit: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMhcubrouZh.1 *(Current spec at 40)*
  22. I've read like, three of your posts and I only have one request: stop posting. Please. PLEASE.
  23. That spell is a huge hunk of ****. If you don't like it, don't take it. No ones forcing you 31 pts down a tree.
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