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Hah, the crafting is the ONLY reason I logged in tonight. And we all know how bad the crafting is.


I am in the same boat and I only do it, in the hopes that 1.2 will fix crafting up a little bit.

Right now I am sitting at 1k level 49-50 mats each for Sythweaving & Armormech. I'll craft goods once I see that my current items have sold.

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If it's happening to you on more then 1 game it most likely is that you have burnt out on MMOs for now.


Might be time to take a break and see if the spark returns for any game.


It's not MMORPG's that's the problem. Look at GW2 and all of the innovations they have. That game looks legitimately fun and different.


On the other hand, SWTOR is the same boring thing, except it's not even on the same quality level as WoW or other games.

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You are really ok with the space combat?


It's not even as good as Wing Commander or Tie Fighter. The space combat is like something from a 1980's game that I used to play on my Commodore 64 (and no, ELITE was actually better than SWTOR's space combat).




Not that old, space combat is in fact a close clone of Star Wars Rebel Assault, which was released in 1993 and used as a major demo to showcase the arrival of CD-Roms in computer and software stores.



Quite funny actually that a 2011 MMO brings in space-combat-on-rails and somebody somewhere pretends that is fun ....



SWTOR pretty much is itself a heavy dose of "old everything" when you come to think of it. Just another example, movement around is heavily limited to


1) Taking taxis from A to B to C to D to E


2) Moving around at 100% speed with a mount




That was cool in 2001 when I played DAOC


That was in-fact also acceptable when I played WoW, but at least in WoW there was some improvement : summoning people, LFG tools that ported you to dungeons, and lastly being able to fly pretty much anywhere @ 280% speed (sure it killed some realism, but at least it was fun)





Can hardly believe that again, in a 2011 MMO, pretty much HALF my game time when questing from 1-50 was wasted on movement (oh, how great is it to have to hit a spaceport to goto yourship, then have to walk to the computer on your ship, then walk to the door out of your ship, then onto the orbital space station, then into an elevator, and FINALLY onto the planet itself.... for that quick quest speech into that room only to have to go back out again.



Pretty much a big dose of LOL when you come to think of it



Oh well, it was good for the month it lasted heh.

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The problem with this game is that there isn't enough community interaction. The horrible rail-like world designs are one thing, but at least put something in like Pazaak, or some mini-games in the major Starports so you can play with friends and interact with the community.


Such terrible game design. They better do something quick before this game collapses. It already is.

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The gameplay experience really doesn't differentiate itself at all from like a dozen or so other MMOs. And no, voice acted quest givers don't completely change the experience. You're spending a few seconds to a few minutes tops listening to someone ask you to bring them 10 wamp rat asses, then you spend the next 30 minutes going around collecting wamp rat asses. Plus another 50 kills for the "bonus" mission. If you're burned out on this formula from other games, it doesn't take long for voice acting to wear thin and then you see this game for what it is...a really substandard circa 2005 WoW clone. And then you're burned out on SWTOR too. Edited by marshalleck
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It's not MMORPG's that's the problem. Look at GW2 and all of the innovations they have. That game looks legitimately fun and different.


On the other hand, SWTOR is the same boring thing, except it's not even on the same quality level as WoW or other games.


GW2 is the same just in a different disguise. Gear and level still plays an important role in the unstructured pvp setting which is the World vs World vs World one. However, the small party pvp is structured the gear or levels doesn't play any role.


Really in GW2 they added the ability to make every class heal or self sufficient and crafting maybe more reliable. But really it's end game focus heavily in pvp, which is not really world pvp but something more of an WoW AV style but much more massive (supposedly).


That's another problem no information or live videos have been leaked or shown recently. So really that game is still in the dark when it comes to knowing what it actually is.

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No, it's not just you.


The same developers of Warhammer unfortunately made Warhammer 2.

That's not being fair to WAR; it was a much better game than TOR.


GW2 is the same just in a different disguise.
That's basically all anyone is asking for.


Though I won't get my hopes up that it'll be the all-time greatest MMO ever, as some people seem think it'll be.

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I'm burning out also. I still login 3x a week to raid but aside from that my interest is waning.


TOR isnt a bad game - its just that I've played it before. From the quests to the dialogue to the combat to the infuriating lack of an LFG system, I've done it before in other games years ago. Ready for something different.

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haha oh wow


Don't believe me check the FAQ about what's currently known about the game. Gear still plays a role in the most important part of the pvp. The small scale pvp (aka arenas to many) everyone is the same in terms of gear and level.

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If it's happening to you on more then 1 game it most likely is that you have burnt out on MMOs for now.


Or maybe it's because I've already played this MMO before in two or three different wrappings and all those games got old because they're so much the same.


Someone else mentioned the TERA beta here already, and playing that for a while this weekend made me realize that I don't hate MMO's anymore... I'm just really, really tired of them doing the same exact thing with a new coat of paint. TERA doesn't do much differently other than the combat, but all I could think while playing it was, "why didn't they at least TRY something like this with SWTOR?"

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I felt the same way until I rolled a different character.


Once I found a story line and play style I liked, I was totally into it. The SI, IMO, is one of the more boring ones, IMO. Try something radically different.


I have one of everything. I have not seen the end of any Empire stories, but have been through Knight, Counselor and Trooper stories. My smuggler is stalled at 38 but that is a different rant all together.


I have played BW's other games and loved them. I even played through DA2 at least a dozen times finding all the different story elements I may have missed. This just feels tedious and the sameness has set in. Same quests for all classes, same planets, and the fact that biochem or slicing are the only skills worth having does not help at all. At the end of all this, there is just another hutball game.


There are three other people in my house and we all play together. Or we did. Only two play now and I don't see me paying for another month at this time. I'm thinking that maybe I'll come back and see what has changed in the fall.

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So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


Dont mean this in an insulting way but seriously...


Maybe you're just burned out on Gaming?

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Dont mean this in an insulting way but seriously...


Maybe you're just burned out on Gaming?


Gaming as a whole? Not at all, I still get my monies worth from console gaming, and the few PC games I do have, I prefer console because I never have to worry about system requirements, even if it looks worse I know it can run it but thats besides the point.


MMOs? its possible. I havn't looked at any MMO put SWTOR lately, and a few F2P ones but really F2P games are like buying a mc donalds hamburger then swearing off beef all together.

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Gotta admit... I'm finding it tedious and boring. The only parts I am enjoying are the cinematics though I can't imagine having to watch them all again if I rolled an alt or two.


Between the many bugs I've already ran into, that have occured enough times that it should have been caught in beta, and the lack of any real feeling of accomplishment as I level... I really have to say I'm grossly disappointed in this game.


I truly had high hopes for it as I'm a die hard fan of SW and love the story it opened up to the gaming community. Excessive load screens on login, constantly having to wait for a conversation animation to start/finish, it's not enjoyable and the overall execution and feel, mostly from the lack of consistency in the games UI, make it extremely hard for me to continue.


$80 one day ago and I'm already ready to go back to WoW, which I've been looking to leave for years now.


I truly hope it improves soon

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i think the biggest problem with people getting burnt out and quitting even before hitting end-game (and probably a large chunk of the ones that get to end-game and get bored too) is that they are more or less burnt out on mmo's, but they came to SW:TOR hoping it would ignite the spark again, but it didnt because theres only so many ways you can peel a banana.
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My experience is the same, except that I'm level 46.


I have 11 buttons that are purely dps related, and only 4-5 other skills, all of which are on really long (1 minute or more) cooldowns.


You could replace all of that with a single auto attack because that is essentially all I am doing. It's very dull.


Every pack of mobs has been the same thing since level 10. One big melee beast, some guys with guns/fake lightsabers, or a big robot. If there's a group, you use some AoE skills. If not, you spam the same single target dps rotation on them.


That's the ENTIRE FREAKING GAME right there. It's a cow - a well dressed, fully voiced cow.

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i think the biggest problem with people getting burnt out and quitting even before hitting end-game (and probably a large chunk of the ones that get to end-game and get bored too) is that they are more or less burnt out on mmo's, but they came to SW:TOR hoping it would ignite the spark again, but it didnt because theres only so many ways you can peel a banana.



I don't agree. It wasn't the grinding or the game play itself that was making want to leave WoW for something new, I kept running out of story to keep me interested. Each Xpac kept my attention long enough for me to reach the endgame encounters then it just became a daily grind for gold and gear, which in itself I did because if I didn't I'd fall behind the pack... The whole Panda thing they have planned over there however is NOT of any interest to me what so ever. I started playing it to be able to explore the dark side of things and immerse myself in the characters "evil" nature. Pandas... ya... let's just add puppies (already done) and rainbows too (yup they're in there too already)...


This game offers a new story to explore and whether you choose the Light or the Dark side you can still be "evil" or "good" within your own faction. I liked that idea and bought the game. But for the reasons I already mentioned in the post above it just doesn't compare game play wise. I'd rather have all the cinematics on blueray with an option to "choose my own adventure" while I watch what happens.


It needs work in a huge way

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So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


My remedy was... taking a few days from the game. I was on since early access, leveling up my SW at a good easy pace...and hit lvl 46 and felt like you. Took some time away to "unplug" and then came back to make a new character and the new play style on top of the few days away from it all made it fun again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder! :D

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