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My experience is the same, except that I'm level 46.


I have 11 buttons that are purely dps related, and only 4-5 other skills, all of which are on really long (1 minute or more) cooldowns.


You could replace all of that with a single auto attack because that is essentially all I am doing. It's very dull.


Every pack of mobs has been the same thing since level 10. One big melee beast, some guys with guns/fake lightsabers, or a big robot. If there's a group, you use some AoE skills. If not, you spam the same single target dps rotation on them.


That's the ENTIRE FREAKING GAME right there. It's a cow - a well dressed, fully voiced cow.


I am dead serious - why do you play a game you appear to dislike so much? I usually stop playing games I don't like. Maybe I'm missing something, I should go put in Barbie Doll Super Race and play it for the next 40 straight hours and then post on their forums about how they need to improve it so I'll have fun?

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I am dead serious - why do you play a game you appear to dislike so much? I usually stop playing games I don't like. Maybe I'm missing something, I should go put in Barbie Doll Super Race and play it for the next 40 straight hours and then post on their forums about how they need to improve it so I'll have fun?



I unsubscribed and have 6 days left now.


In all likelyhood I won't be playing any further.



Just... don't imagine that I'm somehow HAPPY that Bioware has turned to crap, and that their StarWars MMO is boring. I post because I'm upset about these things and wish it was different.

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i think the biggest problem with people getting burnt out and quitting even before hitting end-game (and probably a large chunk of the ones that get to end-game and get bored too) is that they are more or less burnt out on mmo's, but they came to SW:TOR hoping it would ignite the spark again, but it didnt because theres only so many ways you can peel a banana.


This was my first MMO experience and although I know it is a weak one, I had fun with it. After doing the same things in endgame over and over I finally got tired of it. So it's not just boring those who are MMO vets. If only they had taken half of the money they used to make this game and made a legit KoToR 3 with mass effect type graphics...man.

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So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


i have the same feeling at lv4x too,

then i want to see the endgame,

so level to 50,

then so boring .

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I was the same way with Tera on the CBT this weekend. I played so much that I got to the point that I was disinterested in the game. Took a brief gander through all the class's and kinda didn't want to play.


Then today I logged into WoW and played for 45 minutes. I did the LFR for the goo add boss then logged because I was disinterested in the game. Then I logged into SWTOR. Looked at my toon and said well lets do some PvP. Did 2 WZ's and logged because it just wasn't fun.


Tera ruined my experience of WoW and SWTOR. Not because it's that much better a game but because the combat was exceedingly fun. And that's what SWTOR is missing. SWTOR is missing fun. Fun gameplay, fun mechanics, fun anything. When you play a game that is recent and has different elements then what the standard NA MMO has playing NA MMOs is hard.


Did you play Tera?


This to me is the answer to why TOR just seems to be lacking... something. There's not a lot to do in the game that you do just simply because it's fun. I don't consider "story" to be fun. Intriguing, interesting, immersive, but not necessarily fun. PvP is a gear grind that sometimes is fun, and sometimes is exceedingly annoying. End game is a gear grind that, like PvP, is occasionally fun but is so wrought with annoyances that it ceases to be fun.


This is why the game needs some things in it that simply increase the fun-factor. Faster speeders because fast is fun, the ability to do space combat in a group, hobbies and/or the kinds of dumb things that really add very little to the game other than being fun in and of themselves. It seems like Bioware was so busy creating a Skinner Box to keep people subscribing with the same old MMO grind tricks, they forgot that before people play long enough to get hooked on the game it has to first be fun enough to make them actually want to play their characters. If playing the game lacks fun, then the tricks companies like Blizzard use to subtly arm-twist you into subscribing simply don't work.

Edited by Mannic
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I play maybe 2-3 hours a day, I have school and a part time job so I -can't- play that often.

However I'll excuse you for assuming I'm a no life basement dweller.


You really shouldn't excuse them Aheros. People are way too quick to make personal assumptions about people on these forums and they need to be called out for it.

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Then how do you explain the people that aren't having this experience at all?


Oh and do it without insulting them.



It isn't the game or it would be happening to everybody and it is not. There is obviously another variable affecting the result.


Some people are more easily entertained than others.

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So, I got my sith assassin(DPS) to level 44, and I just..Can't bring myself to play anymore. Everytime I log in to play I'm just like.."Meh, wahtever" and log out again. The same thing that happened on WoW before I quit, the only thing is, On wow, I could atleast manage my dailies. But this game I can't even get to end game.


So, is it me? the game? any remedies?


It's you. This game is fast to 50. If you can't push the next 6 levels, then this game may not be for you. If you can't bring yourself to play, why pay? Find something else. Or, it could be that you aren't into mmo's that much to begin with.

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Hah, the crafting is the ONLY reason I logged in tonight. And we all know how bad the crafting is.


Same here...and gods crafting in the game blows...i guess it just boils down to the game...it is not fun...to be honest, it was not fun from day 1 IMO. 6-7 year old game design, a TROVE of missing features (how the fu*k did this ever get to retail in such a shape?) and as someone put it, themepark end game (i laughed, very appropriate!)...the grind and grind...just, yes, call me burned out from that. I'm sure alot is from WOW..


I've played wow for almost 5 years all told (including breaks here and there) and while it is grindy, for the vast part its POLISHED...and yes, years of being out will do that, the game gets refined. Coming into TOR, i expected at LEAST some basic features to be in game...Target of target? Macros? Guild features? (bank, levels, perks, etc) UI options/moveable frames? Ugh, i could go on and on...lets just say bioware has ALOT of work to do.


I will stick around til the legacy system is out, to see if its anything but fluff. (im not counting on it...how *****y will people be if there are combat advantages from say a 25 legacy person vs a 10) If it is bullsh*t, then i will unsub as well. *shrugs*...maybe come back in 6-9 months (should be free to play by then :eek:)

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It's one thing if you said "I have played 5 different MMOs and never burnt out on them, but I am on this one."


But instead you said, "I am burnt out on this just like on my other MMO." That suggests it's you.


This happened to me too. I bee-bopped from one MMO to another, trying probably 5 in a year. Couldn't stick with any of them longer than 2-3 months max. Eventually I realized, it was not the MMOs... it was me. I was totally fried on the genre after 5 or 6 years of it.


So I took a nice long break, almost 2 years. Kept playing games, but all solo Xbox games. And games that were nothing like MMOs. Forza 3, NCAA 2011, MLB 2k10, Left4Dead 1 and 2... you name it. And of course I played the BW stuff (ME 1/2, DA 1/2) but that's not really much like a standard MMO. Little by little, my burnout went away. But I stayed away. I "saved up" as it were, knowing TOR was on its way out. And when I came back to TOR last month, it was completely fresh. All the old MMO paradigms they kept, the ones that used to annoy me back in my burnout days, are like welcome old friends now.


Sure, they'll get stale some day again, and I will lose patience. But last time that took years, so for now, I am just enjoying it.


I strongly suspect that a LOT of the people complaining are in that same boat... They burnt themselves completely out on WOW, and then turned to TOR thinking it would revive their old love of MMOs, but when you are already crisped... it's too late at that point. Some folks just need to take a break. OP, that sounds like you.


Just my 0.02.


I think you are bored of themeparks. It's not the same.


I know because same happens here. Main is 49, and leveling only in Warzones.


And really, I love story. I'm a fan of story. just, I can't stand the quest. If I have to kill 15 droids more my brain will explode.


Also, the pointless... everything. Grinding for a gear that I'll only have when I've maked all the things I'll need for that gear. And then, wait for a expansion that will make that gear useless...



I always end tired of this kind of MMORPG. the difference is, I know that there are other kind.



I'm waiting for Arche Age, that's a game I think I will not bored...

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Nope, I have no interest in that game. Literally nothing about it gives me that "This game is going to be AWESOME" feeling that WoW did when I heard about it. Or SWTOR did watching the trailers and reading about it. Tera is lolis and furries.



First of all, TERA has an old MMO feel. The political/vanarch systems are going to be awesome. I waited a long time for TOR but I will switch to play Tera when it releases. TOR still can't even get my Warzone wins to count, that's a huge problem. When simple mechanics cannot function and Ilum is a joke no serious PVPers are going to stay on TOR.


Secondly, TERA will not have the problem of SEVERE faction imbalance that TOR servers have because there are no factions in TERA. If you're a PVEr have fun because the normal PVE in tera is like fighting the best bosses in most of your run-of-the-mill MMO's (swtor, wow). Actual pvp will happen in tere, you will fear people and be cautious about how you play if you want to be any good. There won't be any camping the republic outside their base for hours, there won't be hours of ques for huttball because their are 5-2 faction imbalances.


Tera's combat system puts the old tab target system to shame. It feels clunky to come back to. Bioware has failed to fix simple bugs in 2 months as well as providing us with basic functions and features, ie guild banks, 8 man ques. Excluding the content which is okay but It's my guess that most of the casuals are finishing up their PVE goals content wise and are standing around. I shouldn't HAVE to roll an alt because there is nothing to do on my 50.


I hate that I waited around 2 years for TOR and it was able to frustrate me into trying a new game after 2 months. I tried Tera and after this weekend I'm not going to settle for these old WoW like games any more. I didn't want to admit it but TOR is wow in space right now, with years less content. Understandable, but this games combat system and basic functionality are not up to par with where games and MMO's can be in 2012. WOW was a good game but it's dated...I'm not going to play TOR which feels like an older version of wow client-wise but looks like star wars.



If star wars had some revolutionary system it would be okay if it was lacking some basic functions and applications such as guild features and custom UI. Because those things can be ironed out and worked on. Unfortunately story IS NOT IT, it's pointless in endgame and hardly anyone listens to what you spent a great deal of your revenue on bioware. You have to realize that MMO players, the core MMO players who go to the most popular game and who migrate all the time play these games to get to the END because leveling is pointless, you(bw) wasted 90% of the planets and landmass on lvling zones where most of the players spend 1% of there time in if they have a lvl 50 and plan on playing for years as content rolls out. Rolling out dailies on the planets in backwards order is not going to solve your problem (rumored patch notes).


In Tera I can have 40+ people on my screen with NO lag or FPS lag. In Swtor 15+ on the screen in ilum and I get about 15 fps on a computer that can play crysis maxed. I could name a lot more reasons why any MMO player would make better use of his or her time playing TERA right now than TOR. I'm not saying that TERA is the game of the year or anything, but SWTOR at the moment is not going to be able to keep it's share of the Regular MMO players looking for a new home.

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Yep I feel the same, think I'm burnt out on the same old theme parks, teras combat and ideas have definatly got me more interested in that game. Waited years for swtor and it's really dissapointed me. Think it is more because even though I love mmos I left wow because it slowly over expansions became more watered down and dull, swtor has just taken the same model and put it to the star wars universe. Im hopeful that the secret world and gw2 will give something new to the mmo world. Edited by Karraway
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Game becomes a like a suffocating sludge around the mid to late 30's--redeemed by a somewhat interesting class story (at least interesting in relation to most MMO fare). Mobs upon mobs doing the exact same attack, same animations, same schtick. Silver mobs that hit harder than elites in some cases and thrown in to nearly every pull. NPC health pools make questing feel like you are sorting cans at a recycling center all day. But you still remain motivated by the story and hoping your character gets better eventually. Your tank companion is as squishy as a womprat--but probably even weaker considering a single womprat can cause your $44,000 speeder to explode with but a mere nibble. So this whole time you start noticing the little annoyances--and boy is the game chock-full-o little annoyances. Might not bother some people, but it bothers enough to cause an endless stream of rage posts and legitimate complaints on the forums 24 hours a day.


Hoth isn't much better..it's tolerable, but who in the hell would think we just have to tolerate a game to play it? So here we go again--enter cave, kill packs of 4 weak mobs or 1 strong and 1 weak or 1 elite, or... well.. by now you've memorized it, so no need to describe the travesty of quest diversity. Finish Hoth and head to Quesh, where most players that aren't being fed by a main--and therefore able to deck themselves out in all purples--will realize that they are, once again, not heroic in the least. See that Republic lackey over there near the barrels? Yeah, the one that looks like he's wearing a noodle strainer? Yeah, if you don't use a medpack, he and his other crony will kill you in about ten seconds. But wait! Doesn't that mean that the game is a challenge and you can't just faceroll your way through it? Well yeah, I guess, like having a chicken pecking at your rear-end while trying to play billiards is a "challenge". So no, it's not more challenging, it's just less enjoyable.


You manage to finish Quest and head off to... oh to hell with it. Doesn't matter anyway, right? I know where I'm going I 'll have to kill packs of 4 weak mobs, or 1 elite, or 1 strong and... well you get the picture. And why am I doing this again? For the story? Not really, I already figured out what's going to happen and I reached the point of spamming my space bar somewhere back on Alderaan. A sense of dread starts to consume me, because unlike other games where at least I have something to look forward to, I realize that the light at the end of the tunnel in this game is really the headlight on a speeding locomotive. So I do what a lot of people have been doing recently--I log due to boredom or frustration, stare at the screen for a minute and think to myself "well okay.. I'll roll (insert FotM class here) and everything will be better! Right? Right? Nope. Sorry, self-destruct sequence initiating in 30 levels.


That about sums it up for some folks. Not saying it's the majority, not saying it's the minority. Don't care really, because in the end, my subscription is my own. If I don't like it, I cancel. But while I'm here, I'm not going to cower in a corner and suck my thumb afraid that I might offend or upset those that "really like the game". MMO forums weren't made for happy people.

Edited by Traumahawk
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You really shouldn't excuse them Aheros. People are way too quick to make personal assumptions about people on these forums and they need to be called out for it.


that was sarcasm mostly, -and- pointing out that they're making false assumptions solely on the pretense that I'm not a doe eye'd fanboy foaming at the mouth everytime I boot up the game.

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Looking forward to EQ3. Hopefully it will harken back to a more open world style of gaming that isn't all about being led on a golden crumb path from one quest hub to another, doing mindless "quests" for 50 xp. I just wanna get a group of folks together, go explore, crawl or camp a dungeon, be excited about something somebody in the group loots, and not be max lvl in 2 weeks (I enjoy the adventure and the battles, so doesn't matter to me how long it takes to lvl up so long as there is challenge along the way). Also reallllllly miss SWG's open-world character class structure and crafting/economy system. Really miss SWG's player cities, guild levels/structures and all of that jazz as well.


Was really hoping SWTOR would be an upgraded SWG.. but man, this game is so.. meh. Just nothing exciting about it. I enjoyed the combat for the first 25 levels or so as a Sith Warrior - the combat is much more engaging than the other classes I've played.. I enjoyed the voice overs for about the first 10 levels and have space barred everything but the class quests since (some of which are pretty awesome, like the Sith Warriors.. and others that are bleh).

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No, it's not just you.


The same developers of Warhammer unfortunately made Warhammer 2.


^^ this. It's the same game, with the same problems, with a star wars skin slapped onto it.


EDIT: ACTUALLY, warhammer had MORE content on release than fail wars.

Edited by Bloodtau
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If you are someone that just got into mmo's then you will think this game is probably great. However if you've played any mmos in the past you will see how pathetically bad this one is and the sad part is i dont see it getting much better.


Hiring the same dev team that did warhammer's pvp for this one was just the first step in their mission to make a sub par mmo. It doesnt stop there though, oh no, it gets much better. The tired excuse of it being a story driven game just means they can be lazy with content and hand hold your questing all the way to 50. Choices? You want choices on where to level? HA! No, that doesnt fit in the scheme of story driven mmo that swtor is. Not to mention this game was released with no macros, no ui options (just to move the chat box would be nice i mean come on).

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