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STOP the excuse making!


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No, the answer is to not blow through content in two months and then complain about not having anything to do. That's for a new game, for new content patches, for new expansions, whatever. I've seen it happen every single time in WoW when there was a new patch or expansion, and we're seeing it here. Realize that the game you are playing isn't solely meant for those who burn through content faster than the vast majority of the population and stop burning yourself out.


If you're not 50 yet at this point that means you probably play an hour a day or leveling a ton of alts simulteanously.

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If you're not 50 yet at this point that means you probably play an hour a day or leveling a ton of alts simulteanously.


Or you didn't start in early access. Still, that's not the point, the game has only been out for two months now. No content was meant to last only two months, not in any MMO.

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So what if this is a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.


All of this excuse-making gets us NO WHERE.


you may just have to come to the realization that you are not the target audience for this game and move on. I hear LOTR has some recent content...

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Or you didn't start in early access. Still, that's not the point, the game has only been out for two months now. No content was meant to last only two months, not in any MMO.


Who's fault is that. The players or Bioware? Do you have any idea how easy endgame content in this game is compared to WoW hard-modes? (which isn't super hard either)

Edited by Fixiooo
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So what if this is a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.


All of this excuse-making gets us NO WHERE.


Welcome to the world of the mass market mmo. The whole reason to produce a mass market mmo is to achieve a large subscriber base to the tune of huge corporate profits. Appealing to a broader audience means those experiences a few may cherish are not factored into the design of the product, just awful mimicries of them.

Edited by souloferdrick
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Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


So true. Vanilla WoW I took close to seven months to reach level 60 and I played about 3 hours a day 4 days a week I remember but in ToR I took 2 weeks to get to 50 in the same time. It's really to short of a grind (its not really a grind) and because of this I find myself bored with a really geared character (working on getting full Rakata/140 gear) and leveling an alt isn't fun since I have to follow the same exact linear progression.

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The point is; Every time prior to launch I heard how it would be great to level an alt. It would be a whole new experience. Then I tried to level an alt...


But they, if you'd like to repeat the same stuff four times per faction, power to you.


Actually i'd like to repeat it more than four times, I'm hoping the legacy system doubles our number of character slots. For me it does equal a completely new experience.


I actually had all 8 toons created in TOR before I even started playing any of them. In STO I have 12 toons total, each goes through the exact same missions with only a few tiny differences in the newer missions and remakes. In DCUO I hit their cap and wanted more before I left. Admittedly in fantasy genre MMORPGs I only rolled one main with a few alts i'd rarely play, but I ended up getting burnt out on those very quickly. That might actually be why I like rolling alts, it keeps the game fresh for me.

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Who's fault is that. The players or Bioware? Do you have any idea how easy endgame content in this game is compared to WoW hard-modes? (which isn't super hard either)


isn't that what BW was aiming for? more accessability and all that...

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Actually i'd like to repeat it more than four times, I'm hoping the legacy system doubles our number of character slots. For me it does equal a completely new experience.


I actually had all 8 toons created in TOR before I even started playing any of them. In STO I have 12 toons total, each goes through the exact same missions with only a few tiny differences in the newer missions and remakes. In DCUO I hit their cap and wanted more before I left. Admittedly in fantasy genre MMORPGs I only rolled one main with a few alts i'd rarely play, but I ended up getting burnt out on those very quickly. That might actually be why I like rolling alts, it keeps the game fresh for me.


You really have too much time on your hands, don't you? Maybe it's time to start looking for more hobbies.

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Going super fast to max level is still a choice, it's not an automatic procedure to rush to the end. Just like saying that the system is at fault and not the user, there is no clear truth to that either. It's usually a combination, rather than some kind of ultimatum. There is still a choice involved, even if you have to work to not level up fast. :p



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im sorry but at almost every single stage of development for SWTOR they have said "this game is going to be great for levelling alts" or in various words banged on about how great the levelling content will be.... how could you possibly read this and go "hmmm i personally hate rolling alts and cant stand paying attention to the levelling content, i much prefer to get to endgame as fast as possible and have endgame content." and decide this is the game for you? who's fault is it if you spent money on a game the developers made very clear probably isnt going to be to your taste?
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Going super fast to max level is still a choice, it's not an automatic procedure to rush to the end. Just like saying that the system is at fault and not the user, there is no clear truth to that either. It's usually a combination, rather than some kind of ultimatum. There is still a choice involved, even if you have to work to not level up fast. :p



On my second toon, I didn't rush. I've played about 15 hours a week since the first of the year. Some of that time was spent on my first level 50 managing crafting and aucrtions. Yes, the leveling went a little faster because I knew where to go, but it also went a bit slower because my character was not a healer, so I couldn't handle the heroic 2's solo.


Anyway, I still made it to max level yesterday. Less than 40 real days since I created him. It's a bit sad that I can level to max level in less than 2 months on 15-ish hours a week .

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So what if this is a new game. I played both FFXI and LOTRO from launch, and both games kept me busy for a lot longer than a month after launch. No way on earth unless you murdered yourself playing would you have reached max level on FFXI in four weeks. So comparing this game to other games that may have launched in the past is very misleading.


The leveling up process on games released a decade ago wasn't near as quick as it is on this game, so there was less of a need to have an extensive endgame upon launch. I don't know why this simple concept is so hard for people to understand, and why this comparision SWTOR defenders typically make is so inaccurate.


Simple truth is this game simply moves too quick. Reaching level 50 can be done in the span of a month easily, even for casuals - and that reality puts far more pressure on this game to have an extensive endgame to keep players busy than did the games of the past.


Bottom line:


This is a great game for players who like to roll alts.


This is a boring game for players who don't.


It really is that simple.


So instead of making these stupid comparisons to games released a decade ago in a completely different era when players expected completely different things - let's move past that nonsense and all chip in on ways Bioware can make this game more fun after 50 so everyone isn't either bored or rolling an alt.


All of this excuse-making gets us NO WHERE.


You've learned how to maximize your time in game from your time spent playing other MMOs/singleplayer games making you a faster leveler and able to go through content faster. So, the problem isn't with the game, or that there isn't enough content, the problem is the locusts. They cannot be satiated and no amount of content will satisfy them. They could have had another months worth of content the locusts would have devoured in a week. They will come out with more content, I assure you, that these same locusts will devour quickly, and then they will come buzzing to the forums making their threads about how there isn't enough content, about how bad the game is, about how everyone is making excuses for BW and that they should stop doing so because they are hungry locusts who need to satiate their neverending hunger for more content.

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