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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are sentinels/marauders getting fixed anytime soon?


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So If Marauder/Sentinel are over...


why every WZ against the republic there are only Sages and Troopers? really , tell us if we are the OP why there are more Commandos and Sages/inquisitors than Marauders or Sentinels ?


no sense... in this game PvP for Melees is "GJ you are a Free Frag" the most of the time.

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Mara/sent with a couple of healers are brutal. I think in rated WZs, mara/sent and powertech/vanguard and healers will be stacked.


It's extremely hard to kite them and have defense cooldowns. Shadow/assassin are much easier to kite. Scoundrel/operatives are easiest to kite if you don't die to their initial burst, so they are pretty much garbage in competitive PvP.


Just my experience.

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Defenses for not needing nerfs I've seen:


OPS/Scoundrels: Don't nerf us because if we cant kill you in the opener, then we suck. We must have stationary incapacitated targets.(Fixed: Bioware disagreed)


Mercs/Vans: Our one button spam is required by our skill trees, even if its all most do to win its not our fault. No nerfs please.





Maras/Sents: This game is team oriented, so its fine if it takes a team to kill one of us.



I'm not sure if people actually think before they post.

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I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll respond anyway.


Sentinels/Marauders have probably the highest skill cap in the game for both PvP/PvE. They are probably the strongest 1v1 class in the game, which is fine because this game isn't about 1v1 combat, and are considerably weaker than other classes in team play.


Unless its a 1v1 setting or a 1v2 setting with the two being terribly geared, the Sent/Marau will struggle to stay alive under any kind of focus without a pocket healer and thats provided his defensive CDs weren't used already because then we just fall right over.



So what you're saying is because theyre strong in 1v1 they dont need to be nerfd. Reminds me of what happened to another class which was good 1v1, and got nerfd cause of throwing people on their stomach and ********* them foe 3 seconds was too much for the community to handle 1v1. I think we need to keep a good thing going... NERF THE **** OFF OF EM LOL! :csw_deathstar_un:

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Mara/sent with a couple of healers are brutal. I think in rated WZs, mara/sent and powertech/vanguard and healers will be stacked.


It's extremely hard to kite them and have defense cooldowns. Shadow/assassin are much easier to kite. Scoundrel/operatives are easiest to kite if you don't die to their initial burst, so they are pretty much garbage in competitive PvP.


Just my experience.


Balance shadows are damn near impossible to kite, and do more damage than marauders. I'm not sure what game half of you are playing.


For reference, I have both a balance shadow and an annihilation marauder.

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Considering the number of players who flock to Sorcerers/Sage/Trooper/BH, compared to the few Marauders you see (of which there will only be a handful of good ones), I don't quite understand the sudden fascination with them. If they were so ridiculously overpowered don't you think more would play them?


I swear it's like there's some reddit post that every week directs people to come onto these forums and complain about one class or another.

Edited by jcyrus
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Considering the number of players who flock to Sorcerers/Sage/Trooper/BH, compared to the few Marauders you see (of which there will only be a handful of good ones), I don't quite understand the sudden fascination with them. If they were so ridiculously overpowered don't you think more would play them?


I swear it's like there's some reddit post that every week directs people to come onto these forums and complain about one class or another.


What does a number of class have to do with being OP? Were there swarm of operatives/scoundrels when they were nerfed?


Nerf bat coming.


If you dont enjoy supposed difficulty of playing certain class make Merc/Commando.

Edited by GrandMike
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Considering the number of players who flock to Sorcerers/Sage/Trooper/BH, compared to the few Marauders you see (of which there will only be a handful of good ones), I don't quite understand the sudden fascination with them. If they were so ridiculously overpowered don't you think more would play them?


I swear it's like there's some reddit post that every week directs people to come onto these forums and complain about one class or another.


This. and +5 for the sig that made me lol to hell and back. :D

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I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll respond anyway.


Sentinels/Marauders have probably the highest skill cap in the game for both PvP/PvE. They are probably the strongest 1v1 class in the game, which is fine because this game isn't about 1v1 combat, and are considerably weaker than other classes in team play.


Unless its a 1v1 setting or a 1v2 setting with the two being terribly geared, the Sent/Marau will struggle to stay alive under any kind of focus without a pocket healer and thats provided his defensive CDs weren't used already because then we just fall right over.


Plus, most Sentinels/Marauders I run into are absolutely horrible and if anything a disadvantage to the game. I'm not saying they're OP, but I'd rather some of these Sentinels roll Sins, Sorcs or Powertechs because they seem easier to achieve full potential.


I will say though, a BM Sent/Marau with a competent pocket healer will utterly obliterate baddies.


In response to your sig. I think cross server queues will ruin the sense of community that I appreciate in this game, dual spec is not necessary as everything is doable with a complimenting companion, dual AC is like asking for a complete class change button and the only thing the game "could" use is dungeon tool but ONLY on the same server. But I disagree with you about Sents so it makes sense I disagree with your views about MMOs


Marauder / Sent skill cap is very overrated. You are easier than mercs.

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Sents/Maras are tough but since damage is literally all they provide they should be doing a metric crap ton of it. I've been tempted before to try them out (I play a Guardian) because they're the higher damage form of my class but giving up all of my class's utility just isn't appealing to me. I'd give up my AoE slow, taunt, AoE taunt, guard, Guardian leap, stuns in the Defense tree, and of course the ability to tank if I'm tired of dps (or vise versa). Sents/Maras get nice group buffs but other than that they swing sticks and that's about it. That lack of group utility isn't so appealing to me.
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Are you serious? REALLY serious?


I mean, we get classes that pump out 400k damage while getting 150k healing and 3 different CCs, ranged heavy armor with 2 knockbacks and you noobs pick on a class that with a pocket healer can pump around 250k-350K damage AT MOST in a great day - and thats with some BM gear? Still, you can argue that well, our 300k damage COUNTS. And thats true, there is no "pointless DPS" in the Sentinel/Marauder - unlike most other DPS specs.


So people get stomped 1v1 vs Sentinels. You should, thats THE ONLY THING the class really excels at - and we still have a LOT of trouble vs.Guardians/Juggs ; If all my CDs are available, only healers may eventually delay long enough for help to arrive, mainly because we have no decent stun. But thats it. Thats the only area where we eventually have an edge. 1v1s.


I honestly can't believe posts like this. Only shows the ignorance and lack of game knowledge of some people. If anything, non-watchman Sentinels need some buffing - specially the Combat tree.


I am amazed at this thread. We are designed for single target melee DPS without insane openers like the Scoundrels. But you are right, we do need fixing. As in, buffs to the Combat tree, making talents that dont work to work, and fixing the ability delay completely.

Edited by Soulaufein
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Do you read what you type before you post it?


They do insane damage, they have the best interrupts, unstoppable with a pocket healer, aoe CC and damage, tear apart healers in seconds, etc.


You're right. Worst class in the game.


Just curious.......

How do Sentinel/Marauders have the "best" interrupts?

Because they have to be in melee range to use their kick?

Because they have to waste their "close the gap" ability?


How is that the "best" when compared to ranged interrupts?


AOE damage?!?!?!

We have 1 AOE ability, Force sweep.

We have 1 Cone ability.

We have 1 CC ability, Awe, and any damage to the targets cancels it.


Yes, we can tear apart a healer quickly, if they use no heals, no CC, no CDs.

Guess what, we can be torn apart in seconds if we use no CDs also.

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As a Sent I can be a handful but I am by far not the most powerful thing in a PvP match. I crank out nice numbers and do my job which is to harass the enemy, but when I die, and I will die, I am surrounded by 4 other guys that had just been blown to hell by a bounty hunter, or two shotted by a Sorc. I have to kill people one at a time, they can blow 3 or so guys away at a time. In terms of a numbers game, as a Sent I don't win. But at least I look cool while trying. lol.
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Your server is just werid. I am literally the only Sentinel when I solo queue when i do my dailies. In fact, two sabers is getting more and more rare, as I see fresh sages enter the 50 bracket. I've seen some good sentinels come and go. I saw some random unconfirmed metrics that Knights were the most rolled class in the game, but the metrics did not state whether they PvPed or even hit 50.


I've been in recent matches where there was one Shadow, one Jugg, one Sent(me) and rest Sages and Sorcs. Even Tracer Spam is on the decline on our server, at least in the matches I play. The only single-bladed lightsabers I even see now are Sages. My games are predominantly Trooper Commandos/Vanguards and Sages. I have not seen a DPS Scoundrel in over a week(the most common ones from pre-1.1 are now all Sawbones). I've even been in a match with three Seers and one Combat Medic, which was one of the longest and most mindless games I have ever played.


If Sentinels are the new FOTM, I have not seen it in the 50s bracket nor the 1-49 bracket on HoG. Lowbie bracket is practically all Scrapper Scoundrels, Shadows, Sages, and Commandos. Gunslingers are still rare, and Sents and Guardians are non-existant. Using your logic, HoG obviously has not gotten the message.


Though I will admit, being able to pop GbtF to get that kill before I die is probably one of the most satisfying feelings ever, mainly because it's fun to see how stupid the victim's five allies are as none of them are intelligent enough to stun me.


Probably the most confusing thing about people are they just aren't good at PvP. They think they are. But I am sure 90% of those people have never dueled anyone for real. I make it a habit to duel my guildies on Coruscant or Ilum where there is at least on pillar and preferably a ramp, to simulate Civil War so I can understand ranges and abilities. How many people know the animation difference between GbtF or Rebuke? How many people can telegraph when a Force Sweep is coming? How many people recognize when Last Stand is activated? How many people fake cast? How many people honestly know how to strafe kite? How many people are even specced properly for PvP?


Most players I run into are the run of the mill cannon fodder - Mercenaries who just cast tracer missile, or stand there while it has been interrupted. Sages who use Force Wave and stand out in the open. Snipers who refuse to budge and plant their cover beside a wall, making cover charge effectively useless. Other Sentinels who don't pacify. Powertechs and Shadows who grapple enemies to get the killing blow when the victim already has five people beating on them just for the killing blow, thus wasting a situational cooldown. People who don't interrupt Force Choke or Master Strike and cry when they get smashed for 4k.


I am at most decent at PvP, as I never broke 2400 rating in S1 and S2, but still, l2p.



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Defenses for not needing nerfs I've seen:


OPS/Scoundrels: Don't nerf us because if we cant kill you in the opener, then we suck. We must have stationary incapacitated targets.(Fixed: Bioware disagreed)


Mercs/Vans: Our one button spam is required by our skill trees, even if its all most do to win its not our fault. No nerfs please.





Maras/Sents: This game is team oriented, so its fine if it takes a team to kill one of us.



I'm not sure if people actually think before they post.


If you need a team to kill one, you and your team are bad. Jessh gimme a break, I maul them solo, I maul them in groups, stop making junk up.

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Just look at the video that has been posted 3-4 times in this thread already. here I'll post it one more time:


There is like one fight 1v1, the rest he's outnumbered 1v2, 1v3, 1v4.


It's not every spec, it's the Watchman/Annihilation spec, Juyo stance users.


They outdamage AoE spamming Sorcs/Sages with single target damage...



It is the only AC+spec combination I stun and run away from. And my new alt is lvl 35, guess what AC+spec it is?

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Is this your first mmo? The OP classes are ALWAYS the most played. Even a half braindead monkey knows this.


Yes, operatives/scoundrels were overwhelming in numbers. Guess a brainded monkey is dead.



But you forget that you're talking to full braindead monkeys. ;)


Yeah, you are quite right about that.

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Just look at the video that has been posted 3-4 times in this thread already. here I'll post it one more time:


There is like one fight 1v1, the rest he's outnumbered 1v2, 1v3, 1v4.


It's not every spec, it's the Watchman/Annihilation spec, Juyo stance users.


They outdamage AoE spamming Sorcs/Sages with single target damage...



It is the only AC+spec combination I stun and run away from. And my new alt is lvl 35, guess what AC+spec it is?


Ooooh look everyone, the same single video being posted over and over again. That's all it takes, just one video!

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