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Are sentinels/marauders getting fixed anytime soon?


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Lately it literally has come down to "whoever has the most sentinel/marauders in their team win".


They're too tough, have too many utilities to not die or escape, and they do a crapload of damage, like, really, it's the only class posing any sort of threat in terms of damage in endgame pvp, only shadows/assassins come close.


I don't think that feeling as if your team is at a disatvantage for every dps you have that isn't a sentinel is the way bioware intended their game to be.


Sure in 10-49 pvp there's gunnery/arsenal people 3-4 hitting everyone, then in endgame where it actually counts, this game becomes some atrocious melee centric fest.

Edited by AzKnc
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I can't tell if you're trolling but I'll respond anyway.


Sentinels/Marauders have probably the highest skill cap in the game for both PvP/PvE. They are probably the strongest 1v1 class in the game, which is fine because this game isn't about 1v1 combat, and are considerably weaker than other classes in team play.


Unless its a 1v1 setting or a 1v2 setting with the two being terribly geared, the Sent/Marau will struggle to stay alive under any kind of focus without a pocket healer and thats provided his defensive CDs weren't used already because then we just fall right over.


Plus, most Sentinels/Marauders I run into are absolutely horrible and if anything a disadvantage to the game. I'm not saying they're OP, but I'd rather some of these Sentinels roll Sins, Sorcs or Powertechs because they seem easier to achieve full potential.


I will say though, a BM Sent/Marau with a competent pocket healer will utterly obliterate baddies.


In response to your sig. I think cross server queues will ruin the sense of community that I appreciate in this game, dual spec is not necessary as everything is doable with a complimenting companion, dual AC is like asking for a complete class change button and the only thing the game "could" use is dungeon tool but ONLY on the same server. But I disagree with you about Sents so it makes sense I disagree with your views about MMOs

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lolwut shadow/assassins dps ... sent/maras are only as good as the player controlling them can they be a handful hell yes but not anyway OP against a very good sent/mara it´s usually a tie both dying on dots or me losing depends of your cd situation and who gets the drop on other. Please stop posting nonsence about classes that work as intended just because you are clueless.
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If they have all their cooldowns you are pretty much ****ed in a straight up fight. But they make up for it in the fact that they have to be on you to be doing any sort of damage.


Considering the majority of people I see at endgame pvp are ranged (sorcs and mercs mainly on Nadd's sarcophagus) they should be able to focus down a sentinel pretty quickly.

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I think you people need to get out there and actually play the game.


After all there is a reason why every man and his god are rerolling sentinel/mara, their numbers everywhere as of late are not even funny.


Surely it must be because the class is perfectly fine and all as you say. /sarcasm.


Edit: there is of course the possibility that you can't tell the difference between idiots sentinels/maras and the ones actually watchman specced, of course, in which case, why even bother replying.

Edited by AzKnc
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Yeah I keep hearing about sentinal/marauders having the most skill cap in the game. I have a 50 marauder and it's no more/less harder than my Pyro/PT it's just a little different. Maybe it's just harder for some to play melee so they think it requires more skill? Or maybe there are just too many bad players left in this f'ing game.
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OP....please tell me what server this is on. If its Shien and you are Imp....well sorry that I keep killing you, learn to play.


Now if its a different server....learn to play. Sents/Marauders are NOT that hard to kill. CC them, knock them back, anything that gets them off you, tada you win. Better yet get a friend or two who are ranged to stack on them, boom they die. 1v1 I am a BEAST as a Sentinel, but once I get focus fired I go down like I am wearing tissue paper.

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im a lvl 50 sentinel..im fairly geared..and let me tell you i die in PvP ALOT..Sentinels seem underpowered in PvP compared to every other class in the game, as was stated above..in 1v1 PvP Sentinels are beast but in team play they just don't cut it..if you are not getting healed constantly or fighting close ina group..you are dead no question about it
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I think you people need to get out there and actually play the game.


After all there is a reason why every man and his god are rerolling sentinel/mara, their numbers everywhere as of late are not even funny.


Surely it must be because the class is perfectly fine and all as you say. /sarcasm.


Edit: there is of course the possibility that you can't tell the difference between idiots sentinels/maras and the ones actually watchman specced, of course, in which case, why even bother replying.


You haven't hit 50...have you? Cause there isn't a server that I know of that isn't COMPLETELY dominated by ez-mode range classes and for good reason. Maybe all the skilled players got bored dominating with their ez-mode range classes and went for the one skill capped class in the game.


Edit: to be fair smug/op AC's can be challenging to max out power as well. I haven't leveled one to 50 yet.

Edited by Renlotho
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I don't think he realizes that all sents/mauraders can do to help their team is DO DAMAGE. That's pretty much it.


Maybe they can save someone by using their blind appropriately or help w/ a well timed mezz, but seriously guys....


Their damage CC also CCs them. They have no knockback, root, aoe slow, etc.


They literally swing at things. Let them get 500k + damage, I'll take the win.

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funny how things change from "lul marauder/assassin are so weak" to "lolwtf they so strong, nerf plix" just cos theres like 3 ppl in the entire game that can actually play them properly. :p


or did the noobs just already whine at everything else and got it nerfed and still die just like at release? surely theres a reason for it! hm, marauders are OP! yes! that must be it!



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funny how things change from "lul marauder/assassin are so weak" to "lolwtf they so strong, nerf plix" just cos theres like 3 ppl in the entire game that can actually play them properly. :p


or did the noobs just already whine at everything else and got it nerfed and still die just like at release? surely theres a reason for it! hm, marauders are OP! yes! that must be it!




I think now that us marauders and sents are geared and the good players amongst us are starting to become skilled that we seem OP. I also think some of the more skilled players got bored with their merc/sorc main's and are trying out what they hear is one of the harder classes to play.

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You haven't hit 50...have you? Cause there isn't a server that I know of that isn't COMPLETELY dominated by ez-mode range classes and for good reason. Maybe all the skilled players got bored dominating with their ez-mode range classes and went for the one skill capped class in the game.


sin/shadow is same level of skill cap fyi. arguebly harder cos worse armor and less fancy defensive cd´s (hi2u guarded by the force) also less sustained damage. but yea sin/shadow and mara/sentinel are the only classes in this game that even require any skill at all.

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Sentinels actually do need a slight nerf. However, I don't expect to see it for a very long time.


4/5 Sentinels/Marauders have no idea how powerful their class is, and fail miserably because of it. That 1/5, maybe even 1/10 that do are the most consistently dangerous players at endgame PvP and absolutely need to be actively neutralized by tanks in order for them to not rip your team to shreds. Full cooldowns up, a sentinel is perfectly capable of jumping into a 1v3/1v4/1v5 without a tank and with 2 or fewer healers, blitzing down a healer, and escaping. Now, you can stop that with either taunts or more than 2 healers, but that's multiple people occupied to shut down just one person. Two Sentinels coordinating can do insane things.


However, as I said, most are at a loss on how to actually do those things, so the few that do won't be nerfed. I'm interested to see if/how they remedy the disparity, I fear it's going to cost the greatest aspects of the class (the difficulty of it) to balance the class then.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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There's a rise in Marauders in Huttball because most teams realized that nobody would ever score if you've 16 Mercs shooting missile at each other in Huttball. While melees are still disadvantaged in general in Huttball, Marauders have a reasonable mix of ball running, DPS, and survivality and you can't win Huttball with a pure ranged setup, so someone's got to have the ball.


As a side effect Marauders are also absolutely brutal controlling the side area in Huttball that has no particular value in winning, but since a lot of people play Huttball as if it's team deathmatch, being practically invinicible in a particular area of the map means a lot to certain people too.

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Sentinels actually do need a slight nerf. However, I don't expect to see it.


4/5 Sentinels/Marauders have no idea how powerful their class is, and fail miserably because of it. That 1/5, maybe even 1/10 that do are the most consistently dangerous players at endgame PvP and absolutely need to be actively neutralized by tanks in order for them to not rip your team to shreds. Full cooldowns up, a sentinel is perfectly capable of jumping into a 1v3/1v4/1v5 without a tank and with 2 or fewer healers, blitzing down a healer, and escaping. Now, you can stop that with either taunts or more than 2 healers, but that's multiple people occupied to shut down just one person. Two Sentinels coordinating can do insane things.


However, as I said, most are at a loss on how to actually do those things, so the few that do won't be nerfed. I'm interested to see if/how they remedy the disparity, I fear it's going to cost the greatest aspects of the class (the difficulty of it) to balance the class then.


Don't get me wrong: a healer who has me tunnel-visioned on him is going to have some issues doing anything else but keeping himself alive and even then, after 15-20 seconds, he'll probably die... but I certainly won't down him in a 1v3 situation before his 2 friends gib me, especially if they think to use a stun or two, unless he's just very undergeared or just really really terrible.

Edited by McVade
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Sentinels actually do need a slight nerf. However, I don't expect to see it for a very long time.


4/5 Sentinels/Marauders have no idea how powerful their class is, and fail miserably because of it. That 1/5, maybe even 1/10 that do are the most consistently dangerous players at endgame PvP and absolutely need to be actively neutralized by tanks in order for them to not rip your team to shreds. Full cooldowns up, a sentinel is perfectly capable of jumping into a 1v3/1v4/1v5 without a tank and with 2 or fewer healers, blitzing down a healer, and escaping. Now, you can stop that with either taunts or more than 2 healers, but that's multiple people occupied to shut down just one person. Two Sentinels coordinating can do insane things.


However, as I said, most are at a loss on how to actually do those things, so the few that do won't be nerfed. I'm interested to see if/how they remedy the disparity, I fear it's going to cost the greatest aspects of the class (the difficulty of it) to balance the class then.


Thank you for understanding, apparently not everyone in this thread needs a reality check \o/

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Don't get me wrong: a healer who has me tunnel-visioned on him is going to have some issues doing anything else but keeping himself alive and even then, after 15-20 seconds, he'll probably die... but I certainly won't down him in a 1v3 situation before his 2 friends gib me, especially if they think to use a stun or two, unless he's just very undergeared or just really really terrible.


If you use all your cooldowns you have more chances to kill him than him surviving you, even if he's got people helping and you don't. It's the simple truth.


And after that vanish sprint away lololol, because it's only fair a class as op as that also gets that disengage tool.

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Yeah saying you are going to jump into a 1v5 situation, get a kill on a healer, then escape is a bunch of BS.


What would really happen is you'd get stunned 5 times and ripped apart.


And LOL at the OP saying that THIS is the guy who doesn't need a reality check.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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If you use all your cooldowns you have more chances to kill him than him surviving you, even if he's got people helping and you don't. It's the simple truth.


And after that vanish sprint away lololol...


Okay, you tipped your hand too far.


Epic troll. ;)

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