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Swtor isn't going to last long


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I will start off and say I loved this game up until I completed the class story for my main. Great game play and well constructed story line, but playing as a level 50 is just a grind fest until you get geared.


In every aspect of this game, you will repeatedly do the same type of fighting until you get the gear from it, and its not like you will spend a good amount of time and effort to finish it. It is how fast can I kill this boss so we can get out as soon as possible? Same goes for pvp, you just farm warzones until you complete the first tier of gear, then the next and its the same thing until you max out.


I have cleared both raids in one night only taking a few hours in between each of them. It was just a clear so you can get gear to do Hard mode, which that is just for so you can get gear for nightmare... Raiding the same place 3 times over for gear seems pretty pointless to me and I am a person that would like to see progression. Have it take the whole week just to work on a single normal raid but make that gear truly epic, not just a farm until you get to the next tier.


Why does this make Swtor look like its going to fail? A good bit of games died due to this and many didn't even start because it was built like it. Wow is crumbling because of this fact (also because they have a panda fetish) where the game has you complete the same instance repeatedly until you go off to do the same in another.


TL;DR The game is too comprised of grinding and doing the same thing over and over again, and I would like bioware to rethink this method.

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First MMO?


Yeah, seems so. He just described every MMO ever created.


Here's an idea OP. Since this thread is so generic, go to every forum of every MMO and make this title


[ThisMMO] isn't going to last long

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sorry, there is no other way to describe endgame than what you said in your post. there is nothing else to do as a developer to keep up with hardcore gamers than to make the grind longer or rehash instances so you grind them longer anyways.


imo the only thing that sux is the lack of reason to do nightmare, the drops are the same as hardmodes which i can understand it being at release, but after 2-3 months this should change and a new tier should arise.


they lengthened the pvp gear grind by taking the randomness out of it, so now you know exactly how long it will take to get fully geared (im against this but whatever). i just hate that once you hit battlemaster like me you stop pvp'ing... you do 3 wins and 30 kills and log cause there is absolutely no way to gain bags except the dailies and weeklies which is simply wrong, you could grind champion bags all day long doing wz's making getting battlemaster easy since you were gear grinding at the time, this current system is kinda lame since it makes you play less and less as you progress further and further.


atm im just bored, i have multiple 50s, a battlemaster and nothing much to do besides what ive already done... and new content is not the solution, wow does the new content thing, that's not fun either. more things to do adjacent to pvp and pve is the solution, grinding mounts/pets/vanity/something else is needed!

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I will start off and say I loved this game up until I completed the class story for my main. Great game play and well constructed story line, but playing as a level 50 is just a grind fest until you get geared.


In every aspect of this game, you will repeatedly do the same type of fighting until you get the gear from it, and its not like you will spend a good amount of time and effort to finish it. It is how fast can I kill this boss so we can get out as soon as possible? Same goes for pvp, you just farm warzones until you complete the first tier of gear, then the next and its the same thing until you max out.


I have cleared both raids in one night only taking a few hours in between each of them. It was just a clear so you can get gear to do Hard mode, which that is just for so you can get gear for nightmare... Raiding the same place 3 times over for gear seems pretty pointless to me and I am a person that would like to see progression. Have it take the whole week just to work on a single normal raid but make that gear truly epic, not just a farm until you get to the next tier.


Why does this make Swtor look like its going to fail? A good bit of games died due to this and many didn't even start because it was built like it. Wow is crumbling because of this fact (also because they have a panda fetish) where the game has you complete the same instance repeatedly until you go off to do the same in another.


TL;DR The game is too comprised of grinding and doing the same thing over and over again, and I would like bioware to rethink this method.



You cannot rethink this "method" this is what an MMO is, doing the same instances over and over again, if you can't find any enjoyment in that, then don't play MMO's, simple as that. You are not going to find any MMO's that are different than what you have seen in WoW and SWTOR, i guess you could say Tera is different, but the only different thing about that game is the combat system, it still has the same instances and whatnot that are designed to be done over and over again, hell even games like Diablo 2 were designed so you can do the content over and over again, Baal runs, Diablo runs, killing him over and over again to level up and get better gear, THAT IS THE NAME OF THE GAME.

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